
From 08/15/2012 to 09/13/2012


06:34 PM gvSIG bugs #295: Add table, change properties table and cancel
Hi María.
This bug was related to the table document properties. The new bug you have found is related to the open...
Cesar Ordiñana
06:25 PM gvSIG bugs #510: Bad performance loading big vector layers (1mill features)
Now the part taking most time is the creation of the geometries in the shp provider (50%). I think it could be greatl... Cesar Ordiñana
03:51 PM gvSIG bugs #510: Bad performance loading big vector layers (1mill features)
The changes in the r38891 leave it in 11-12 seconds (20% - 22% improvement!!) Cesar Ordiñana
11:50 AM gvSIG bugs #510: Bad performance loading big vector layers (1mill features)
With the changesets r38889 and r38890 now it takes 14 - 15 seconds (7% improvement) Cesar Ordiñana
05:30 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1240 (gvsig-raster): Restores the last version
Ignacio Brodín
05:29 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1239 (gvsig-raster): Restores the last version
Ignacio Brodín
05:22 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1238 (gvsig-raster)
Ignacio Brodín
05:16 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1237 (gvsig-raster)
Ignacio Brodín
05:15 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1236 (gvsig-raster)
Ignacio Brodín
05:13 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1235 (gvsig-raster): library and plugin for raster reprojection
Ignacio Brodín
05:13 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1234 (gvsig-raster): library and plugin for raster reprojection
Ignacio Brodín
11:43 AM gvSIG bugs #912 (Fixed): STRETCH TOOL doesn't work / La herramienta STRETCH no funciona
Fixed in changeset r38888 Cesar Ordiñana
11:00 AM Revision 38893 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Small improvement in SHP Geometry creation.
Refs #510 Cesar Ordiñana
10:31 AM Revision 38892 (svn-gvsig-desktop): REmove duplicated unneeded line
Cesar Ordiñana
09:50 AM gvSIG bugs #1133 (Closed): Cancel during Dissolve process doesn't work
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/esp_provincias/esp_provincias.shp)
Click in dissolve too...
Vicent Domenech
09:47 AM Revision 38891 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Solve error in the iteration which left out the last segment....
Refs #510. Cesar Ordiñana
09:20 AM gvSIG bugs #1132 (Closed): ROIs should be adjusted to the extent of the layer
When you load a shape file as a ROI of a raster layer should be loaded only the ROI inside the bounding box of this l... Ignacio Brodín
09:15 AM gvSIG bugs #1131 (Closed): Problems changing the ROI color
When a list of ROIs have been loaded from a file and after that, if you try to change the color of a ROI then a excep... Ignacio Brodín
09:10 AM gvSIG bugs #1121 (Fixed): ROIs cannot be exported to shape
gvsig-raster:r1232 Ignacio Brodín
09:10 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1233 (gvsig-raster)
Ignacio Brodín
09:09 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1232 (gvsig-raster): #1121 ROIs cannot be exported to shape
Ignacio Brodín
05:48 AM Revision 38890 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Only insert the drawn geometries in the spatial cache if it i...
Refs #510 Cesar Ordiñana
05:46 AM Revision 38889 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Remove unneeded check to see is a geometry will be drawn as a...
Refs #510 Cesar Ordiñana
05:40 AM Revision 38888 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fixes 912
Cesar Ordiñana
04:02 AM Revision 38887 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Removed bad import line
Juan Lucas Domínguez


05:09 PM gvSIG bugs #1103 (Fixed): "Stop Editing" fails if a plugin finishes edition explicitly (not via m...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:05 PM gvSIG feature requests #341: Cambiar el tamaño de los simbolos de imagen a 18 pixels
- Add a shapefile of points (
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:02 PM gvSIG feature requests #341 (Fixed): Cambiar el tamaño de los simbolos de imagen a 18 pixels
Setting marker image initial width = 18
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:39 PM gvSIG feature requests #1130: Better management of start/stop editing (without calling execute of...
- Create a view and add two shapefiles
- Start editing in one layer and then start editing in the other lay...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:30 PM gvSIG feature requests #1130 (Fixed): Better management of start/stop editing (without calling ex...
Start/stop editing using the EditionManager.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:27 PM gvSIG feature requests #1130 (Closed): Better management of start/stop editing (without calling e...
Better management of start/stop editing (without calling execute of extension) Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:09 PM gvSIG bugs #510: Bad performance loading big vector layers (1mill features)
It seems we lost an optimization in the geometry draw process: when a geometry is going to be drawn as an AWT Shape, ... Cesar Ordiñana
04:05 PM gvSIG bugs #1129 (Fixed): The reproject geoprocess does not take into account the transformation
gvsig-geoprocess:r301 Ignacio Brodín
03:52 PM gvSIG bugs #1129 (Closed): The reproject geoprocess does not take into account the transformation
The reproject geoprocess does not take into account the transformation. Both manual transformation and grid file. Now... Ignacio Brodín
02:33 PM gvSIG bugs #953 (Closed): Intersection geoprocess multigeometria/DXF layer not work
Closed in the gvSIG build 2052:
María Maluenda
02:14 PM gvSIG bugs #804 (Under review): Actualizar iconos de las ventanas y del escritorio.
Tested in Linux, build 2052. Ok, but I can not test it in Windows. María Maluenda
12:55 PM gvSIG bugs #1128 (Closed): Persistence of dbf tables links not works
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add two new tables: geodata/tables/DBF/merindades.navarra.dbf and geodata/tables/DBF/zonas_basica...
María Maluenda
12:24 PM gvSIG bugs #1109: Ant task svn.checkout.all fails compiling gvSIG 2.0 (gvsig-group-standard)
OK, patch attached.
Note that besides the addition of <fork>true</fork> on all the pom.xml files, I have also modi...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
10:52 AM gvSIG bugs #1109: Ant task svn.checkout.all fails compiling gvSIG 2.0 (gvsig-group-standard)
Sorry Cesar, I attached the wrong log (the error shown in the log is related with the fact I'm modifying the pom file... Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
12:20 PM gvSIG bugs #944 (Closed): During the union layer it is not possible cancel this process
Closed with gvSIG build 2052
Vicent Domenech
10:59 AM Revision 38886 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #341 Setting marker image initial width = 18 (new constant)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:45 AM gvSIG bugs #1126 (Closed): The result of merge geometries of a dxf layer is an empty layer
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add dxf layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/V0813_LaRioja_1/V0813_LaRioja_1.dxf)
Add dxf layer (...
Vicent Domenech
10:38 AM gvSIG bugs #994 (Closed): Merge geoprocess with DXF layer does not work
Closed with gvSIG build 2052
Vicent Domenech
10:34 AM gvSIG bugs #1123 (Fixed): Mouse pointer drawing ROIs
Ignacio Brodín
08:33 AM gvSIG bugs #1123 (Closed): Mouse pointer drawing ROIs
The first time that you open the ROIs dialog and select the tool to draw polygons, the mouse pointer don't change. Ignacio Brodín
10:33 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1231 (gvsig-raster): #1123 Mouse pointer drawing ROIs
Ignacio Brodín
10:33 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1230 (gvsig-raster): #1123 Mouse pointer drawing ROIs
Ignacio Brodín
10:28 AM Revision 38885 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1130 Start/stop editing using the EditionManager
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:09 AM gvSIG bugs #1125 (Closed): Rename column not works
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new Table--> geodata/tables/DBF/concejos.navarra.dbf
3.- Start Editing
4.- Select a field i...
María Maluenda
10:05 AM Revision 38884 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Optimization to simplify geometries to be drawn.
Refs #510 Cesar Ordiñana
09:59 AM gvSIG bugs #1102: After dissolve a poligon layer appears lines in between most polygons that shou...
gvSIG version 2052
Vicent Domenech
09:58 AM gvSIG bugs #1110: Empty layer after apply XY shift to a multigeometry/dxf layer
gvSIG version 2052
Vicent Domenech
09:58 AM gvSIG bugs #1117: In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a linear shape layer
gvSIG version 2052
Vicent Domenech
09:58 AM gvSIG bugs #1118: In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a point shape layer
gvSIG version 2052
Vicent Domenech
09:55 AM gvSIG bugs #1124: The result of reproject geometries of a dxf layer is an empty layer
gvSIG version 2052
Vicent Domenech
09:48 AM gvSIG bugs #1124 (Closed): The result of reproject geometries of a dxf layer is an empty layer
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Select 'Add layer' button
Add dxf layer (/home/vdomenech/geodata/vector/DXF/V0813_LaRioja...
Vicent Domenech
09:54 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 301 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1129 The reproject geoprocess does not take into account the tr...
Ignacio Brodín
09:37 AM gvSIG bugs #1026 (Fixed): 'Full extent' button has not got icon (red square)
Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:37 AM gvSIG bugs #1027 (Fixed): 'Zoom out' button has not got icon (red square)
Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:36 AM gvSIG bugs #1025 (Fixed): 'Zoom in' button has not got icon (red square)
Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:56 AM gvSIG bugs #1024 (Fixed): 'Graphic line' button has not got icon (red square)
Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:48 AM gvSIG bugs #1023 (Fixed): 'Ungroup graphics' button has not got icon (red square)
Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:47 AM gvSIG bugs #1022 (Fixed): 'Group graphics' button has not got icon (red square)
Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:47 AM gvSIG bugs #1020 (Fixed): 'Place back' button has not got icon (red square)
Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:46 AM gvSIG bugs #1019 (Fixed): 'Bring to front' button has not got icon (red square)
Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:34 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1229 (gvsig-raster): New single preview panel
Ignacio Brodín
03:34 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 23 (svn-document-layout): #1025 Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:55 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 22 (svn-document-layout): #1024 Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:45 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 21 (svn-document-layout): #1019 Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez


