
From 10/01/2014 to 10/30/2014


12:59 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 123 (gvsig-vectorediting): Corregido el grupo al registrar el icono.
Lluís Marqués
12:24 PM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 122 (gvsig-vectorediting): Creado proyecto a modo de ejemplo que implementa la herramien...
Lluís Marqués
11:48 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 121 (gvsig-vectorediting): First commit
Francisco Díaz Carsí
11:47 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 120 (gvsig-vectorediting): Initial import.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
11:45 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 119 (gvsig-vectorediting): Add tags, trunk and branches folders.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
11:41 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 118 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added org.gvsig.vectorediting.symmetry folder
Francisco Díaz Carsí
11:40 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 117 (gvsig-vectorediting): Eliminados los iconos del main plugin.
Cambiado el nombre del paquete org.gvsig.vectorediting.mainplugin.extensions a org.gvsig.vectorediting.mainplugin
Lluís Marqués
11:34 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 116 (gvsig-vectorediting): Eliminada la inclusión del jar symmetry.
Lluís Marqués
11:31 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 115 (gvsig-vectorediting): Añadido scope a las dependencias.
Eliminada dependencia con symmetry ya que estaŕa en otro proyecto. Lluís Marqués
11:29 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 114 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implementación del método de utilidad usado por los proveedor...
Eliminadas dependencias con los proveedores.
Eliminado el registro de los proveedores. Ahora cada proveedor se regist...
Lluís Marqués
11:27 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 113 (gvsig-vectorediting): Eliminado el modulo symmetry para crear un proyecto de ejempl...
Lluís Marqués
11:25 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 112 (gvsig-vectorediting): Añadida una clase library en cada proveedor.
El library registra el proveedor en EditingProviderManager, registra los iconos del proveedor y las claves de las tra... Lluís Marqués
11:20 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 111 (gvsig-vectorediting): Añadido método de utilidad usado por los proveedores para reg...
Lluís Marqués
11:16 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 110 (gvsig-vectorediting): Source formatting.
Añadidos los botones de circunferencia y polígono. Lluís Marqués
11:15 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 109 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implementado DefaultMapCreationListener.
Añadido al api el método registerEditingContext que se llama a traves del listener implementado.
Corregido error en e...
Lluís Marqués
10:44 AM gvSIG bugs #2901 (Closed): SEXTANTE models are not loaded
In build 2093, a new folder under the plugin one is created now. It contains the ... Antonio Falciano
05:13 AM gvSIG bugs #2901: SEXTANTE models are not loaded
Hi Francisco,
the last fix doesn't work fine in my case. The behaviour is always the same.
The previous models and ...
Antonio Falciano
10:31 AM gvSIG bugs #2953 (Closed): Problema de persistencia
Imposible cargar un proyecto que se acaba de guardar. Ver el log para detalles José Vicente Higón
09:47 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2952 (Fixed): New Add-on for
Instalado y disponible en la instalacion por url. Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:23 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2952 (Closed): New Add-on for
Lluís Marqués
09:19 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 39 (gvsig-derived-geometries): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development itera...
Lluís Marqués
09:19 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 38 (gvsig-derived-geometries): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.derivedgeo...
Lluís Marqués
09:19 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 37 (gvsig-derived-geometries): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.derivedg...
Lluís Marqués
09:18 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 36 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Increment build numbers
Lluís Marqués
09:02 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 35 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Increment build numbers
Lluís Marqués
08:57 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 34 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Cambiado el orden. Ahora se refresca el mapcontext y lueg...
Lluís Marqués
08:48 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 33 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Corregido error al sobreescribir un archivo existente. Ah...
Lluís Marqués
08:47 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 32 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Eliminado parametro del constructor para indicar si crear...
Lluís Marqués
07:28 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 31 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Cambiado el texto de los botones por Generar y Finalizar.
Lluís Marqués
07:16 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 30 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Añadidos nuevos campos a los parámetros para indicar si e...
Con estos nuevos campos podemos ejecutar el proceso infinitas veces sobre una misma capa fuente sin que el proceso añ... Lluís Marqués
04:56 AM gvSIG bugs #2944: Duplicated classes after the update of an addon
Hi Joaquín,
I've just installed gvSIG out of the "Program Files (x86)" folder and updated the three Geoprocesses add...
Antonio Falciano


06:35 PM gvSIG bugs #2944: Duplicated classes after the update of an addon
Ya creo que se que esta pasando.
Lo comento en el ticket para no tener que volvero a pensar cuando lo aborde.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:20 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2950 (Fixed): New addon for
Instalado en el repositorio y disponible desde la instalacion por url en el repositorio de testing. Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:59 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2950 (Closed): New addon for Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:19 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2949 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess 2.2.15-2093
Instalados en el repositorio y disponibles desde la instalacion por url en el repositorio de testing. Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:41 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2949 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess 2.2.15-2093
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:25 PM gvSIG bugs #2931: Error con WMS
El servidor está enviando un error a propósito si la conexión usa un User-Agent que contenga la palabra "Java".
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
01:31 PM gvSIG bugs #2583: Can't save a temporary layer
The Geoprocesses work quite fine now, but this tedious issue makes very difficult to edit vector layers generated by ... Antonio Falciano
11:28 AM gvSIG bugs #2951 (Outdated): Error connecting WFS server
When we load this WFS server the layer is loaded at the TOC but any element is loaded:
Mario Carrera
10:58 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 317 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
10:58 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 316 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
10:58 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 315 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
10:57 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2948 (Won't fix): New addon for
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:22 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2948 (Won't fix): New addon for Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
10:56 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 314 (svn-document-layout): Increment build numbers
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
10:55 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 313 (svn-document-layout): Make the window wider
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
10:07 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 615 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:07 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 614 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.15
Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:07 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 613 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.15
Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:04 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 612 (gvsig-geoprocess): Increment build numbers
Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:00 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 611 (gvsig-geoprocess): Actualizada la dependencia de toolbox en el pom de geoprocess a ...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:50 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 122: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:50 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 121: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.12
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:50 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 120: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.12
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:20 AM gvSIG bugs #2901 (Fixed): SEXTANTE models are not loaded
Se ha arreglado la inicialización del interfaz gráfico de Toolbox para que se carguen los modelos de usuario.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:14 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 610 (gvsig-geoprocess): refs #2901
- Arreglada la inicialización de la interfaz de usuario de Sextante para que se carguen los modelos de usuario.
- Mod...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:14 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 119: refs #2901
- Arreglada la inicialización de la interfaz de usuario de Sextante para que se carguen los modelos de usuario.
- Mod...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:21 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 312 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:21 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 311 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:21 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 310 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:19 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 309 (svn-document-layout): Increment build numbers
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:18 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 308 (svn-document-layout): Ensure that the persisted scale is correctly recovered when o...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:39 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 29 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Cambiada implementación de explorador de archivos. Ahora ...
Corregidos errores al comprobar si hay que sobreescribir el archivo. Lluís Marqués
05:28 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 28 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Eliminado uso de TrivialLayerOrderManager. Implementado D...
Lluís Marqués
05:27 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 27 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Descomentarizado el modulo main del padre.
Lluís Marqués
05:26 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 26 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Eliminadas las versiones en algunas dependencias.
Actualizado la version del parent. Lluís Marqués
05:25 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 25 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Cambiada la información del paquete.
Lluís Marqués
05:24 AM gvSIG bugs #2947: Problema al reproyectar shapefile
Hi Tracy,
I can't reproduce your error without the data and the 7 parameters.
The transformation between EPSG:24720...
Antonio Falciano
05:12 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 108 (gvsig-vectorediting): Eliminado mensaje de traza.
Lluís Marqués
05:09 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 24 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Corregido error al generar polígonos a partir de lineas y...
Lluís Marqués


04:17 PM gvSIG bugs #2947 (Won't fix): Problema al reproyectar shapefile
En la herramienta de geoprocesos (gvSIG geoprocesos -> capas vectoriales -> reproyección), al tratar de reproyectar u... Tracy Mendez
10:43 AM gvSIG bugs #2572 (Fixed): mvn install del proyecto org.gvsig.geoprocess no instala tres librerías
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:38 AM gvSIG bugs #2851 (Closed): RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE vector...
Just tested the fix in the new addon and it works fine. Thank you! Antonio Falciano
09:11 AM gvSIG bugs #2851 (Fixed): RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE vector ...
Algunos algoritmos como el de "unión" introducían ellos mismos los nombres de las columnas en la capa res...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:33 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2945: New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess 2.2.14-2092
Same issue reported in #2944. Antonio Falciano
10:26 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2945 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess 2.2.14-2092
Instalado y ya disponible en el administrador de complementos desde la instalacion por url. Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:53 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2945 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess 2.2.14-2092
Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:26 AM gvSIG feature requests #2829: Set "Enable cache" for WFS layer active by default
I tried with the following little correction:... Antonio Falciano
10:17 AM gvSIG bugs #2819: Black area around raster files
Related to #2946. Antonio Falciano
10:17 AM gvSIG feature requests #2946 (Invalid): Set NoData values transparent by default
Setting NoData values transparent by default in the General tab of Raster properties would avoid issue like #2819 bot... Antonio Falciano
10:09 AM gvSIG bugs #2832: Missing translations in Raster properties, General tab
Tested and it works fine. Antonio Falciano
08:04 AM gvSIG bugs #2832: Missing translations in Raster properties, General tab
*Has patch:* Yes
Not tested, but it should work.
Antonio Falciano
08:47 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 609 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:47 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 608 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.14
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:47 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 607 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.14
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:44 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 606 (gvsig-geoprocess): Increment build numbers
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:40 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 605 (gvsig-geoprocess): Actualizada la dependencia de toolbox en el pom de geoprocess
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:28 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 118: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:28 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 117: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.11
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:28 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 116: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.11
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:20 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 115: refs #2851 Creado el método checkAttrName en la clase ShapesTools para poder ser ut...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
07:28 AM gvSIG bugs #2744: Record column is too narrow in the table documents
Hi Joaquín,
thanks for your useful suggestions. As temporary workaround in order to increase the limit of viewable r...
Antonio Falciano
05:13 AM gvSIG bugs #2744: Record column is too narrow in the table documents

Hola Antonio,
en linux funciona correctamente. Ahora mismo no tengo un entorno de desarrollo en Windows y no he c...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:56 AM gvSIG bugs #2744: Record column is too narrow in the table documents
*Priority:* High
The record column width is fixed (i.e. not resizeable), so the record number becomes not visible ...
Antonio Falciano
06:25 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 107 (gvsig-vectorediting): Corregidos errores en los links del SCM del pom padre.
Actualizada la version del parent.
Añadido el manejo de dependencia sobre el proyecto mainplugin.
Lluís Marqués
06:18 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 106 (gvsig-vectorediting): Elimiando el uso de TrivialLayerOrdenManager en el main. Impl...
Añadidas las dependencias que faltaban al main.
Reorganizadas las dependencias en el pom del main.
Lluís Marqués
05:27 AM gvSIG bugs #2944: Duplicated classes after the update of an addon
Hi Joaquín,
the issue persists. In detail, I've followed these steps:
* I've installed a fresh gvSIG 2.1 build 2254...
Antonio Falciano
04:58 AM gvSIG bugs #2944: Duplicated classes after the update of an addon

