
From 11/09/2012 to 12/08/2012


01:51 PM gvSIG bugs #1459 (Outdated): import javadocs Scripting using W7
It is not possible to import the javdocs for the help tool in Scripting Composer.
A warning message appears: java.l...
Vicent Domenech


03:49 PM gvSIG bugs #1458 (Closed): Colocar en su sitio los menus relacionados con WMC.
las opciones de menu:
- "Vista/export/web_map_context"
- "Vista/import/web_map_context"
Deben ir en:
- File...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:14 PM gvSIG bugs #1437: El arranque de gvSIG no gestiona correctamente la variable JAVA_HOME
Adjunto con las correcciones. Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:11 PM gvSIG bugs #1457 (Closed): Pestaña WFS en Propiedades de capa (shp)
Al abrir las "Propiedades" de un shapefile aparece una pestaña sin opciones denominada WFS, que no debería aparecer. Álvaro Anguix
09:26 AM Revision 39401 (svn-gvsig-desktop)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


11:07 PM gvSIG feature requests #1456 (Invalid): Create reasonable legend on the fly in map
Create reasonable legend on the fly in map.
When the user adds a legend to the map ("mouse down-drag-mouse up" to de...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:57 PM gvSIG feature requests #1455 (Won't fix): Prevent movements in map view when editing session star...
Prevent movements in map view when editing starts/ends to make application more usable.
Proposed solutions:
- Use...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:23 PM gvSIG feature requests #1454 (Closed): GeoBD wizard should show SCHEMA.TABLE in table list
GeoBD wizard should show SCHEMA.TABLE (and sorting?)
Perhaps changing method toString of item objects is enough
Juan Lucas Domínguez


05:56 PM gvSIG bugs #1171 (New): Add postgis geoDB (EPSG 23030) to a View (EPSG 4326) and apply zoom fails
- Driver must provide table's SRS Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:56 PM gvSIG bugs #1424 (Fixed): Save a project with a WCS tiles fails
This bug is the same that the #1421. Test both at the same time
Ignacio Brodín
05:50 PM gvSIG bugs #1177 (Fixed): Can't load a WCS layer
This server don't return some layers. When that happens, the server send to the user a error message. Now the message... Ignacio Brodín
05:43 PM gvSIG bugs #1453 (Fixed): Error connecting with the WMS and WCS servers
gvsig-raster:r1360 Ignacio Brodín
05:42 PM gvSIG bugs #1453 (Closed): Error connecting with the WMS and WCS servers
When the network is disconnected the error message only shows the name of the server Ignacio Brodín
05:40 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1361 (gvsig-raster): Error connecting to the server
Ignacio Brodín
05:34 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1360 (gvsig-raster): Error connecting to the server
Ignacio Brodín
03:30 PM gvSIG bugs #992 (Fixed): Funciones truncadas en la herramienta simetría/Truncated functions in sy...
This is the same as #471 (fixed) Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:23 PM gvSIG feature requests #1431: do not force closing of editing session when renaming field
Do not copy, etc, just rename. Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:47 PM gvSIG bugs #1422 (Fixed): can not be load with...
gvsig-raster:r1359 Ignacio Brodín
01:46 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1359 (gvsig-raster): #1422 can not be...
Ignacio Brodín
01:04 PM gvSIG bugs #1446: Can't connect to WMS Service
Hello Victor.
I checked this service and it works. Please, check that the proxy server is set correctly in network...
Manuel Madrid
12:50 PM gvSIG bugs #1436 (Fixed): Se generan mal los proyectos con el asistente de creacion deplugins.
Fixed expression in script (applied patch)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:42 PM gvSIG bugs #1013 (Fixed): No se pueden insertar valores en campos nuevos/Can't insert values in n...
Yes, it's ok.
Some layers have a "default value" to prevent null values. If the field is numeric, then the default v...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:39 PM gvSIG bugs #1013 (New): No se pueden insertar valores en campos nuevos/Can't insert values in new...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:28 PM gvSIG bugs #471 (Fixed): Editing polygon. Symmetry. Stange behaviour.
Changed management of options so that pop-up menu options behave reasonably.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:41 AM gvSIG bugs #1451 (Awaiting response): connection to postgis fails - missing geodb manager
Added translations ( gvsig-desktop:r39398 ). They will be available in gvSIG 2.0.0 2061
Hello Klaus,
I have used ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:14 AM gvSIG bugs #1421 (Fixed): Save a project with a WMS tiles fails
Please, test other persistence projects to check that these have not been broken after repair thi...
Ignacio Brodín
11:10 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1358 (gvsig-raster): #1421 Save a project with a WMS tiles fails
Ignacio Brodín
10:11 AM gvSIG bugs #1452 (Fixed): Bad behavior of windows when there are minimized views
Preventing minimized windows from getting first place.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:43 AM gvSIG bugs #1452 (Closed): Bad behavior of windows when there are minimized views
Somehow minimized views are causing issues with the order of the windows which is used to get the active view. Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:09 AM gvSIG bugs #1412 (Awaiting response): Error after removing fields in a table
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:09 AM gvSIG bugs #1412: Error after removing fields in a table
This bug was also reported by Álvaro Anguix but I could not reproduce it.
It happens while drawing the geometries.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:49 AM Revision 39400 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1436 Fixed expression in script (applied patch from jjdelcerro)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:24 AM Revision 39399 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #471 Changed management of options so that pop-up menu option...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:33 AM Revision 39398 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1451 Added and improved translations
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:49 AM Revision 39397 (svn-gvsig-desktop): for 1.12 package
Francisco José Peñarrubia
04:49 AM Revision 39396 (svn-gvsig-desktop): for 1.12 package
Francisco José Peñarrubia
04:10 AM Revision 39395 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1452 Preventing minimized windows from getting first place
Juan Lucas Domínguez


02:35 PM gvSIG bugs #1451 (Closed): connection to postgis fails - missing geodb manager
All attemps to connect to postgis fail. How do the parameters need to be specified, compared to previous versions (1.... Klaus Schaefer
01:24 PM gvSIG bugs #1450 (Closed): Error al definir autopoligonos con lados cruzados
Abrir gvSIG
Crear nueva vista
Añadir capa snap_polygon.shp (
Vicent Domenech
12:39 PM gvSIG bugs #1449 (Closed): Drawing internal arcs in polylines are not curved
Open gvSIG
Create a New View
Add Layer snap_lines.shp (
Vicent Domenech
12:17 PM gvSIG feature requests #1448 (Closed): The behavior of adding simple line in a layer is like a po...
Having the edition of a layer line active, we add a new simple line, clicking the origin of this line and the end, au... Vicent Domenech
11:07 AM gvSIG bugs #1447 (Fixed): Error when dealing with null geometries
Consider null geometries before asking bounding box.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM gvSIG bugs #1447 (Closed): Error when dealing with null geometries
Method equals throws NPE when comparing geometries and one of them is NullGeometry Juan Lucas Domínguez
07:05 AM Revision 39394 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Little changes to let it compile with 1.12 release
Francisco José Peñarrubia
05:04 AM Revision 39393 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1447 Consider null geometries before asking bounding box
Juan Lucas Domínguez


