
From 11/27/2014 to 12/26/2014


12:32 PM gvSIG feature requests #3078: New keyboards shortcuts to include
Mario Carrera wrote:
> I attach the config.xml for the plugin, that includes some new keybo...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:57 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 314 (gvsig-vectorediting): Simplified how data is compared when provider joins geometries.
Lluís Marqués
09:39 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 313 (gvsig-vectorediting): Changed implementation of Join provider.
Lluís Marqués


05:21 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 312 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented specific operations to curve and arc.
Changed validateAndInsertMethod to throw invalid exception if geometry is closed. Lluís Marqués
04:49 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 311 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed error. Filled regular polygon is not compatible with cu...
Lluís Marqués
10:18 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 310 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed error when provider starts.
Lluís Marqués
10:17 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 309 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed error when simplifies a polygon.
Lluís Marqués
08:46 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 308 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed merged error.
Lluís Marqués


12:30 PM gvSIG feature requests #3079: Skip the GEOMETRY field from Filter
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano wrote:
> Antonio Falciano wrote:
> > Because the GEOMETRY field is useless in the Filte...
Antonio Falciano
12:24 PM gvSIG feature requests #3079: Skip the GEOMETRY field from Filter
Antonio Falciano wrote:
> Because the GEOMETRY field is useless in the Filter, it can be skipped in order to avoid e...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


02:19 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 307 (gvsig-vectorediting): Primera aproximación al stretchEditingProvider
Francisco Díaz Carsí
01:33 PM gvSIG bugs #3064 (Invalid): Tipo de geometría errónea en features con MultiLineString en capas Po...
Bug inválido.
No es problema del proveedor de Postgres sino que el problema es que entendí de forma errónea la act...
Lluís Marqués
12:31 PM Revision 41900 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Añadida implementación para el método setVertex
Francisco Díaz Carsí
12:31 PM Revision 41899 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Sobrecargado el método draw con el parámetro feature
Francisco Díaz Carsí
11:10 AM gvSIG bugs #3080 (Closed): No carga CSV
Adjunto log con el error al intentar cargar como tabla 2 CSV
Adjunto los 2 CSV de la prueba
Álvaro Anguix
11:04 AM gvSIG bugs #3044 (Invalid): Problema al guardar proyecto
No hay información para poder replicarlo, lo paso a Invalid. Álvaro Anguix
11:02 AM gvSIG bugs #3071 (Closed): No se guardan bien las geometrías que se han creado con difference.
Con el 2261 esto no pasa. Lo cierro. Álvaro Anguix
10:44 AM gvSIG bugs #2839 (Closed): Charts can't be opened
En la 2260 he probado y funciona bien, también renombrando el gráfico.
Lo doy por cerrado.
Álvaro Anguix
10:37 AM gvSIG bugs #2837 (Closed): Error saving project
Álvaro Anguix
10:37 AM gvSIG bugs #2850 (Closed): Error opening a project
Álvaro Anguix
10:36 AM gvSIG feature requests #3055 (Closed): Añadir soporte para especificar el tipo de geometria en un...
Álvaro Anguix
10:33 AM gvSIG bugs #3073 (Closed): Instalador no crea carpeta gvSIG
Álvaro Anguix
10:33 AM gvSIG feature requests #3054 (Closed): Mover codigo especifico de WCS del core al pluin de WCS
Álvaro Anguix
10:33 AM gvSIG feature requests #3053 (Closed): Mover codigo especifico de WMS del core al pluin de WMS
Álvaro Anguix
10:33 AM gvSIG feature requests #3050 (Closed): Incluir el proveedor de datos de excel en la distribucion ...
Álvaro Anguix
10:29 AM gvSIG bugs #2915 (Closed): Arreglar entrada sources-url de los
Álvaro Anguix
10:29 AM gvSIG bugs #3039 (Closed): Error al exportar a postgis varias shapefiles
Chevy, lo paso a closed pero si puedes comprobarlo perfecto. Álvaro Anguix
10:27 AM gvSIG bugs #2426 (Closed): SHP provider does not create MultiPrimitives
Álvaro Anguix
10:25 AM gvSIG bugs #3046 (New): No se pueden crear vistas portables
Sigue sin funcionar.
No deja abrir vistas portables.
Adjunto log.
Álvaro Anguix
10:22 AM gvSIG bugs #3062 (New): Poder usar los corchetes en expresiones de cadena en la calculadora de ca...
No funciona.
Adjunto log.
Álvaro Anguix
10:19 AM gvSIG bugs #3032: Can't open an attribute table after adding a field
Me sucede algo similar sin necesidad de añadir un nuevo elemento.
Pongo en edición la capa, abro su tabla y añado un...
Álvaro Anguix
10:10 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3070 (Closed): New add-on for
Álvaro Anguix
10:10 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3068 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.19-2096
Álvaro Anguix
10:10 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3066 (Closed): New add-on for
Álvaro Anguix
10:10 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3065 (Closed): 4 nuevas bibliotecas de símbolos
Álvaro Anguix
10:10 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3063 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.expressionfield-2.0.3-2081
Álvaro Anguix
10:10 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3061 (Closed): New add-on for
Álvaro Anguix
10:10 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3060 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin-2.2.9-18
Álvaro Anguix
10:10 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3059 (Closed): New add-on for 1.0.9-19
Álvaro Anguix
10:10 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3058 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.wcs-2.2.5-57
Álvaro Anguix
10:10 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3057 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.wms-2.2.6-60
Álvaro Anguix
10:10 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3056 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.postgis-2.2.3-55
Álvaro Anguix
10:10 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3052 (Closed): New add-on for
Álvaro Anguix


02:08 PM gvSIG feature requests #3079 (Invalid): Skip the GEOMETRY field from Filter
Because the GEOMETRY field is useless in the Filter, it can be skipped in order to avoid errors. Antonio Falciano
02:06 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 306 (gvsig-vectorediting): Updated main with scale, autopolygon and join providers.
Lluís Marqués
01:51 PM gvSIG feature requests #3078 (Won't fix): New keyboards shortcuts to include