Hola Antonio,
he intentado reproducirlo y no me ha pasado.
He hecho:
* Instalar un gvSIG 2254 en una carpeta...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:32 AM gvSIG bugs #2944 (New): Duplicated classes after the update of an addon
After the update of the three geoprocesses addons, gvSIG is not restarted in Windows. Then, if I execute gvSIG as adm... Antonio Falciano
04:41 AM gvSIG bugs #2800: Geoprocesos ignoran la selección
I can confirm that it works fine now (thanks Francisco and Cesar), but the update of the Geoprocesses addons is not v... Antonio Falciano
04:32 AM gvSIG bugs #2938 (Fixed): No deja instalar complementos
He añadido a la tarea de jenkins "addons-admin" las acciones:
* repo:mkmirror
* repo:rmmirror
* repo:to-main-rep...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


05:22 PM gvSIG bugs #2800 (Closed): Geoprocesos ignoran la selección
Lo he probado en el 2254, instalando el nuevo paquete de geoprocesos y funciona bien.
Lo paso a closed.
Álvaro Anguix
12:56 PM gvSIG bugs #2800 (Fixed): Geoprocesos ignoran la selección
Se ha arreglado de la forma en que dices Cesar. No ha sido necesario chequear si el usuario a marcado "usar la selecc... Francisco Díaz Carsí
11:11 AM gvSIG bugs #2800 (In progress): Geoprocesos ignoran la selección
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:34 PM gvSIG bugs #2920 (Fixed): Complemento "Native preferences" aparece por duplicado
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:25 PM gvSIG bugs #2920: Complemento "Native preferences" aparece por duplicado
Bueno, pues realmente no esta duplicado.
El problema es que en la columna donde aparece el icono de Arquitectura+Sis...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:33 PM Revision 41804 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Añadidos iconos para arquitectura 'all' dependediente del sis...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:51 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2943 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess 2.2.13-2091
Instalado en el repositorio y recreados los indices para que este disponible desde la instalacion por url. Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:50 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2943 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess 2.2.13-2091
Francisco Díaz Carsí
02:48 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2941 (Fixed): New Add-on for
Instalado en el repositorio y recreados los indices para que este disponible desde la instalacion por url.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:27 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2941 (Closed): New Add-on for
Francisco Díaz Carsí
01:45 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2939 (Closed): New addon for
Álvaro Anguix
12:17 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2939 (Fixed): New addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:51 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2939 (New): New addon for
A mi me aparece como instalada la versión anterior (2069) en lugar de esta.
Adjunto captura de imagen.
Álvaro Anguix
01:45 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2937 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Álvaro Anguix
12:17 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2937 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:53 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2937 (New): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Me aparece una versión anterior (2087)
Adjunto captura
Álvaro Anguix
01:43 PM gvSIG bugs #2901: SEXTANTE models are not loaded
Further info: if I close and restart gvSIG, only the model I did 15 minutes ago appears in the toolbox. Antonio Falciano
01:22 PM gvSIG bugs #2901 (New): SEXTANTE models are not loaded
The issue still persists in build 2254 at least in part. In fact, if I open the toolbox, no models are available. If ... Antonio Falciano
05:07 AM gvSIG bugs #2901 (Fixed): SEXTANTE models are not loaded
Hi Antonio, the bug is fixed but we don't test in build 2254. I change to fixed. Álvaro Anguix
04:31 AM gvSIG bugs #2901 (New): SEXTANTE models are not loaded
Same issue of RC2 in build 2254. It seems that the org.gvsig.geoprocess add-on build version is 2087 (the same of RC2... Antonio Falciano
01:24 PM gvSIG bugs #2924 (Closed): Modeler file filter translations are missing
Antonio Falciano
05:06 AM gvSIG bugs #2924 (Fixed): Modeler file filter translations are missing
Hi Antonio, the bug is fixed but we don't test in build 2254. I change to fixed. Álvaro Anguix
04:29 AM gvSIG bugs #2924 (New): Modeler file filter translations are missing
Same issue of RC2 in build 2254. It seems that the org.gvsig.geoprocess add-on build version is 2087 (the same of RC2... Antonio Falciano
01:23 PM gvSIG bugs #2913 (Closed): SEXTANTE "Union" returns the difference between the two layers.
It works like a charm in build 2254, thanks! Antonio Falciano
05:06 AM gvSIG bugs #2913 (Fixed): SEXTANTE "Union" returns the difference between the two layers.
Hi Antonio, the bug is fixed but we don't test in build 2254. I change to fixed. Álvaro Anguix
04:30 AM gvSIG bugs #2913 (New): SEXTANTE "Union" returns the difference between the two layers.
Same issue of RC2 in build 2254. It seems that the org.gvsig.geoprocess add-on build version is 2087 (the same of RC2... Antonio Falciano
01:13 PM gvSIG bugs #2900 (Closed): Geoprocesses help doesn't work
Antonio Falciano
05:07 AM gvSIG bugs #2900 (Fixed): Geoprocesses help doesn't work
Hi Antonio, the bug is fixed but we don't test in build 2254. I change to fixed. Álvaro Anguix
04:31 AM gvSIG bugs #2900 (New): Geoprocesses help doesn't work
Same issue of RC2 in build 2254. It seems that the org.gvsig.geoprocess add-on build version is 2087 (the same of RC2... Antonio Falciano
01:11 PM gvSIG bugs #2851 (New): RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE vector ge...
The Union (example 1) works fine now, while the example 2 not yet. It returns always: "java.lang.RuntimeException: Na... Antonio Falciano
05:07 AM gvSIG bugs #2851 (Fixed): RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE vector ...
Hi Antonio, the bug is fixed but we don't test in build 2254. I change to fixed. Álvaro Anguix
04:31 AM gvSIG bugs #2851 (New): RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE vector ge...
Same issue of RC2 in build 2254. It seems that the org.gvsig.geoprocess add-on build version is 2087 (the same of RC2... Antonio Falciano
01:04 PM gvSIG bugs #2849 (Closed): Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses don't work fine due to the GEOMETRY field
Hi Francisco, thank you for the fix. It seems to work fine in the most cases. Only "Add field" gives me soma problem.... Antonio Falciano
05:07 AM gvSIG bugs #2849 (Fixed): Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses don't work fine due to the GEOMETRY field
Hi Antonio, the bug is fixed but we don't test in build 2254. I change to fixed. Álvaro Anguix
04:32 AM gvSIG bugs #2849 (New): Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses don't work fine due to the GEOMETRY field
Same issue of RC2 in build 2254. It seems that the org.gvsig.geoprocess add-on build version is 2087 (the same of RC2... Antonio Falciano
12:56 PM gvSIG bugs #2582 (Closed): SEXTANTE Merge geoprocess returns always an empty layer
The output layer is correctly generated now (thank you very much), however its attribute table contains an ID field w... Antonio Falciano
05:03 AM gvSIG bugs #2582 (Fixed): SEXTANTE Merge geoprocess returns always an empty layer
Hi Antonio, the bug is fixed but we don't test in build 2254. I change to fixed. Álvaro Anguix
04:32 AM gvSIG bugs #2582 (New): SEXTANTE Merge geoprocess returns always an empty layer
Same issue of RC2 in build 2254. It seems that the org.gvsig.geoprocess add-on build version is 2087 (the same of RC2... Antonio Falciano
12:46 PM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 604 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
12:46 PM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 603 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.13
Francisco Díaz Carsí
12:46 PM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 602 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.13
Francisco Díaz Carsí
12:44 PM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 601 (gvsig-geoprocess): Increment build numbers
Francisco Díaz Carsí
12:40 PM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 600 (gvsig-geoprocess): Actualizada la dependencia de toolbox en el pom de geoprocess
Francisco Díaz Carsí
12:32 PM gvSIG bugs #2917: Error initializing the graphics layer
Hi Joaquín,
no problem! So I download the regenerated version, install it and let you know if works fine.
Antonio Falciano
12:28 PM gvSIG bugs #2917: Error initializing the graphics layer
Antonio Falciano wrote:
> Hi Alvaro, you're right. The issue is disappeared in build 2254, so we can close the ticke...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:51 AM gvSIG bugs #2917 (Closed): Error initializing the graphics layer
Hi Alvaro, you're right. The issue is disappeared in build 2254, so we can close the ticket.
The other issue of Geop...
Antonio Falciano
05:11 AM gvSIG bugs #2917 (Fixed): Error initializing the graphics layer
In 2254 it's ok. Álvaro Anguix
12:30 PM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 114: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
12:30 PM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 113: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.10
Francisco Díaz Carsí
12:30 PM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 112: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.10
Francisco Díaz Carsí
12:25 PM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 599 (gvsig-geoprocess): refs #2800 Arreglado para que los geoprocesos tengan en cuenta l...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
12:20 PM gvSIG bugs #2925: Geoproceso cortar no funciona con capas de puntos
I can reproduce the issue with gvSIG Clip in build 2254. It seems due to a java.lang.RuntimeException: UnsupportedGeo... Antonio Falciano
12:09 PM gvSIG bugs #2453 (Closed): Error en el geoalgoritmo "diferencia" en SEXTANTE
The SEXTANTE Difference works fine in the latest builds (2254 at the time of writing), so I close the ticket.
If the...
Antonio Falciano
11:16 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 111: Extracción a una variable local "fullExtent" para evitar 4 llamadas consecutivas a ...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:50 AM gvSIG bugs #2942 (Closed): Problemas de borrado de filas en las tablas al editar los campos
Estando en modo edición en una capa seleccionamos una una fila, en campo en una fila de una tab...
Ricardo Rueda Ochando
09:21 AM gvSIG bugs #2940 (Closed): keyboard is not working in gvSIG
I've accessed to the Add-ons Manager, and I've filtered the plugins by keyboard. It worked the first time. Next times... Mario Carrera
09:19 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 23 (gvsig-derived-geometries): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development itera...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:19 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 22 (gvsig-derived-geometries): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.derivedgeo...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:19 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 21 (gvsig-derived-geometries): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.derivedg...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:18 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 20 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Increment build numbers
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:13 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 19 (gvsig-derived-geometries)
Lluís Marqués
09:02 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 18 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Increment build numbers
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:33 AM gvSIG bugs #2725: Not translatable buttons in Transparency by pixel (Raster properties)
*Has patch:* Yes Antonio Falciano
04:58 AM gvSIG bugs #2910 (Closed): Botón cancelar no funciona al crear nuevo layout
Álvaro Anguix
04:58 AM gvSIG bugs #2909 (Closed): Ventana de propiedades del grid con recuadros pequeños
Álvaro Anguix
04:57 AM gvSIG bugs #2933 (Closed): org.gvsig.projection.jcrs no compila con Java 1.6
Lo paso a closed, pero si César puede certificarlo...mejor. Álvaro Anguix
04:56 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2911 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Me aparece una versión anterior (2087), aunque hay una posterior (2090) que es la que debería aparecer. Paso a closed. Álvaro Anguix
04:55 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2932 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Me aparece una versión anterior (2087), aunque he visto que hay una versión posterior de geoprocess, la 2090, por lo ... Álvaro Anguix
04:54 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2934 (Closed): New addon for
Álvaro Anguix
04:53 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2935 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.mapsheets
Álvaro Anguix
04:48 AM gvSIG bugs #2857 (Closed): Error con Postgis y etiquetado
Lo paso a closed, pero si Chevy puede realizar las pruebas para certificar que ya no le pasa, mejor. Álvaro Anguix
04:35 AM gvSIG bugs #2888 (Closed): Pan tool is missing in the layout navigation toolbar
Antonio Falciano
04:34 AM gvSIG feature requests #2886 (Closed): Units of measure of margins in "Prepare page" window
Antonio Falciano
04:32 AM gvSIG bugs #2525 (Closed): Chart renderer types menu is very close on Windows
Antonio Falciano
03:20 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 17 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Deleted dependency versions.
Changed pom parent version. Lluís Marqués