05:07 PM gvSIG bugs #1021 (Fixed): 'size/position' button has not got icon (red square)
Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:40 PM gvSIG bugs #1018 (Fixed): 'Print' button has not got icon (red square)
Added missing icon and i18n strings
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:33 PM gvSIG bugs #1017 (Fixed): 'commands stack' button has not got icon (red square)
Added missing icon.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:21 PM gvSIG bugs #1016 (Fixed): 'Select by rectangle' button has not got icon (red square)
Added missing icon.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:39 PM gvSIG bugs #1070: Exporting layer reprojected on-the-fly does not produce a SHP with new projection
Testing steps:
- Create a view in EPSG:32630 and add shapefile "bcn-4326.shp" (see attached "") indica...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:31 PM gvSIG bugs #1070 (Fixed): Exporting layer reprojected on-the-fly does not produce a SHP with new ...
Reprojecting geometries when source and target projections are not equal.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:34 PM gvSIG bugs #1122 (Fixed): The Start editing button in 'document tables' not works in the first se...
This is already fixed. I fixed it after 2052 without opening a bug, sorry:
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:21 PM gvSIG bugs #1122 (Closed): The Start editing button in 'document tables' not works in the first s...
1.- Open gvSIG
2.-Select table in project manager
3.-Click New table--> geodata/tables/concejos.navarra.dbf
4.- C...
María Maluenda
01:26 PM gvSIG feature requests #756 (Fixed): Support for CRS:84
Steps with BN 2052:
- Unzip the file (attached) and there is a SHP file
- Create a view in EPSG:326...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:19 PM gvSIG feature requests #756 (New): Support for CRS:84
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:05 AM gvSIG feature requests #756 (Under review): Support for CRS:84
Need instructions in order to check the bugfix María Maluenda
01:10 PM gvSIG bugs #996 (Fixed): Basic menu options not working: distance, área, disposables-show, dispos...
Steps in BN 2052:
- Create a view and add any shapefile
- Select the tool 'query_distance' and draw a line string...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:03 PM gvSIG bugs #996 (New): Basic menu options not working: distance, área, disposables-show, disposab...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:32 AM gvSIG bugs #996 (Under review): Basic menu options not working: distance, área, disposables-show,...
Need instructions in order to check the bugfix María Maluenda
Fixed bad management of return value (null) when user cancels frame properties dialo...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:33 PM gvSIG bugs #1073 (Closed): Undo not works if you doing more than one editing process in a vector ...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2052 María Maluenda
12:12 PM gvSIG bugs #1030 (Fixed): 'View frame zoom out' button has not got icon (red square)
Fixed icon names and added i18n text.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:12 PM gvSIG bugs #1029 (Fixed): 'Zoom in view frame' button has not got icon (red square)
Fixed icon names and added i18n text.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:11 PM gvSIG bugs #1028 (Fixed): 'View frame full extent' button has not got icon (red square)
Fixed icon names and added i18n text.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:06 PM gvSIG bugs #1121 (Closed): ROIs cannot be exported to shape
When a ROI in raster is exported to shape the file is not saved Ignacio Brodín
11:58 AM gvSIG feature requests #1120 (Closed): Etiquetado: opción por defecto en Color y Altura de texto
Por defecto aparece la opción por campo, tanto por Etiquetado como por Altura de Texto, cuando lo más usual suele pon... Álvaro Anguix
11:42 AM gvSIG bugs #1112: Añadir Tabla: no deberían aparecer drivers de formatos cartografía
Sí, cuando vas a añadir una tabla aparecen drivers que no tienen sentido para el usuario normal, ya que no son format... Álvaro Anguix
11:29 AM gvSIG bugs #1112: Añadir Tabla: no deberían aparecer drivers de formatos cartografía
Cesar Ordiñana wrote:
> Hola Álvaro.
> Esto que comentas es precisamente una de las nuevas funcionalidades que ...
Cesar Ordiñana
11:24 AM gvSIG bugs #1112: Añadir Tabla: no deberían aparecer drivers de formatos cartografía
Hola Álvaro.
Esto que comentas es precisamente una de las nuevas funcionalidades que aporta la versión 2 de gvSIG....
Cesar Ordiñana
09:46 AM gvSIG bugs #1112 (Invalid): Añadir Tabla: no deberían aparecer drivers de formatos cartografía
Al añadir un nuevo documento tabla aparecen los drivers de formatos de cartografía: dxf, dgn...
No deberían aparecer...
Álvaro Anguix
11:06 AM gvSIG bugs #1031 (Fixed): 'View frame pan' button has not got icon (red square)
Fixed icon names and added i18n files.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:06 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 20 (svn-document-layout): #1021 Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:58 AM gvSIG bugs #1119 (Closed): Herramientas Deshacer/Rehacer - Undo/Redo tools
_+ESP - Herramientas Deshacer/Rehacer:+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
3.- Abrir capa snap_polygon....
Abenchara Socorro
10:39 AM gvSIG bugs #1117: In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a linear shape layer
Maybe this bus is related with #1118 Vicent Domenech
10:38 AM gvSIG bugs #1117: In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a linear shape layer
gvSIG build: 2052 Vicent Domenech
10:24 AM gvSIG bugs #1117 (Closed): In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a linear sha...
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add polygonal shape layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/esp_comaut/esp_comaut.shp)
Add linear sh...
Vicent Domenech
10:39 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 19 (svn-document-layout): #1018 Added missing icon and i18n strings
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:39 AM gvSIG bugs #1118: In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a point shape layer
Maybe this bus is related with #1117 Vicent Domenech
10:39 AM gvSIG bugs #1118 (Closed): In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a point shap...
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add polygonal shape layer (/geodata/vector/SHP2D/esp_comaut/esp_comaut.shp)
Add linear sh...
Vicent Domenech
10:32 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 18 (svn-document-layout): #1017 Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:19 AM gvSIG bugs #1116 (Invalid): Problemas con el boundingbox del contexto
Tenemos una herramienta que nos permite cargar capas de nuestra base de datos.
Esta herramienta lo que hace es que c...
Leticia Riestra
10:19 AM gvSIG bugs #989 (Closed): Snappig preferences are not stored
Closed in the gvSIG build 2052 María Maluenda
10:19 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 17 (svn-document-layout): #1016 Added missing icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:18 AM gvSIG bugs #440 (Closed): bogus add-ons installer translation
Closed in the gvSIG build 2052 María Maluenda
10:14 AM gvSIG bugs #1046 (Fixed): 'Save as template' has not got icon (red square)
Fixed icon names, added missing icons, fixed icon registering.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:03 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 16 (svn-document-layout): Better icon name
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM gvSIG feature requests #1115 (Closed): Símbolo de imagen en polígonos
Si tenemos una capa de polígonos y al hacer su leyenda queremos que se represente mediante la opción de "símbolo de r... Álvaro Anguix
09:51 AM gvSIG feature requests #1114 (Closed): Tabla: no se puede modificar su estructura
Cuando añadimos un documento tabla y lo ponemos en edición, no se activa la opción de modificar estructura de tabla. ... Álvaro Anguix
09:50 AM gvSIG feature requests #1113 (Closed): Modificar estuctura tabla: campo geometry
Al seleccionar la opción de modificar la estructura de una tabla que está asociada a un shp, nos aparece en el listad... Álvaro Anguix
09:29 AM Revision 38883 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1070 Reprojecting geometries when source and target projecti...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:29 AM Revision 38882 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 1.12.0 build 1415
Francisco Puga
09:25 AM Revision 38881 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 1.12 Build 1415 RC3
Updated build.number and Francisco Puga
09:20 AM gvSIG bugs #955 (Closed): Apply XY shift to a multigeometry/dxf layer
Closed in the gvSIG build 2052 María Maluenda
09:03 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1100 (Fixed): Update geoprocess packages
Done (BN 2047 for the three packages). Example:
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:52 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 15 (svn-document-layout): #974 Fixed bad management of return value (null) when user can...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:10 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 14 (svn-document-layout): #1028 Fixed icon names and added i18n text
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:59 AM Revision 38880 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Replaced inconsistent icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:29 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 13 (svn-document-layout): #1031 Using better icon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:05 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 12 (svn-document-layout): #1031 Fixed icon names and added i18n files
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:44 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 11 (svn-document-layout): Improved icon name
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:41 AM Revision 38879 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #919
Update JWizardComponent.jar with italian translation by
Antonio Falciano
Francisco Puga
04:12 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 10 (svn-document-layout): #1046 Fixed icon names, added missing icons, fixed icon regist...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:12 AM Revision 38878 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Uploading (probably) useful image
Juan Lucas Domínguez


03:24 PM gvSIG feature requests #782 (Fixed): Add a shortcut to the view app preferences from the view pro...
Added checkbox in view properties dialog to quickly set current view's CRS as app's default CRS.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:36 AM gvSIG feature requests #782 (In progress): Add a shortcut to the view app preferences from the vi...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:55 PM gvSIG bugs #1109: Ant task svn.checkout.all fails compiling gvSIG 2.0 (gvsig-group-standard)

Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
01:34 PM gvSIG bugs #1109: Ant task svn.checkout.all fails compiling gvSIG 2.0 (gvsig-group-standard)
Hi Cesar, thanks for the report!
Looking at the error which appears in the attached log file, it seems to me the e...
Cesar Ordiñana
12:54 PM gvSIG bugs #1109 (Closed): Ant task svn.checkout.all fails compiling gvSIG 2.0 (gvsig-group-stand...
When launching the svn.checkout.all ant task (gvsig-group-standard) from Eclipse Indigo, I always get an error (see a... Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
01:16 PM gvSIG bugs #1110 (Closed): Empty layer after apply XY shift to a multigeometry/dxf layer
Open gvsig
Add new view
Select 'Add layer' button
Add layer
Click Open
Click on OK
Click on ''X and Y shift' fr...
Vicent Domenech
01:14 PM gvSIG bugs #955: Apply XY shift to a multigeometry/dxf layer
ya no aparece este error, ¿abría que cerrar el tiquet?
Vicent Domenech
12:16 PM gvSIG bugs #1108 (Closed): 2 Iconos info by point diferentes
El icono aparece dos veces, una en la barra de herramientas de información y otra en la barra de herramientas de rast... Álvaro Anguix
12:08 PM gvSIG bugs #1107 (Closed): No aparece pestaña de bandas en Propiedades del raster
Se añade cualquier raster, con 1 o más bandas.
En la ventana de propiedades del raster no aparece la pestaña de bandas
Álvaro Anguix
10:49 AM Revision 38877 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #782 Improved behavior of view properties dialog. CRS-related...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:49 AM Revision 38876 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #782 Fixed update of app's default CRS
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:22 AM Revision 38875 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #782 Added checkbox in view properties dialog to quickly set ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:21 AM gvSIG bugs #989 (Fixed): Snappig preferences are not stored
OK, I have tested it too and the bug does not happen, so we should close it. Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:21 AM gvSIG bugs #989 (New): Snappig preferences are not stored
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:01 AM gvSIG bugs #1103 (Invalid): "Stop Editing" fails if a plugin finishes edition explicitly (not via...
This is not a bug. I had misunderstood how the 'edition manager' works. GUI is relevant because you can have more tha... Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:57 AM gvSIG bugs #1106 (Under review): GUI tests in postgis raster does not work
I think that it fails loading icons (icon-jdbc) Ignacio Brodín
06:29 AM Revision 38874 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #782 Improved view properties dialog (it had bad layout somet...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:29 AM gvSIG projections Revision 60: #782 Improved view properties dialog (it had bad layout sometimes)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:05 AM Revision 38873 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Checks if resource is null
Ignacio Brodín