10:43 PM gvSIG tools: Mapsheets Revision 75: Added batch-build target to ant file
Francisco Puga
04:36 PM Revision 39392 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Refactored the build.xml file of extNormalization to add a
batch-build target Francisco Puga
03:40 PM gvSIG bugs #1446 (Closed): Can't connect to WMS Service
Trying to connect to the following CITMA WMS Service "" gvSIG shows the follow... Víctor Centella Fuster
02:03 PM gvSIG bugs #1444 (Closed): An error message appears to add a raster
1.- Open gvSIG (RC1)
2.- Open new view (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add new layer (
María Maluenda
02:01 PM gvSIG bugs #1443 (Closed): Wrong output format in GetFeatureInfo WMS Requests
When performing a GetFeatureInfo to a WMS Service, selecting "html" as the output format for the results, the GetFeat... Víctor Centella Fuster
01:56 PM gvSIG bugs #1229: Se borra la información al renombrar columna/Information deleted when renaming ...
Closed using gvSIG build 2060 (RC1) Vicent Domenech
01:55 PM gvSIG bugs #905 (Closed): Renaming a field name corrupts the table
Closed using gvSIG build 2060 (RC1) Vicent Domenech
01:55 PM gvSIG bugs #1442 (Closed): The position of a field changes in a table after modify their name
Open gvSIG
Select table in project manager
Clic New table
Add table concejos.navarra.dbf--> http://downloads.gvsig...
Vicent Domenech
01:46 PM gvSIG bugs #1441 (Closed): Wrong Spatial Reference Parameter in GetFeatureInfo WMS 1.3.0 Requests
When performing a Info Request on a 1.3.0 WMS map the info window shows the following message:
"[InvalidSRS(CRS)] Pa...
Víctor Centella Fuster
01:36 PM gvSIG bugs #945 (Closed): Move vertex doesn't works ok.
Closed using gvSIG build 2060 (RC1) Vicent Domenech


12:24 PM gvSIG bugs #1440 (Closed): Error adding WFS layers
When adding WFS services, there is errors when you accept at the end of the assistant of loading WFS layers.
This er...
Pau Pérez


04:26 PM gvSIG bugs #1439 (Fixed): Error while editing a layer which is not SHP
Prevent exception when returned value is NULL (it means "all supported".
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:24 PM gvSIG bugs #1439 (Closed): Error while editing a layer which is not SHP
Null pointer exception while editing a layer, comes from ExploiExtension Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:26 AM Revision 39391 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1439 Prevent exception when returned value is NULL (it means...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:03 AM Revision 39390 (svn-gvsig-desktop): libGeocoding does not compile on a clean checkout
Francisco Puga
07:50 AM Revision 39389 (svn-gvsig-desktop): extNormalization does not compile on a clean rebase
Francisco Puga


01:18 PM gvSIG bugs #1437 (Closed): El arranque de gvSIG no gestiona correctamente la variable JAVA_HOME asigna la variable JAVA_HOME a piñon (línea 11). Se anula el valor de la variable JAVA_HOME.
Además deber...
Víctor Acevedo


06:41 PM gvSIG bugs #1435: El asistente de creacion de proyectos no añade el launcher para gvSIG
Parece ue bastaria con añadir el ficheero adjunto a :\eclipse-launchers\.plugins\
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:04 PM gvSIG bugs #1435 (Invalid): El asistente de creacion de proyectos no añade el launcher para gvSIG
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:06 PM gvSIG bugs #1436 (Closed): Se generan mal los proyectos con el asistente de creacion deplugins.
Cuando se genran los proyectos desde windows nos encontramos carpetas como "org22" Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:46 PM gvSIG add-on requests #1410 (Fixed): Update gvSIG educa packages
Done, and updated package lists.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:36 PM gvSIG bugs #1433 (Closed): Change size font in legend added to Map not works
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Open new view View (23030)
3.- Add layer (
María Maluenda
02:14 PM gvSIG bugs #1401 (Closed): Wrong results using select tools
closed using gvSIG build 2060 Vicent Domenech
02:10 PM gvSIG bugs #1229 (Closed): Se borra la información al renombrar columna/Information deleted when ...
Closed with gvSIG build 2060 Vicent Domenech
02:10 PM gvSIG feature requests #1431 (Closed): do not force closing of editing session when renaming field
Open gvSIG
Open concejos.navarra.dbf (
Select a...
Vicent Domenech
01:57 PM gvSIG bugs #1101 (Closed): 'Toolbox' has not got icon (red square)
Vicent Domenech


02:39 PM gvSIG bugs #1395 (Closed): Polyline tool fails when using options Terminate or End [E]
Closed in the gvSIG build 2059-beta2 María Maluenda
02:19 PM gvSIG bugs #1428 (Closed): Wrong output in buffer with 3 rings
Open gvSIG
New View
Add layer puntos_logrono.shp (
Vicent Domenech
12:42 PM gvSIG feature requests #1427 (Closed): View windows does not adapt to the project window
Open gvSIG
Create new View
Maximize the gvSIG (project) window
Maximize the View window
Minimize gvSIG (project) ...
Vicent Domenech
12:31 PM gvSIG bugs #1426 (Closed): Wrong output with dissolve geoprocess
Open gvSIG
Create new view
Add layer comunicaciones_andalucia.shp from "
Vicent Domenech
11:01 AM Revision 39388 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39387 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39386 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39385 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39384 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39383 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39382 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39381 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39380 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39379 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39378 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39377 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39376 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39375 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39374 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39373 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39372 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39371 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39370 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39369 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39368 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39367 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39366 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39365 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39364 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39363 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39362 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39361 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39360 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39359 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39358 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39357 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39356 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:01 AM Revision 39355 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39354 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39353 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39352 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39351 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39350 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39349 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39348 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39347 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39346 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39345 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39344 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39343 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39342 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39341 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39340 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:00 AM Revision 39339 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2060 (RC1)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:55 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 47 (svn-document-layout): Updated state
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:54 AM gvSIG projections Revision 73: Updated state
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:53 AM Revision 39338 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Updated build number and state associated with gvSIG BN 2060 ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:49 AM gvSIG bugs #1177 (New): Can't load a WCS layer
Now, connect to this WCS '' is not possible. Tested in the gvSIG bui... María Maluenda
10:00 AM gvSIG bugs #1397 (Closed): Locator map is drawn and persists incorrectly
Closed in the gvSIG build 2059-beta2 María Maluenda
08:51 AM gvSIG bugs #1425 (Invalid): Join / Enlace no funciona
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:59 AM Revision 39337 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Disabling initial warning
Juan Lucas Domínguez


01:50 PM gvSIG bugs #1425: Join / Enlace no funciona
Ok, si funciona, tenía un error con los datos. Este bug podéis anularlo. Álvaro Anguix
01:44 PM gvSIG bugs #1425 (Invalid): Join / Enlace no funciona
En el build 2059 no me funciona un join entre tablas. Aparentemente lo hace (se activa la herramienta "deshacer enlac... Álvaro Anguix
12:07 PM gvSIG feature requests #1423: Cancel button in filter tool.
Por curiosidad, ¿se ha probado el comportamiento en la 2.0? Cesar Ordiñana
11:06 AM gvSIG bugs #1407 (Closed): 'Group layers' works wrong
Closed in the gvSIG build 2059-beta2 María Maluenda
09:51 AM gvSIG bugs #1424 (Closed): Save a project with a WCS tiles fails
1.- Open gvSIG BN 2058
2.- Open new view (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add new layer WCS, enable use cache local tiles: http://i...
María Maluenda


12:07 AM gvSIG feature requests #1423 (Won't fix): Cancel button in filter tool.
Since doing a filter takes a long time with huge tables (more than 150.000 records) it would be interesting to have a... Manuel Madrid
07:34 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 388 (gvsig-scripting): Fixed bug in simbols functions
Víctor Acevedo
07:34 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 387 (gvsig-scripting): Added getCRS function
Víctor Acevedo
07:33 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 386 (gvsig-scripting): Modificadas las funciones openFileDialog, openFolderDialog, saveF...
Víctor Acevedo
02:22 PM gvSIG bugs #1421: Save a project with a WMS tiles fails
If the WMS tiles is added in locator and you save the project, appears the same error.
María Maluenda
01:32 PM gvSIG bugs #1421 (Closed): Save a project with a WMS tiles fails
1.- Open gvSIG BN 2058
2.- Open new view (EPSG 4326)
3.- Add new layer WMS, enable use cache local tiles: http://i...
María Maluenda
01:56 PM gvSIG bugs #1422 (Closed): can not be load wit...
1.- Open gvSIG (BN 2058)
2.- Open new view (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add layer WMS, enable or no to cache local tiles: http:...
María Maluenda
10:41 AM gvSIG bugs #1419: Persistence to enhance raster not works well
María Maluenda
10:30 AM gvSIG bugs #1419 (Closed): Persistence to enhance raster not works well
1.- Open project (raster_persistencia_2058_tiles.gvsproj)
2.- You can view the raster layers, with tiles:
María Maluenda
10:15 AM gvSIG bugs #1339 (Closed): A Warning message appears if click a register after create a link and ...
This bug runs in gvSIG build 2058 Vicent Domenech
09:21 AM gvSIG bugs #1393 (Invalid): Dissolve geoprocess should be possible with string fields
It is duplicate #1394 Vicent Domenech