07:51 PM Revision 41803 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:51 PM Revision 41802 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.67
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:51 PM Revision 41801 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.67
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:37 PM Revision 41800 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:24 PM Revision 41799 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Corregido formateo del pom.xml
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:11 PM Revision 41798 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Update installer
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:00 PM Revision 41797 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:00 PM Revision 41796 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.66
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:00 PM Revision 41795 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.66
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:46 PM Revision 41794 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:25 PM Revision 41793 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Update version to 3.0.43
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:19 PM Revision 41792 (svn-gvsig-desktop)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:17 PM Revision 41791 (svn-gvsig-desktop): marcada como deprecated IncrementableProcess
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:10 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2939 (Fixed): New addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:10 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2939 (Closed): New addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:04 PM gvSIG projections Revision 299: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:04 PM gvSIG projections Revision 298: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.projection.jcrs-2.1.10
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:04 PM gvSIG projections Revision 297: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.projection.jcrs-2.1.10
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:02 PM gvSIG projections Revision 296: Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:58 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2937 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:58 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2935 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.mapsheets
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:58 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2934 (Fixed): New addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:58 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2932 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:58 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2911 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:53 PM gvSIG bugs #2933 (Fixed): org.gvsig.projection.jcrs no compila con Java 1.6
Se me pasaria esto en algun momento.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:51 PM gvSIG projections Revision 295: Correccion para mantener compatibilidad con java 1.6, refs #2933
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


06:24 PM gvSIG bugs #2930 (Fixed): When a scale is fixed in a layout, the zoom doesn't work at the view
Applied in changeset gvsig-app-document-layout:svn-document-layout|r301. Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
09:10 AM gvSIG bugs #2921 (Invalid): No deja instalar complemento "Map Sheets"
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:10 AM gvSIG bugs #2919 (Invalid): No deja instalar el complemento "Portable View"
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:10 AM gvSIG bugs #2918 (Invalid): No deja instalar bibliotecas de símbolos
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:08 AM gvSIG bugs #2938 (Closed): No deja instalar complementos
Cuando es una version final o rc, falla al instalar los complementos desde
la url si se selecciona como repositorio ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:01 AM gvSIG bugs #2901 (Fixed): SEXTANTE models are not loaded
Habia un problema en el classloader de los plugins.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:03 AM gvSIG bugs #2857 (Fixed): Error con Postgis y etiquetado
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:02 AM Revision 41790 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #2857 Añadido el dispose a los iteradores en el pintado ...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
07:50 AM Revision 41789 (svn-gvsig-desktop): refs #2857 Añadido el dispose al iterador en el pintado del G...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:31 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2937 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:27 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 598 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:27 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 597 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.12
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:27 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 596 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.12
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:24 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 595 (gvsig-geoprocess): Increment build numbers
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:20 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 594 (gvsig-geoprocess): Arreglada la dependencia de toolbox en el pom de geoprocess
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:12 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 110: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:12 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 109: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.9
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:12 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 108: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.9
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:08 AM gvSIG bugs #2936 (Invalid): Changes in a dxf file are not saved when editing
I've edited a dxf file (dxf2000), and when it's saved the new elements are not saved.
I attach the log file.
Mario Carrera
06:01 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 16 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Fixed group icon of derived geometries icon.
Lluís Marqués
06:00 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 15 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Added start method to interface.
Lluís Marqués
05:51 AM gvSIG bugs #2900: Geoprocesses help doesn't work
Hi Francisco,
thank you very much! Maybe the same approach could be followed in order to point to gvSIG geoprocesses...
Antonio Falciano
05:44 AM gvSIG bugs #2900 (Fixed): Geoprocesses help doesn't work
No ha sido necesario necesario mover el jar de sitio, solo construir correctamente el path a los archivos de ayuda. Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:49 AM gvSIG bugs #2900 (In progress): Geoprocesses help doesn't work
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:46 AM Revision 41788 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Corregido un error en el classloader de los plugins que hacia...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:38 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 107: refs #2900 Arreglada la construcción de la ruta a la ayuda de los geoprocesos.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:56 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 14 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Deleted preProcess method.
Moved cancellation checks to correct site. Lluís Marqués
04:54 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 13 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Javadoc.
Lluís Marqués
02:44 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 12 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Fixed error when user or process adds new layer to view.
Lluís Marqués
02:42 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 11 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Changed dialog when there are errors in process.
Lluís Marqués


11:30 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 10 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Created derived geometries exceptions.
Logging. Lluís Marqués
10:16 AM gvSIG bugs #2800: Geoprocesos ignoran la selección
Hi Antonio,
Sorry I've been taken a look at the current implementation, with the help of Francisco Díaz, and the f...
Cesar Ordiñana
05:58 AM gvSIG bugs #2800: Geoprocesos ignoran la selección
Hi Cesar,
first of all thank you very much for your useful suggestions. Consider that I'm not a Java professional an...
Antonio Falciano
10:04 AM gvSIG bugs #2924 (Fixed): Modeler file filter translations are missing
Añadidas claves y sus correspondientes traducciones al castellano e inglés Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:03 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 106: refs #2924 Añadidas dos claves de traducción para los filtros de archivo del modeli...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:16 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2935 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.mapsheets Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
08:10 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 9 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Added confirm dialog when user selects a file that already...
Added 18n keys. Lluís Marqués
08:06 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2934 (Closed): New addon for Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
07:59 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 307 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
07:59 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 306 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
07:59 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 305 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
07:58 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 304 (svn-document-layout): Increment build numbers
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
07:56 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 303 (svn-document-layout): Restore some old methods as deprecated for backwards-compatib...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
07:55 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 302 (svn-document-layout): Load the sync extent checkbox as disabled when scale or exten...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
07:41 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 8 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Fixed error bad start index of iterates.
Lluís Marqués
06:49 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 7 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Added translate keys.
Lluís Marqués
06:48 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 6 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Fixed error when user deletes a row of selected features t...
Fixed error when there are features with more than one geometry or without geometry. Lluís Marqués
06:26 AM gvSIG bugs #2933 (Closed): org.gvsig.projection.jcrs no compila con Java 1.6
El proyecto JCRS (org.gvsig.projection.jcrs) no compila con Java 1.6.
Al parecer, el error está causado porque en Ja...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:05 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 301 (svn-document-layout): Deselect sync extent when he checkbox is disabled. Fixes #2930
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:54 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 5 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Fixed error that always warn user when adds geometries.
Fixed move down action. Lluís Marqués
05:24 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 4 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Fixed isVisible of extension.
Fixed key of tooltip and label.
Set position of extension.
Lluís Marqués
04:32 AM gvSIG bugs #2849 (Fixed): Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses don't work fine due to the GEOMETRY field
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:32 AM gvSIG bugs #2851 (Fixed): RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE vector ...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:31 AM gvSIG bugs #2913 (Fixed): SEXTANTE "Union" returns the difference between the two layers.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:31 AM gvSIG bugs #2582 (Fixed): SEXTANTE Merge geoprocess returns always an empty layer
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:11 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2932 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:57 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 3 (gvsig-derived-geometries): First update project.
Lluís Marqués
03:42 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 593 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:42 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 592 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.11
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:42 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 591 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.11
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:41 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 2 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Initial import.
Lluís Marqués
03:40 AM gvSIG tools: Derived geometries Revision 1 (gvsig-derived-geometries): Created tags,trunk,branches structure
Lluís Marqués
03:39 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 590 (gvsig-geoprocess): Increment build numbers
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:36 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 589 (gvsig-geoprocess): Arreglada la dependencia de toolbox en el pom de geoprocess
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:31 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 105: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:31 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 104: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.8
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:31 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 103: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.8
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:26 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 102: refs #2913 Arreglado el UnionAlgorithm
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:26 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 101: refs #2852 Arreglado el MergeAlgorithm
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:25 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 588 (gvsig-geoprocess): refs #2851 Sobreescritos los métodos necesarios para que los geo...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:24 AM gvSIG bugs #2894 (Closed): No carga capas a MrSID en windows
Álvaro Anguix
03:21 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 587 (gvsig-geoprocess): refs #2851 arreglado el chequeo de los nombres de los atributos ...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:18 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 100: refs #2851 añadidos los métodos necesarios para inicializar los valores por defecto...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:11 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 99: refs #2849 Adjusted the default value management in VectorAddFieldAlgorithm
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:10 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 98: refs #2849 Fixed an i18n string in IntersectionAlgorithm.
Francisco Díaz Carsí


11:44 AM gvSIG bugs #2851 (In progress): RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE v...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
11:26 AM gvSIG bugs #2585: Filter tab in WFS is missing
The Filter tab in the WFS wizard is still missing in gvSIG 2.1 RC2, so it's very difficult to load only a subset of f... Antonio Falciano
06:46 AM Library: Revision 1176 (gvsig-tools): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:46 AM Library: Revision 1175 (gvsig-tools): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:46 AM Library: Revision 1174 (gvsig-tools): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:44 AM Library: Revision 1173 (gvsig-tools): Añadido soporte para presentacion de los dialogos standard de java (...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:36 AM Library: Revision 1172 (gvsig-tools)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:35 AM Library: Revision 1171 (gvsig-tools): Fix readonly support in JDynFormSet.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:43 AM gvSIG bugs #2913 (In progress): SEXTANTE "Union" returns the difference between the two layers.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:43 AM gvSIG bugs #2582 (In progress): SEXTANTE Merge geoprocess returns always an empty layer
Francisco Díaz Carsí
02:32 AM gvSIG bugs #2800: Geoprocesos ignoran la selección
I'm not very used to the sextante APIs, but just in case, my proposal would be to implement a IVectorLayerFilter base... Cesar Ordiñana


01:58 PM gvSIG bugs #2800: Geoprocesos ignoran la selección
FYI I've tried with this in and tested with SEXTANTE Buffer:... Antonio Falciano
11:19 AM gvSIG bugs #2800: Geoprocesos ignoran la selección
This issue doesn't depend by the GEOMETRY field, but the evolution of "bindings". Simply the SEXTANTE SelectionFilter... Antonio Falciano
09:52 AM gvSIG bugs #2931 (Closed): Error con WMS
El WMS del servicio cartográfico de Polonia no lo carga:
Álvaro Anguix
07:28 AM gvSIG bugs #2930 (Closed): When a scale is fixed in a layout, the zoom doesn't work at the view
If we fix the scale in a layout, when we open the view the zoom doesn't work, it keep the same scale. Mario Carrera
07:07 AM gvSIG bugs #2927: Título de ventana Selección de atributos como variable y no traducido
__Selection_by_attributes_ can be translated in the properties file(s) under the i18n/translations.all subfolder. Antonio Falciano
03:37 AM gvSIG bugs #2927 (Closed): Título de ventana Selección de atributos como variable y no traducido
Aparece como variable. Adjunto captura. Álvaro Anguix
07:03 AM gvSIG bugs #2926: Ayuda contextual sin cadenas traducibles
Hi Alvaro,
__Select_by_attributes_ and __Disable_move_up_selection_ are translatable in the properties file (see for...
Antonio Falciano
03:36 AM gvSIG bugs #2926 (Invalid): Ayuda contextual sin cadenas traducibles
Varios botones muestran la ayuda contextual en ingles y con formato de variable:
_Show Scripting launcher
_Select b...
Álvaro Anguix
04:53 AM gvSIG bugs #2929: SLD legend from gvSIG 1.x is not imported on gvSIG 2.1 correctly
The previous legend was by unique values.
If the legend is by intervals we get an error saying that it can be loa...
Mario Carrera
04:44 AM gvSIG bugs #2929 (Outdated): SLD legend from gvSIG 1.x is not imported on gvSIG 2.1 correctly
If we save a legend in sld format in gvSIG 1.11 and then we load it on the same layer in gvSIG 2.1 it's not loaded co... Mario Carrera
03:39 AM gvSIG bugs #2928 (Closed): Texto Exportar capa no traducido
Pone Exportto en lugar de Exportar a. Adjunto captura. Álvaro Anguix