I attach the config.xml for the plugin, that includes some new keyboards shortcuts for the...
Mario Carrera
01:46 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 305 (gvsig-vectorediting): Changed use of MultiPrimitive for Geometry.
Lluís Marqués
01:41 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 304 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented join provider.
Lluís Marqués
10:35 AM gvSIG bugs #2723 (Closed): Export to DXF skips polygons with interior rings (holes)
The issue doesn't happen anymore in build 2260, thanks to the fix of #2426, I presume. Antonio Falciano
10:02 AM gvSIG bugs #3023: "Java Virtual Machine Launcher" error after install
Antonio Falciano wrote:
> Reported by Alonso Morilla in the gvSIG Usuarios mailing list:
Antonio Falciano
09:55 AM gvSIG bugs #3069: Corregir el para que ejecute correctamente en Windows con Busybox
Hi Joaquín,
I've noticed the following line in the fix of this ticket:...
Antonio Falciano


07:33 PM gvSIG feature requests #3077 (New): Apply the same symbol to a set of categories in categorical s...
If we select some categories in sparse order (Ctrl + click, see screenshot) and try to change the symbols, only one s... Antonio Falciano
07:05 PM gvSIG feature requests #3076 (Won't fix): Allow to change the color attributes of SVG symbols
It's not possible to change the color attributes (fill and stroke) of SVG symbols at the moment (build 2260), so this... Antonio Falciano
06:16 PM gvSIG bugs #3075 (Closed): PolylineM (and PolylineZ) layers are not shown
Reported by Alberto Lopez Alvarez in the gvSIG Usuarios mailing list:
Antonio Falciano
06:09 PM gvSIG bugs #3023: "Java Virtual Machine Launcher" error after install
Reported by Alonso Morilla in the gvSIG Usuarios mailing list:
Antonio Falciano
09:57 AM gvSIG bugs #3023: "Java Virtual Machine Launcher" error after install
Same error randomly with build 2259 and 2260 (after the install). Antonio Falciano
06:06 PM gvSIG feature requests #3074 (Invalid): View "Pan" pressing the mouse wheel
Reported by Silvia Franceschi in the gvSIG International mailing list ("link": Antonio Falciano
05:10 PM gvSIG bugs #2928 (Closed): Texto Exportar capa no traducido
Antonio Falciano
05:09 PM gvSIG bugs #2690 (Closed): Export to KML application error
Antonio Falciano
05:08 PM gvSIG feature requests #2805 (Closed): Delete USR:3857 and substitute EPSG:3785 (deprecated) with...
I close the ticket, but unfortunately #2739 doesn't receive any benefit from this fix. In order to solve we need a mo... Antonio Falciano
05:03 PM gvSIG bugs #2583 (Closed): Can't save a temporary layer
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano wrote:
> Bueno, creo que ya esta.
> Sigue habiendo un problema, #3067, pero yo daria el...
Antonio Falciano
05:02 PM gvSIG bugs #2675 (Closed): File locking
It works fine now, thanks. Antonio Falciano
03:24 PM Revision 41898 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:24 PM Revision 41897 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.74
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:24 PM Revision 41896 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.74
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:10 PM Revision 41895 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:56 PM gvSIG bugs #3073 (Fixed): Instalador no crea carpeta gvSIG
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:51 PM gvSIG bugs #3073 (Closed): Instalador no crea carpeta gvSIG
El instalador probado (lin 64) no crea la carpeta gvSIG y por tanto gvSIG no puede ejecutarse. Álvaro Anguix
02:55 PM Revision 41894 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #3073, añadido que cree la carpeta gvSIG en el home del ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:43 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3057 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.wms-2.2.6-60
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:12 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3057 (New): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.wms-2.2.6-60
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:10 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3057 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.wms-2.2.6-60
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:41 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3105 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:41 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3104 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.wms-2.2.6
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:41 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3103 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.wms-2.2.6
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:40 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3102 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:37 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3101 (gvsig-raster): Corregidas las versiones de los subproyectos
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:35 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3068 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.19-2096
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:31 PM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 638 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:31 PM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 637 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.19
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:30 PM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 636 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.19
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:29 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 303 (gvsig-vectorediting): Arregladas notificaciones de cambio de herramienta y de refre...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
01:28 PM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 635 (gvsig-geoprocess): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:20 PM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 634 (gvsig-geoprocess): Actualizada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.9
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:17 PM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 137: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:17 PM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 136: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.15
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:17 PM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 135: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.15
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:13 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3066 (Fixed): New add-on for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:08 PM gvSIG data provider for PostgreSQL Revision 111: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:08 PM gvSIG data provider for PostgreSQL Revision 110: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.postgresql-2.0.27
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:08 PM gvSIG data provider for PostgreSQL Revision 109: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.postgresql-2.0.27
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:08 PM gvSIG data provider for PostgreSQL Revision 108: Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:05 PM gvSIG data provider for PostgreSQL Revision 107: Actualizada la version de org.gvsig.desktop a 2.0.73
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:03 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3058 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.wcs-2.2.5-57
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:59 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3100 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:59 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3099 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.wcs-2.2.5
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:59 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3098 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.wcs-2.2.5
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:58 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3097 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:53 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3096 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:49 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3056 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.postgis-2.2.3-55
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:47 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3095 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:47 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3094 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.postgis-2.2.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:46 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3093 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.postgis-2.2.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:46 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3092 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:42 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3070 (Fixed): New add-on for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:36 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3091 (gvsig-raster): Actualizada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.9
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:36 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3090 (gvsig-raster): Actualizada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.9
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:35 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3089 (gvsig-raster): Actualizada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.9
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:30 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3060 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin-2.2.9-18
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:20 AM gvSIG bugs #3072 (Outdated): "Online" setup installs always the RC1 with initialization errors
"Online" setup (e.g. "this": Antonio Falciano
10:17 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3088 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:17 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3087 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster-2.2.9
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:17 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3086 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster-2.2.9
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:15 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3085 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:06 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3084 (gvsig-raster): Actualizada la version de org.gvsig.desktop a 2.0.73
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:03 AM gvSIG bugs #3071: No se guardan bien las geometrías que se han creado con difference.
Álvaro Anguix wrote:
> Eso que comentas tiene que ver con un error relativo a las multigeometrías que en el build el...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:52 AM gvSIG bugs #3071: No se guardan bien las geometrías que se han creado con difference.
Eso que comentas tiene que ver con un error relativo a las multigeometrías que en el build el 2260) debería funcionar... Álvaro Anguix
09:42 AM gvSIG bugs #3071 (Closed): No se guardan bien las geometrías que se han creado con difference.
Para reproducirlo seguir estos pasos:
# Poner en edición una capa de tipo Surface
# Activar la herramienta "inser...
Francisco Díaz Carsí