02:37 PM gvSIG bugs #1342: Brightness and Contrast from Enhance tab of Properties of a raster does not per...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
02:34 PM gvSIG bugs #1369 (Closed): Does not persist the brightness and contrast if we load two rasters
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
02:29 PM gvSIG add-on requests #1415 (Fixed): Create new gvsig-app-document-layout package before 2059-beta2
Done (build 22 for gvsig 2059)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:28 PM gvSIG add-on requests #1415 (Closed): Create new gvsig-app-document-layout package before 2059-beta2
Create new gvsig-app-document-layout package before 2059-beta2
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:48 PM gvSIG bugs #1414 (Closed): Leyenda en localizador
Cuando seleccionamos la opción de "configurar localizador" y añadimos una capa, en la ventana que se abre de gestión ... Álvaro Anguix
12:45 PM gvSIG bugs #1407 (Fixed): 'Group layers' works wrong
Set map context projection in new layer group.
Test: The steps described should now work
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:52 AM gvSIG bugs #1407 (Closed): 'Group layers' works wrong
1.- Open gvSIG
2.- Add new view (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add new layer shp (
María Maluenda
11:58 AM gvSIG bugs #1412 (Closed): Error after removing fields in a table
1. Load a shape file.
2. Start editing.
3. Open its attribute table.
4. Select some fields.
5. Press the button "...
Manuel Madrid
11:21 AM gvSIG feature requests #1411 (New): Add gvSIG version in the desktop link
Because gvSIG 1.12 and 2.0 adopt the same installer (InstallJammer) and desktop links are named "gvSIG desktop" in bo... Antonio Falciano
11:20 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1410 (Closed): Update gvSIG educa packages Cesar Ordiñana
10:58 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1409 (Fixed): Create jcrs package before 2059-beta2
Done (jcrs 2049 for gvsig 2059)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:47 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1409 (Closed): Create jcrs package before 2059-beta2
Create jcrs package before 2059-beta2 Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:28 AM gvSIG feature requests #1408 (Closed): Botón derecho sobre capa: Abrir tabla
Añadir en el menú contextual que aparece al pulsar botón derecho sobre una capa del TOC, la opción de "Abrir tabla".
Álvaro Anguix
09:56 AM Revision 39336 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:56 AM Revision 39335 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39334 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39333 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39332 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39331 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39330 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39329 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39328 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39327 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39326 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39325 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39324 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39323 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39322 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39321 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39320 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39319 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39318 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39317 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39316 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39315 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39314 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39313 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39312 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39311 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39310 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39309 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39308 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39307 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39306 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39305 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39304 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39303 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39302 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39301 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39300 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:55 AM Revision 39299 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM Revision 39298 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM Revision 39297 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM Revision 39296 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM Revision 39295 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM Revision 39294 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM Revision 39293 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM Revision 39292 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM Revision 39291 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM Revision 39290 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM Revision 39289 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM Revision 39288 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:54 AM Revision 39287 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:49 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 46 (svn-document-layout): Associated with gvSIG 2.0.0 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:48 AM gvSIG projections Revision 72: Associated with gvSIG 2.0.0 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:48 AM gvSIG projections Revision 71: Associated with gvSIG 2.0.0 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:48 AM gvSIG projections Revision 70: Associated with gvSIG 2.0.0 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:46 AM gvSIG bugs #1302 (Closed): 'Group layers' in Toc has not got icon (red square)
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
09:45 AM Revision 39286 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Updated build number and state associated with gvSIG 2.0.0 bu...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:45 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 45 (svn-document-layout): Updated build number and state associated with gvSIG 2.0.0 bui...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:45 AM gvSIG projections Revision 69: Updated build number and state associated with gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2059 (beta2)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:48 AM gvSIG bugs #850: No se filtran tipos de fichero no válidos al cargar tablas
Preventing repeated strings in warning message.
Test: File types that cannot be added as t...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:44 AM Revision 39285 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1407 Set map context projection in new layer group
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:47 AM Revision 39284 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #850 Preventing repeated strings in warning message
Juan Lucas Domínguez


03:41 PM gvSIG add-on requests #1399 (Fixed): Update scripting extension pakages
Done (SNAPSHOT-36)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:24 PM gvSIG bugs #1406 (Fixed): Duplicated DynClass exception when opening persisted data
Setting method as synchronized to prevent conflicts while registering.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:20 PM gvSIG bugs #1406 (Closed): Duplicated DynClass exception when opening persisted data
Sometimes there is an error when a persisted project is opened. Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:20 PM gvSIG bugs #1405 (Closed): Missing translation during installation/ Falta traducción durante la ...
When you start installing gvSIG - build 2058 you can choose the language of the wizard (Spanish or English)...
Abenchara Socorro
01:05 PM gvSIG bugs #1397 (Fixed): Locator map is drawn and persists incorrectly
Fixed drawing and persistence of overview frame in layout.
Lines should now be pa...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:56 PM gvSIG feature requests #1404 (Invalid): Language should persist in subsequent installations
If is not the first time that installs gvSIG, should respect the language configurate in preferences from previous in... María Maluenda
10:50 AM gvSIG bugs #1395 (Fixed): Polyline tool fails when using options Terminate or End [E]
Fixed behavior of polyline tool.
The issues commented in this ticket should now work.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:47 AM gvSIG bugs #1401: Wrong results using select tools
Avoding self-reprojection (this was causing unreliable results in intersect operations).
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:46 AM gvSIG bugs #1401 (Closed): Wrong results using select tools
Select-by-rectangle does not select geometries which clearly should be selected Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:22 AM Revision 39283 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1406 Setting method as synchronized to prevent conflicts whi...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
07:04 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 44 (svn-document-layout): #1397 Fixed drawing and persistence of overview frame in layout
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:44 AM Revision 39282 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Avoding self-reprojection (this was causing unreliable result...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:02 AM Revision 39281 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Added i18n
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:02 AM Revision 39280 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1395 Fixed behavior of polyline tool
Juan Lucas Domínguez


08:20 PM gvSIG add-on requests #1399 (Closed): Update scripting extension pakages Víctor Acevedo
07:56 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 385 (gvsig-scripting)
Víctor Acevedo
07:54 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 384 (gvsig-scripting)
Víctor Acevedo
03:56 PM gvSIG bugs #850 (Fixed): No se filtran tipos de fichero no válidos al cargar tablas
Improved behavior when loading geometry data sources as table.
If the params are unable to fix themselves (using the...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
03:17 PM gvSIG bugs #1376 (Closed): WMS does not persist

I have followed those steps and I have had no problem.
Tested in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
03:06 PM gvSIG bugs #1246 (Closed): Installer wrongly says "unresolved dependency"
Abenchara Socorro
03:05 PM gvSIG bugs #1246: Installer wrongly says "unresolved dependency"

There is no problem with this when build 2058 (gvSIG-desktop-2.0.0-2058-testing-lin-x86-standard-withjre.bin) is in...
Abenchara Socorro
02:56 PM gvSIG bugs #1322 (Closed): Unable to export maps / No se pueden exportar mapas