10:44 PM gvSIG bugs #1103 (New): "Stop Editing" fails if a plugin finishes edition explicitly (not via menu)
Restoring code. Revision 38871 was not good (affected this file only). Bug still open.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:24 PM gvSIG bugs #1103 (Fixed): "Stop Editing" fails if a plugin finishes edition explicitly (not via m...
Stop editing using the edition manager to find editing layer, not via GUI.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:18 PM gvSIG bugs #1103 (Closed): "Stop Editing" fails if a plugin finishes edition explicitly (not via ...
"Stop Editing" fails if a plugin finishes edition explicitly (not via menu).
This is because the current Window is n...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:43 PM Revision 38872 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1103 Restoring code. Revision 38871 was not good (affected t...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:33 PM gvSIG bugs #1105: Faltan iconos por registrar
Hola, Leticia. Los testers están dando de alta un bug por cada icono que falta. Puedes ver la lista aquí:
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:48 PM gvSIG bugs #1105 (Closed): Faltan iconos por registrar
He descargado el código de gvSIG basándome en el build 2051.
Una vez instalado lo he lanzado y veo que falt...
Leticia Riestra
12:58 PM gvSIG bugs #1096 (Closed): Geoprocess Dissolve is too slow with big layers
Closed with gvSIG build 2052
Vicent Domenech
12:57 PM gvSIG bugs #1097 (Closed): Summary table in Dissolve geoprocess
Closed with gvSIG build 2052
Vicent Domenech
12:38 PM gvSIG bugs #1102 (Closed): After dissolve a poligon layer appears lines in between most polygons ...
Open gvSIg
New view
Add Layer
Choose municipios_Andal.shp form geodata/vector/SHP2D/municipios_Andal
Press ...
Vicent Domenech
11:39 AM gvSIG bugs #913 (Closed): Clip a multigeometry layer
Closed with gvSIG build 2052
Vicent Domenech
10:14 AM gvSIG bugs #1101 (Closed): 'Toolbox' has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
'Toolbox' button has not got icon (it appears in a red square)
Vicent Domenech
07:22 AM Revision 38871 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1103 Stop editing using the edition manager to find editing ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez


02:31 PM gvSIG bugs #906 (Closed): Snapping doesn't work / El snapping no funciona
Closed in the gvSIG build 2052 María Maluenda
02:14 PM gvSIG bugs #675 (Fixed): Big raster layers using Sextante throw OutOfMemoryException
The size is not unlimited but I've tested with layers of 9000x8000 pixels and it works fine. Ignacio Brodín
01:51 PM gvSIG bugs #904 (Closed): Result of difference geoprocess it is an empty layer
Closed with gvSIG build 2052
Vicent Domenech
01:46 PM gvSIG bugs #895 (Closed): The geoprocess Spatial join can not finish it
Closed with gvSIG build 2052
Vicent Domenech
01:43 PM gvSIG bugs #885 (Closed): Problems with buffer depending on the file size
Closed with gvSIG build 2052
Vicent Domenech
01:38 PM gvSIG bugs #975 (Closed): Can't choose the packages of a specific gvSIG build number in the insta...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2052 María Maluenda
01:34 PM gvSIG bugs #893 (Closed): Geoprocess dissolve doesn't dissolve all geometries with same fild
Closed with gvSIG build 2052
Vicent Domenech
01:06 PM gvSIG bugs #533 (Closed): Bands in filter preview
Closed in the gvSIG build 2052 María Maluenda
12:26 PM gvSIG bugs #989 (Under review): Snappig preferences are not stored
I can not reproduced this ticket in the gvSIG build 2051 / 2052 María Maluenda
11:45 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1100 (Closed): Update geoprocess packages
He vuelto a reempaquetar los geoprocesos ya que doy por acabados los bugs que había abiertos hasta ahora.
Ignacio Brodín
11:41 AM gvSIG bugs #1099 (Fixed): Geoprocess Dissolve crashes with a lot geometries
gvsig-geoprocess:r300 Ignacio Brodín
11:27 AM gvSIG bugs #1099 (Closed): Geoprocess Dissolve crashes with a lot geometries
When jts has to make a union of an array of a great amount of geometries (3000 or more), the JVM throws an out of me... Ignacio Brodín
10:57 AM gvSIG bugs #909 (Closed): Buffer process doesn't finish with radial buffer = 2
Closed with gvSIG build 2052 Vicent Domenech
10:53 AM gvSIG bugs #993 (Closed): Project main options (open, new, save, etc) do not work
Closed in the gvSIG build 2052 María Maluenda
10:45 AM gvSIG bugs #949 (Closed): The [x] buttom doesn't work properly finishing edition of a shp
Closed with gvSIG build 2052 Vicent Domenech
10:41 AM gvSIG bugs #1080 (Closed): 'measure area' tool doesn't work after click it, it works the last too...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2052 María Maluenda
10:39 AM gvSIG bugs #952 (Closed): The [x] buttom doesn't work properly finishing edition of a table
Closed with gvSIG build 2052 Vicent Domenech
10:38 AM gvSIG bugs #1081 (Closed): '_Query_distance' tool doesn't work after click it, it works the last...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2052 María Maluenda
10:30 AM gvSIG bugs #938 (Closed): Impossible save project after make current zoom in a layer
Closed with gvSIG build 2052 Vicent Domenech
09:46 AM gvSIG bugs #1098 (Closed): Numeric scale for geographic coordinate systems (i.e. EPSG:4326) is wr...
Numeric scale for geographic coordinate systems (i.e. EPSG:4326) is wrong when you add a view(4326) in map, the scale... María Maluenda
09:35 AM gvSIG bugs #999 (Closed): After install the geoprocess plugins a warning message appears
Closed with gvSIG build 2052 Vicent Domenech
09:34 AM gvSIG bugs #890 (Closed): Clip return an empty layer
Closed with gvSIG build 2052 Vicent Domenech
A message appears in 'java.lang.NullPointerException' the gvSIG build 2052 'java.lang.Null. Pointer Exception'. Attac... María Maluenda
05:31 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 300 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1099 Geoprocess Dissolve crashes with a lot geometries
Ignacio Brodín
05:30 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 299 (gvsig-geoprocess): New build number 2046
Ignacio Brodín


04:45 PM gvSIG bugs #1073: Undo not works if you doing more than one editing process in a vector layer
I cannot reproduce this. We must see it in person because there is no log file to send . Juan Lucas Domínguez
Hello, I cannot reproduce this error with 2051 or 2052. Please try 2052 and attach log file if there is an error. Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:36 PM gvSIG bugs #974 (Awaiting response): ADD GRID IN MAP, SELECT GRID TO CHANGE PARAMETERS AND CLICK ...
Hello, I cannot reproduce this error with 2051 or 2052. Please try 2052 and attach log file if there is an error. Juan Lucas Domínguez
Doing the same steps with a legend/ a View/... appears the error, in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
04:16 PM gvSIG bugs #1080 (Fixed): 'measure area' tool doesn't work after click it, it works the last tool...
This bug is fixed in BN 2052, so I am changing the target-version to 2052. Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:16 PM gvSIG bugs #1081 (Fixed): '_Query_distance' tool doesn't work after click it, it works the last ...
This bug is fixed in BN 2052, so I am changing the target-version to 2052. Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:06 PM gvSIG bugs #1042 (Fixed): 'Show_attributes_table' has not got icon (red square), which open the p...
Fixed tootip key for i18n (print table menu item) and other similar fixes.
(that button is for...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:55 PM gvSIG bugs #1096 (Fixed): Geoprocess Dissolve is too slow with big layers
gvsig-geoprocess:r297 Ignacio Brodín
03:39 PM gvSIG bugs #1096 (Closed): Geoprocess Dissolve is too slow with big layers
Ignacio Brodín
03:49 PM gvSIG bugs #1097 (Fixed): Summary table in Dissolve geoprocess
gvsig-geoprocess:r296 Ignacio Brodín
03:46 PM gvSIG bugs #1097 (Closed): Summary table in Dissolve geoprocess
The GUI of the geoprocess Disolve has a table for getting a summary function. In this table appears all the fields of... Ignacio Brodín
02:33 PM gvSIG bugs #1069 (Fixed): Dialog box and the options to stop editing in 'Table Document' and in '...
Better, similar dialogs when stopping editing in layer and table.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:02 PM gvSIG bugs #241 (Closed): image symbol line / simbolo de linea de imagen svg
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
12:55 PM gvSIG feature requests #1095 (Closed): Tablas de color no se aplica
Cargamos una capa raster y cambiamos su tabla de color, sin embargo al darle a "Aplicar" no hace nada. Si le damos a ... Álvaro Anguix
12:50 PM gvSIG feature requests #1094 (New): Ventana de usar la cache de tiles en capas raster
Cuando añadimos una capa raster, aunque sea solamente una, nos sale la ventana con las opciones "Si", "No", "Si a tod... Álvaro Anguix
12:47 PM gvSIG bugs #1093 (Closed): Driver de añadir datos por defecto
Por defecto, al añadir una capa por pestaña "Archivo" el driver que aparece por defecto es "GPE", cuando lo correcto ... Álvaro Anguix
12:45 PM gvSIG bugs #1092 (Closed): Submenús con "_" en lugar de un espacio blanco
La mayoría de los submenús aparecen con el carácter "_" en lugar de un espacio en blanco.
Ejemplos, en View: New_pro...
Álvaro Anguix
12:41 PM gvSIG bugs #1091 (Won't fix): Acceso directo (desktop empieza con minúsculas)
En el acceso directo que crea por defecto en el Escritorio pone "gvSIG desktop", cuando el nombre correcto es con la ... Álvaro Anguix
12:21 PM gvSIG bugs #1090 (Won't fix): Change layer name in Metadata from properties
Open gvSIG
Click New in Project manager
Click Add layer
Click Add
Select /geodata/vector/SHP2D/
Vicent Domenech
11:59 AM gvSIG bugs #1052 (Fixed): Actualizar menús al comenzar edición/Refresh menus when edition starts
Added call to refresh inside execute of extension and removed it in unnecessary places.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:33 AM gvSIG bugs #1089 (Closed): Menú Help/Contents muestra aviso de error
Al seleccionar la opción "Contents" del menú "help" se muestra una ventana de aviso de error Álvaro Anguix
11:31 AM gvSIG bugs #1087: menus con repeticiones
También se da la mezcla de idiomas en algún submenú. En View aparece al final del todo "Exportar", lo que además deso... Álvaro Anguix
11:27 AM gvSIG bugs #1087 (Closed): menus con repeticiones
En los menús del documento Vista aparecen menús repetidos y en idioma incorrecto, teniendo el idioma de la aplicación... Álvaro Anguix
11:29 AM gvSIG bugs #1088 (Closed): Preferencias: no es posible cambiar el idioma
Al ir al apartado para cambiar el idioma, la ventana se muestra sin las opciones (ver imagen) Álvaro Anguix
11:11 AM gvSIG feature requests #1086 (Outdated): Instalador: explicación tipos de instalación
En la explicación de los tipos de instalación hay mucho texto, lo que dificulta su lectura. Si fuera posible poner en... Álvaro Anguix
10:47 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 298 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1097 Summary table in Dissolve geoprocess
Ignacio Brodín
10:39 AM gvSIG bugs #896 (Fixed): ZOOM TO SELECTION tool fails after using editing TABLES / Fallo en la He...
Ignoring request to load a field which does not exist in DBF file (assumed new field in editing...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:47 AM gvSIG bugs #896 (In progress): ZOOM TO SELECTION tool fails after using editing TABLES / Fallo en...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:05 AM Revision 38870 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1042 Fixed tootip key for i18n (print table menu item) and o...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 297 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1096 Geoprocess Dissolve is too slow with big layers
Ignacio Brodín
09:48 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 296 (gvsig-geoprocess): #1097 Summary table in Dissolve geoprocess
Ignacio Brodín
09:30 AM gvSIG bugs #999 (Fixed): After install the geoprocess plugins a warning message appears
There were problems with the new support for icons. There is a new build that solves this problem Ignacio Brodín
08:32 AM Revision 38869 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1069 Better, similar dialogs when stopping editing in layer ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:28 AM gvSIG bugs #1084 (Closed): Cancel in view properties doesn't work after change the epsg
Open gvSIG
Click New in Project manager
Click View in Project manager
Select Properties
Vicent Domenech
08:28 AM Revision 38868 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Refreshing controls when table editing starts
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:58 AM Revision 38867 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1052 Added call to refresh inside execute of extension and r...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:26 AM Revision 38866 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #747 Improved text of labels
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:43 AM Revision 38865 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Throwing better exception
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:36 AM Revision 38864 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #896 Ignoring request to load a field which does not exist in...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:53 AM Revision 38863 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Updated Launch4j and Installjammer files for build process (a...
Juan Lucas Domínguez