12:18 PM gvSIG bugs #2925 (Closed): Geoproceso cortar no funciona con capas de puntos
Si cortamos una capa de puntos con una de polígonos, el proceso no funciona bien y no da una capa con resultados, sin... Álvaro Anguix
11:55 AM gvSIG bugs #2921: No deja instalar complemento "Map Sheets"
Seleccionando el repositorio de testing sí deja instalar este complemento. Álvaro Anguix
11:55 AM gvSIG bugs #2919: No deja instalar el complemento "Portable View"
Seleccionando el repositorio de testing sí deja instalar este complemento. Álvaro Anguix
11:55 AM gvSIG bugs #2918: No deja instalar bibliotecas de símbolos
Seleccionando el repositorio de testing sí deja instalar este complemento. Álvaro Anguix
05:03 AM gvSIG bugs #2924 (Closed): Modeler file filter translations are missing
I attach a patch that adds the missing i18n strings. Antonio Falciano
04:24 AM gvSIG bugs #2923 (Invalid): Calculadora de campos muy lenta
Si ponemos una capa de pocos registros en edición, añadimos una columna, seleccionamos un conjunto de registros de la... Álvaro Anguix
02:37 AM gvSIG bugs #2851 (New): RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE vector ge...
Hi Alvaro,
if we skip the GEOMETRY field in SEXTANTE geoprocesses (see #2849), then the example 1 will works fine, i...
Antonio Falciano


07:28 PM gvSIG bugs #2922 (Closed): Comportamiento de capas agrupadas en el TOC
Reportado por Piotr Pachól en la lista de usuarios:
tengo 3 grupos, cada contiene algunas capas. El primero
Álvaro Anguix
07:23 PM gvSIG bugs #2921 (Invalid): No deja instalar complemento "Map Sheets"
Da error al intentar instalarlo. Álvaro Anguix
07:20 PM gvSIG bugs #2920 (Closed): Complemento "Native preferences" aparece por duplicado
Adjunto captura, pero aparece 2 veces el mismo. Álvaro Anguix
07:18 PM gvSIG bugs #2919 (Invalid): No deja instalar el complemento "Portable View"
Al intentar instalarlo desde el administrador de complementos da error. Álvaro Anguix
07:11 PM gvSIG bugs #2918 (Invalid): No deja instalar bibliotecas de símbolos
Reportado por Ricardo Castro en lista de usuarios:
Estimados: Acabo de descargar gvSIG 2.1 RC2 cuando pretendo ins...
Álvaro Anguix
06:34 PM gvSIG bugs #2851 (Closed): RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE vector...
Álvaro Anguix
06:29 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2908 (Closed): new addon for
Álvaro Anguix
06:29 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2902 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Álvaro Anguix
06:29 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2899 (Closed): New addon for org.gvsig.jvmpreferences.native.mainplugin-1...
Álvaro Anguix
03:05 PM gvSIG bugs #2913: SEXTANTE "Union" returns the difference between the two layers.
SEXTANTE "Union" returns "only" the *intersection* between the two layers. Update the title, please.
The differences...
Antonio Falciano
02:59 PM gvSIG bugs #2849 (New): Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses don't work fine due to the GEOMETRY field
*Has patch:* Yes
Finally I'm very near to the solution. The SEXTANTE and gvSIG geoprocesses follow two different a...
Antonio Falciano


08:43 AM gvSIG feature requests #2886 (Fixed): Units of measure of margins in "Prepare page" window
Applied in changeset gvsig-app-document-layout:svn-document-layout|r299. Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
07:52 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 300 (svn-document-layout): Depend on the 2.1.0 verion of gvsig mainplugin
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
07:49 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 299 (svn-document-layout): Include units in margin (fixes #2886). Rework UI and layout.
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
07:41 AM gvSIG bugs #2901: SEXTANTE models are not loaded
Moving org.gvsig.toolbox.algorithm.jar in the mainplugin\lib dir (see #2900#note-2) solves the issue, but the "Load m... Antonio Falciano


02:30 PM gvSIG bugs #2900: Geoprocesses help doesn't work
The issue is due to new packaging organization of geoprocesses introduced in the latest two builds (see also #2572). ... Antonio Falciano
01:50 PM gvSIG bugs #2909 (Fixed): Ventana de propiedades del grid con recuadros pequeños
Applied in changeset gvsig-app-document-layout:svn-document-layout|r298. Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:20 AM gvSIG bugs #2909 (Closed): Ventana de propiedades del grid con recuadros pequeños
Al abrir las propiedades del grid hay recuadros de datos minúsculos.
Si amplio mínimamente la ventana ya se ven bien...
Álvaro Anguix
01:50 PM gvSIG bugs #2910 (Fixed): Botón cancelar no funciona al crear nuevo layout
Applied in changeset gvsig-app-document-layout:svn-document-layout|r297. Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
01:09 PM gvSIG bugs #2910: Botón cancelar no funciona al crear nuevo layout
Lo voy a modificar para que borre el nuevo documento si se presiona Cancelar. Tienes razón en que es más coherente co... Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:04 AM gvSIG bugs #2910: Botón cancelar no funciona al crear nuevo layout
La verdad es que confuso es. Y tampoco se me ocurre una solución sencilla, igual hasta lo mejor es quitar el botón de... Álvaro Anguix
05:57 AM gvSIG bugs #2910: Botón cancelar no funciona al crear nuevo layout
El Layout se crea en el momento que se le da a crear nuevo documento Layout. El diálogo que se abre a continuación es... Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:25 AM gvSIG bugs #2910 (Closed): Botón cancelar no funciona al crear nuevo layout
Si le damos a nuevo layout y luego a cancelar en la ventana de configuración nos crea igualmente el layout, pero con ... Álvaro Anguix
01:50 PM gvSIG bugs #2888 (Fixed): Pan tool is missing in the layout navigation toolbar
Applied in changeset gvsig-app-document-layout:svn-document-layout|r296. Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:34 AM gvSIG bugs #2888: Pan tool is missing in the layout navigation toolbar
Thanks for the report. The tool has been lost in the last build(s), I will check what is happening. Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
01:12 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 298 (svn-document-layout): Reworked layout of GridProperties window. Fixes #2909
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
01:11 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 297 (svn-document-layout): Remove the new Layout document if the initial config dialog i...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
01:10 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 296 (svn-document-layout): Restore pan tool for layout document. Fixes #2888
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
11:50 AM gvSIG bugs #2917 (Closed): Error initializing the graphics layer
If I use the "Create random vector layer" geoprocess, an "Error initializing the graphics layer" occurs:... Antonio Falciano
11:34 AM gvSIG bugs #2914: PRoblema de instalación en windows 7
Related to #2830. Antonio Falciano
10:27 AM gvSIG bugs #2914: PRoblema de instalación en windows 7
Sorry for the intrusion... The issue relative to build 2252 (RC2) is disappeared after restarting the machine.
Then ...
Antonio Falciano
08:57 AM gvSIG bugs #2914: PRoblema de instalación en windows 7
Ya sé que ha pasado ...
La instalación la hemos realizado con un usuario que tiene privilegios para instalar softwar...
José Vicente Higón
08:48 AM gvSIG bugs #2914: PRoblema de instalación en windows 7
Instead, the build 2252 on Windows 7 doesn't execute at all! :( No gvSIG.log created.
It seems a problem with the JV...
Antonio Falciano
08:38 AM gvSIG bugs #2914: PRoblema de instalación en windows 7
I've installed build 2251 on Windows 7 64 bits without problems.
Which installer do you have used?
Antonio Falciano
08:36 AM gvSIG bugs #2914: PRoblema de instalación en windows 7
Álvaro Anguix wrote:
> Voy a revisar porque yo lo he instalado en win7 y no me ha dado ningún problema.
> Creo que ...
José Vicente Higón
08:33 AM gvSIG bugs #2914: PRoblema de instalación en windows 7
Voy a revisar porque yo lo he instalado en win7 y no me ha dado ningún problema.
Creo que lo que te pasa es que tend...
Álvaro Anguix
08:29 AM gvSIG bugs #2914 (Outdated): PRoblema de instalación en windows 7
No funciona el build 2251 en windows 7 (64 bits). Al instalar la aplicación aparece el siguiente mensaje:
José Vicente Higón
11:33 AM gvSIG bugs #2830: Error in initialization due to the old EPSG Registry
It happens also with build 2252 (RC2). It's the same issue reported by José Vicente Higón in #2914.
So it affects al...
Antonio Falciano
11:07 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3043 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:07 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3042 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.lizardtech-2.2.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:07 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3041 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.lizardtech-...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:06 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3040 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:05 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3039 (gvsig-raster): arraglado un problema en el install.xml de windows
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:12 AM gvSIG bugs #2916 (Closed): gvSIG RC2 setup
Dear all,
I have installed gvSIG RC2 and It has occurred as follow:
1 - after setup completed, some icons appears a...
Giuliano Ramat
08:44 AM gvSIG bugs #2915 (Closed): Arreglar entrada sources-url de los
Mario Carrera
08:35 AM gvSIG bugs #2817: Error al desinstalar gvSIG 2.1
Same issue on Windows in the latest builds.
I hope that it will be solved in the final release, because this details...
Antonio Falciano
08:16 AM Revision 41787 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Change state to testing
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:22 AM Revision 41786 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:22 AM Revision 41785 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.65
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:22 AM Revision 41784 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.65
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:07 AM Revision 41783 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:42 AM gvSIG bugs #2401: Selection by point in the layout is missing
Por mi ok la sugerencia de César de cambiar el icono Álvaro Anguix
06:30 AM gvSIG bugs #2401: Selection by point in the layout is missing
I think that the problem is the icon used. The tool can be used to select by point or by rectangle, so I don't think ... Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:38 AM Revision 41782 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Change state to RC2
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:25 AM gvSIG bugs #2905: Resizing the ToC of the map zooms all in the layout
Hi Cesar,
IMHO this behaviour could be managed in a better way, especially without a full working Pan tool (see #288...
Antonio Falciano
06:10 AM gvSIG bugs #2905: Resizing the ToC of the map zooms all in the layout
This follows the classical "behaviour" of the Layout component: resizing the window resets the zoom to document.
I a...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
04:58 AM gvSIG bugs #2905 (Closed): Resizing the ToC of the map zooms all in the layout
Steps to reproduce the bug:
* create a view and add a whatever layer you like;
* create a map importing the previou...
Antonio Falciano
06:20 AM gvSIG bugs #2851 (Fixed): RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE vector ...
Restablezco la tarea como arreglada. Abro otro tiquet con el problema de tu último comentario #2913.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:20 AM gvSIG bugs #2913 (Closed): SEXTANTE "Union" returns the difference between the two layers.
SEXTANTE "Union" returns the difference between the two layers in build 2251. There's not trace of error in the gvSIG... Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:09 AM gvSIG bugs #2912 (New): Geoprocesses toolbox is not refreshed
The Geoprocesses toolbox is not refreshed when we click on the Toolbox button (or its menu option) or when something ... Antonio Falciano
06:01 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2911 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:57 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 586 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:57 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 585 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.10
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:57 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 584 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.10
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:54 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 583 (gvsig-geoprocess): Increment build numbers
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:50 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 582 (gvsig-geoprocess): Arregladas las dependencias para generar un nuevo build
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:49 AM gvSIG bugs #2849 (Invalid): Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses don't work fine due to the GEOMETRY field
Hi Alvaro,
I think that it's better to set it as Invalid (as you did yesterday) and to open & fix tickets about sing...
Antonio Falciano
05:29 AM gvSIG bugs #2849 (Closed): Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses don't work fine due to the GEOMETRY field
Álvaro Anguix
05:42 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 97: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:42 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 96: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.7
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:42 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 95: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.7
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:40 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 94: Añadida dependencia de org.gvsig.toolbox.algorithm en org.gvsig.toolbox.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:31 AM gvSIG bugs #2528 (Closed): Poligonar líneas da error
Álvaro Anguix
05:21 AM gvSIG bugs #2894 (Fixed): No carga capas a MrSID en windows
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:16 AM gvSIG bugs #2894 (New): No carga capas a MrSID en windows
Siguen si cargarse. Lo reabro. Álvaro Anguix
05:20 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2908 (Fixed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:18 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2908 (Closed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:19 AM gvSIG bugs #2875 (Closed): No activa el grid en el nuevo layout
Álvaro Anguix
05:16 AM gvSIG bugs #2896 (Closed): Hacer que los geoprocesos de org.gvsig.toolbox usen el log de gvSIG.
Álvaro Anguix
05:15 AM gvSIG bugs #2893 (Closed): No carga capas a ECW/JP2000 en windows
Álvaro Anguix
05:15 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2898 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Álvaro Anguix
05:15 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2897 (Closed): new addon for
Álvaro Anguix
05:15 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2895 (Closed): new addon for
Álvaro Anguix
05:15 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2892 (Closed): new addon for
Álvaro Anguix
05:15 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2891 (Closed): new addon for
Álvaro Anguix
05:15 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2889 (Closed): New addon for
Álvaro Anguix
05:15 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2887 (Closed): new addon for org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.7-2085
Álvaro Anguix
05:15 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2884 (Closed): New addon for org.gvsig.jvmpreferences.native.mainplugin-1....
Álvaro Anguix
05:06 AM gvSIG feature requests #2907 (Invalid): Grid labels offset from border
Rotating grid labels in a map, I've noticed that labels can intersect the border of the view.
Adding the possibility...
Antonio Falciano
05:01 AM gvSIG bugs #2906 (Closed): Grid labels are not always aligned
Creating a map with grid, I've noticed that grid labels are not always aligned.
See the screenshot in attachment.
Antonio Falciano
04:53 AM gvSIG bugs #2904 (Closed): "View > Grid" preference page seems broken
"View > Grid" preference page seems broken.
If I activate both checkboxes, click on Accept and restart gvSIG, then n...
Antonio Falciano
04:51 AM gvSIG bugs #2903 (Closed): "General > Icon theme" preference page seems broken
"General > Icon theme" preference page seems broken.
For instance, it's not possible to export the icon theme.
Antonio Falciano
04:43 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2899 (Fixed): New addon for org.gvsig.jvmpreferences.native.mainplugin-1....
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:42 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2902 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:55 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2902 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:42 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 581 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:42 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 580 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.9
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:42 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 579 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.9
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:39 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 578 (gvsig-geoprocess): Increment build numbers
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:36 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 577 (gvsig-geoprocess): Arregladas las dependencias de toolbox en org.gvsig.geoprocess
Francisco Díaz Carsí


