
From 12/02/2017 to 12/31/2017


02:22 PM gvSIG add-on requests #4781 (Fixed): New translations.all-1.0.0-312
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:41 PM gvSIG bugs #4755 (Fixed): Catalog: "Open in filesystem explorer" freezes gvSIG
I changed the desktop.brwoser to, but I'm not sure it's the right thing to do.
In Linux it gives an err...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:14 AM gvSIG feature requests #4776 (Fixed): Preparar el inyector de datos temporales a una capa
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:13 AM gvSIG add-on requests #4759 (Fixed): New addons for gvSIG-desktop-2.4.0-quickinfo-1.0.0-2-testing...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


11:13 AM gvSIG add-on requests #4781 (Closed): New translations.all-1.0.0-312 Mario Carrera


01:10 PM gvSIG bugs #4751 (Fixed): Fallo al cargar WMS en gvSIG en Ubuntu 17.10
gvsig-gdal:r329 Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:47 AM gvSIG bugs #4780 (Closed): Error when loading 3D View
Some users at the mailing list have reported an error when loading 3D Views in gvSIG 2.4. The background and/or spher... Mario Carrera
09:10 AM gvSIG feature requests #4778 (Fixed): Mejora de rendimiento en la herramienta de "Selección por c...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


11:44 AM gvSIG feature requests #4779 (Closed): Mejorar cerrado de polígono en edición (con doble click)
Hay un problema, que aparece recurrentemente en las listas con el cerrado de geometrías, ya que al hacer doble click ... Cesar Martinez Izquierdo


10:04 AM gvSIG feature requests #4778 (New): Mejora de rendimiento en la herramienta de "Selección por capa"
La herramienta de "Selección por capa" tarda mucho en mostrar resultados, incluso llegando a bloquear gvSIG según el ... Mario Carrera
10:01 AM gvSIG bugs #4777 (Outdated): No funciona spatiallite en Mac
Faltan los binarios de mod_spatialite para Mac Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:59 AM gvSIG feature requests #4776 (Closed): Preparar el inyector de datos temporales a una capa
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:57 AM gvSIG bugs #4752 (Fixed): Proveedor de Oracle no va instalado por defecto (y debería)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


10:04 AM gvSIG bugs #4775 (Outdated): Visualization error at the windows / Error de visualización de las v...
In gvSIG 2.4 I've got an error 3 or 4 times at the window visualization. I watched a mix of windows and an error was ... Mario Carrera


09:13 AM gvSIG bugs #4774 (Fixed): No se visualiza wkt de la geometría en la tabla
El problema acababa siendo el mismo que #4769, no se descargaba la cache de la tabla al pedir que se mostrase una col... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:10 AM gvSIG bugs #4774 (Closed): No se visualiza wkt de la geometría en la tabla
No aparece la representación en texto(wkt) si activamos el campo geometría en la tabla.
- Shape con geomet...
Óscar Martínez


12:30 PM gvSIG bugs #4769 (Fixed): Problems editing attribute tables
Recientemente se añadio una cache de paginas de features para gestiona la tabla. No se estaban descargando las pagina... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:20 AM gvSIG bugs #4773 (Outdated): Spatial index creation
Clicking on _Layer > Create spatial index_ menu option nothing happens. For instance, in the case of JTS Quadtree, it... Antonio Falciano


02:39 PM gvSIG bugs #4764 (Fixed): Categorias se añaden pero no se borran desde el Empaquetador de Scripts
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:11 PM gvSIG bugs #4760 (Fixed): Error en el panel de Añadir capa al no seleccionar ninguna
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:58 PM gvSIG feature requests #4765 (Fixed): Binarios de Spatialite para Linux/Win 64 y 32bits
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:58 PM gvSIG bugs #4578 (Fixed): SpatiaLite: No native library is found for and os.arch=...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:57 PM gvSIG bugs #4749 (Fixed): The locator is broken
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:56 PM gvSIG bugs #4742 (Fixed): No arranca la aplicacion en windows
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:54 PM gvSIG bugs #4770 (Fixed): Errors in execution of startup task 'CheckOsAndArquitectre'.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:52 PM gvSIG bugs #4754 (Fixed): The "User folder" node in Catalog v. 1.0.0-11 is not working in Windows
r43684 Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