06:03 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 302 (gvsig-vectorediting): Arreglado el aborto de las herramientas. Si se aborta una her...
Y al salir de edición se activa también la selección por punto. Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:59 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 301 (gvsig-vectorediting): Autopolygon provider
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:21 PM Revision 41893 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:21 PM Revision 41892 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.73
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:21 PM Revision 41891 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.73
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:07 PM Revision 41890 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:36 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3065 (Fixed): 4 nuevas bibliotecas de símbolos
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:34 PM gvSIG bugs #2915 (Fixed): Arreglar entrada sources-url de los
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:34 PM gvSIG bugs #2915: Arreglar entrada sources-url de los
He modificado el pom de org.gvsig.desktop para que genere correctamente las entradas de sources-url en el package.inf... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:26 PM Revision 41889 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #2915, modificada la generacion de la entrada sources-ur...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:16 PM gvSIG feature requests #2805 (Fixed): Delete USR:3857 and substitute EPSG:3785 (deprecated) with ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:15 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3070 (Closed): New add-on for
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:55 PM gvSIG bugs #3069 (Fixed): Corregir el para que ejecute correctamente en Windows con Busybox
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:53 PM gvSIG bugs #3069 (Closed): Corregir el para que ejecute correctamente en Windows con Bus...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:54 PM Revision 41888 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #3069, correcciones en el para que ejecute corr...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:50 PM Revision 41887 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Añadida mas informacion al log y sustituido logger.error por...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:47 PM Revision 41886 (svn-gvsig-desktop): cambiado el estado de RC3 a testing.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:28 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3068 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.19-2096
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:27 PM gvSIG bugs #2583 (Fixed): Can't save a temporary layer
Bueno, creo que ya esta.
Sigue habiendo un problema, #3067, pero yo daria el ticket este ya por cerrado ya que parec...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:15 PM gvSIG bugs #3067 (New): Aviso en el log de "notify close in a resource already closed"
- Creamos una capa de puntos aleatorios desde la toolbox de geoprocesos
- Ponemos la capa en edicion.
- Añadimos un...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:12 PM gvSIG bugs #2675 (Fixed): File locking
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:46 AM Revision 41885 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #2675, a¤adido que en el asistente de a¤adir capa haga u...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:44 AM Revision 41884 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fix attribute name in poms
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:50 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 300 (gvsig-vectorediting): Updated main with multipoint provider.
Lluís Marqués
09:53 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 299 (gvsig-vectorediting): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Lluís Marqués
09:53 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 298 (gvsig-vectorediting): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.vectorediting....
Lluís Marqués
09:53 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 297 (gvsig-vectorediting): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.vectoreditin...
Lluís Marqués
09:53 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 296 (gvsig-vectorediting): Increment build numbers
Lluís Marqués
09:50 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 295 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed dependency versions.
Set package info.
Fixed url scm.
Lluís Marqués
09:26 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 294 (gvsig-vectorediting): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Lluís Marqués
09:26 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 293 (gvsig-vectorediting): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.vectorediting-...
Lluís Marqués
09:26 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 292 (gvsig-vectorediting): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.vectoreditin...
Lluís Marqués
09:23 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 291 (gvsig-vectorediting): Increment build numbers
Lluís Marqués
09:20 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 290 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed tag url.
Lluís Marqués
09:17 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 289 (gvsig-vectorediting): [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of org.gvsig.vect...
Lluís Marqués
09:06 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 288 (gvsig-vectorediting): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.vectoreditin...
Lluís Marqués
09:03 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 287 (gvsig-vectorediting): Increment build numbers
Lluís Marqués
08:59 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 286 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed package properties.
Lluís Marqués


09:32 PM Revision 41883 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #2583, sustituido lanzar una excepcion por presentar un ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:30 PM Revision 41882 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #2583, a¤adido que libere recursos al terminar la edicio...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:28 PM Revision 41881 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fix attribute name in poms
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:26 PM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 633 (gvsig-geoprocess): Fix attribute name in poms
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:25 PM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 632 (gvsig-geoprocess): refs #2583. Libera el featureStore cuando termina de usarlo para...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:22 PM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 134: ix attribute name in poms
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:35 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 285 (gvsig-vectorediting): Arreglado subtag url en el tag scm
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:28 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 284 (gvsig-vectorediting): Increment build numbers
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:24 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 283 (gvsig-vectorediting): Arreglado subtag url en el tag scm
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:21 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 282 (gvsig-vectorediting): Increment build numbers
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:10 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 281 (gvsig-vectorediting): Actualizada la version de org.gvsig.desktop
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:03 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 280 (gvsig-vectorediting): Arreglada la herramienta de punto para que pueda funcionar en...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:01 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 279 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented MultiPoint provider.
Lluís Marqués
05:51 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 278 (gvsig-vectorediting): Cambiado insertpoint por point
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:15 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 277 (gvsig-vectorediting): Arreglado pom de vectorediting.symmetry
Francisco Díaz Carsí
02:21 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 276 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed error at duplicate service info.
Lluís Marqués
02:21 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 275 (gvsig-vectorediting): Updated main with simplify provider.
Lluís Marqués
02:19 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 274 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented simplify provider.
Lluís Marqués
12:37 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 273 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed selection parameter in internalPolygonEditingProvider
Francisco Díaz Carsí