01:30 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3038 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:30 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3037 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.lizardtech-2.2.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:30 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3036 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.lizardtech-...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:30 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3035 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:28 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3034 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:28 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3033 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.ermapper-2.2.5
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:28 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3032 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.ermapper-2.2.5
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:27 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3031 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:25 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3030 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:25 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3029 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.gdal-2.2.6
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:25 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3028 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.gdal-2.2.6
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:23 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3027 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:21 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3026 (gvsig-raster): Corregido el install.xml del plugin de windows
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:21 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3025 (gvsig-raster): Corregido el install.xml del plugin de windows
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:20 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3024 (gvsig-raster): Corregido el install.xml del plugin de windows
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:14 PM gvSIG bugs #2901 (Closed): SEXTANTE models are not loaded
After the latest revisions, SEXTANTE models are not loaded. Antonio Falciano
01:11 PM gvSIG bugs #2900 (Closed): Geoprocesses help doesn't work
After the latest revisions, geoprocesses help doesn't work. Antonio Falciano
12:23 PM gvSIG bugs #2851 (New): RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE vector ge...
SEXTANTE "Union" returns the difference between the two layers in build 2251. There's not trace of error in the gvSIG... Antonio Falciano
09:37 AM gvSIG bugs #2851: RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE vector geoproce...
Francisco Diaz wrote:
> gvsig-geoprocess:r570
> Se ha arreglado para que cuando el geoproceso crea la capa temp...
Antonio Falciano
08:48 AM gvSIG bugs #2851 (Fixed): RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE vector ...
Se ha arreglado para que cuando el geoproceso crea la capa temporal no tenga en cuenta las c...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
12:17 PM gvSIG bugs #2582 (New): SEXTANTE Merge geoprocess returns always an empty layer
I reopen the ticket, because the result of SEXTANTE Merge is an empty layer yet in build 2251. See gvSIG.log in attac... Antonio Falciano
09:30 AM gvSIG bugs #2582 (Fixed): SEXTANTE Merge geoprocess returns always an empty layer
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:55 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2899 (Closed): New addon for org.gvsig.jvmpreferences.native.mainplugin-1...
Linux: Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
11:31 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 576 (gvsig-geoprocess): Arregladas las dependencias de gishur
Francisco Díaz Carsí
11:29 AM gvSIG bugs #2655 (Closed): Notications mode (Preferences) is not translatable
Antonio Falciano
09:40 AM gvSIG bugs #2655: Notications mode (Preferences) is not translatable
Hi Joaquín, you're right. I was (wrongly) inspired by the other preference pages. :P Antonio Falciano
08:54 AM gvSIG bugs #2655 (Fixed): Notications mode (Preferences) is not translatable

Hola Antonio,
a la hora de usar las traducciones en gvSIG 2, en lugar de usar "PluginServices.getText"
es rcomen...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:09 AM gvSIG bugs #2655: Notications mode (Preferences) is not translatable
*Has patch:* Yes Antonio Falciano
11:29 AM gvSIG bugs #2828 (Closed): Missing translation in the jCRS preferences
Antonio Falciano
09:36 AM gvSIG bugs #2828 (Fixed): Missing translation in the jCRS preferences
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:11 AM gvSIG bugs #2828: Missing translation in the jCRS preferences
*Has patch:* Yes Antonio Falciano
11:27 AM gvSIG bugs #2536 (Closed): Input windows in Modeler are too close
Antonio Falciano
04:32 AM gvSIG bugs #2536: Input windows in Modeler are too close
gvsig-toolbox:r83 Antonio Falciano
04:21 AM gvSIG bugs #2536 (Fixed): Input windows in Modeler are too close
Aplicado el parche.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
11:26 AM gvSIG bugs #2556 (Closed): Geoalgorithm output view issue
Antonio Falciano
04:33 AM gvSIG bugs #2556: Geoalgorithm output view issue
Francisco, thank you very much!
Antonio Falciano
04:22 AM gvSIG bugs #2556 (Fixed): Geoalgorithm output view issue
Aplicado el parche.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
11:25 AM gvSIG bugs #2656 (Closed): "Convex hull" geoprocess is not translatable in the toolbox
Antonio Falciano
04:30 AM gvSIG bugs #2656: "Convex hull" geoprocess is not translatable in the toolbox
Francisco Diaz wrote:
> r560.
(note: it will become active when the commit will be public)...
Antonio Falciano
04:19 AM gvSIG bugs #2656 (Fixed): "Convex hull" geoprocess is not translatable in the toolbox
Aplicado el parche que arregla la clave de traducción en el código.
Y arreglada la traducción al castellano d...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:27 AM gvSIG bugs #2822 (Invalid): Dissolve tool on line layers creates polygons between the lines
Lo paso a invalid, ya que el error que ocasiona este mal funcionamiento realmente es el de multiprimitivas. De todos ... Álvaro Anguix
09:47 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2898 (Fixed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:45 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2898 (Closed): New add-on for org.gvsig.geoprocess
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:46 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2897 (Fixed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:44 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2897 (Closed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:42 AM gvSIG projections Revision 294: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:42 AM gvSIG projections Revision 293: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.projection.jcrs-2.1.9
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:42 AM gvSIG projections Revision 292: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.projection.jcrs-2.1.9
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:40 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 575 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:40 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 574 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.8
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:40 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 573 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.8
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:40 AM gvSIG projections Revision 291: Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:37 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 572 (gvsig-geoprocess): Increment build numbers
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:35 AM gvSIG projections Revision 290: Missing translation in the jCRS preferences, refs #2828
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:32 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 571 (gvsig-geoprocess): Arregladas las dependencias de toolbox para generar un nuevo build.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:30 AM Revision 41781 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:30 AM Revision 41780 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.64
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:30 AM Revision 41779 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.64
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:26 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 93: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:26 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 92: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.6
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:26 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 91: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.6
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:15 AM Revision 41778 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:11 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 90: refs #2896 Cambiado el log de Sextante para que use el SLF4j
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:10 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 89
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:09 AM gvSIG bugs #2528 (Fixed): Poligonar líneas da error
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:07 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 88: refs #2528 Corregido error en PolygonizeAlgorithm
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:06 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 87: Arreglado bug por el que había un NullPointerException en UnionAlgorithm cuando las ...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:58 AM Revision 41777 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Pequeños cambios en el formato del fichero addon-request.txt
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:53 AM gvSIG bugs #2849 (Fixed): Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses don't work fine due to the GEOMETRY field
Se ha arreglado para que cuando el geoproceso crea la capa temporal no tenga en cuenta las c...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:21 AM gvSIG bugs #2849 (In progress): Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses don't work fine due to the GEOMETRY...
Al final lo que hemos hecho es que los geoprocesos de sextante solo generan tablas con un unico campo de salida que s... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:08 AM gvSIG bugs #2849: Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses don't work fine due to the GEOMETRY field
Álvaro Anguix wrote:
> Parece que los errores mencionados no están relacionados con lo que se comenta y el arreglo/s...
Antonio Falciano
06:46 AM gvSIG bugs #2849 (Invalid): Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses don't work fine due to the GEOMETRY field
Parece que los errores mencionados no están relacionados con lo que se comenta y el arreglo/s parece que es/son otro/... Álvaro Anguix
08:52 AM Revision 41776 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Añadidas traducciones a la pagina de preferencias de Notifica...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:41 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 570 (gvsig-geoprocess): refs #2851 Arreglado para que cuando el geoproceso crea la capa ...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:23 AM gvSIG bugs #2896 (Fixed): Hacer que los geoprocesos de org.gvsig.toolbox usen el log de gvSIG.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:23 AM gvSIG bugs #2896 (Closed): Hacer que los geoprocesos de org.gvsig.toolbox usen el log de gvSIG.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:18 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2895 (Fixed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:32 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2895 (Closed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:18 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2892 (Fixed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:30 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2892 (Closed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:18 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2891 (Fixed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:28 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2891 (Closed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:18 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2889 (Fixed): New addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:43 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2889 (Closed): New addon for Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
08:18 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2887 (Fixed): new addon for org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.7-2085
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:56 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2887 (Closed): new addon for org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.7-2085
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:18 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2884 (Fixed): New addon for org.gvsig.jvmpreferences.native.mainplugin-1.0...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:14 AM gvSIG bugs #2894 (Fixed): No carga capas a MrSID en windows
gvsig-raster:r3025 Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:32 AM gvSIG bugs #2894 (Closed): No carga capas a MrSID en windows
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:13 AM gvSIG bugs #2893 (Fixed): No carga capas a ECW/JP2000 en windows
gvsig-raster:r3026 Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:31 AM gvSIG bugs #2893 (Closed): No carga capas a ECW/JP2000 en windows
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:38 AM gvSIG bugs #2890 (Won't fix): Level curves and roads in Commerce line symbols
Antonio Falciano
05:45 AM gvSIG bugs #2875: No activa el grid en el nuevo layout
It should be fixed for the next build, please reopen it if you can still reproduce it then. Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:35 AM gvSIG bugs #2875 (Fixed): No activa el grid en el nuevo layout
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
03:45 AM gvSIG bugs #2875 (In progress): No activa el grid en el nuevo layout
Now I have been able to reproduce the error ONLY if I don't configure the grid after setting the checkbox. It works f... Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
02:55 AM gvSIG bugs #2875 (Fixed): No activa el grid en el nuevo layout
Applied in changeset gvsig-app-document-layout:svn-document-layout|r289. Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
02:40 AM gvSIG bugs #2875: No activa el grid en el nuevo layout
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo wrote:
> I have been able to reproduce the error when trying to open the Grid dialog when n...
Antonio Falciano
05:40 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 295 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:40 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 294 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:40 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 293 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:37 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 292 (svn-document-layout): Increment build numbers
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:16 AM gvSIG feature requests #2860: Zoom with mouse wheel scroll on maps
Related to #2888. Antonio Falciano
05:14 AM gvSIG bugs #2888 (Closed): Pan tool is missing in the layout navigation toolbar
A "Pan" tool is missing in the layout navigation toolbar. It's very important to have it because the layout navigatio... Antonio Falciano
05:05 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 291 (svn-document-layout): Ensure the grid is correctly created even if not configured. ...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:03 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 290 (svn-document-layout): Avoid NullPointerException when no view has been selected yet
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
04:54 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 569 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:54 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 568 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.7
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:54 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 567 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.7
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:51 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 566 (gvsig-geoprocess): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:11 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 565 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:11 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 564 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.6
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:11 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 563 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.6
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:07 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 562 (gvsig-geoprocess): Fixed version of toolbox dependencies.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:01 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 86: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:01 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 85: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.5
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:01 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 84: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.5
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:55 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 561 (gvsig-geoprocess): refs #2556 Applied patch to fixed it
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:53 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 560 (gvsig-geoprocess): refs #2656 Fixed translation key from Convex Hull geoprocess and...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:47 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 83: refs #2536 Applied patch to fix it.
Francisco Díaz Carsí