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:54 PM gvSIG bugs #945 (Fixed): Move vertex doesn't works ok.
I cannot reproduce this error. It is probably fixed after previous bugfixes. Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:48 PM gvSIG bugs #920 (Fixed): VERTEX + NEXT fails / falla VÉRTICE + NEXT
Fixed behavior of 'go to next/previous vertex' tool.
The tool should work properly now.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:46 PM gvSIG bugs #1241 (Closed): Wrong text in menu items

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:37 PM gvSIG bugs #1395: Polyline tool fails when using options Terminate or End [E]
This has appeared in build 2058, in previous builds this didn't happen Abenchara Socorro
01:31 PM gvSIG bugs #1395 (Closed): Polyline tool fails when using options Terminate or End [E]
Open gvSIG
Open New View
Add Layer comunicaciones_andalucia.shp (
Abenchara Socorro
02:31 PM gvSIG bugs #887 (Fixed): Hiperenlace activo salta error
Prevented null pointer exception when field value is null.
Ahora se evita el mensaje de er...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:25 PM gvSIG bugs #1247 (Closed): Warning about menu item missing in the status bar

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
01:53 PM gvSIG bugs #1396 (Invalid): ne
Abenchara Socorro
01:32 PM gvSIG bugs #1396 (Invalid): ne
Abenchara Socorro
01:48 PM gvSIG bugs #1397 (Closed): Locator map is drawn and persists incorrectly
1.- Open gvSIG (BN 2058)
2.- Open a new view (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add layer -->
María Maluenda
01:47 PM gvSIG bugs #1207 (Closed): The help image in the info window of Fuse spatially geoprocess does no...
Closed using gvSIG build 2058 Vicent Domenech
01:46 PM gvSIG bugs #1200 (Closed): After cancel reproject geoprocess during the process, it creates a lay...
Closed using gvSIG build 2058 Vicent Domenech
01:44 PM gvSIG bugs #1133 (Closed): Cancel during Dissolve process doesn't work
I check it with other layer and field, to prove this bug, and it works fine in gvSIG build 2058 Vicent Domenech
01:38 PM gvSIG bugs #1219: Doesn't persist a View with WMS
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
12:34 PM gvSIG bugs #551 (Closed): Errores en el metodo setPoints de la clase Arc

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
12:25 PM gvSIG bugs #1242 (Closed): Wrong action name in menu item

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
12:20 PM gvSIG bugs #1197 (Closed): Cancel during fussy spatially process does not work

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:34 AM gvSIG bugs #1394 (Closed): Dissolve geoprocess should be possible with string fields
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add polygonal shape layer 'esp_provincias.shp (
Vicent Domenech
10:31 AM gvSIG bugs #1393 (Invalid): Dissolve geoprocess should be possible with string fields
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add polygonal shape layer 'esp_provincias.shp (
Vicent Domenech
10:21 AM gvSIG bugs #1135 (Closed): Wrong output layer name in Clip geoprocess

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
09:56 AM gvSIG bugs #1311 (Closed): Pesistence in Interval type on symbols properties
Closed with gvSIG build 2058 Vicent Domenech

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
09:54 AM Revision 39279 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #850 Improved behavior when loading geometry data sources as ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:43 AM gvSIG bugs #1063 (Closed): Remember window size after rerun gvSIG
Closed using gvSIG build 2056 Vicent Domenech
09:40 AM gvSIG bugs #1062: Remember window position after rerun gvSIG
Closed with gvSIG build 2058 Vicent Domenech
09:40 AM gvSIG bugs #1062 (Closed): Remember window position after rerun gvSIG
Closed with gvSIG build 2058 Vicent Domenech
09:37 AM gvSIG bugs #1062: Remember window position after rerun gvSIG
Closed with gvSIG build 2058 Vicent Domenech
09:21 AM gvSIG bugs #1136 (Closed): The output in clip geoprocess with point shape layer doesn't appear wh...
Closed using gvSIG build 2058 Vicent Domenech
08:47 AM Revision 39278 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #920 Fixed behavior of 'go to next/previous vertex' tool
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:28 AM Revision 39277 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #887 prevented null pointer exception when field value is null
Juan Lucas Domínguez
07:18 AM gvSIG bugs #1312: gvSIG installation error and project creation error
I am using one user with admin rights only.
Klaus Schaefer
07:17 AM gvSIG bugs #1312: gvSIG installation error and project creation error
I am using one user with admin rights only.
Klaus Schaefer
06:25 AM Revision 39276 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Declaring method as synchronized and static to prevent possib...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:01 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 43 (svn-document-layout): Fixing and trying to clarify cloning and notifications of FFra...
Juan Lucas Domínguez


04:32 PM gvSIG bugs #1321 (Fixed): different label sizes maps and print / tamaños de etiquetas distintos e...
Fixed management of dpi when printing labels.
The steps described should now work
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:46 AM gvSIG bugs #1321 (New): different label sizes maps and print / tamaños de etiquetas distintos ent...
Yes, there is a bug, I'm fixing it now. Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:43 PM gvSIG bugs #1204 (Closed): After cancel X and Y shift geoprocess during the process, it creates ...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:23 PM gvSIG bugs #1196 (Closed): After cancel dissolve geoprocess during the process, it creates a lay...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:16 PM gvSIG bugs #1391 (Closed): Fuse Spatially creates 2 layers
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer esp_comaut.shp (
Abenchara Socorro
02:12 PM gvSIG bugs #1264 (Closed): After cancel fuse spatially geoprocess during the process, it creates...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
01:55 PM gvSIG bugs #1390 (Closed): Missing translation in buffer window
Open gvSIG
Open new View
Add layer comunicaciones_andalucia.shp (
Abenchara Socorro
01:42 PM gvSIG bugs #1341: 'Remove edges' checkbox from Enhance tab of Properties of a raster doesn't persist
I tested this ticket in gvSIG 2058 and occurs. 'remove edges' does not persist. Attached project. The layer is in the... María Maluenda
01:21 PM gvSIG bugs #1193 (Closed): After cancel buffer geoprocess during the process, it creates a layer ...
Abenchara Socorro
01:13 PM gvSIG bugs #1136 (Fixed): The output in clip geoprocess with point shape layer doesn't appear whe...
This bug does not happen now. It should be resolved in the build number 2049 of Geoprocess plugin Ignacio Brodín
01:13 PM gvSIG bugs #1389 (Closed): Appears wrong message when adding raster layer in the dialog box to Ad...
1.- Open gvSIG BN 2058
2.- Add new view (EPSG 23030)
3.- Add new layer-->
María Maluenda
01:08 PM gvSIG bugs #1198 (Closed): After cancel instersection geoprocess during the process, it creates ...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
01:04 PM gvSIG bugs #1194 (New): After cancel difference geoprocess during the process, it creates a laye...