08:29 PM gvSIG feature requests #2805 (New): Delete USR:3857 and substitute EPSG:3785 (deprecated) with EP...
Antonio Falciano wrote:
> Álvaro Anguix wrote:
> > El USR de OSM ya se eliminó de la extensión de OSM.
> True,...
Antonio Falciano
02:47 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3066 (Closed): New add-on for
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:46 PM gvSIG bugs #3039 (Fixed): Error al exportar a postgis varias shapefiles
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:46 PM Revision 41880 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #3039, modificado para que cierre la conexion con la bbd...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:46 PM gvSIG data provider for PostgreSQL Revision 106: refs #3039, modificado para que cierre la conexion con la bbdd al actualizar las es...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:36 PM Revision 41879 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Actualizado el
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:27 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 272 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed EllipseEditingProvider and added FilledEllipseEditingPr...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
01:51 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3065 (Closed): 4 nuevas bibliotecas de símbolos Álvaro Anguix
12:25 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 271 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed comparison between geometry types.
Lluís Marqués
11:26 AM gvSIG bugs #3064 (Invalid): Tipo de geometría errónea en features con MultiLineString en capas Po...
En capas alojadas en PostgreSQL, al obtener la geometría por defecto de una feature, que tiene como valor en el campo... Lluís Marqués
10:43 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 270 (gvsig-vectorediting): Updated main with duplicate, rotate and split line providers.
Lluís Marqués
10:43 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 269 (gvsig-vectorediting): Updated main with duplicate, rotate and split line providers.
Lluís Marqués
10:39 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 268 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed warning.
Lluís Marqués
09:20 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 267 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added icon to Split line provider.
Lluís Marqués
09:20 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 266 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed actions.
Lluís Marqués


08:50 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3063 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.expressionfield-2.0.3-2081
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:49 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3063: New add-on for org.gvsig.expressionfield-2.0.3-2081
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:14 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3063 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.expressionfield-2.0.3-2081
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:30 PM gvSIG tools: Expression Field Revision 42: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:30 PM gvSIG tools: Expression Field Revision 41: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.expressionfield-2.0.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:30 PM gvSIG tools: Expression Field Revision 40: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.expressionfield-2.0.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:30 PM gvSIG tools: Expression Field Revision 39: Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:17 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 265 (gvsig-vectorediting): Editing scale provider
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:43 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 264 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented Splitline provider.
Lluís Marqués
05:12 PM gvSIG bugs #3062 (Fixed): Poder usar los corchetes en expresiones de cadena en la calculadora de ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:09 PM gvSIG bugs #3062 (Closed): Poder usar los corchetes en expresiones de cadena en la calculadora de...
Corregir el evaluador de expresiones de la calculadora de campos para que reemplace la evaluacion de los campos de fo... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:10 PM gvSIG tools: Expression Field Revision 38: refs #3062, Corregido el evaluador de expresiones de la calculadora de campos para ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:25 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3059 (Fixed): New add-on for 1.0.9-19
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:10 PM gvSIG bugs #2928 (Fixed): Texto Exportar capa no traducido
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:09 PM Revision 41878 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #2928, añadidas traducciones en la utilidad de exportto
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:55 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3052 (Fixed): New add-on for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:50 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3052 (In progress): New add-on for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:50 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3061 (Fixed): New add-on for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:47 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3061 (Closed): New add-on for
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:47 PM gvSIG feature requests #3050 (Fixed): Incluir el proveedor de datos de excel en la distribucion d...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