01:15 PM gvSIG bugs #1082 (Closed): The layer name doesn't appear in the configure locator window
Open gvSIG
Click New in Project manager
Click Add layer
Click Add
Select file name geodata/vector/SHP2D/Alicante_...
Vicent Domenech
11:05 AM Revision 38862 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38861 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38860 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38859 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38858 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38857 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38856 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38855 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38854 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38853 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38852 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38851 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38850 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38849 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38848 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38847 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38846 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38845 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38844 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38843 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38842 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38841 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38840 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38839 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38838 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38837 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38836 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38835 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38834 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38833 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38832 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38831 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38830 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38829 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38828 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38827 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38826 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38825 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38824 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38823 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:05 AM Revision 38822 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:04 AM Revision 38821 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:04 AM Revision 38820 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:04 AM Revision 38819 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:04 AM Revision 38818 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:04 AM Revision 38817 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:04 AM Revision 38816 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:04 AM Revision 38815 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:04 AM Revision 38814 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:04 AM Revision 38813 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2052 (devel)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:58 AM Revision 38812 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Updated particular build number associated with gvSIG 2.0.0 B...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:44 AM gvSIG bugs #998: Change the language not possible
The problem is that you should maximize the dialog box to change the language María Maluenda
10:03 AM Revision 38811 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Changed way to find out app version in install mode
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:49 AM gvSIG bugs #1081: '_Query_distance' tool doesn't work after click it, it works the last tool act...
Maybe it is related with #1080 Vicent Domenech
09:48 AM gvSIG bugs #1081 (Closed): '_Query_distance' tool doesn't work after click it, it works the last...
Open gvSIG
Click New in Project manager
Click Add layer
Click Add
Select file name geodata/...
Vicent Domenech
09:49 AM gvSIG bugs #1080: 'measure area' tool doesn't work after click it, it works the last tool activated
Maybe it is related with #1081 Vicent Domenech
09:44 AM gvSIG bugs #1080 (Closed): 'measure area' tool doesn't work after click it, it works the last too...
Open gvSIG
Click New in Project manager
Click Add layer
Click Add
Select file name geodata/...
Vicent Domenech
08:43 AM gvSIG bugs #1079 (Invalid): Cancel with [X] in symbol selection of layer symbology
It is like #1075 Vicent Domenech
08:34 AM gvSIG bugs #1075: Cancel in choose symbol in layer symbology
In the step 'modify properties' can be:
-change the color to red
-width to 6
Vicent Domenech
07:20 AM Revision 38810 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fix imports
Juan Lucas Domínguez
07:09 AM Revision 38809 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Improve management of package dowload base URL
Juan Lucas Domínguez
07:07 AM Revision 38808 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Prevent null pointer exception when post initializing extension
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:39 AM Library: Revision 710 (gvsig-tools)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:25 AM Revision 38807 (svn-gvsig-desktop)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:23 AM Revision 38806 (svn-gvsig-desktop)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


05:52 PM gvSIG feature requests #747 (Fixed): Show the CRS of each layer to be loaded in the add layer window
Implemented new Cell renderer for JList: File name + CRS (explanation if needed)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:47 PM gvSIG feature requests #756: Support for CRS:84
- Manual transformation works OK using CRS:84
- Grid transformation NTv2 does not work (the grid is defi...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:25 AM gvSIG feature requests #756 (Fixed): Support for CRS:84
Added new CRS repository (called "NoAuth" = Without authority, which means there is no org...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:41 PM gvSIG bugs #241 (Fixed): image symbol line / simbolo de linea de imagen svg
Steps to test it:
- Load the SHP provided in the ZIP file (
- Go to the symbology properties of the ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:39 PM gvSIG bugs #241 (New): image symbol line / simbolo de linea de imagen svg
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:53 PM gvSIG bugs #1078: Imagen/icono differente para la herramienta zoom - Different Image/icon in zoom...
Step 4:
Menu Navigation/Zoom in, appears the magnifying glass with _+'+ sign'+_
Step 5:
Menu Navigatio...
Abenchara Socorro
12:41 PM gvSIG bugs #1078 (Closed): Imagen/icono differente para la herramienta zoom - Different Image/ico...
_+ESP - Imagen/icono differente en la herramienta zoom:+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Abrir Vista Nueva
3.- Añadir ...
Abenchara Socorro
12:41 PM gvSIG bugs #1079 (Invalid): Cancel with [X] in symbol selection of layer symbology
Open gvSIG
Click New in Project manager
Click Add layer
Select hidro_andalucia.shp
Click Open
Click ok
Click la...
Vicent Domenech
12:20 PM gvSIG feature requests #772 (Closed): Preparar el addons manager para que pueda trabajar con conj...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2050. In Addons manager-->Installation form URL, appears an option ...2050/packages.gvspki María Maluenda
12:00 PM gvSIG feature requests #421 (Closed): Mostrar por defecto capas visibles o no
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
11:52 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1068 (Fixed): Update geoprocess packages
Done (plugin BN is 2046). For example:
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:37 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1068 (In progress): Update geoprocess packages
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:51 AM Revision 38805 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #747 Implemented new Cell renderer for JList: Name + CRS (exp...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:50 AM gvSIG bugs #1077 (Closed): Five icon have red square in 'symbol property editor' window
Open gvSIG
Click New in Project manager
Click Add layer
Select hidro_andalucia.shp
Click Open
Click ok
Click na...
Vicent Domenech
11:50 AM gvSIG bugs #312 (Closed): Add table, change properties table and restore defaults, no effect / bo...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
10:51 AM gvSIG bugs #331 (Closed): filter select from set not ready / filtro: seleccionar del conjunto no ...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
10:48 AM gvSIG bugs #366 (Closed): Incorrect strings at symbology (gvSIG 2.0)
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
10:43 AM gvSIG bugs #1075 (Closed): Cancel in choose symbol in layer symbology
Open gvSIG
Click New in Project manager
Click Add layer
Select hidro_andalucia.shp
Click Open...
Vicent Domenech
10:31 AM gvSIG bugs #1073 (Closed): Undo not works if you doing more than one editing process in a vector ...
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new View
3.- Add shape layer (
María Maluenda
09:59 AM gvSIG bugs #468 (Closed): Undo editing tool. Applying after opening the att. table, the console a...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 because not appear the error console. María Maluenda
09:56 AM gvSIG bugs #1072 (Closed): Enable use spatial index checkbox in layer proprties
Open gvSIG
Click New in Project manager
Click Add layer
Select hidro_andalucia.shp
Click Open
Click ok
Click la...
Vicent Domenech
09:36 AM gvSIG bugs #1071 (Invalid): Rename layer in layer properties
It is the same that #873 Vicent Domenech
09:24 AM gvSIG bugs #1071 (Invalid): Rename layer in layer properties
Open gvSIG
Click New in Project manager
Click Add layer
Click Add
Select hidro_andalucia.shp
Vicent Domenech
08:54 AM gvSIG bugs #1070 (Closed): Exporting layer reprojected on-the-fly does not produce a SHP with new...
Exporting layer reprojected on-the-fly does not produce a SHP with new projection.
- Create view in EPSG:4326
- A...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:38 AM gvSIG projections Revision 59: Updating BN after new package uploaded which includes support for CRS:84
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:20 AM gvSIG projections Revision 58: #756 Added new CRS repository (NoAuth = Without authority) for CRSs called "CRS:*" a...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:04 AM gvSIG projections Revision 57: Only reordering code (moving some code to new method and removing assignment of valu...
Juan Lucas Domínguez