I have followed the steps above, and if I don't click on Cancel button appears a strange window flashing. I can't c...
Abenchara Socorro
12:52 PM gvSIG bugs #1202 (Closed): After cancel Union geoprocess during the process, it creates layers wi...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
12:46 PM gvSIG bugs #1199 (Closed): After cancel merge geoprocess during the process, it creates a layer w...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
12:32 PM gvSIG bugs #1101 (Fixed): 'Toolbox' has not got icon (red square)
gvsig-geoprocess:r337 Ignacio Brodín
11:48 AM gvSIG bugs #1387 (Fixed): A folder is created out of gvSIG directory
Someone removed the final separator from Launcher.appHomeDir. It was a shame :-(
Ignacio Brodín
10:27 AM gvSIG bugs #1387 (Closed): A folder is created out of gvSIG directory
When you add a color table a folder called gvSIGcolortable is created in the user home Ignacio Brodín
11:46 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1357 (gvsig-raster): #1387 A folder is created out of gvSIG directory
Ignacio Brodín
11:00 AM gvSIG bugs #1219: Doesn't persist a View with WMS
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
10:59 AM gvSIG bugs #1219: Doesn't persist a View with WMS
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
10:59 AM gvSIG bugs #1219 (Closed): Doesn't persist a View with WMS
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
10:58 AM gvSIG bugs #958: Impossible to calculate math operations in string fields in dissolve geoprocess

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:58 AM gvSIG bugs #958: Impossible to calculate math operations in string fields in dissolve geoprocess

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:58 AM gvSIG bugs #958 (Closed): Impossible to calculate math operations in string fields in dissolve ge...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:48 AM gvSIG bugs #1244 (Closed): Delete some classes in ROI (polygon, line and point) of a shape works ...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:48 AM gvSIG bugs #859 (Fixed): Exportar capa. Errores por dejar al usuario hacer cosas incorrectas.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:47 AM gvSIG bugs #859: Exportar capa. Errores por dejar al usuario hacer cosas incorrectas.
Improved error messages management.
Error messages should now be ok.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:30 AM gvSIG bugs #1126 (Closed): The result of merge geometries of a dxf layer is an empty layer

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:30 AM Revision 39275 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Using 'intersects' instead of 'contains' to decide if label m...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:25 AM gvSIG bugs #1357 (Closed): Save an existing project of persistence fails
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058. María Maluenda
10:24 AM gvSIG bugs #1386 (Fixed): WMS service don't show server messages
Now remote services throw the messages that the server send to the user. This should work in WCS and WMS. Build 24 of... Ignacio Brodín
10:18 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1356 (gvsig-raster): #1386 WMS service don't show server messages
InitializeException creating remote services. Ignacio Brodín
10:12 AM gvSIG bugs #1303 (Closed): Error in basic persistence
Closed, because I closed ticket #1327 in the gvSIG build 2058. María Maluenda
10:09 AM gvSIG bugs #1327 (Closed): Fails to save an existing project
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
09:52 AM Revision 39274 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1321 Fixed management of dpi when printing labels
Juan Lucas Domínguez
09:48 AM gvSIG bugs #1236 (Closed): Wrong management of read-only layers at editing

Appears a warning message 'This layer has no write permissions. You will be able to export edited data, but no in t...
Abenchara Socorro
09:34 AM gvSIG bugs #1361 (Under review): Raster files do not persist the path as a File object
Sorry, I need more instructions to check this bugfix. María Maluenda
08:56 AM gvSIG bugs #1312: gvSIG installation error and project creation error
I have two different users in my Windows 7 system. Both have administrator privileges. I installed gvSIG 2 wi...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:28 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 337 (gvsig-geoprocess): Sextante icon
Ignacio Brodín
04:44 AM Revision 39273 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #859 Improved error messages management
Juan Lucas Domínguez


04:58 PM gvSIG bugs #1386: WMS service don't show server messages
When a server returns a message, this message is caught by the application and it is not shown to the user.
For in...
Ignacio Brodín
04:55 PM gvSIG bugs #1386 (Closed): WMS service don't show server messages
When a server returns a message. This message is caught by the application and it is not shown to the user.
For in...
Ignacio Brodín
04:30 PM gvSIG bugs #1177 (Fixed): Can't load a WCS layer
Ignacio Brodín
04:29 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1355 (gvsig-raster): #1177 Can't load a WCS layer
Ignacio Brodín
03:08 PM gvSIG bugs #1243 (Closed): Falla Borrar clases en ROI/Delete classes fails in ROI

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
03:03 PM gvSIG bugs #1206 (Closed): The output file text in merge geoprocess window is wrong

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
03:02 PM gvSIG bugs #1209 (Closed): In Union geoprocess options, the selected geometries checkbox is not c...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
03:00 PM gvSIG bugs #1208 (Closed): In Spatial join geoprocess options, the selected geometries checkbox i...

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:57 PM gvSIG bugs #1205 (Closed): The output file text of reproject geoprocess window is wrong

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:56 PM gvSIG bugs #977 (Closed): "string translation missing" Proyeccion_Destino

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:55 PM gvSIG bugs #988 (Closed): Missing Geoprocessing in Tools of menu bar
Abenchara Socorro
02:52 PM gvSIG bugs #1237 (Closed): Warning message after apply an X and Y shift in a dgn layer

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:50 PM gvSIG bugs #825 (Closed): In the window 'Reproject' an error appears in the text of [outputs]
Abenchara Socorro
02:47 PM gvSIG bugs #1239 (Closed): Falla Zoom a la resolución del raster/Zoom to raster resolution fails

Works in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:43 PM gvSIG bugs #1217 (Closed): Applying Clip geoprocess appears an error message with line layer

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:40 PM gvSIG bugs #1216 (Closed): Applying an Intersection geoprocess appears an error message

Closed in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:31 PM gvSIG bugs #1101 (New): 'Toolbox' has not got icon (red square)
Tested in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
02:29 PM gvSIG bugs #1131 (Closed): Problems changing the ROI color
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
02:23 PM gvSIG bugs #1119 (Closed): Herramientas Deshacer/Rehacer - Undo/Redo tools

Works in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
02:14 PM gvSIG bugs #1294 (Closed): To edit the symbology of a KML layer corrupts the gvSIG project
Abenchara Socorro
02:00 PM gvSIG bugs #826 (Closed): In the window 'Merge' appears an error in the text of [outputs]
Abenchara Socorro
01:58 PM gvSIG bugs #847 (Closed): Select a 'Field' in the the dialog box to Buffer geoprocess
Works in build 2058 Abenchara Socorro
01:53 PM gvSIG bugs #956 (Closed): Difference between multigeometria/dxf layers with a elements selected

Works in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
01:46 PM gvSIG bugs #1132 (Closed): ROIs should be adjusted to the extent of the layer
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
01:38 PM gvSIG bugs #1385: General tab / Pestaña General
Occurs the same with kml layers Abenchara Socorro
01:37 PM gvSIG bugs #1385 (Closed): General tab / Pestaña General
Open gvSIG
Add Layer Comarques.gml (
Abenchara Socorro
01:36 PM gvSIG bugs #1384 (Invalid): Problems reprojecting with a grid
Falsa alarma. Tenia un problema con mis librerías. Ignacio Brodín
01:22 PM gvSIG feature requests #112 (Closed): Change the name of some flaps within the New Layer wizard
Abenchara Socorro
12:52 PM gvSIG bugs #990 (Closed): Merge tool doesn't merge point layers

Sorry, I forgot to mark as CLOSED in the previous message
Abenchara Socorro
12:52 PM gvSIG bugs #990: Merge tool doesn't merge point layers
works in build 2058 Abenchara Socorro
12:46 PM gvSIG bugs #1383 (Fixed): Save view to georeferenced raster does not work
The problem was that the view had a view in geographic coordinates. This tool did not work with a view in degrees. No... Ignacio Brodín
12:45 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1354 (gvsig-raster): #1383 Save view to georeferenced raster does not work
Ignacio Brodín
12:38 PM gvSIG bugs #418 (Closed): Raster Reprojection feature is not working
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
12:12 PM gvSIG bugs #1170 (Closed): Crs exception loading raster layer
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
12:08 PM gvSIG bugs #1061 (Closed): If a request is interrupted the view is blocked
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
12:04 PM gvSIG bugs #1238 (Closed): After apply X and Y shift geoprocess the output layer is empty and the...
Abenchara Socorro
11:53 AM gvSIG bugs #1087 (Fixed): menus con repeticiones
WMS options already appear in the right menu. I fix this bug.
Resolved in WMS add-on number 24
Ignacio Brodín
11:49 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1353 (gvsig-raster): #1087 menus con repeticiones
Ignacio Brodín
10:57 AM gvSIG bugs #1117 (Closed): In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a linear sha...