05:07 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 263 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added keys of rotation provider
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:59 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 262 (gvsig-vectorediting): Changed return type to line.
Lluís Marqués
04:56 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 261 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented duplicate provider.
Lluís Marqués
03:20 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 260 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented rotate provider
Francisco Díaz Carsí
02:54 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 259 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added MoveEditingAction to main.
Lluís Marqués
02:54 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 258 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented move provider.
Lluís Marqués
02:27 PM gvSIG feature requests #3053 (Fixed): Mover codigo especifico de WMS del core al pluin de WMS
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:27 PM gvSIG feature requests #3054 (Fixed): Mover codigo especifico de WCS del core al pluin de WCS
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:26 PM Revision 41877 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #3053 refs #3054, movidos el codigo especifico de WMS y ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:12 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3083 (gvsig-raster): refs #3053. Movida la parte relacionada con WMS de org.gvsig.remote...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:27 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3082 (gvsig-raster): refs #3054. Movida la parte relacionada con WCS de org.gvsig.remote...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:13 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3081 (gvsig-raster): Actualizada la version de org.gvsig.desktop a 2.0.73-SNAPSHOT
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:11 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3060 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin-2.2.9-18
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:05 PM gvSIG feature requests #3055 (Fixed): Añadir soporte para especificar el tipo de geometria en un CSV
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:04 PM Revision 41876 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #3055. Añadido soporte para especificar el tipo de geome...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:02 PM Revision 41875 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Corregido error de sintaxis en el pom (recurrente)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:01 PM gvSIG bugs #3046 (Fixed): No se pueden crear vistas portables
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:58 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3059 (Closed): New add-on for 1.0.9-19
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:52 PM gvSIG bugs #2482 (Invalid): Selecciona elementos al etiquetar localizador
Duplicado, es el mismo que el 3047 Álvaro Anguix
12:48 PM gvSIG bugs #2690 (Fixed): Export to KML application error
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:48 PM gvSIG bugs #2690: Export to KML application error
Corregido el error para que no intente reproyectar puntos cuando se intenta pasar de una proyeccion a si misma.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:47 PM Revision 41874 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #2690. Corregido un error al intetar reproyectar un punt...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:45 PM gvSIG bugs #2992 (Invalid): Diferencia de cálculos de áreas
Cierto, está duplicado. Lo paso a invalid. Álvaro Anguix
12:43 PM gvSIG bugs #2401 (Won't fix): Selection by point in the layout is missing
Tiene la misma función selección por pto y rectángulo. En lugar de tener 2 herramientas tenemos una que hace las dos ... Álvaro Anguix
12:40 PM gvSIG bugs #2978 (Closed): Se ocultan leyendas del TOC en layout al seleccionar una capa
En gvSIG 2.1 RC3 me funciona bien. Lo paso a closed Álvaro Anguix
12:19 PM gvSIG bugs #2824 (Closed): Error al abrir un proyecto relacionado con CRS
En gvSIG 2.1 RC3 funciona correctamente Álvaro Anguix
12:15 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3058 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.wcs-2.2.5-57
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:14 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3057 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.wms-2.2.6-60
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:14 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3056 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.postgis-2.2.3-55
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:12 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3080 (gvsig-raster): Modificado el name del proyecto de
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:12 PM gvSIG bugs #2605 (Closed): Error in Clip tool
En 2.1 RC3 funciona correctamente. Álvaro Anguix
12:09 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2587 (Closed): New addon for version 1.0.0...
Álvaro Anguix
12:07 PM gvSIG bugs #2471 (Invalid): PostGIS add-on
Álvaro Anguix
12:05 PM gvSIG feature requests #1840 (Invalid): Thematic map addons and generated map packages do not hav...
Actualmente se ha cambiado a Portable View y está categorizado Álvaro Anguix
11:55 AM gvSIG feature requests #2805: Delete USR:3857 and substitute EPSG:3785 (deprecated) with EPSG:385...
Álvaro Anguix wrote:
> El USR de OSM ya se eliminó de la extensión de OSM.
True, but I'm not sure that EPSG:3785 ...
Antonio Falciano
11:50 AM gvSIG feature requests #2805 (Closed): Delete USR:3857 and substitute EPSG:3785 (deprecated) with...
El USR de OSM ya se eliminó de la extensión de OSM. Álvaro Anguix
11:52 AM gvSIG bugs #2499 (Invalid): Cambia leyenda con capa no activa
Duplicado, es el mismo que el 3035 Álvaro Anguix
11:49 AM gvSIG bugs #2858: Fields of type Float have an invalid value in PostGIS layers
This issue is still present in the RC3. Antonio Falciano
11:47 AM gvSIG bugs #2694: Numeric types management of PostGIS tables
This issue is still present in the RC3. Antonio Falciano
11:46 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 257 (gvsig-vectorediting): Updated main. Added explode action.
Lluís Marqués
11:45 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 256 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed bug. The service didn't deselect the features when it f...
Lluís Marqués
11:44 AM gvSIG bugs #2971 (Closed): Error in the results with "Spatial join" geoprocess
Álvaro Anguix
11:33 AM gvSIG bugs #2749 (Closed): "Info by point" on vector layer is slow
Esto pienso que se solucionó al no leer el campo de atributos de geometrías por defecto. Álvaro Anguix
11:23 AM gvSIG bugs #2837 (Fixed): Error saving project
Álvaro Anguix
11:23 AM gvSIG bugs #2850 (Fixed): Error opening a project
Álvaro Anguix
11:11 AM gvSIG feature requests #901 (Closed): Can't create DERIVED GEOMETRIES SHAPE FILE / No se puede cr...
Disponible en gvSIG 2.1 RC3 Álvaro Anguix
11:03 AM gvSIG bugs #3044: Problema al guardar proyecto
Chevy: por el log lo único que indica es que le falta un atributo a la capa WMS.
No podemos saber qué ocurre porque ...
Álvaro Anguix
11:02 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 255 (gvsig-vectorediting): Code refactoring
Lluís Marqués
11:00 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 254 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented explode provider.
Lluís Marqués
10:56 AM gvSIG bugs #2426 (Fixed): SHP provider does not create MultiPrimitives
Se ha solucionado deshaciendo un cambio anterior, con lo que se solucionan los errores de geoprocesos de disolver, ár... Álvaro Anguix
10:26 AM gvSIG feature requests #3041: The attribute editor doesn't stop editing
I'm not reinventing the wheel... The "Save" button in the "Attribute editor" should save and then stop the editing, j... Antonio Falciano
10:09 AM gvSIG feature requests #3041: The attribute editor doesn't stop editing
Al margen de gustos, hay que tener en cuenta que hay algunos formatos que no admiten actualizacion de los datos. Esto... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:00 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 253 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented deleteFeatureFromFeatureStore.
Fixed fixme comments. Lluís Marqués
09:59 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 252 (gvsig-vectorediting): Caught InvalidEntryException when a service starts.
Added message when service finalizes. Lluís Marqués
09:57 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 251 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added InvalidEntryException exception to start method.
Changed test try catch.
Added message when service finalizes.
Lluís Marqués


09:49 PM gvSIG feature requests #3041: The attribute editor doesn't stop editing
Antonio: lo que comentas puede depender mucho del tipo de usuario. Por ejemplo, si estás editando al mismo tiempo tan... Álvaro Anguix
05:32 PM gvSIG feature requests #3041: The attribute editor doesn't stop editing
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano wrote:
> No es un bug, se ha implementado asi especificamente.
> Queda a decision del u...
Antonio Falciano
03:35 PM gvSIG feature requests #3041: The attribute editor doesn't stop editing
No es un bug, se ha implementado asi especificamente.
Queda a decision del usuario cuando quiere terminar edicion.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:27 PM gvSIG bugs #3043: Errors in execution of startup task 'Open project'
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano wrote:
> Hola Antonio,
> por lo que veo en el fichero test.gvsproj contiene tres capas...
Antonio Falciano
03:33 PM gvSIG bugs #3043: Errors in execution of startup task 'Open project'
Otro problema seria averiguar por que falla la carga del proyecto cuando no encuentra una capa... deberia preguntar p... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:31 PM gvSIG bugs #3043: Errors in execution of startup task 'Open project'
Hola Antonio,
por lo que veo en el fichero test.gvsproj contiene tres capas vectoriales y una raster.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:55 PM gvSIG feature requests #3055 (Closed): Añadir soporte para especificar el tipo de geometria en un...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:54 PM gvSIG feature requests #3054 (Closed): Mover codigo especifico de WCS del core al pluin de WCS
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:54 PM gvSIG feature requests #3053 (Closed): Mover codigo especifico de WMS del core al pluin de WMS
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:47 PM Revision 41873 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #2426, desechos los ultimos cambios que hice en el lecto...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:46 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 250 (gvsig-vectorediting): Deleted non-javadoc tags
Lluís Marqués
02:18 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 249 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added new buttons to test circle3p provider.
Lluís Marqués
02:06 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 248 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented circle3p provider.
Lluís Marqués
02:00 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 247 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented createCircle from three points.
Lluís Marqués
12:22 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 246 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added fixme comment to check implementation of update method.
Lluís Marqués
12:15 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 245 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented callback system to change selected tool of toolbar.
Moved refresh toolbar button callback system to EditingService. Lluís Marqués