02:12 PM gvSIG bugs #1069 (Closed): Dialog box and the options to stop editing in 'Table Document' and in ...
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new table
3.- Start Editing
4.- Stop Editing
Appears dialog box and you can save or not s...
María Maluenda
02:01 PM gvSIG add-on requests #1068 (Closed): Update geoprocess packages Ignacio Brodín
01:54 PM gvSIG bugs #810 (Closed): Applying unique symbol legend to big layer never ends
Closed in the gvSIG 2051. María Maluenda
01:32 PM gvSIG bugs #893 (Fixed): Geoprocess dissolve doesn't dissolve all geometries with same fild
gvsig-geoprocess:r295 Ignacio Brodín
12:46 PM gvSIG bugs #822 (Closed): A raster layer without georeferencing cannot be georeferenced when is o...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
Acabo de comprobar en el build 2051 que el problema persiste. Adjunto la capa que he usado (autopolygon.shp)
I hav...
Abenchara Socorro
12:22 PM gvSIG bugs #831 (Closed): WMS layer names are cut in the "Add layer" dialog
Tested in the gvSIG build 2051, Ubuntu 10.04 María Maluenda
10:49 AM gvSIG bugs #797 (Under review): The persistency in symbology does not work
Need instructions in order to check the bugfix, but for example, change size to symbology (point) not possible and ne... María Maluenda
10:48 AM gvSIG bugs #241 (Under review): image symbol line / simbolo de linea de imagen svg
Need instructions in order to check the bugfix. María Maluenda
10:35 AM gvSIG bugs #1066: Restore default doesn't work in symbology of preferences
Restore defaults doesn't work in all options Vicent Domenech
10:01 AM gvSIG bugs #1066 (Closed): Restore default doesn't work in symbology of preferences
Open gvSIG
Click Preferences
Select Symbology
Click for Change default color
Select red color
Close gvSI...
Vicent Domenech
09:29 AM gvSIG bugs #1064: Change default measure units and after rerun gvSIG it keeps by default
This bug is related with #1065 Vicent Domenech
09:23 AM gvSIG bugs #1064 (Closed): Change default measure units and after rerun gvSIG it keeps by default
Open gvSIG
Click Preferences
Select cartographic_support
Change default measure units to centimeters
Close gv...
Vicent Domenech
09:28 AM gvSIG bugs #1065: Change 'default measure units reference system' and after rerun gvSIG it keeps...
This bug is related with #1064 Vicent Domenech
09:27 AM gvSIG bugs #1065 (Closed): Change 'default measure units reference system' and after rerun gvSIG...
Open gvSIG
Click Preferences
Select cartographic_support
Change 'default measure units reference system' to In the...
Vicent Domenech
08:23 AM gvSIG bugs #649 (Fixed): Server messages are not shown in WMS
I have tested it in Windows and Linux with several services and I have not found any problem. I would need more accur... Ignacio Brodín
07:31 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 295 (gvsig-geoprocess): #893 Geoprocess dissolve doesn't dissolve all geometries with sa...
Ignacio Brodín


02:40 PM gvSIG bugs #895 (Fixed): The geoprocess Spatial join can not finish it
gvsig-geoprocess:r294 Ignacio Brodín
01:26 PM gvSIG bugs #895: The geoprocess Spatial join can not finish it
gvsig-desktop:r38804 Ignacio Brodín
08:13 AM gvSIG bugs #895: The geoprocess Spatial join can not finish it
Joaquin: Cuando intento añadir un índice JSIRTree a una capa que tiene alguna geometría nula suelta un IllegalArgumen... Ignacio Brodín
02:20 PM gvSIG bugs #1063 (Closed): Remember window size after rerun gvSIG
Open gvSIG
Click Preferences
Select General
Click Remember window size
Close gvSIG
Vicent Domenech
02:16 PM gvSIG bugs #1062 (Closed): Remember window position after rerun gvSIG
Open gvSIG
Click Preferences
Select General
Click Remember window position
Close gvSI...
Vicent Domenech
02:11 PM gvSIG bugs #570 (Closed): Update documetation
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:11 PM gvSIG feature requests #549 (Closed): Eliminar las dependencias con exEditing de la extension de ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:11 PM gvSIG feature requests #548 (Closed): Eliminar las dependencias con exEditing de la extension de ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:11 PM gvSIG feature requests #544 (Closed): Create gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2047
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:11 PM gvSIG bugs #523 (Closed): The gvSIG package manager windows shown in the installation process app...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:11 PM gvSIG bugs #518 (Closed): The main window is not maximized by default
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:11 PM gvSIG bugs #414 (Closed): Timeout for the call getTiles
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:11 PM gvSIG bugs #401 (Closed): Updating WMTS y WMS servers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:11 PM gvSIG feature requests #394 (Closed): Create gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2046
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:11 PM gvSIG bugs #351 (Closed): Oracle: It is not possible to open a table
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:11 PM gvSIG bugs #318 (Closed): Add dummy pom files for some dependencies in the gvSIG repository
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:11 PM gvSIG bugs #306 (Closed): Preparar andami para que trabaje con su propio carpeta de traducciones
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:08 PM gvSIG feature requests #341 (New): Cambiar el tamaño de los simbolos de imagen a 18 pixels
Tested in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
01:38 PM gvSIG bugs #1061 (Closed): If a request is interrupted the view is blocked
When a capabilities request or drawing request in a remote service(WMS) does not receive a response the view is block... María Maluenda
01:34 PM gvSIG bugs #303 (Closed): If a request is interrupted the view is blocked
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051, connect to WMS with tiles. María Maluenda
11:25 AM gvSIG feature requests #747: Show the CRS of each layer to be loaded in the add layer window
Usar JList con 2 columnas (o JTable) y poner "será reproyectada" al lado de CRS (segunda columna) Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:21 AM gvSIG bugs #870 (Fixed): Eliminar uso de Converter de la clase MapControl
Removed unnecessary references to deprecated class Converter (must not be used as part of Geo...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:09 AM gvSIG feature requests #511: Improve the info given along the installation of an addon
Improved GUI and management of task status.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:04 AM gvSIG bugs #446 (New): error creating adding shp file / error al crear añadir archivo shp
In the gvSIG build 2051 you can't change EPSG for the new layer, applied by default the EPSG of the View. If you appl... María Maluenda
11:04 AM gvSIG bugs #1060 (Closed): El botón Cancelar de snapping no funciona/Cancel button in snapping do...
_+ESP - El botón Cancelar de snapping no funciona:+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Abrir Vista Nueva
3.- Añadir capa ...
Abenchara Socorro
10:30 AM gvSIG bugs #1059 (Closed): Límite de registros en memoria por defecto/Limit rows in memory by def...
_+ESP - No se restauran valores por defecto en límite de registros en memoria:+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Abrir V...
Abenchara Socorro
10:15 AM gvSIG bugs #501 (Closed): Error en la herramienta partir geometría
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 (you should situate just above the node or click outside the polygon, to split the geo... María Maluenda
10:14 AM gvSIG bugs #1058 (Closed): After change extensions directory and rerun gvSIG the extension direct...
Open gvSIG
Click Preferences
Select [+] in General preferences
Click Extensions directory
Click Examine
Select a...
Vicent Domenech
10:01 AM gvSIG bugs #1057 (Closed): La opción aceptar no funciona en el menú Flatness/Accept option doesn'...
+_ESP - La opción aceptar no funciona en el menú Flatness:_+
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Abrir Vista Nueva
3.- Añad...
Abenchara Socorro
09:47 AM gvSIG bugs #1048: After disable extension it is not possible to run gvSIG
This ticket is related with #1056 Vicent Domenech
09:29 AM gvSIG bugs #1048: After disable extension it is not possible to run gvSIG
This ticket is related with #1054 Vicent Domenech
09:47 AM gvSIG bugs #1054: After enable extension it is not possible to run gvSIG
This ticket is related with #1056 Vicent Domenech
09:29 AM gvSIG bugs #1054: After enable extension it is not possible to run gvSIG
This ticket is related with #1048 Vicent Domenech
09:26 AM gvSIG bugs #1054 (Invalid): After enable extension it is not possible to run gvSIG
Open gvSIG
Click Preferences
Select [+] in General preferences
Click [+] in Extensions
Select an extension (org.g...
Vicent Domenech
09:46 AM gvSIG bugs #1056: After modify the priority of an extension it is not possible to run gvSIG
This ticket is related with #1048
This ticket is related with #1054
Vicent Domenech
09:46 AM gvSIG bugs #1056 (Invalid): After modify the priority of an extension it is not possible to run g...
Open gvSIG
Click Preferences
Select [+] in General preferences
Click [+] in Extensions
Vicent Domenech
09:44 AM gvSIG bugs #1055 (Won't fix): No se restauran valores por defecto en propiedades de edición/Defau...
_+ESP - No se restauran valores por defecto en propiedades de edición:+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Abrir Vista Nue...
Abenchara Socorro
09:40 AM gvSIG bugs #676 (Closed): NetCDF layer don't get tiles correctly
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
09:24 AM gvSIG bugs #440: bogus add-ons installer translation
Added -- in language parameter.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:39 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 294 (gvsig-geoprocess): #895 The geoprocess Spatial join can not finish it
Ignacio Brodín
08:37 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 293 (gvsig-geoprocess): "input layers" text in "selected geometries" option
Ignacio Brodín
07:25 AM Revision 38804 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #895 The geoprocess Spatial join can not finish it
Ignacio Brodín
06:07 AM Revision 38803 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #1033
Uploaded the windows executables to the repo Francisco Puga
05:19 AM Revision 38802 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #870 Removed unnecessary references to deprecated class Conve...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:06 AM Revision 38801 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #511 Improved GUI and management of task status.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:06 AM Library: Revision 709 (gvsig-tools): #511 Improved GUI and management of task status.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:23 AM Revision 38800 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #440 Added -- in language parameter
Juan Lucas Domínguez