It's possible in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:56 AM gvSIG bugs #1283 (Closed): SEXTANTE plugin should not appear in geoprocess toolbox after normal g...
Closed using gvSIG build 2058 Vicent Domenech
10:56 AM gvSIG bugs #1118 (Closed): In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a point shap...

Can choose it in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
10:52 AM gvSIG bugs #1326 (Closed): Proplems in the legend with dxf, dgn, dwg
Closed using gvSIG build 2058 Vicent Domenech
10:27 AM Revision 39272 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1177 Can't load a WCS layer
Ignacio Brodín
10:02 AM gvSIG bugs #1328 (Closed): The name of saved project does not persist
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
09:58 AM gvSIG bugs #1353 (Closed): Open project with raster layers fails
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
09:52 AM gvSIG bugs #1107 (Closed): No aparece pestaña de bandas en Propiedades del raster

Solved in build 2058
Abenchara Socorro
09:43 AM gvSIG bugs #1365 (Closed): Does not persist the prefix of the first table after a Join of two tables
Closed in the gvSIG build 2058 María Maluenda
06:42 AM Revision 39271 (svn-gvsig-desktop): selecting precision in the InputField
Ignacio Brodín
06:41 AM Revision 39270 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Removing deprecated classes
Ignacio Brodín


03:57 PM gvSIG bugs #1384 (Invalid): Problems reprojecting with a grid
It is not possible select a grid in the geoprocess to reproject a vector layer Ignacio Brodín
03:43 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1352 (gvsig-raster)
Ignacio Brodín
03:42 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1351 (gvsig-raster): File size in TileProvider
Ignacio Brodín
03:36 PM gvSIG bugs #1383 (Closed): Save view to georeferenced raster does not work
Changing values in the method section, the other values should change synchronously. Ignacio Brodín


07:13 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 383 (gvsig-scripting)
Víctor Acevedo
07:13 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 382 (gvsig-scripting)
Víctor Acevedo
07:13 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 381 (gvsig-scripting)
Víctor Acevedo
07:12 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 380 (gvsig-scripting): Changed jython console
Víctor Acevedo
07:11 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 379 (gvsig-scripting): jython console icon
Víctor Acevedo
04:42 PM gvSIG bugs #905 (Fixed): Renaming a field name corrupts the table
This bug is similar to #1229 and both are fixed in BN 2058.
Test: the steps described should now work.
If field n...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:52 AM gvSIG bugs #905 (New): Renaming a field name corrupts the table
When apply steps, appears a message (Unable to rename fields:Can't finish edition) but click ok and the field name is... María Maluenda
04:18 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 378 (gvsig-scripting): Updating build number associated with gvSIG BN 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:17 PM gvSIG tools: Catalog Revision 15 (gvsig-catalog): Updating build number associated with gvSIG BN 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:51 PM gvSIG add-on requests #1380 (Closed): Generar paquetes: scripting, doc-layout, jcrs, catalog y ga...
Generar paquetes: scripting, doc-layout, jcrs, catalog y gazetteer para 2058 (testing) Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:46 PM gvSIG bugs #1379 (Closed): cursor changes from table to command bar / el cursor cambia de la tabl...
1- add a shp
2- start editing
3- show atributtes table
4- single click on field (gets yellow)
5- type
result: ...
Mario Fevre
02:28 PM gvSIG bugs #1321: different label sizes maps and print / tamaños de etiquetas distintos entre map...
I found it this way:
1- new project
2- new view
3- new layer, point
4- inser few point un the view
5- add col...
Mario Fevre
02:22 PM gvSIG bugs #123 (Closed): Info by point not shown on .TIF files. Console appears.
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
02:18 PM gvSIG bugs #403 (Closed): Error en link al redmine
Abenchara Socorro
02:08 PM gvSIG bugs #186 (New): Comprobar que el plugin de script arranca desde gvsigsh
Using gvSIG build 2057 this ticket does not work Vicent Domenech
02:06 PM gvSIG bugs #840 (New): Las herramientas de medir no funcionan con el plugin CRS: basic management...
I tested this ticket in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
01:56 PM gvSIG bugs #199 (Under review): Problems with color tables

Please Ignacio, tell me how could I test this bug.
Abenchara Socorro
01:51 PM gvSIG bugs #1106 (Under review): GUI tests in postgis raster does not work
Need instructions for check this bugfix María Maluenda
01:35 PM gvSIG bugs #178 (Closed): Split doesn't work in multigeometries
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
01:24 PM gvSIG bugs #962 (Closed): insertar_localizador "string translation missing"
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
01:07 PM gvSIG bugs #1128 (Closed): Persistence of dbf tables links not works
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
12:53 PM gvSIG bugs #785: añadir a los menus las operaciones de edicion que solo tienen atajos de teclado.

If I don't see the grid, seems that it's not working, but if I make a zoom (then I see the grid) it works but doesn...
Abenchara Socorro
12:48 PM gvSIG bugs #785 (New): añadir a los menus las operaciones de edicion que solo tienen atajos de te...
I follow the steps:
* Create a view, add a SHP file (for example, of type line or polygon), start editing
* In the ...
Abenchara Socorro
12:51 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 377 (gvsig-scripting): Updating state for BN 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:51 PM gvSIG tools: Catalog Revision 14 (gvsig-catalog): Updating state for BN 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:41 PM gvSIG bugs #1181 (Under review): NullPointerException when the layer is not valid
Need instructions for check this bugfix. I don't have any raster layer corrupt. María Maluenda
12:35 PM gvSIG bugs #1212 (Under review): Error when the layer crashes
Need more instructions to check this bugfix. María Maluenda
12:12 PM gvSIG feature requests #753: Set EPSG:4326 as default CRS for new views.
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057. By default for new users to gvSIG 2.00, 4326 as default CRS for new views. María Maluenda
12:12 PM gvSIG feature requests #753 (Closed): Set EPSG:4326 as default CRS for new views.
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057. By default for new users to gvSIG 2.00, 4326 as default CRS for new views. María Maluenda
11:54 AM gvSIG bugs #1231 (Fixed): Insert legend of WMS layer to Map fails
Fixed management of legend frame. Layer name will be shown if no legend image is available.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:12 AM gvSIG feature requests #1378: Cumulative patch for gvSIG
Excuse me, I think this is only a "new feature request". Please, change it, because I don't have the admin rights. Th... Antonio Falciano
11:10 AM gvSIG feature requests #1378 (Won't fix): Cumulative patch for gvSIG
IMHO a good idea in order to keep a gvSIG desktop installation updated could consist into adding a cumulative patch i... Antonio Falciano
11:08 AM gvSIG bugs #886 (Closed): Leyenda con GML
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
10:51 AM gvSIG bugs #249 (Closed): error exporting polygon shapefile with holes / error al exportar geomet...