06:32 PM gvSIG bugs #2885: Map size is locked when its window is maximized
En Linux también me ocurre. Álvaro Anguix
02:16 PM gvSIG bugs #2885 (Won't fix): Map size is locked when its window is maximized
The map size is locked sometimes when its window is maximized (at least in Windows).
If I close and reopen the map d...
Antonio Falciano
06:31 PM gvSIG bugs #2875: No activa el grid en el nuevo layout
Adjunto nuevo log por si se ve algo en él. Álvaro Anguix
06:31 PM gvSIG bugs #2875: No activa el grid en el nuevo layout
Por lo que he podido observar no es algo que ocurre con el grid, sino con la ventana de propiedades de la Vista en el... Álvaro Anguix
04:51 PM gvSIG bugs #2875: No activa el grid en el nuevo layout
I have been able to reproduce the error when trying to open the Grid dialog when no view has been selected yet.
Is t...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
02:09 PM gvSIG bugs #2875 (New): No activa el grid en el nuevo layout
It happens also in build 2250, at least in Windows 7. However there's not trace of error in the gvSIG.log. Antonio Falciano
04:56 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 289 (svn-document-layout): Ensure mapcontext is not null. Possibly fixes #2875.
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
02:28 PM gvSIG feature requests #2886 (Closed): Units of measure of margins in "Prepare page" window
The units of measure of margins seems to be the same of the page, but it's not so obvious. In doubt, the user has to ... Antonio Falciano
12:26 PM gvSIG bugs #2876 (Closed): Cadenas en grid de nuevo layout
Álvaro Anguix
12:23 PM gvSIG bugs #2878 (Closed): No carga capas a traves de GDAL en llinux 64 bits
Álvaro Anguix
12:22 PM gvSIG bugs #2879 (Closed): No carga capas a ECW/JP2000 en llinux 64 bits
Álvaro Anguix
05:10 AM gvSIG bugs #2879 (Fixed): No carga capas a ECW/JP2000 en llinux 64 bits
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:22 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2883 (Closed): New addon for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin-2.2.5-15
Álvaro Anguix
05:55 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2883 (Fixed): New addon for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin-2.2.5-15
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:54 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2883 (Closed): New addon for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin-2.2.5-15
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:22 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2882 (Closed): new addon for
Álvaro Anguix
05:09 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2882 (Fixed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:08 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2882 (Closed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:22 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2880 (Closed): New addon for
Álvaro Anguix
05:11 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2880 (Fixed): New addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:44 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3023 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:44 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3022 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster-2.2.6
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:44 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3021 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster-2.2.6
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:42 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3020 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:37 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3019 (gvsig-raster): Corregido el nombe del paquete
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:37 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3018 (gvsig-raster): Corregido error que evitaba se mostrase la toolbar de raster, refs ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:14 AM gvSIG bugs #2863 (Closed): GDAL executables in the gvSIG binary folder
Closed in build 2250. Antonio Falciano
11:06 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3017 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:06 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3016 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.ermapper-2.2.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:06 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3015 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.ermapper-2.2.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:05 AM gvSIG raster Revision 3014 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:58 AM gvSIG bugs #2874 (Closed): Can't enable/show control 'GenericToolBarPanel'
Antonio Falciano
06:01 AM gvSIG bugs #2874: Can't enable/show control 'GenericToolBarPanel'
Antonio Falciano wrote:
> Probably related to #2787.
Pues si, concretamente con los cambios introducidos en la re...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:38 AM gvSIG bugs #2874 (Fixed): Can't enable/show control 'GenericToolBarPanel'
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:57 AM gvSIG bugs #2874: Can't enable/show control 'GenericToolBarPanel'
Probably related to #2787. Antonio Falciano
10:50 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 559 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:50 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 558 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.5
Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:50 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 557 (gvsig-geoprocess): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.geoprocess-2.2.5
Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:46 AM gvSIG geoprocess Revision 556 (gvsig-geoprocess): Arreglos para que los plugins no tengan que copiarse unos dentro...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
10:39 AM Revision 41775 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Realizados los cambios necesarios para que el método getPlugi...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:49 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 82: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:49 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 81: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.4
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:49 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 80: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.toolbox-1.0.4
Francisco Díaz Carsí
09:43 AM gvSIG tools: ToolBox Revision 79: Se impide la adición de la clave "Sextante" cuando no se han encontrado algoritmos.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:18 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2884 (Closed): New addon for org.gvsig.jvmpreferences.native.mainplugin-1....
Windows: Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
07:12 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 288 (svn-document-layout): Annotate old methods as deprecated
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
07:11 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 287 (svn-document-layout): Restore old methods for keep backward compability
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
07:05 AM Revision 41774 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:05 AM Revision 41773 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.63
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:05 AM Revision 41772 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.63
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:51 AM Revision 41771 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:40 AM Revision 41770 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Arreglada la búsqueda de recursos para que se pare cuando hay...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:32 AM gvSIG feature requests #2881: Add uninstall capabilities to the Addons manager
...or simply we could uncheck the extension to uninstall. Antonio Falciano
04:26 AM gvSIG feature requests #2881 (New): Add uninstall capabilities to the Addons manager
For instance, when we have two conflicting extensions (e.g. layout1 and layout2), it would be very useful to be able ... Antonio Falciano
03:53 AM gvSIG bugs #2671 (Closed): Initialization error after the update of
The issue is well managed during the initialization process in the latest testing builds (2249 at the time of writing... Antonio Falciano


06:26 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3013 (gvsig-raster)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:47 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2880 (Closed): New addon for Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:45 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 286 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:45 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 285 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:45 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 284 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:39 PM gvSIG bugs #2876 (Fixed): Cadenas en grid de nuevo layout
He actualizado las cadenas en castellano e inglés y ahora deberían salir correctamente.
El problema de las unidades ...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
12:40 PM gvSIG bugs #2876 (Closed): Cadenas en grid de nuevo layout
Adjunto pantalla.
Por un lado hay muchas cadenas sin adoptar el nombre final, con "_"
Por otro se mezcla con gvSIG ...
Álvaro Anguix
05:38 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 283 (svn-document-layout): Increment build numbers
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:36 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 282 (svn-document-layout): Change from development to testing
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:36 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 281 (svn-document-layout): Change from development to testing
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:34 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 280 (svn-document-layout): Add PreviousZoom tool. Separe tools on different extensions a...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:31 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 279 (svn-document-layout): Complete translations. Use localized text on units combo
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
02:52 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3012 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:52 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3011 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.gdal-2.2.5
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:52 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3010 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.gdal-2.2.5
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:50 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3009 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:47 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3008 (gvsig-raster): Eliminados de windows los ejecutables de las utilidades de gdal, y ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:45 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3007 (gvsig-raster): Corregido en el install.xml el numero de version de la libreria nat...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:01 PM gvSIG bugs #2875: No activa el grid en el nuevo layout
En el log aparece un error pero no parece tener que ver con el Layout. Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
12:46 PM gvSIG bugs #2875 (Invalid): No activa el grid en el nuevo layout
Álvaro Anguix
12:45 PM gvSIG bugs #2875: No activa el grid en el nuevo layout
En una segunda prueba no me ha dado problemas.
No sé si aparecerá algo en el log.
Álvaro Anguix
12:38 PM gvSIG bugs #2875 (Closed): No activa el grid en el nuevo layout
Cargamos una capa en una vista dentro del nuevo layout
Vamos a las propiedades y activamos el grid
Aceptamos pero n...
Álvaro Anguix
01:19 PM gvSIG bugs #2878 (Fixed): No carga capas a traves de GDAL en llinux 64 bits
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:18 PM gvSIG bugs #2878 (Closed): No carga capas a traves de GDAL en llinux 64 bits
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:19 PM gvSIG bugs #2879 (Closed): No carga capas a ECW/JP2000 en llinux 64 bits
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:01 PM gvSIG bugs #2877 (Invalid): WFS spatial filter is not persistent
Antonio Falciano wrote:
> If I load a WFS layer using the spatial filter and then open its properties, the spatial f...
Antonio Falciano
12:44 PM gvSIG bugs #2877 (Invalid): WFS spatial filter is not persistent
If I load a WFS layer using the spatial filter and then open its properties, the spatial filter extent is not visible... Antonio Falciano
12:48 PM gvSIG bugs #1281: Add WFS with filter area does not works
Alvaro, consider also that the WFS spatial filter doesn't work fine in case of WFS 1.0.0 (#2631) and is not persisten... Antonio Falciano
12:36 PM gvSIG bugs #1281 (Closed): Add WFS with filter area does not works
Ok, Antonio, in this case this ticket is closed.
Miguel: eso me pasa por no leer todos los comentarios
Álvaro Anguix
12:34 PM gvSIG bugs #1281: Add WFS with filter area does not works
Hi Alvaro,
as reported by Miguel, doesn'...
Antonio Falciano
12:02 PM gvSIG bugs #1281 (New): Add WFS with filter area does not works
No he podido comprobar si se ha arreglado porque con el cambio ha dejado de funcionar WFS ya que no aparece ninguna c... Álvaro Anguix
12:44 PM gvSIG bugs #2495 (Closed): Cuadrícula en layout no permite números enteros
Álvaro Anguix
12:44 PM gvSIG bugs #2495: Cuadrícula en layout no permite números enteros
Pues no sé qué ha pasado, realizando otra prueba ahora sí me activa el grid...
Comprobado y lo cierro.
Álvaro Anguix
12:31 PM gvSIG bugs #2495 (New): Cuadrícula en layout no permite números enteros
No se puede testear ya que no activa el grid (aunque se lo digamos, no lo hace, y al volver a entrar en propiedades d... Álvaro Anguix
12:44 PM gvSIG feature requests #432 (Closed): Rejilla o Grid, sea paralelo al cajetin y tenga separador d...
Pues no sé qué ha pasado, realizando otra prueba ahora sí me activa el grid...
Comprobado y lo cierro.
Álvaro Anguix
12:32 PM gvSIG feature requests #432 (New): Rejilla o Grid, sea paralelo al cajetin y tenga separador de m...
No se puede testear ya que no activa el grid (aunque se lo digamos, no lo hace, y al volver a entrar en propiedades d... Álvaro Anguix
12:19 PM gvSIG bugs #2859 (Closed): Error al guardar proyecto con símbolo complejo
Álvaro Anguix
12:18 PM gvSIG bugs #2631: WFS 1.0.0 with spatial filter returns an empty layer
The spatial filter in the WFS wizard doesn't produce right results in case of WFS 1.0.0 even after gvsig-wfs:r112.
Antonio Falciano
12:16 PM gvSIG bugs #2846 (New): Missing translations in Charts
Siguen estando mezcladas las traducciones.
Añado 2 pantallas (charts y charts2.png) con idioma en inglés y varias ca...
Álvaro Anguix
09:59 AM gvSIG bugs #2874 (Closed): Can't enable/show control 'GenericToolBarPanel'
The raster toolbar is not shown. See the log attached. Antonio Falciano
09:50 AM gvSIG bugs #2787 (Closed): Raster layer name in the ToC is equal to its full path
Antonio Falciano
09:48 AM gvSIG bugs #2856 (Closed): Can't create a new shape layer
Antonio Falciano
09:48 AM gvSIG bugs #2762 (Closed): Error al exportar un shp
Antonio Falciano
09:47 AM gvSIG bugs #2621 (Closed): Check the units of measure in the User CRS wizard
Antonio Falciano
09:47 AM gvSIG bugs #2672 (Closed): DBF field names max length is 11 instead of 10
Antonio Falciano
08:01 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2862 (Closed):
Álvaro Anguix
08:00 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2872 (Closed): new addon for
Álvaro Anguix
08:00 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2868 (Closed): New addon for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin-2.2.5-14
Álvaro Anguix
08:00 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2865 (Closed): New addon for
Álvaro Anguix
07:51 AM gvSIG bugs #2681 (Closed): Field name truncation with Export to
Álvaro Anguix
07:50 AM gvSIG bugs #2764 (Closed): Cambio mensaje primer inicio de gvSIG
Álvaro Anguix
04:50 AM gvSIG bugs #2873 (Invalid): Error connecting to a WMS server