10:08 AM gvSIG feature requests #4761: Scripting preferences
A quick and dirty workaround in order to have the Scripting plugin ready to use at startup consists in an ... Antonio Falciano


11:21 PM gvSIG bugs #4772 (Closed): No abre con la apariencia CDE/Motif
Supongo que bastaría con eliminarla. Probado con Windows 10.
INFO 11477 AWT-EventQueue-0 org.gvsig.andami.ui.mdiFr...
Óscar Martínez
08:51 PM gvSIG bugs #4771 (New): GetFeature request on each zoom or identify
A GetFeature request is made each time the user zooms or identifies some features. This behaviour is highly inefficie... Antonio Falciano
05:00 PM gvSIG bugs #4760: Error en el panel de Añadir capa al no seleccionar ninguna
Ocurre lo mismo si tenemos ya capas en la lista, y las eliminamos todas. Óscar Martínez
04:55 PM gvSIG bugs #4770 (Closed): Errors in execution of startup task 'CheckOsAndArquitectre'.
Aparece en el arranque de gvSIG por la consola. Ejecutando en Windows 10 - 64 bits.:

WARN 14125 AWT-EventQueue-0 ...
Óscar Martínez
02:07 PM gvSIG bugs #4769 (Closed): Problems editing attribute tables
There are several errors editing attribute tables in vector layers (adding fields, modifying values...)
Mario Carrera
01:38 PM gvSIG add-on requests #4768 (Closed): New addons for gvSIG-desktop-2.3.1-RossmosFormula-1.0.0-3-t...
Óscar Martínez
01:06 PM gvSIG add-on requests #4768 (Closed): New addons for gvSIG-desktop-2.3.1-RossmosFormula-1.0.0-3-t...
Óscar Martínez
01:07 PM gvSIG add-on requests #4762 (Closed): New addons for gvSIG-desktop-2.3.1-RossmosFormula-1.0.0-2-t...
Óscar Martínez


06:44 PM gvSIG bugs #4767 (Invalid): 3D Animations are not persistent
After further test, I've discovered that the animation is saved in the project, but a bit hidden because to reload it... Antonio Falciano
01:05 PM gvSIG bugs #4767 (Invalid): 3D Animations are not persistent
3D animations are a very useful tool, but they can't be saved or reloaded at the moment (see #4766). Furthermore, if ... Antonio Falciano
01:01 PM gvSIG feature requests #4766 (Outdated): 3D animations can't be saved or reloaded
The 3D animations can't be saved or reloaded at the moment by using the GUI. There aren't Save and Load controls in t... Antonio Falciano


08:48 PM gvSIG feature requests #4765 (Closed): Binarios de Spatialite para Linux/Win 64 y 32bits
Hola Joaquín,
Con los últimos cambios, los binarios (mod_spatialite) que se están usando para el proveedor de Spat...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
03:52 PM gvSIG bugs #4764 (Closed): Categorias se añaden pero no se borran desde el Empaquetador de Scripts
Para replicarlo:
- Abrimos el empaquetador de Scripts
- Empaquetamos por ejemplo el addon de Catalog o cualquiera q...
Óscar Martínez
01:15 PM gvSIG bugs #4763 (Closed): Scripting Composer: Can't move script to a folder
I can't move a script to a folder by using _Script > Move_ menu option in the Scripting Composer:... Antonio Falciano
12:16 PM gvSIG add-on requests #4762 (Closed): New addons for gvSIG-desktop-2.3.1-RossmosFormula-1.0.0-2-t...
Óscar Martínez
11:19 AM gvSIG feature requests #4761 (New): Scripting preferences
A great enhancement from the Scripting user perspective would be to have the Scripting preferences, just like in the ... Antonio Falciano
10:33 AM gvSIG bugs #4760 (Closed): Error en el panel de Añadir capa al no seleccionar ninguna
Para reproducirlo:
- Vista abierta
- Menu de Añadir capa
- Botón de Añadir
- Cancelamos (osea sin seleccionar nin...
Óscar Martínez
09:59 AM gvSIG add-on requests #4759 (Closed): New addons for gvSIG-desktop-2.4.0-quickinfo-1.0.0-2-testin... Óscar Martínez