Solved in build 2057
Abenchara Socorro
10:36 AM gvSIG bugs #914 (Closed): Add a line, with snapping intersection point activated fails.
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
10:28 AM gvSIG bugs #921 (Closed): Add/Draw multipoint
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
10:24 AM Revision 39269 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39268 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39267 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39266 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39265 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39264 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39263 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39262 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39261 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39260 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39259 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39258 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39257 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39256 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39255 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39254 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39253 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39252 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39251 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39250 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39249 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39248 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39247 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39246 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39245 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39244 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39243 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39242 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:24 AM Revision 39241 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39240 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39239 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39238 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39237 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39236 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39235 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39234 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39233 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39232 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39231 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39230 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39229 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39228 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39227 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39226 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39225 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39224 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39223 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39222 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39221 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:23 AM Revision 39220 (svn-gvsig-desktop): gvSIG 2.0.0 build 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:22 AM gvSIG bugs #1376: WMS does not persist
Locator does not persist too. I suppose it is the same problem with the locator (same WMS server), If does not, let m... Vicent Domenech
10:17 AM gvSIG bugs #1376 (Closed): WMS does not persist
Open gvSIG
New view
Add layer
Click on WMS tab and put the Spanish cadaster server: "
Vicent Domenech
10:18 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1350 (gvsig-raster): Layer data type
Ignacio Brodín
10:17 AM Revision 39219 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Updating build number associated with gvSIG BN 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:17 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 42 (svn-document-layout): Updating build number associated with gvSIG BN 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:17 AM gvSIG projections Revision 68: Updating build number associated with gvSIG BN 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:16 AM gvSIG bugs #924 (Closed): Apply symmetry in geometry and save the changes doesn't work
Abenchara Socorro
10:13 AM gvSIG bugs #1002: No se pueden borrar registros/Can't remove rows

Deleting rows is possible in build 2057
Abenchara Socorro
10:09 AM gvSIG bugs #1002 (Closed): No se pueden borrar registros/Can't remove rows
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
10:01 AM gvSIG bugs #1375 (Closed): PNOA WMS can not be drawn with CRS 4326
Open gvSIG
New view
Change the CRS of the view, click on properties of the view and assign 4326
Add layer
Click o...
Vicent Domenech
09:57 AM gvSIG bugs #452 (Closed): editing, array does not work / no funciona edicion, matriz

I have followed the steps in build 2057 and matrix works
Abenchara Socorro
09:56 AM gvSIG feature requests #1115 (Closed): Símbolo de imagen en polígonos
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
09:51 AM gvSIG bugs #451 (Closed): error picking spline handler / error al tomar vertices de un spline
Abenchara Socorro
06:51 AM Revision 39218 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Updating state for BN 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:51 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 41 (svn-document-layout): Updating state for BN 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:51 AM gvSIG projections Revision 67: Updating state for BN 2058 (testing)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:52 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 40 (svn-document-layout): #1231 Fixed management of legend frame. Layer name will be sho...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:14 AM Revision 39217 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Changed condition to show warning message: show if not in [fi...
Juan Lucas Domínguez


05:45 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1349 (gvsig-raster): Layer data type
Ignacio Brodín
05:43 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1348 (gvsig-raster): Layer data type
Ignacio Brodín
05:43 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1347 (gvsig-raster)
Ignacio Brodín
05:43 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1346 (gvsig-raster): Layer data type
Ignacio Brodín
05:41 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1345 (gvsig-raster): Layer data type
Ignacio Brodín
05:34 PM gvSIG bugs #1311 (Fixed): Pesistence in Interval type on symbols properties
Fixed management of intervalType field (also renamed combo component).
Test: the steps des...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:03 PM gvSIG bugs #1236 (Fixed): Wrong management of read-only layers at editing
Fixed return value in allowWrite method (DGN does not allow it yet).
Test: the behavior sh...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:43 PM gvSIG bugs #85 (Closed): spelling mistake in manual transformation dialog box
Abenchara Socorro
02:43 PM gvSIG bugs #1010 (Closed): No funciona DESHACER en tablas/UNDO in tables doesn't work
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057. You should select other row for active tools undo-redo, but works ok. María Maluenda
02:15 PM gvSIG bugs #1195 (Closed): Line and polygon symbology doesn't work for KML layers
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
01:42 PM gvSIG bugs #1013 (Under review): No se pueden insertar valores en campos nuevos/Can't insert valu...
Tested in the gvSIG build 2057, in rows that not set value, when closed the edition, applied value=0. ¿It's ok? María Maluenda
01:17 PM gvSIG bugs #1168 (Closed): Search geodata. It does not work.
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
12:55 PM gvSIG bugs #1185 (Closed): Wrong layer name in ToC for KML files
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
12:45 PM gvSIG bugs #1186 (Closed): Wrong layer name in ToC for GML files
Closed in the gvSIG 2057 María Maluenda
12:43 PM gvSIG bugs #1365 (Fixed): Does not persist the prefix of the first table after a Join of two tables
Fixed load-from-state method (persistence).
Test: the steps described should now work.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:29 PM gvSIG bugs #1215 (Closed): Filter tool doesn't work with double fields
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
12:25 PM gvSIG bugs #1322 (Fixed): Unable to export maps / No se pueden exportar mapas
This problem does not happen now because of previous bugfixes. Also, the problem with symbols #1321 is fixed.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
12:18 PM gvSIG bugs #1330 (Closed): gvSIG is closed when working with an existing project
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
12:00 PM gvSIG bugs #1220 (New): An strange window appear after accept the union geoprocess
I tested this bug in the gvSIG build 2057 and appears a strange window with stripes. I have kubuntu 10.04. María Maluenda
11:33 AM Revision 39216 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1311 Fixed management of intervalType field (also renamed co...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:04 AM gvSIG bugs #1119 (Fixed): Herramientas Deshacer/Rehacer - Undo/Redo tools
Fixed behavior of undo/redo tools and dialog, and added some icons.
Test: the steps descri...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
11:02 AM Revision 39215 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1236 Fixed return value in allowWrite method (DGN does not a...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:59 AM gvSIG bugs #1321 (Fixed): different label sizes maps and print / tamaños de etiquetas distintos e...
Fixed how view is painted in layout frame.
Hello, Mario. I have fixed a bad behav...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:55 AM gvSIG bugs #951 (Closed): Copy, paste and move a point, in Map, does not work well.
Abenchara Socorro
10:51 AM gvSIG bugs #1123 (Closed): Mouse pointer drawing ROIs
Abenchara Socorro
10:46 AM gvSIG bugs #1229: Se borra la información al renombrar columna/Information deleted when renaming ...
Process in two steps to allow going back to initial situation.
Test: the steps described s...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:40 AM gvSIG bugs #1229 (Fixed): Se borra la información al renombrar columna/Information deleted when r...
Added dialog to tell user that field name is too long.
Test: the steps described should no...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:43 AM gvSIG bugs #1269 (New): Warning message after try to change the properties of a layer (view)
In line 4 is explained two ways to reproduce the bug, the second one is still producing (which it is in between brack... Vicent Domenech
10:38 AM gvSIG bugs #1248 (Closed): Warning message after try to change the properties of a rectangle in M...
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
10:27 AM gvSIG bugs #274 (Closed): Error adding a geometry to the layer when the table is open
Abenchara Socorro
10:24 AM gvSIG bugs #1255 (Closed): Missing icons in matrix dialog (editing tool)
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
10:13 AM gvSIG bugs #1087: menus con repeticiones
There is still one menu item wrong which is in a raster plugin so I reassign this bug to Nacho Brodin. I think he onl... Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:12 AM gvSIG bugs #110 (Closed): Fields that shouldn't be enabled when defining a new layer
Abenchara Socorro
10:06 AM gvSIG bugs #1272 (Closed): Missing icons in plugins: catalog, gazetteer, wfs
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
10:03 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1368 (Fixed): New add-on for geoprocess
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:03 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1367 (Fixed): New add-on for raster
Juan Lucas Domínguez
10:01 AM gvSIG bugs #1278 (Closed): Does not possible select windows frome Window menu
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
09:46 AM gvSIG feature requests #115 (Closed): Remove "Area" and "Perimeter" buttons from the View tool bar
Abenchara Socorro
07:21 AM Revision 39214 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fixed icon usage ("feature-transform-tools" is icon group's n...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
06:42 AM Revision 39213 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1365 Fixed load-from-state method (persistence)
Juan Lucas Domínguez
05:01 AM Revision 39212 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1119 Fixed behavior of undo/redo tools and dialog, and added...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:56 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 39 (svn-document-layout): #1321 Fixed how view is painted in layout frame
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:52 AM Revision 39211 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fixed setting of map units in viewport when creating mapcontext
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:50 AM Revision 39210 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Fixed management of "inComplex" boolean
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:49 AM Revision 39209 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Changed type of Selection command. I think INSERT/DELETE type...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:47 AM Library: Revision 721 (gvsig-tools): Improved how compound command returns its type
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:44 AM Revision 39208 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1229 Process in two steps to allow going back to initial sit...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
04:35 AM Revision 39207 (svn-gvsig-desktop): #1229 Added dialog to tell user that field name is too long
Juan Lucas Domínguez