03:45 PM gvSIG bugs #440 (Fixed): bogus add-ons installer translation
Solved by adding --language=<...>
in installjammer settings (in call to gvsig-package-installer.exe)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:39 PM gvSIG bugs #827 (Closed): Legends in group of WMS layers are not shown
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:36 PM gvSIG bugs #729 (Closed): Error en tratamiento de campos Primary Key clave al crear capa GeoDB
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:30 PM gvSIG bugs #475 (Closed): Insert new geometries on a line layer
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:27 PM gvSIG bugs #799 (Closed): Error loading WMS layer after first session
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:26 PM gvSIG bugs #125 (Closed): Console error when saving project.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:25 PM gvSIG add-on requests #762 (Closed): Añadir build 2043 de jCRS
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:25 PM gvSIG bugs #761 (Closed): Selección incorrecta de paquetes por defecto
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:25 PM gvSIG bugs #546 (Closed): Error in class Converter with one solution
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:24 PM gvSIG bugs #759 (Closed): Referencia incorrecta a DefaultViewPanel
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:23 PM gvSIG bugs #643 (Closed): NPE when press Escape key in editing mode
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:20 PM gvSIG bugs #171 (Closed): Every drawing of a raster layer changes drawVersion property
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:19 PM gvSIG bugs #627 (Closed): Oracle Spatial: un error de conexión inicial genera mensajes de error m...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:19 PM gvSIG bugs #832 (Closed): Create MD5 file next to each package/index file
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:18 PM gvSIG add-on requests #972 (Closed): Update raster packages
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:10 PM gvSIG bugs #1052 (Closed): Actualizar menús al comenzar edición/Refresh menus when edition starts
_+ESP - Actualizar menús al comenzar edición:+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Abrir Vista Nueva
3.- Añadir capa snap_...
Abenchara Socorro
02:08 PM gvSIG bugs #525 (Closed): For each new view document two Drawer Worker threads are created and ne...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:07 PM gvSIG bugs #649 (New): Server messages are not shown in WMS
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:06 PM gvSIG bugs #881 (Closed): Problems to export cached buffers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:06 PM gvSIG bugs #923 (Closed): Raster extensions does not compile with the last modifications in the g...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:02 PM gvSIG bugs #1051 (Closed): Error messages with the uninstalling
Install gvSIG
Click on uninstall gvSIG
Click Yes/Si
Appears errors message with the uninstalling (printscreen: uni...
Vicent Domenech
02:01 PM gvSIG bugs #564 (Closed): Progress bar does not increase
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:01 PM gvSIG bugs #739 (Closed): jsi library needs a dependency
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:01 PM gvSIG bugs #775 (Closed): Modifying data of the GraphicLayer while drawing the view generates ran...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:00 PM gvSIG bugs #453 (Closed): Create plugin wizard FortuneCookie fails
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:57 PM gvSIG bugs #533 (New): Bands in filter preview
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:56 PM gvSIG bugs #543 (Closed): Problems processing big rasters with alpha band
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:55 PM gvSIG bugs #479 (Closed): Comparaciones de DefaultFeatureReference
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:53 PM gvSIG feature requests #566 (Closed): Allow MemoryStoreProvider to be used without geometries
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:52 PM gvSIG bugs #596 (Closed): Some bugs and performance problems with the GraphicLayer and the MapCon...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:52 PM gvSIG bugs #1050 (Closed): Representación incorrecta de las herramientas de selección/Incorrect r...
_+ESP - Representación incorrecta de las herramientas de selección:+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Abrir Vista Nueva
Abenchara Socorro
01:48 PM gvSIG bugs #870: Eliminar uso de Converter de la clase MapControl
Salvo (al menos) usos en Equidistance y Split (son más complejos, habrá operation para ellos)
Usar API de Geometry ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:34 PM gvSIG feature requests #1049 (New): Build three layers at the same time in Geoprocesses
Geoprocesses which have a multigeometry as input need to process three times the input layer. This geoprocess should ... Ignacio Brodín
01:23 PM gvSIG bugs #1048 (Invalid): After disable extension it is not possible to run gvSIG
Open gvSIG
Click Preferences
Select [+] in General preferences
Click [+] in Extensions
Select an extension (org.g...
Vicent Domenech
12:58 PM gvSIG feature requests #782: Add a shortcut to the view app preferences from the view properties ...
Poner check en view properties para establecer el actual como el de por defecto en la app.
Al entrar estará no selec...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:57 PM gvSIG bugs #1047 (Closed): Add north in map fails
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new view. EPSG 23030
3.- Add layer-->
María Maluenda
12:37 PM gvSIG bugs #441 (Fixed): Reading WFS feature type fails
Added parsing for the surfaceMembers element (multipolygon).
Unfortunately, in server:
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:37 PM gvSIG bugs #441 (New): Reading WFS feature type fails
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:08 PM gvSIG bugs #904 (Fixed): Result of difference geoprocess it is an empty layer
In this and other geoprocess the option "geometries selected" has only effect over the input layer so in this case al... Ignacio Brodín
11:31 AM gvSIG bugs #913 (Fixed): Clip a multigeometry layer
Clipping a layer has sense when the clip layer is a spatial subset of the input layer. In th...
Ignacio Brodín
10:36 AM gvSIG bugs #1046 (Closed): 'Save as template' has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New MAp
Click on Map of the bar menu
'Save as template' button has not got icon (it appears in a red sq...
Vicent Domenech
10:22 AM gvSIG bugs #1045 (Closed): Problemas al renombrar tablas/Problems renaming tables
_+ESP - Problemas al renombrar tablas:+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Abrir Tabla NUEVA
3.- Abrir tabla concejos.nav...
Abenchara Socorro
10:13 AM gvSIG bugs #1044 (Closed): 'Remove_link' has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile from
Vicent Domenech
10:12 AM gvSIG bugs #1043 (Closed): 'Add_row' has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile from
Vicent Domenech
10:00 AM gvSIG bugs #1042 (Closed): 'Show_attributes_table' has not got icon (red square), which open the ...
Open gvSIG
New Table
Load dbf file from
Vicent Domenech
09:49 AM gvSIG bugs #1040 (Invalid): '_Remove_column' has not got icon (red square)
The subject was wrong... Vicent Domenech
09:45 AM gvSIG bugs #1040 (Invalid): '_Remove_column' has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile from
Vicent Domenech
09:47 AM gvSIG bugs #1041 (Closed): It has not got icon (red square) neither help text and it doesn't work
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile from
Vicent Domenech
09:34 AM gvSIG bugs #1039 (Closed): '_Remove_column' has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile from
Vicent Domenech
09:33 AM gvSIG bugs #1038 (Closed): '_Add_column' has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile from
Vicent Domenech
09:26 AM gvSIG bugs #1037 (Closed): '_Romeve_row' has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile from
Vicent Domenech
09:25 AM gvSIG bugs #1036 (Closed): '_Show_column_manager' has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile from
Vicent Domenech
08:59 AM gvSIG bugs #1035 (Closed): 'Area' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile from
Vicent Domenech
08:58 AM gvSIG bugs #1034 (Closed): 'Perimeter' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile from
Vicent Domenech
08:00 AM Revision 38799 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fixes #1033
PROJ_LIB path was incorrectly set.
Solved thank to Fran Peñarubia
Francisco Puga
06:26 AM gvSIG data provider for GPE Revision 271: Updated pom.xml (removed unnecessary sections)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:25 AM gvSIG data provider for GPE Revision 270: #441 Added parsing for the surfaceMembers element (multipolygon)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:18 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 292 (gvsig-geoprocess): #913 Clip a multigeometry layer
Ignacio Brodín


05:18 PM gvSIG bugs #441: Reading WFS feature type fails
It is perhaps not so straight forward. It is true that the URL used for making connection is odd. However, it ...
Jukka Rahkonen
01:03 PM gvSIG bugs #441: Reading WFS feature type fails
I don't think this is really a bug because the URL used is not right and the server is not behaving properly (I think... Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:26 AM gvSIG bugs #441: Reading WFS feature type fails
Thanks Jukka for those tests.
Note for myself: A.Falciano's issue is probably caused by an error in: org.gvsig.gpe...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:06 PM gvSIG bugs #1031 (Closed): 'View frame pan' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile (
Vicent Domenech
02:05 PM gvSIG bugs #1030 (Closed): 'View frame zoom out' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile (
Vicent Domenech
02:04 PM gvSIG bugs #1029 (Closed): 'Zoom in view frame' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile (
Vicent Domenech
02:02 PM gvSIG bugs #1028 (Closed): 'View frame full extent' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New View
Load shapefile (
Vicent Domenech
01:55 PM gvSIG bugs #1027 (Closed): 'Zoom out' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New Map
'Zoom out' button has not got icon (it appears in a red square)
Vicent Domenech
01:54 PM gvSIG bugs #1026 (Closed): 'Full extent' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New Map
'Full extent' button has not got icon (it appears in a red square)
Vicent Domenech
01:53 PM gvSIG bugs #1025 (Closed): 'Zoom in' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New Map
'Zoom in' button has not got icon (it appears in a red square)
Vicent Domenech
01:52 PM gvSIG bugs #1024 (Closed): 'Graphic line' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New Map
'Graphic line' button has not got icon (it appears in a red square)
Vicent Domenech
01:51 PM gvSIG bugs #1023 (Closed): 'Ungroup graphics' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New Map
'Ungroup graphics' button has not got icon (it appears in a red square)
Vicent Domenech
01:50 PM gvSIG bugs #1022 (Closed): 'Group graphics' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New Map
'Group graphics' button has not got icon (it appears in a red square)
Vicent Domenech
01:47 PM gvSIG bugs #1021 (Closed): 'size/position' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New Map
'size/position' button has not got icon (it appears in a red square)
Vicent Domenech
01:46 PM gvSIG bugs #1020 (Closed): 'Place back' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New Map
'Place back' button has not got icon (it appears in a red square)
Vicent Domenech
01:45 PM gvSIG bugs #1019 (Closed): 'Bring to front' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New Map
'Bring to front' button has not got icon (it appears in a red square)
Vicent Domenech
01:44 PM gvSIG bugs #1018 (Closed): 'Print' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New Map
'Print' button has not got icon (it appears in a red square)
Vicent Domenech
01:43 PM gvSIG bugs #1017 (Closed): 'commands stack' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New map
'commands stack' button has not got icon (it appears in a red square)
Vicent Domenech
01:41 PM gvSIG bugs #1016 (Closed): 'Select by rectangle' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG
New map
'Select by rectangle' button has not got icon (it appears in a red square)
Vicent Domenech
01:38 PM gvSIG bugs #1015 (Closed): '_Show_attributes_table' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG, new table.
Load comunicaciones_andalucia.dbf from
Vicent Domenech
01:36 PM gvSIG bugs #1014 (Closed): '_Create_link_betwen_tables' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG, new table.
Load comunicaciones_andalucia.dbf from
Vicent Domenech
01:35 PM gvSIG bugs #1013 (Closed): No se pueden insertar valores en campos nuevos/Can't insert values in ...
_+ESP - No se pueden insertar valores en campos nuevos:+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Abrir Tabla NUEVA
3.- Abrir t...
Abenchara Socorro
01:32 PM gvSIG bugs #1012 (Closed): '_Insert_line' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG, new view.
Load shapefile (
Vicent Domenech
01:30 PM gvSIG bugs #1011 (Closed): '_Insert_arc' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG, new view.
Load shapefile (
Vicent Domenech
01:26 PM gvSIG bugs #1010 (Closed): No funciona DESHACER en tablas/UNDO in tables doesn't work
_+ESP - No funciona Deshacer en tablas:+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Abrir Tabla NUEVA
3.- Abrir tabla
Abenchara Socorro
01:24 PM gvSIG bugs #1009 (Closed): '_Insert_polyline' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG, new view.
Load shapefile (
Vicent Domenech
01:23 PM gvSIG bugs #1008 (Closed): '_Insert_polygon' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG, new view.
Load shapefile (
Vicent Domenech
01:21 PM gvSIG bugs #1007 (Closed): '_Split_geometry' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG, new view.
Load shapefile (
Vicent Domenech
01:20 PM gvSIG bugs #1006 (Closed): '_Modify_vertex' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG, new view.
Load shapefile (
Vicent Domenech
01:17 PM gvSIG bugs #1005 (Closed): 'select_all_info' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG, new view.
Load shapefile (
Vicent Domenech
01:12 PM gvSIG bugs #1004 (Closed): 'Finding by Gazetter' button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG, new view.
Load shapefile (
Vicent Domenech
01:09 PM gvSIG bugs #1003 (Closed): Hyperlink button has not got icon (red square)
Open gvSIG, new view.
Load shapefile (
Vicent Domenech
01:03 PM gvSIG bugs #344 (Closed): Select extension, active extension and ok "org.gvsig.theme. baseicons.E...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
12:51 PM gvSIG bugs #1002 (Closed): No se pueden borrar registros/Can't remove rows
_+ESP - No se pueden borrar registros:+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
2.- Abrir Tabla NUEVA
3.- Abrir tabla concejos.nav...
Abenchara Socorro
12:42 PM gvSIG bugs #598 (Closed): Symmetry doesn't works
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
12:31 PM Revision 38798 (svn-gvsig-desktop): fixes #954
Destination path for java installer were using \ as file separator
instead of / that is the once that requires instal...
Francisco Puga
12:10 PM gvSIG bugs #751 (Closed): Problems accessing to the IGN WMTS
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
11:57 AM gvSIG bugs #975 (Fixed): Can't choose the packages of a specific gvSIG build number in the instal...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:59 AM Revision 38797 (svn-gvsig-desktop): fixes #1032
Use a blank instead of "null" for the name of the style when the
option "preserve layer structure" was set on the wms...
Francisco Puga
10:59 AM Revision 38796 (svn-gvsig-desktop): fixes #983
Updated portuguese-br properties by Eliazer Kosciuk Francisco Puga
10:03 AM gvSIG bugs #656 (Closed): Add-ons manager don't show latest add-ons versions available.
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
09:35 AM gvSIG bugs #352 (Closed): Addons that couldn't been installed appear as installed afterwards
In the gvSIG build 2051 the download problems not happen. But installing gvSIG build 2051 breaks when you close and r... María Maluenda
08:25 AM Revision 38795 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #441 Fixed some typos in user option management
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:54 AM Revision 38794 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #441 Added warning when suspicious string is found in server URL
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:45 AM Revision 38793 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #975
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:35 AM Revision 38792 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs=#975
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