gvSIG doesn't connect to this WMS server:
Mario Carrera
04:46 AM Revision 41769 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:46 AM Revision 41768 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.62
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:46 AM Revision 41767 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.62
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:09 AM Revision 41766 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


03:44 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2872 (Fixed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:42 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2872 (Closed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:43 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3006 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:43 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3005 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster-2.2.5
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:43 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3004 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster-2.2.5
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:41 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3003 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:21 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3002 (gvsig-raster): Corregido el calculo de nombre de una capa raster, devolbia siempre...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:03 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3001 (gvsig-raster): Robustecido el codigo de BinarySearch para que sea resistente a nu...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:34 AM gvSIG bugs #2871 (Closed): Error when the position of a field is changed in a table
When a field is changed to another position in a table (dragging it), the type of the field is changed. It takes the ... Mario Carrera
11:32 AM gvSIG bugs #2870 (Closed): Edición de tabla: cambio de datos de una columna eliminada
* Fichero Shp (cualquier geometría) cargado en una vista
** Contiene un campo entero llamado _c1_
** Co...
Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal
11:01 AM gvSIG bugs #2869 (New): The copy of a cached WFS layer into another view is retrieved again
If I copy a cached WFS layer from a view and paste it into another view, then the WFS layer is retrieved again.
Antonio Falciano
10:05 AM gvSIG projections Revision 289: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:05 AM gvSIG projections Revision 288: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.projection.jcrs-2.1.8
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:05 AM gvSIG projections Revision 287: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.projection.jcrs-2.1.8
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:03 AM gvSIG projections Revision 286: Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:52 AM gvSIG feature requests #2866: Cambiar codificación de una tabla ya cargada sin tener que abrirla ...
Related to #1630 and #2843. Antonio Falciano
08:45 AM gvSIG feature requests #2866 (New): Cambiar codificación de una tabla ya cargada sin tener que ab...

Subo propuesta de Piotr Pachól en la lista de usuarios:
debería ser posible cambiar "encoding" para la capa ya ...
Mario Carrera
09:51 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2868 (Fixed): New addon for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin-2.2.5-14
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:46 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2868 (Closed): New addon for org.gvsig.raster.mainplugin-2.2.5-14
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:49 AM gvSIG bugs #2867 (Invalid): El encoding por defecto de una capa siempre es x-windows-iso2022jp
Duplicated ticket of #2842. Antonio Falciano
08:54 AM gvSIG bugs #2867 (Invalid): El encoding por defecto de una capa siempre es x-windows-iso2022jp

El valor de encoding por defecto de una capa es "x-windows-iso2022jp". Debería reconocer el del sistema.
Mario Carrera
09:23 AM gvSIG bugs #2787 (Fixed): Raster layer name in the ToC is equal to its full path
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:06 AM gvSIG bugs #2787: Raster layer name in the ToC is equal to its full path
Subo yo un log, lo he testeado en Windows7 y sucede tal y como comenta Antonio.
Puede que esté relacionado: al darle...
Álvaro Anguix
04:20 AM gvSIG bugs #2787: Raster layer name in the ToC is equal to its full path
Hi Antonio,
Can you add the log file?
Álvaro Anguix
07:44 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 105 (gvsig-vectorediting): Reorganizadas las keys de traducción en los dialogos de termi...
Lluís Marqués
07:13 AM gvSIG bugs #2834 (Invalid): Difference geoprocess doesn't work
Álvaro Anguix
07:09 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 104 (gvsig-vectorediting): Eliminada la lista de servicios
Francisco Díaz Carsí
05:48 AM gvSIG feature requests #432 (Fixed): Rejilla o Grid, sea paralelo al cajetin y tenga separador de...
Álvaro Anguix
05:47 AM gvSIG bugs #2495 (Fixed): Cuadrícula en layout no permite números enteros
Álvaro Anguix
04:41 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2865 (Fixed): New addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:07 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 103 (gvsig-vectorediting): Arreglada la condición del finish
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:57 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 102 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed bug on dxf layers.
Lluís Marqués
03:56 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 101 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added key internal polygon.
Changed variable name. Lluís Marqués
03:25 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 100 (gvsig-vectorediting): arreglados imports
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:24 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 99 (gvsig-vectorediting): Eliminada la variable de clase geomManager
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:19 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 98 (gvsig-vectorediting): Agrupadas todas las extensiones en EditingExtension.
Lluís Marqués
03:12 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 97 (gvsig-vectorediting): Cambiado el nombre al método draw por getDrawingStatus
Francisco Díaz Carsí
03:11 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 96 (gvsig-vectorediting): Arreglada la condición del finish
Francisco Díaz Carsí


06:12 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2865 (Closed): New addon for Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:09 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 278 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:09 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 277 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:09 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 276 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:07 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 275 (svn-document-layout): Increment build numbers
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
06:05 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 274 (svn-document-layout): Improve FFrameGrid options, providing sensible defaults, allo...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:15 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 273 (svn-document-layout): Log also the exception to see what is happening
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
04:48 AM gvSIG bugs #2793 (Closed): WMTS en 3857 no se carga
Because the WMTS layers can be loaded in EPSG:3857 (but not well projected, see #2739) and USR:3857 has been removed ... Antonio Falciano
04:32 AM gvSIG bugs #2849: Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses don't work fine due to the GEOMETRY field
Related to #2582 and #2851. Antonio Falciano
04:26 AM gvSIG feature requests #2864: Update the GDAL library
Probably related to #2806 and #2739. Antonio Falciano
04:20 AM gvSIG bugs #2834: Difference geoprocess doesn't work
Duplicate ticket of #2453. Antonio Falciano


10:21 AM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 272 (svn-document-layout): DecimalFormatPanel added
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo


12:42 PM gvSIG feature requests #2864 (Closed): Update the GDAL library
The actual GDAL version is 1.8 and is a bit outdated... Antonio Falciano
12:31 PM gvSIG bugs #2863 (Closed): GDAL executables in the gvSIG binary folder
ogr.gvsig.raster installs the GDAL executables (gdalinfo, gdal_translate, etc.) in the "gvSIG desktop 2.1.0" folder i... Antonio Falciano
11:49 AM gvSIG bugs #2690: Export to KML application error
Hi Joaquín, I've just tried with this shape [1] (EPSG:4326) in a view defined in the same CRS and the same error happ... Antonio Falciano
11:19 AM gvSIG bugs #2690: Export to KML application error
Antonio, ¿ podrias adjuntar o hacerme llegar por correo el shape que estas usando asi como indicarme la proyeccion de... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:30 AM gvSIG bugs #2621 (Fixed): Check the units of measure in the User CRS wizard
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:29 AM gvSIG bugs #2621: Check the units of measure in the User CRS wizard
Antonio Falciano wrote:
> Hi Joaquín, I reopen the ticket because only 50% of the patch was applied in gvsig-jcrs:r2...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:25 AM gvSIG projections Revision 285: Terminar de aplicar el parche asociado al ticket #2621, refs #2621
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:16 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2862 (Fixed):
Ya esta instalado en el repositorio de paquetes. Ya deberia estar disponible desde la instalacion desde url, y se inc... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:10 AM gvSIG bugs #2762 (Fixed): Error al exportar un shp
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:09 AM gvSIG bugs #2856 (Fixed): Can't create a new shape layer
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:07 AM Revision 41765 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Correcciones al parche MAX_FIELD_NAME_LENGTH.patch del ticket...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:04 AM Revision 41764 (svn-gvsig-desktop): reformateo de codigo, alguna variable pasa a ser final.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:21 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 95 (gvsig-vectorediting): Separador los proveedores de createPolyline y createPolygon (i...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
07:20 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 94 (gvsig-vectorediting): Arreglado error en el finish por el que nunca entraba en multi...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:43 AM Revision 41763 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Correcion de problemas en el Arc2D a la hora de crear un arco...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


06:33 PM gvSIG bugs #2859 (Fixed): Error al guardar proyecto con símbolo complejo
José Badía
05:15 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2862 (Closed):
- Mainplugin (build 14)
José Badía
05:03 PM gvSIG bugs #2846 (Fixed): Missing translations in Charts
José Badía
05:03 PM gvSIG bugs #2525 (Fixed): Chart renderer types menu is very close on Windows
José Badía
06:15 AM gvSIG feature requests #2861 (New): Add progress bar when exporting a map to PDF or PS
Antonio Falciano
06:13 AM gvSIG feature requests #2860 (New): Zoom with mouse wheel scroll on maps
Antonio Falciano