09:20 PM gvSIG scripting Revision 376 (gvsig-scripting)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


10:01 PM gvSIG bugs #1373 (Closed): Error assigning a lot of CRS on a gvSIG view
Error assigning a lot of CRS on a gvSIG view:
1) UTM (EPSG:32601, EPSG:32602 etc)
2) Gauss-Kruger (EPSG:28467, EPSG...
Alexander Karandeev
09:46 PM gvSIG feature requests #1372 (Closed): Press and hold the middle mouse button (scroll wheel) to...
Press and hold the middle mouse button (scroll wheel) to activate the Pan Tool (_Move_the_map in View) Alexander Karandeev
09:15 PM gvSIG feature requests #1371 (Closed): Support for CRS EPSG:3857, EPSG:3785, EPSG:900913
Support for CRS EPSG:3857, EPSG:3785, EPSG:900913
This CSR is requirement for the many public WMS.
Alexander Karandeev
02:42 PM gvSIG bugs #1369 (Closed): Does not persist the brightness and contrast if we load two rasters
open gvSIG
New View
Add layer button
Add button on Add layer window
Select the raster ev5826_land_ocean_ice_light...
Vicent Domenech
02:33 PM gvSIG bugs #1229 (New): Se borra la información al renombrar columna/Information deleted when ren...
Si renombras un campo de tipo string (Iniciar Edición de la tabla, seleccionar campo toponimia_e y clic en el botón r... María Maluenda
02:18 PM gvSIG bugs #1283 (Fixed): SEXTANTE plugin should not appear in geoprocess toolbox after normal gv...
Ignacio Brodín
02:16 PM gvSIG add-on requests #1368 (Closed): New add-on for geoprocess Ignacio Brodín
02:16 PM gvSIG add-on requests #1367 (Closed): New add-on for raster Ignacio Brodín
02:13 PM gvSIG feature requests #1095 (Closed): Tablas de color no se aplica
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
02:00 PM gvSIG bugs #141 (Closed): Cancel button in properties dialog box doesn't work
Abenchara Socorro
02:00 PM gvSIG feature requests #1114 (Closed): Tabla: no se puede modificar su estructura
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057, in the gvSIG build 2052, has not started the editing table. María Maluenda
01:57 PM gvSIG bugs #124 (Closed): Tables. Clear selection icon appears twice.
Abenchara Socorro
01:47 PM gvSIG bugs #1227 (Closed): Problema al añadir un vértice/
Abenchara Socorro
01:45 PM gvSIG bugs #248 (Closed): insert island button disabled / boton para crear islas inactivo
Abenchara Socorro
01:44 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1344 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 10
Ignacio Brodín
01:44 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1343 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 17
Ignacio Brodín
01:44 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1342 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 22
Ignacio Brodín
01:44 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1341 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 51
Ignacio Brodín
01:44 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1340 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 23
Ignacio Brodín
01:44 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1339 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 23
Ignacio Brodín
01:44 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1338 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 23
Ignacio Brodín
01:44 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1337 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 14
Ignacio Brodín
01:44 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1336 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 29
Ignacio Brodín
01:44 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1335 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 18
Ignacio Brodín
01:44 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1334 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 29
Ignacio Brodín
01:44 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1333 (gvsig-raster): Tag build 29
Ignacio Brodín
01:44 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1332 (gvsig-raster): new build number
Ignacio Brodín
01:41 PM gvSIG bugs #264 (Closed): Error creating an annotation layer
Abenchara Socorro
01:32 PM gvSIG bugs #926 (Closed): Draw Polyline as arc fails / falla Dibujar una polilínea como arco
Abenchara Socorro
01:27 PM gvSIG bugs #1121 (Closed): ROIs cannot be exported to shape
Abenchara Socorro
01:15 PM gvSIG bugs #1119 (New): Herramientas Deshacer/Rehacer - Undo/Redo tools
Tested in gvSIG build 2057. If I go to menu Edit/Undo (to undo all steps) instead of using the tool from the bar menu... María Maluenda
12:59 PM gvSIG raster Revision 1331 (gvsig-raster)
Ignacio Brodín
12:54 PM gvSIG bugs #1327 (Fixed): Fails to save an existing project
Test in the build 29 of raster. Maybe It is not run fine but I cannot test it in my workspace. The bug is related wit... Ignacio Brodín
12:48 PM gvSIG bugs #1220 (Won't fix): An strange window appear after accept the union geoprocess
No puedo replicarlo. No me aparece ninguna extraña ventana. Podría probarlo otro tester en otro equipo? Ignacio Brodín
12:42 PM gvSIG bugs #1240 (Closed): Wrong position of menu items (Mapa)
Abenchara Socorro
12:39 PM gvSIG feature requests #1120 (Closed): Etiquetado: opción por defecto en Color y Altura de texto
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
12:37 PM gvSIG bugs #1169 (Closed): Finding by gazeteer. It does not work.
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057. Tested with server (protocol WFS-G) María Maluenda
12:15 PM gvSIG bugs #1171 (Closed): Add postgis geoDB (EPSG 23030) to a View (EPSG 4326) and apply zoom fails
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
11:48 AM gvSIG bugs #1118 (Fixed): In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a point shape...
Ignacio Brodín
11:46 AM gvSIG bugs #1117 (Fixed): In spatial join tool we can not choose as input coverages a linear shap...
Ignacio Brodín
11:41 AM gvSIG bugs #1239 (Fixed): Falla Zoom a la resolución del raster/Zoom to raster resolution fails
Ignacio Brodín
10:40 AM gvSIG bugs #1239 (New): Falla Zoom a la resolución del raster/Zoom to raster resolution fails
Abenchara Socorro
11:37 AM gvSIG bugs #1243 (Fixed): Falla Borrar clases en ROI/Delete classes fails in ROI
Ignacio Brodín
11:08 AM gvSIG bugs #1217: Applying Clip geoprocess appears an error message with line layer
Test it in build 2049 of SEXTANTE add-on (this add-on is not in the add-on list, sorry) Ignacio Brodín
11:05 AM gvSIG bugs #1187 (Closed): On the fly reprojection doesn't work with GML layers
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
Abenchara Socorro
10:57 AM gvSIG bugs #1188 (Closed): On the fly reprojection doesn't work with KML layers
Closed in the gvSIG build 2057 María Maluenda
10:55 AM gvSIG bugs #1357 (Fixed): Save an existing project of persistence fails
Además se soluciona un problema que es que al abrir un proyecto WCS en el toc las propiedades del raster aparecen de... Ignacio Brodín
09:32 AM gvSIG bugs #1357 (New): Save an existing project of persistence fails
María Maluenda
09:11 AM gvSIG bugs #1357: Save an existing project of persistence fails
Yes, I attached another project. WCS layer is off,no change and return to save the project,should appears an error. I... María Maluenda
10:55 AM gvSIG raster Revision 1330 (gvsig-raster): #1357 Save an existing project of persistence fails
Ignacio Brodín
10:08 AM gvSIG bugs #1254 (Closed): Missing icons in unsaved data dialog when closing project
Abenchara Socorro
09:57 AM gvSIG bugs #1273 (Closed): Add_layer 'string translation missing'
Abenchara Socorro
09:46 AM gvSIG bugs #1303 (Fixed): Error in basic persistence
I think that this bug is the same that the #1327 but it does not contain enough information Ignacio Brodín

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