04:12 PM gvSIG feature requests #511 (Fixed): Improve the info given along the installation of an addon
I have removed two GUI details:
(1) Empty string will be used when progr...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:23 PM gvSIG bugs #441: Reading WFS feature type fails
More information: If I try to read a layer from WFS with the URL which contains that unnecessary "getcapabilities" th... Jukka Rahkonen
02:03 PM gvSIG bugs #441: Reading WFS feature type fails
This seems to happen because the connection URL contains the request=getcapabilities part
Jukka Rahkonen
01:02 PM gvSIG bugs #441 (Under review): Reading WFS feature type fails
1.- Open gvSIG BN 2051
2.- Open new view (23030)
3.- Add new layer--> WFS /
María Maluenda
02:21 PM gvSIG bugs #649 (Under review): Server messages are not shown in WMS
In the dialog box load WMS, in the ultimate window, the Ok button isn't enabled. Tested in the gvSIG build 2051. María Maluenda
02:13 PM gvSIG bugs #748 (Closed): Strange appearance of a WMS layer (tile cache option enabled)
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
01:53 PM gvSIG bugs #819 (Closed): Tiles for WMS/WCS too small
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
01:50 PM gvSIG bugs #821 (Closed): Layer in WMS of Catastro appears in red colour
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
12:57 PM gvSIG bugs #904: Result of difference geoprocess it is an empty layer
I think the result is an empty layer because selected geometries is referred to the input cover. Will be possible to ... Vicent Domenech
12:29 PM gvSIG bugs #467 (Closed): Spliting Multipoligon layer, a rectangle appears onto the geometry
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
12:25 PM gvSIG bugs #890 (Fixed): Clip return an empty layer
Hello, you are right. The tag was ambiguous. It is now more explicit "Selected features (input layer)"
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:30 AM gvSIG bugs #735 (Closed): Throws an exception creating a vectorial layer
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
10:04 AM Revision 38791 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #511 Removed two GUI details: Empty string will be used when ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:04 AM Library: Revision 708 (gvsig-tools): #511 Removed two GUI details: Empty string will be used when progress...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:41 AM gvSIG bugs #768 (Closed): Add WMTS layer OK button that shouldn't be enabled
The OK button keep disabled until all the parameters of the wizard are set with build 2051 Vicent Domenech
06:22 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 291 (gvsig-geoprocess): Improved tag in form for 'clipping' geoprocess
Juan Lucas Domínguez


11:23 PM gvSIG feature requests #511: Improve the info given along the installation of an addon
Seems like the tools library must not depend on i18n, so TaskStatus must get translated strings in construc...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:02 PM gvSIG feature requests #511 (In progress): Improve the info given along the installation of an addon
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:45 PM gvSIG bugs #909 (Fixed): Buffer process doesn't finish with radial buffer = 2
gvsig-geoprocess:r290 Ignacio Brodín
01:15 PM gvSIG bugs #767 (Closed): Add WCS layer OK button that shouldn't be enabled
using gvSIG build 2051 the OK button keep disabled until all the parameters of the wizard are set Vicent Domenech
12:02 PM gvSIG bugs #890 (In progress): Clip return an empty layer
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM gvSIG bugs #890: Clip return an empty layer
I think the result is an empty layer because selected geometries is referred to the input cover. Will be possible to ... Vicent Domenech
12:01 PM gvSIG bugs #906 (Fixed): Snapping doesn't work / El snapping no funciona
Fixed by forcing repaint of map when editing starts (geometries are therefore cached and used...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:58 AM gvSIG bugs #906 (New): Snapping doesn't work / El snapping no funciona
Snapping does not work until there is a first redraw in editing mode Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:56 AM gvSIG bugs #885 (Fixed): Problems with buffer depending on the file size
Ignacio Brodín
10:18 AM gvSIG bugs #981 (Closed): Big icon for Layout document does not show
With gvSIG build 2051 the big icon for Layout document in the project manager does show Vicent Domenech
10:16 AM gvSIG bugs #755 (Closed): No se puede establecer un tamaño de tesela de cuatro dígitos.
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
10:06 AM gvSIG bugs #871 (Closed): InfoByPoint in raster layers and remote services don't works fine
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
09:56 AM gvSIG bugs #939 (Closed): Bad behavior painting cursors in Geolocation tool
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
08:44 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 290 (gvsig-geoprocess): #909 Buffer process doesn't finish with radial buffer = 2
Ignacio Brodín
08:24 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 289 (gvsig-geoprocess): Task increment
Ignacio Brodín
07:28 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 288 (gvsig-geoprocess): Task increment
Ignacio Brodín
06:00 AM Revision 38790 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #906 Forcing repaint of map when editing starts (geometries a...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:55 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 287 (gvsig-geoprocess): #885 Problems with buffer depending on the file size
Ignacio Brodín
05:52 AM Revision 38789 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Preventing null pointer exception when text goes back to orig...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:37 AM Revision 38788 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Removing Java 1.6 code (restriction still applies?)
Juan Lucas Domínguez


03:02 PM gvSIG bugs #656 (Fixed): Add-ons manager don't show latest add-ons versions available.
Hello. You have to test it like this with gvSIG 2051:
- Download this file to your PC using a web browser (keeping...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:03 PM gvSIG bugs #656: Add-ons manager don't show latest add-ons versions available.
I need to create a newer version of some plugin so that this bug can be tested. I'll do it soon. Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:59 PM gvSIG bugs #656 (New): Add-ons manager don't show latest add-ons versions available.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:52 PM gvSIG bugs #980 (Closed): Error messages (especially from doc-layout plugin) when gvSIG starts
Vicent Domenech wrote:
> It is possible to start gvSIG build 2051 without this error message
Vicent Domenech
02:52 PM gvSIG bugs #980: Error messages (especially from doc-layout plugin) when gvSIG starts
It is possible to start gvSIG build 2051 without this error message Vicent Domenech
02:48 PM gvSIG bugs #885: Problems with buffer depending on the file size
gvsig-geoprocess:r286 Ignacio Brodín
02:48 PM gvSIG bugs #982 (Closed): Error message when trying to start editing
It is possible to start editing with build 2051 Vicent Domenech
02:09 PM gvSIG bugs #344 (Fixed): Select extension, active extension and ok "org.gvsig.theme. baseicons.Ex...
Hello. The extension org.gvsig.theme.baseicons has been removed.
This bug makes no sense now. I think you should clo...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:09 PM gvSIG bugs #344 (New): Select extension, active extension and ok "org.gvsig.theme. baseicons.Exte...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:35 AM gvSIG bugs #344 (Under review): Select extension, active extension and ok "org.gvsig.theme. basei...
This extension "org.gvsig.theme. Baseicons.Extensionicon22Theme" not appears in the gvSIG build 2051. I can not tested. María Maluenda
02:06 PM gvSIG bugs #736 (Closed): Throws an exception creating a vectorial layer (II part)
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
01:59 PM gvSIG bugs #352 (Fixed): Addons that couldn't been installed appear as installed afterwards
I think this bug is already fixed.
You can test it with 2051 (choose a couple plugins) and the download problems sho...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:57 PM gvSIG bugs #352 (New): Addons that couldn't been installed appear as installed afterwards
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:56 PM gvSIG bugs #750 (Closed): "Undo" tool (editing) does not work always
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
01:56 PM gvSIG bugs #455 (Fixed): Addon Manager creates a never-ending download process in task manager
I think this bug is already fixed.
You can test it with 2051 (for example the scripting plugin in the category Devel...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:54 PM gvSIG bugs #455 (New): Addon Manager creates a never-ending download process in task manager
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:38 PM gvSIG bugs #755 (Under review): No se puede establecer un tamaño de tesela de cuatro dígitos.
You can not change to 4 digits tile size in the gvSIG build 2051.
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Click in preferences
3.- Sele...
María Maluenda
12:50 PM gvSIG bugs #551 (Fixed): Errores en el metodo setPoints de la clase Arc
Added methods in Arc interface and implementation with explicit names for setting points:
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:18 PM gvSIG bugs #389 (Closed): Addon manager in the gvSIG 2.0 installation does not show labels in the...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
10:38 AM gvSIG bugs #525 (Under review): For each new view document two Drawer Worker threads are created ...
Need instructions in order to check this bugfix María Maluenda
10:31 AM gvSIG bugs #881 (Under review): Problems to export cached buffers
Need instructions in order to check this bugfix María Maluenda
10:00 AM gvSIG bugs #999 (Closed): After install the geoprocess plugins a warning message appears
Download " Vicent Domenech
10:00 AM gvSIG bugs #923 (Under review): Raster extensions does not compile with the last modifications in...
Need instructions in order to check this bugfix. María Maluenda
09:55 AM gvSIG bugs #937 (Closed): Bad behavior in mapcontrol tools in raster
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
09:35 AM gvSIG bugs #998 (Closed): Change the language not possible
You can not change the language in the gvSIG build 2051. In the Preferences window, you can not select a language.
María Maluenda
09:32 AM Raster Change Detection Revision 62
Sergio Izquierdo
09:04 AM Revision 38787 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Updating build number for testing purposes (a package install...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:47 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 286 (gvsig-geoprocess): #885 Problems with buffer depending on the file size
Ignacio Brodín
06:46 AM Revision 38786 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Added methods in Arc interface and implementation with explic...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:01 AM Revision 38785 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Trying to clarify the difference between "middle point" (belo...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:41 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 285 (gvsig-geoprocess): Icon register using new method
Ignacio Brodín
02:15 AM Revision 38784 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Added line separators in case javadoc generator removes line ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez


05:22 PM gvSIG bugs #997 (Closed): Repasar el importador de simbolos de imagen puntuales
Hay varios errores en el importador de simbolos puntuales, habria que repasarlo
entero y rehacer el interface de us...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:30 PM gvSIG bugs #906: Snapping doesn't work / El snapping no funciona
I think it is important that the snapping is available just after start editing (no need to do a zoom) because...
Manuel Madrid
01:48 PM Revision 38783 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fix NullPointerException
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:14 PM gvSIG bugs #551 (In progress): Errores en el metodo setPoints de la clase Arc
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:03 PM gvSIG bugs #939 (Under review): Bad behavior painting cursors in Geolocation tool
I think that not appears all types cursor to move raster.
Tested in the gvSIG build 2051
María Maluenda
01:00 PM gvSIG bugs #940 (Closed): Histogram in rotate images cannot be calculated
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
12:28 PM gvSIG bugs #741 (Closed): Download URL not working for Oracle,Geocoding,Normalization
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
12:09 PM gvSIG bugs #769 (Closed): Add geoDB layer OK button that shouldn't be enabled
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
12:07 PM gvSIG bugs #872 (Closed): Export to postgreSQL and MySQL doesn't work
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
11:41 AM Revision 38782 (svn-gvsig-desktop): rehecho el importador de imagenes como simbolos de imagen pun...
references=#997 Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:33 AM Revision 38781 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Añadido a los menus la posibilidad de mostrar el explorador d...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:27 AM Revision 38780 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Añadido soporte para cadenas multilinea en la linea de estado
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:26 AM Revision 38779 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Arregoado un error en el paso de parametros en la funcion cre...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:24 AM gvSIG bugs #307 (Fixed): Corregir la ordenacion de los menus
En el contexto de este ticket se ha hecho:
* Introducir el concepto de "acción", de forma que menús y botones usen...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:07 AM gvSIG bugs #996 (Fixed): Basic menu options not working: distance, área, disposables-show, dispos...
Fixed action command strings in extension classes.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:04 AM gvSIG bugs #996 (Closed): Basic menu options not working: distance, área, disposables-show, dispo...
Opciones de menú básicas no funcionan: distancia, área, disposables-mostrar, disposables-liberar Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:46 AM gvSIG bugs #578 (Closed): Wrong numeric scale on status bar
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
10:35 AM gvSIG bugs #749 (Closed): The status bar coordinate box is constantly resizing.
The coordinate boxes in the gvSIG build 2051 not change its position/size and aren't constantly moving. Closed this t... María Maluenda
10:10 AM gvSIG bugs #764 (Closed): Wrong background color in ToC items
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
10:06 AM gvSIG bugs #766 (Closed): Add file layer OK button that shouldn't be enabled
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
10:01 AM gvSIG feature requests #807 (Closed): Set aleatory as default option for fill color (symbology pr...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
09:33 AM gvSIG bugs #952 (Fixed): The [x] buttom doesn't work properly finishing edition of a table
Fixed. Added empty code (do nothing) for non-decision (return value is -1 in Swing dialog) an...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:13 AM Revision 38778 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #551 (first part) Fixing javadoc for Arc interface
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:12 AM gvSIG bugs #949 (Fixed): The [x] buttom doesn't work properly finishing edition of a shp
Fixed. Changed behavior for non-decision (return value is -1 in Swing dialog).
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:25 AM gvSIG bugs #949 (In progress): The [x] buttom doesn't work properly finishing edition of a shp
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:54 AM Revision 38777 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Removing unreachable code (action commands not associated to ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:06 AM Revision 38776 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #996 Fixed action command strings in extension classes
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:05 AM Revision 38775 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Removing dummy class
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:32 AM Revision 38774 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #952 Added empty code (do nothing) for non-decision (return v...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:11 AM Revision 38773 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #949 Changed behavior for non-decision (return value is -1 in...
Juan Lucas Domínguez


02:51 PM gvSIG bugs #938 (Fixed): Impossible save project after make current zoom in a layer
Registered ProjectExtent in persistence manager.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:30 PM gvSIG bugs #938 (In progress): Impossible save project after make current zoom in a layer
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:49 PM gvSIG bugs #994: Merge geoprocess with DXF layer does not work
five line is:
Add layer '/geodata/vector/SHP2D/V0813_LaRioja_2/V0813_LaRioja_2.dxf'
Vicent Domenech
02:27 PM gvSIG bugs #994 (Closed): Merge geoprocess with DXF layer does not work
Open gvsig
Add new view
Select 'Add layer' button
Add layer '/geodata/vector/SHP2D/V0813_LaRioja_1/V0813_LaRioja_1...
Vicent Domenech
02:11 PM gvSIG bugs #813 (Closed): .dgn layer properties. Warning about not supported geom type and then c...
I tested this ticket with in the gvS... María Maluenda
02:09 PM gvSIG bugs #993 (Fixed): Project main options (open, new, save, etc) do not work
Fixed main command action strings (Ex. "ABRIR" -> "application-project-open")
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:05 PM gvSIG bugs #993 (Closed): Project main options (open, new, save, etc) do not work
Project main options (open, new, save, etc) do not work. Application does nothing. Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:03 PM gvSIG bugs #992 (Closed): Funciones truncadas en la herramienta simetría/Truncated functions in s...
_+ESP - Funciones truncadas en la herramienta simetría+_
1.- Abrir gvSIG
3.- Abrir ca...
Abenchara Socorro
01:51 PM gvSIG bugs #816 (Closed): Information tool only shows geometry info
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
01:48 PM gvSIG bugs #817 (Closed): The Information tool window should be no-modal
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
01:35 PM gvSIG bugs #500 (Closed): Error al exportar a SHP
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
01:23 PM gvSIG bugs #516 (Closed): Table join: it shouldn't allow to choose keys of different type
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
12:49 PM gvSIG bugs #941 (Closed): New Map,Insert text with changed Font.
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051. I'm Sorry, but the window was too small and wasn't centred in gvSIG build 2049. María Maluenda
12:42 PM gvSIG bugs #503 (Closed): The geodata search tool doesn't work
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
12:23 PM gvSIG bugs #333 (Closed): error exporting field statistics / error al exportar estadísticas de un...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
12:22 PM gvSIG feature requests #552 (Fixed): Añadir a Geometry el metodo getInteriorPoint
Added getInteriorPoint to Geometry API and JTS-based implementation.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:50 AM gvSIG feature requests #753 (Fixed): Set EPSG:4326 as default CRS for new views.
Adding method to (Default)MapContextManager to centralize and change default CRS.
- The ne...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:54 AM gvSIG bugs #794 (Closed): Edit preferences. Change appearence.
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
10:49 AM gvSIG bugs #806 (Closed): Add new layers in invisible mode not works
Closed in the gvSIG build 2051 María Maluenda
10:09 AM gvSIG bugs #990 (Closed): Merge tool doesn't merge point layers
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add point shape layer "/geodata/vector/SHP2D/Alicante_Cotas1_ICV_SHP2D/Alicante_Cotas1_ICV...
Vicent Domenech
08:50 AM Revision 38772 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #938 Registering ProjectExtent in persistence manager
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:08 AM Revision 38771 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #993 Fixed main command action strings (Ex. "ABRIR" -> "appli...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:20 AM Revision 38770 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #552 Added getInteriorPoint to Geometry API and JTS-based imp...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:43 AM Revision 38769 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #753 Adding method to (Default)MapContextManager to centraliz...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:40 AM Revision 38768 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Cleaning code
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:38 AM gvSIG projections Revision 56: Related to #753 Avoiding hardcoded CRS
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:34 AM Revision 38767 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Related to #753 Little change to avoid hardcoded CRS
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:48 AM Revision 38766 (svn-gvsig-desktop): updating build number (corresponds to build 2051)
Juan Lucas Domínguez


03:21 PM gvSIG bugs #906 (Fixed): Snapping doesn't work / El snapping no funciona
Hello, there is a misunderstood.
The options available in the "editing properties" dialog (toc - right click on la...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:09 AM gvSIG bugs #906 (In progress): Snapping doesn't work / El snapping no funciona
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:08 PM gvSIG bugs #989 (Fixed): Snappig preferences are not stored
Fixed. Added mouse listener to notify that the user options in the panel have changed.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:00 PM gvSIG bugs #989 (Closed): Snappig preferences are not stored
While editing, open the editing properties from the pop-up menu in the TOC and enable/disable some snapping types, th... Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:57 AM gvSIG bugs #785 (Fixed): añadir a los menus las operaciones de edicion que solo tienen atajos de ...
Fixed. Now using single menu/action command to toggle grid and snapping options.
I think a...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM gvSIG bugs #988 (Closed): Missing Geoprocessing in Tools of menu bar
After open gvSIG, we click on the option Tools from the menu bar and the Geoprocessing option should appear Vicent Domenech
08:07 AM Revision 38765 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #989 Added mouse listener to notify that the user options in ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:52 AM Revision 38764 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #785 Now using single menu/action command to toggle grid and ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez


07:18 AM Revision 38763 (svn-gvsig-desktop)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:29 AM Library: Revision 707 (gvsig-tools): add getProviderFactories to AbstractProviderManager and getServiceFac...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


01:25 PM Revision 38762 (svn-gvsig-desktop): fixes #984
WFS encoding of Filter text. Should be UTF-8. Francisco José Peñarrubia

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