01:44 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 244 (gvsig-vectorediting): Revised and updated Javadoc.
Lluís Marqués


05:39 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 243 (gvsig-vectorediting)
Lluís Marqués
05:25 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 242 (gvsig-vectorediting): Ignored click events when behavior doesn't expect a position ...
Lluís Marqués
05:12 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 241 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added method that creates console message provider with a pre...
Lluís Marqués
04:45 PM Revision 41872 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Avoided a possible error precision in floating point numbers ...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
01:58 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 240 (gvsig-vectorediting): Deleted useless options when provider provides filled geometr...
Lluís Marqués
01:19 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 239 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed error when component inside jOptionPanel request focus.
Implemented default implementation of HierarchyListener.
Added DefaultHierarchyListener to xTextField and valueTextFi...
Lluís Marqués
10:37 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 238 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed use of method shouldValidateTheFeature.
Lluís Marqués
09:31 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 237 (gvsig-vectorediting): Reimplemented Main.
Added method to refresh buttons. Lluís Marqués


05:13 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 236 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed error when user indicates an option.
Changed drawing status at filled spline. Now the geometry drawn are closed. Lluís Marqués
04:18 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 235 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed error. Implemented stop method.
Lluís Marqués
03:50 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 234 (gvsig-vectorediting): Remove non existent symmetry provider
Cesar Ordiñana
03:49 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 233 (gvsig-vectorediting): Remove non existent provider dependency
Cesar Ordiñana
01:55 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 232 (gvsig-vectorediting): Deleted useless folder.
Lluís Marqués
01:05 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 231 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented stop method.
Lluís Marqués
01:04 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 230 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed error when compare key options.
Lluís Marqués
12:32 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 229 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed error. FilledRectangleProvider returned name of Rectang...
Lluís Marqués
11:43 AM gvSIG feature requests #2372: Use of a gvSIG2 user folder
Antonio Falciano wrote:
> From
> [...]
> So if t...
Antonio Falciano
11:39 AM gvSIG feature requests #2372: Use of a gvSIG2 user folder
From Antonio Falciano
11:07 AM gvSIG feature requests #2372: Use of a gvSIG2 user folder
In order to avoid confusion with build numbers, it's better to customize directly the gvsig-desktop.xml of a build in... Antonio Falciano
10:44 AM gvSIG feature requests #2372: Use of a gvSIG2 user folder
Ten en cuenta que ese gvsig-desktop.xml y exe solo valen para esa version de gvSIG, para otra verion/build tendras qu... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:02 AM gvSIG bugs #3023: "Java Virtual Machine Launcher" error after install
It happened with the RC3 too. Then I've simply switched my JAVA_HOME environment variable from a recent JDK (1.7.0_67... Antonio Falciano
10:31 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 228 (gvsig-vectorediting): Changed keys of parameters.
Lluís Marqués
09:54 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 227 (gvsig-vectorediting): Clean up code.
Lluís Marqués
09:46 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 226 (gvsig-vectorediting): Moved logic to EditingContext.
Lluís Marqués
09:45 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 225 (gvsig-vectorediting): Updated dependency. Changed scope to compile.
Lluís Marqués
09:13 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3052 (Closed): New add-on for
... Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:08 AM gvSIG tools: Attribute editor Revision 31 (gvsig-attributeeditor): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:08 AM gvSIG tools: Attribute editor Revision 30 (gvsig-attributeeditor): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.attributeedit...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:08 AM gvSIG tools: Attribute editor Revision 29 (gvsig-attributeeditor): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.attributeed...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:07 AM gvSIG tools: Attribute editor Revision 28 (gvsig-attributeeditor): Increment build numbers
Francisco Díaz Carsí


11:20 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3051 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin-2.2.8-17
Álvaro Anguix
08:23 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3051 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin-2.2.8-17
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:04 PM gvSIG add-on requests #3051 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin-2.2.8-17
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:20 PM gvSIG bugs #3049 (Closed): Añadir a org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin la categoria de Raster
Álvaro Anguix
12:50 PM gvSIG bugs #3049 (Fixed): Añadir a org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin la categoria de Raster
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:48 PM gvSIG bugs #3049 (Closed): Añadir a org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin la categoria de Raster
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:57 PM gvSIG feature requests #2372: Use of a gvSIG2 user folder
Hi Joaquín,
thank you very much! I've just followed your detailed instructions on Windows, built a new gvsig-desktop...
Antonio Falciano
12:10 PM gvSIG feature requests #2372: Use of a gvSIG2 user folder
Hola Antonio,
de momento que yo sepa vamos a mantener la carpeta gvSIG en el HOME del usuario.
De todos modos es re...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:59 PM gvSIG tools: Attribute editor Revision 27 (gvsig-attributeeditor): Fixed parent version in attributeeditor's pom file.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:07 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 224 (gvsig-vectorediting): Deleted editing behavior interface. Use default implementation.
Lluís Marqués
04:59 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 223 (gvsig-vectorediting): Code refactoring.
Lluís Marqués
04:29 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 222 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented stop method of internal polygon.
Lluís Marqués
02:58 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3079 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:58 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3078 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster-2.2.8
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:58 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3077 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster-2.2.8
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:56 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3076 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:40 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 221 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed bug when provider checks if polygon is inscribed or cic...
Lluís Marqués
02:39 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 220 (gvsig-vectorediting): Changed name of method.
Lluís Marqués
02:37 PM Revision 41871 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:37 PM Revision 41870 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.72
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:37 PM Revision 41869 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.72
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:22 PM Revision 41868 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:12 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 219 (gvsig-vectorediting): Updated main application.
Lluís Marqués
01:29 PM gvSIG tools: Attribute editor Revision 26 (gvsig-attributeeditor): Sustituido el MoveWithControlBehavior por MoveWithMiddleButt...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
01:05 PM Revision 41867 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Added MoveWithMiddleButtonBehavior and fixed MoveBehavior.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
12:58 PM gvSIG feature requests #3050 (Closed): Incluir el proveedor de datos de excel en la distribucion ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:49 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3075 (gvsig-raster): refs #3049. Añadir al plugin principal de raster la categoria de ra...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:18 AM Revision 41866 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Set state to RC3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:55 AM gvSIG bugs #3047: Al etiquetar se seleccionan elementos "aleatoriamente"
See also #2634. Antonio Falciano