12:56 PM gvSIG bugs #4749: The locator is broken
You're right, Joaquin. The layer is added to locator, but the zoom to layer is not applied. I've just verified with t... Antonio Falciano
10:56 AM gvSIG bugs #4758: Grainy visualization of MapServer WMS
These are the WMS settings I use:
* Format: image/png (with transparency)
* SRS: CRS84
* Info: text/html
View C...
Antonio Falciano
10:53 AM gvSIG bugs #4758 (Outdated): Grainy visualization of MapServer WMS
Steps in order to reproduce the issue (found in gvSIG 2.3.1 and 2.4.0 build 2843):
* open "Add layer", WMS tab;
* c...
Antonio Falciano


03:41 PM gvSIG add-on requests #4757 (Fixed): New addons for gvSIG-desktop-2.4.0-quickinfo-1.0.0-1-testing...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:26 PM gvSIG add-on requests #4757 (Closed): New addons for gvSIG-desktop-2.4.0-quickinfo-1.0.0-1-testin... Óscar Martínez


09:05 PM gvSIG bugs #4756: Catalog: Can't add OGR datasource to the view
More in detail, if a geojson file (or a SpatiaLite layer) is added to the view and then added as bookmark to the Cata... Antonio Falciano
07:16 PM gvSIG bugs #4756 (New): Catalog: Can't add OGR datasource to the view
It's not possible to add OGR datasources (e.g. geoJSON, SpatiaLite, ...) to the view from the Catalog at the moment.
Antonio Falciano
07:09 PM gvSIG bugs #4754: The "User folder" node in Catalog v. 1.0.0-11 is not working in Windows
Patching the HomeFolder class in in this way:... Antonio Falciano
12:38 PM gvSIG bugs #4754 (Closed): The "User folder" node in Catalog v. 1.0.0-11 is not working in Windows
The "User folder" node in Catalog v. 1.0.0-11 is not working in Windows. See #4748#note-2.
Related to #4748.
Antonio Falciano
07:00 PM gvSIG bugs #4755 (Closed): Catalog: "Open in filesystem explorer" freezes gvSIG
The "Open in filesystem explorer" menu option (Catalog v. 1.0.0-11) freezes gvSIG in Windows. Killing the application... Antonio Falciano
12:29 PM gvSIG bugs #4748 (Closed): Can't execute autorun from Catalog v. 1.0.0-10
Because the autorun is executed this time, I close this ticket.
The issue about user folder in Windows affects only ...
Antonio Falciano
11:50 AM gvSIG bugs #4748 (New): Can't execute autorun from Catalog v. 1.0.0-10
Both... Antonio Falciano
10:07 AM gvSIG feature requests #4723 (Closed): Ampliar la funcionalidad del script del Catalogo.
Álvaro Anguix
10:06 AM gvSIG bugs #4725 (Closed): error at select by theme / error al seleccionar por capa
Álvaro Anguix
10:05 AM gvSIG bugs #4729 (Closed): Orden de herramientas de selección
Álvaro Anguix
10:04 AM gvSIG bugs #4730 (Closed): Priorizar nuevo zoom sobre otra acción
Álvaro Anguix
10:02 AM gvSIG bugs #4753 (Closed): Error al añadir un campo a una tabla de atributos
Pongo en edición una capa, intento añadir un campo y no lo hace+salta error.
Estoy en un Ubuntu 17.10 con la extensi...
Álvaro Anguix
09:58 AM gvSIG feature requests #4744 (Closed): Geometry type by default when creating a new layer
Álvaro Anguix
09:56 AM gvSIG bugs #4752 (Closed): Proveedor de Oracle no va instalado por defecto (y debería)
Álvaro Anguix
09:56 AM gvSIG feature requests #4454 (Closed): Desarrollar el proveedor de oracle
Álvaro Anguix
09:55 AM gvSIG add-on requests #4747 (Closed): New translations.all-1.0.0-311
Álvaro Anguix
07:43 AM gvSIG bugs #4751: Fallo al cargar WMS en gvSIG en Ubuntu 17.10
En los dos últimos builds (2842 y 2843) además de borrar ese archivo tengo que eliminar la extensión de scripting par... Álvaro Anguix

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