04:04 PM gvSIG bugs #3048 (Invalid): Mapsheets no permite grid ni campos dinámicos
Reportado por Pablo Cuadrado:
"no funciona introducir los campos y que vayan cambiando ni se le puede poner grid de ...
Álvaro Anguix
04:02 PM gvSIG bugs #3047 (Closed): Al etiquetar se seleccionan elementos "aleatoriamente"
Al realizar un etiquetado en una capa de polígonos y aplicarlo se seleccionan elementos de dicha capa. Álvaro Anguix
03:59 PM gvSIG bugs #3046 (Closed): No se pueden crear vistas portables
Generar una Vista y añadir varias capas (shp, por ejemplo)
Generar una Vista portable.
Al intentar abrir dicha Vist...
Álvaro Anguix


04:17 PM gvSIG bugs #3045 (Closed): Attribute 'name' is not defined in MemoryResourceParameters definition
Steps in order to reproduce the error:
* create and open a view;
* create a random DEM and load it the previous vie...
Antonio Falciano
12:50 PM gvSIG bugs #3032: Can't open an attribute table after adding a field
The same issue happens even when I delete a field in the attribute table. Antonio Falciano
12:44 PM gvSIG feature requests #2372: Use of a gvSIG2 user folder
Has this feature request a great impact on gvSIG 2.1 and its extensions? Antonio Falciano


06:53 PM gvSIG bugs #3044 (Invalid): Problema al guardar proyecto
No puedo recuperar un proyecto que tenía capas Postgis y WMS.
Adjunto el log y el proyecto.
José Vicente Higón
05:45 PM gvSIG bugs #2583: Can't save a temporary layer
I've just tried with build 2258 and it seems due to file locking (see #2675).
I attach the new gvSIG.log and the mor...
Antonio Falciano
04:25 PM gvSIG bugs #3043 (Closed): Errors in execution of startup task 'Open project'
The project in attachment (saved for testing purpose) containing two temporary layers (one vector, one raster) and tw... Antonio Falciano
01:12 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 218 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed focus when value or point dialog is shown.
Lluís Marqués
01:06 PM gvSIG bugs #3042: Missing translations in Derived geometries
...and also the "Order" column. Antonio Falciano
01:06 PM gvSIG bugs #3042 (Closed): Missing translations in Derived geometries
There two buttons not translated, see the screenshot in attachment. Antonio Falciano
01:04 PM gvSIG feature requests #3041 (New): The attribute editor doesn't stop editing
If I edit a feature in the attribute editor and then close it, the layer remains in edition state, instead of stoppin... Antonio Falciano
11:05 AM gvSIG bugs #3040 (Closed): Problema con simbología al abrir tabla de atributos
Los pasos son los siguientes:
* Se modifica la simbología de la capa 1 (puntos)
* Queda abierto el cuadro de diálog...
José Vicente Higón
10:06 AM gvSIG bugs #3039 (Closed): Error al exportar a postgis varias shapefiles
Los pasos son los siguientes:
* Cargar en la vista varios shapes
* Exportar uno a uno a PostGIS e indicar que los c...
José Vicente Higón
09:08 AM gvSIG bugs #2988 (Closed): Error creating polygons using Derived geometries tool
Álvaro Anguix


06:05 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 217 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added translate support to option keys.
Ignore case of options. Lluís Marqués
06:04 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 216 (gvsig-vectorediting): Changed text of contextual menu items.
Lluís Marqués
05:12 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 215 (gvsig-vectorediting): Deleted duplicated header comment.
Lluís Marqués
05:09 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 214 (gvsig-vectorediting): Deleted from API EditingPointPanel and EditingValuePane.
Lluís Marqués
05:07 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 213 (gvsig-vectorediting): Changed references to drawingstatus objects.
Lluís Marqués
05:02 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 212 (gvsig-vectorediting): Deleted non-javadoc comments.
Lluís Marqués
04:41 PM gvSIG tools: Attribute editor Revision 25 (gvsig-attributeeditor)
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:37 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 211 (gvsig-vectorediting): Deleted unnecessary methods from drawing status interface.
Lluís Marqués
03:29 PM gvSIG data provider for WFS Revision 126: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:29 PM gvSIG data provider for WFS Revision 125: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:29 PM gvSIG data provider for WFS Revision 124: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:28 PM gvSIG data provider for WFS Revision 123: Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:14 PM gvSIG data provider for WFS Revision 122: Actualizada la version de org.gvsig.desktop a 2.0.71
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:08 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3074 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:08 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3073 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.wcs-2.2.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:08 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3072 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.wcs-2.2.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:08 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3071 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:02 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3070 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:02 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3069 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.wmts-2.2.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:02 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3068 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.wmts-2.2.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:00 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3067 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:38 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3066 (gvsig-raster): Arreglado un nombre de metodo incorrecto, registerPersistent por re...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:37 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3065 (gvsig-raster): Arreglado un nombre de metodo incorrecto, registerPersistent por re...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:32 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 210 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented spline curve.
Lluís Marqués
02:26 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3064 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:26 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3063 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.wms-2.2.5
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:26 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3062 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.wms-2.2.5
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:26 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3061 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:21 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3060 (gvsig-raster): Arreglado un nombre de metodo incorrecto, registerPersistent por re...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:34 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3059 (gvsig-raster): Deshecho el ultimo cambio
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:28 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3058 (gvsig-raster): Adaptado FlyrWMS a modificaciones en la persistencia de FLyrDefault
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:21 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3057 (gvsig-raster): Actualizada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.7
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:20 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 209 (gvsig-vectorediting): Changed console message.
Fixed bug. Now throw invalid value exception when user try to set arc mode, close polyline or finish it. Lluís Marqués
01:15 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 208 (gvsig-vectorediting): Changed text when parameter is type of value or point.
Lluís Marqués
01:12 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 207 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added new service: createSpline.
Lluís Marqués
01:02 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3056 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:02 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3055 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster-2.2.7
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:01 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3054 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster-2.2.7
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:59 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3053 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3052 (gvsig-raster): Actualizada la version de org.gvsig.desktop a 2.0.71
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:07 PM gvSIG feature requests #2829: Set "Enable cache" for WFS layer active by default
The "Enable cache" checkbox is always not active, but the main deriving issue (GML retrieved at each zoom change) is ... Antonio Falciano
10:55 AM gvSIG feature requests #2829 (Closed): Set "Enable cache" for WFS layer active by default
Álvaro Anguix
12:03 PM gvSIG bugs #3020 (Closed): Missing translations in the editing preferences
Antonio Falciano
12:01 PM gvSIG feature requests #2958 (Closed): Move all the sextante.* files in plugins\org.gvsig.geoproc...
Nice job, thanks.
Antonio Falciano
11:38 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 206 (gvsig-vectorediting): Changed i18n key
Lluís Marqués
11:38 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 205 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed null pointer exception.
Lluís Marqués
11:36 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 204 (gvsig-vectorediting): Updated main.
Lluís Marqués
10:59 AM gvSIG bugs #2931 (Closed): Error con WMS
Álvaro Anguix
10:54 AM gvSIG bugs #2991 (Closed): Error en Andami detectado con Geometrías derivadas
Álvaro Anguix
10:50 AM gvSIG bugs #3031 (Closed): Cambio en el tamaño del símbolo en el "Selector de simbología" no afec...
Álvaro Anguix
10:47 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3038 (Closed): New add-on for 2.2.4-56
Álvaro Anguix
09:38 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3038 (Fixed): New add-on for 2.2.4-56
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:24 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3038 (Closed): New add-on for 2.2.4-56
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:47 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3037 (Closed): New add-on for 2.2.4-56
Álvaro Anguix
09:38 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3037 (Fixed): New add-on for 2.2.4-56
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:23 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3037 (Closed): New add-on for 2.2.4-56
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:47 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3036 (Closed): New add-on for 2.2.4-56
Álvaro Anguix
09:38 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3036 (Fixed): New add-on for 2.2.4-56
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:22 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3036 (Closed): New add-on for 2.2.4-56
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:47 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3029 (Closed): New add-on for 1...
Álvaro Anguix
09:38 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3029 (Fixed): New add-on for 1....
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:47 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3028 (Closed): New add-on for 2.0.9-2091
Álvaro Anguix
09:38 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3028 (Fixed): New add-on for 2.0.9-2091
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:47 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3027 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess 2.2.18-2095
Álvaro Anguix
09:38 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3027 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess 2.2.18-2095
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:20 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3027: New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess 2.2.18-2095
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:47 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3026 (Closed): New addon for 2.2.5-58
Álvaro Anguix
09:38 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3026 (Fixed): New addon for 2.2.5-58
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:47 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3025 (Closed): New addon for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin 2.2.7-16
Álvaro Anguix
09:38 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3025 (Fixed): New addon for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin 2.2.7-16
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:05 AM gvSIG add-on requests #3025: New addon for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin 2.2.7-16
... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:42 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 203 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed private to polyline field.
Lluís Marqués
10:04 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 202 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added createLine(Point p1, Point p2) method to EditingProvide...
Code refactor to use new method. Lluís Marqués
09:43 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 201 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented rectangle provider.
Lluís Marqués
09:22 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 66 (gvsig-derived-geometries): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development itera...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:22 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 65 (gvsig-derived-geometries): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.derivedgeo...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:22 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 64 (gvsig-derived-geometries): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.derivedg...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:21 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 63 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:20 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 62 (gvsig-derived-geometries)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:13 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 61 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Actualizada la version de org.gvsig.desktop a 2.0.71
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:59 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 200 (gvsig-vectorediting): Changed position of action.
Lluís Marqués
08:30 AM gvSIG bugs #3033: Error al conectar WMS vía HTTPS
Para que no se me olvide...
Probablemente este relacionado con que aun hay partes de gvSIG que no usan el Doenloader...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:17 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 631 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:17 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 630 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.18
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:17 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 629 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.18
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:14 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 628 (gvsig-geoprocess): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:07 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 627 (gvsig-geoprocess): Actualizada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.7
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:50 AM Library: Revision 1194 (gvsig-tools): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:50 AM Library: Revision 1193 (gvsig-tools): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:50 AM Library: Revision 1192 (gvsig-tools): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:49 AM Library: Revision 1191 (gvsig-tools)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:57 AM Revision 41865 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:57 AM Revision 41864 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.71
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:57 AM Revision 41863 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.71
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:43 AM Revision 41862 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:22 AM gvSIG bugs #2583: Can't save a temporary layer
He estado haciendo pruebas y añadiendo trazas y ya tengo una idea de que puede estar pasando.
Cuando se edita una ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:19 AM gvSIG bugs #3035 (Closed): Symbology is applied to active layers too
Steps in order to reproduce the issue:
* for instance, load three polygon layers and activate the first one;
* doub...
Antonio Falciano
04:55 AM Revision 41861 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Añadidos mensajes al log ademas de en el texto de la excepcio...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:07 AM gvSIG bugs #3034: The "Add field" geoprocess doesn't add double fields correctly there's no way to set the length and the precision of a double field (see also #2590). Antonio Falciano
04:00 AM gvSIG bugs #3034 (New): The "Add field" geoprocess doesn't add double fields correctly
If we add a new double field (e.g. length 9, precision 3) to a vector layer with the "Add field" geoprocess, the resu... Antonio Falciano
03:53 AM gvSIG bugs #3004: Negative values in the area function results
Hi Manuel,
I can reproduce the issue. It seems to depend by the digitalization direction (clockwise or counter-clock...
Antonio Falciano
03:49 AM gvSIG bugs #2871: Error when the position of a field is changed in a table
Hi Mario,
I can reproduce this issue. Fortunately the dragging of a field is only apparent doesn't produce the alter...
Antonio Falciano

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