05:18 PM gvSIG bugs #2523 (Closed): Enlaces simbolicos con rutas absolutas.
Álvaro Anguix
05:17 PM gvSIG bugs #2638 (Closed): No aparece la pestaña de añadir capa de postgis raster
Álvaro Anguix
05:16 PM gvSIG bugs #2704 (Closed): Texto a modificar y traducir en Export to BD
Álvaro Anguix
05:12 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2847 (Closed): Add version 2.0.34-53
Álvaro Anguix
05:12 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2848 (Closed): Add version 2.0.35-54
Álvaro Anguix
05:12 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2852 (Closed): new addon for
Álvaro Anguix
05:11 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2853 (Closed): new addon for
Álvaro Anguix
03:37 PM gvSIG bugs #2859 (Closed): Error al guardar proyecto con símbolo complejo
* Cargamos un shape
* Definimos símbolo complejo: dos niveles de escala con leyenda de valores únicos
* guardamos p...
José Vicente Higón
01:04 PM gvSIG bugs #2694: Numeric types management of PostGIS tables
*Priority:* High
*Severity:* Critical
An example of issue due to the wrong management of PostGIS field types is r...
Antonio Falciano
12:56 PM gvSIG bugs #2858 (Closed): Fields of type Float have an invalid value in PostGIS layers
The "Info by point" tool reports that the fields of Float type have an invalid value in PostGIS layers.
If I open th...
Antonio Falciano
11:50 AM gvSIG bugs #2857 (Closed): Error con Postgis y etiquetado
Los pasos son siguientes:
* Se carga una capa de polígonos desde postgis
* Se crea una simbología "Símbolo complejo...
José Vicente Higón
09:57 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 93 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed bugs and code refactor at EditingBehavior.
Lluís Marqués
09:53 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 92 (gvsig-vectorediting): Corregido error en la activación de la extensiones con capas dxf.
Lluís Marqués
08:21 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 91 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented isCompatibleWith method at EditingServiceInfo.
Deleted useless methods at BaseEditingExtension due to now extension ask to serviceInfo if it is compatible with the ... Lluís Marqués
05:58 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 90 (gvsig-vectorediting): Code refactoring. Deleted useless comments.
Lluís Marqués
05:55 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 89 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented EditingContext.
Added ServiceInformationException to be thrown when somebody tries to get information of service. Lluís Marqués
04:21 AM gvSIG bugs #2678 (Closed): Problem on installation
Tried again with Giuliano and the install process seems to work fine now, thanks. Antonio Falciano
03:57 AM gvSIG bugs #2762: Error al exportar un shp
The issue seems due to the same reason of #2856. Antonio Falciano
03:51 AM gvSIG bugs #2856: Can't create a new shape layer
The only way to create a new shape layer consists into skipping the creation of new fields (see #2695).
Then, if I s...
Antonio Falciano
02:55 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 88 (gvsig-vectorediting): Separadas las herramientas de crear círculos y circunferencias.
Francisco Díaz Carsí


04:55 PM gvSIG raster Revision 3000 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:55 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2999 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.ermapper-2.2.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:55 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2998 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.ermapper-2.2.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:54 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2997 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:45 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2996 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:45 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2995 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.gdal-2.2.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:45 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2994 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.gdal-2.2.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:43 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2993 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:40 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2992 (gvsig-raster): corregido un error en el install.xml
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:40 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2991 (gvsig-raster): corregido un error en el install.xml
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:17 PM gvSIG bugs #2740 (Closed): OSM and PostGIS Raster tabs become empty with USR:3857
Antonio Falciano
01:14 PM gvSIG bugs #2787 (New): Raster layer name in the ToC is equal to its full path
If I load a local raster file in build 2248, the layer name is empty now. Antonio Falciano
01:01 PM gvSIG bugs #2856 (Closed): Can't create a new shape layer
It's not possible to create a new shape layer. Firstly this warning appears:... Antonio Falciano
12:41 PM gvSIG bugs #2762 (New): Error al exportar un shp
I can't export as shape in build 2248 due to an org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.exception.UnknownDataTypeException.
I've ...
Antonio Falciano
12:25 PM gvSIG bugs #2672 (Fixed): DBF field names max length is 11 instead of 10
*Target version:* 2.1.0-testing-2248
I see that the patch of is made in gvsig-desktop:r4...
Antonio Falciano
12:12 PM gvSIG bugs #2672 (New): DBF field names max length is 11 instead of 10
It seems that the correction of contained in the patch is missing in gvsig-desktop:r41746, ... Antonio Falciano
11:52 AM gvSIG bugs #2690 (New): Export to KML application error
It doesn't work also in build 2248. I attach a new log. Antonio Falciano
11:44 AM gvSIG bugs #2724 (Closed): Filter "Select from set" returns Falta por implementar
Antonio Falciano
11:22 AM gvSIG bugs #2389 (Closed): No transformation is offered from 4326 to 3035
Antonio Falciano
11:21 AM gvSIG bugs #2596 (Closed): Problema con la proyección EPSG:21781
Antonio Falciano
11:21 AM gvSIG bugs #2813 (Closed): Swiss Oblique Mercator CRSs issue
Antonio Falciano
11:19 AM gvSIG bugs #2566 (Closed): Filter window title contains the view name instead of the active layer...
Antonio Falciano
11:18 AM gvSIG bugs #2632 (Closed): Loss of precision parsing CRS parameters
Antonio Falciano
11:12 AM gvSIG bugs #2621 (New): Check the units of measure in the User CRS wizard
Hi Joaquín, I reopen the ticket because only 50% of the patch was applied in gvsig-jcrs:r277, i.e. the correction of ... Antonio Falciano
08:39 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 87 (gvsig-vectorediting): Cambiado nombre del método value por setValue
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:35 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 86 (gvsig-vectorediting): Arreglado el método finishAndStore para que descomponga las mu...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:39 AM gvSIG bugs #2855 (Closed): Missing translations in "Info by point"
Antonio Falciano
06:38 AM Revision 41762 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:38 AM Revision 41761 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.61
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:38 AM Revision 41760 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.61
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:37 AM gvSIG bugs #2854 (Outdated): The NOT operator doesn't always work in Filter expressions
The NOT operator doesn't always work in Filter expressions.
In detail, *NOT <condition>* is considered as an invalid...
Antonio Falciano
06:29 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 85 (gvsig-vectorediting): Eliminado codigo inservible previamente comentarizado.
Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:27 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 84 (gvsig-vectorediting): Arreglos para poder añadir el StatusBarBehavior al mapControl ...
Eliminadas las referencias a PluginServices. Francisco Díaz Carsí
06:24 AM Revision 41759 (svn-gvsig-desktop): format pom.xml
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:22 AM gvSIG bugs #2760: Compartamiento erratico de la seleccion en la tabla.
The selection generally works fine. AFAIK there's only the issue described in #2634, but it should depend by the labe... Antonio Falciano
04:12 AM gvSIG bugs #2760 (Invalid): Compartamiento erratico de la seleccion en la tabla.
Testeado en build 2247 y funciona correctamente. Álvaro Anguix
06:15 AM Revision 41758 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Modificados los archivos que se lleva el instalador (mpi)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:43 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 83 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed bug when first active internal polygon and then symmetry.
Lluís Marqués
02:32 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 82 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed code errors. Moved code to correct method. Deleted unuse...
Lluís Marqués
02:24 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 81 (gvsig-vectorediting): Deleted unused variable.
Code refactor. Lluís Marqués


05:33 PM Revision 41757 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:33 PM Revision 41756 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.60
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:33 PM Revision 41755 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.60
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:17 PM Revision 41754 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Update installjammer to use jre 1.7
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:13 PM Revision 41753 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:13 PM Revision 41752 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.59
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
01:13 PM Revision 41751 (svn-gvsig-desktop): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.desktop-2.0.59
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:51 PM Revision 41750 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:42 PM gvSIG bugs #2528: Poligonar líneas da error
It should be related to #2849. Antonio Falciano
12:35 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2853 (Fixed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:34 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2853 (Closed): new addon for Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:31 PM gvSIG projections Revision 284: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:31 PM gvSIG projections Revision 283: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.projection.jcrs-2.1.7
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:31 PM gvSIG projections Revision 282: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.projection.jcrs-2.1.7
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:30 PM gvSIG projections Revision 281: Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:17 PM gvSIG bugs #2800: Geoprocesos ignoran la selección
I can reproduce the issue in build 2247. IMHO it could depend by the GEOMETRY field introduced in gvSIG 2.1, because ... Antonio Falciano
12:15 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2852 (Fixed): new addon for
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:14 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2852 (Closed): new addon for Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:13 PM gvSIG bugs #2704 (Fixed): Texto a modificar y traducir en Export to BD
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:13 PM Revision 41749 (svn-gvsig-desktop): translations, refs #2704
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:55 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 80 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented Internal polygon provider.
Lluís Marqués
11:49 AM gvSIG data provider for GPE Revision 409: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:49 AM gvSIG data provider for GPE Revision 408: [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.gpe-2.1.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:49 AM gvSIG data provider for GPE Revision 407: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.gpe-2.1.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:48 AM gvSIG data provider for GPE Revision 406: Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:43 AM Revision 41748 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Add authorization control to DefaultActionInfoStatusCache
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:34 AM gvSIG bugs #2690 (Fixed): Export to KML application error
Hasta donde he podido comprobarlo a mi me funciona.
Voy a suponer que se trata de algun error en la generacion del p...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:22 AM gvSIG bugs #2724 (Fixed): Filter "Select from set" returns Falta por implementar
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:16 AM gvSIG bugs #2724: Filter "Select from set" returns Falta por implementar
*Has patch:* Yes
I've simply adapted the code of the layer filter.
Antonio Falciano
11:22 AM Revision 41747 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Apply patch to implement filter "Select from set" , refs #2724
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:11 AM gvSIG bugs #2678 (Fixed): Problem on installation
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:09 AM Revision 41746 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Change DBF field names max length from 10 to 11, refs #2672
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:07 AM gvSIG bugs #2681 (Fixed): Field name truncation with Export to
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:07 AM Revision 41745 (svn-gvsig-desktop): change method to field name truncation in Export-to, refs #2681
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:01 AM gvSIG bugs #2672 (Fixed): DBF field names max length is 11 instead of 10
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:02 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 79 (gvsig-vectorediting): Eliminadas dependencias con andami y mainplugin de gvsig
Francisco Díaz Carsí
08:01 AM gvSIG bugs #2389 (Fixed): No transformation is offered from 4326 to 3035
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:59 AM gvSIG bugs #2596 (Fixed): Problema con la proyección EPSG:21781
Por lo que he entendido el arreglo se ha generalizado a otros sistemas de referencia en el ticket #2813, asi que cier... Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:42 AM gvSIG bugs #2632 (Fixed): Loss of precision parsing CRS parameters
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:41 AM gvSIG projections Revision 280: Loss of precision parsing CRS parameters, refs #2632
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:28 AM gvSIG projections Revision 279: No transformation is offered from 4326 to 3035, refs #2389
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:06 AM gvSIG bugs #2813 (Fixed): Swiss Oblique Mercator CRSs issue
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:06 AM gvSIG projections Revision 278: Swiss Oblique Mercator CRSs patch, refs #2813
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:44 AM gvSIG bugs #2621 (Fixed): Check the units of measure in the User CRS wizard
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:44 AM gvSIG bugs #2566 (Fixed): Filter window title contains the view name instead of the active layer ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:43 AM Revision 41744 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Filter window title contains the view name instead of the act...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:42 AM gvSIG projections Revision 277: "New CRS" wizard, on the Edit button, I see the semiaxis expressed in millimeters, ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:18 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 78 (gvsig-vectorediting): Añadido EditingCompoundBehavior que permita entrar en modo sel...
Francisco Díaz Carsí


01:11 PM gvSIG bugs #2566: Filter window title contains the view name instead of the active layer name
*Has patch:* Yes
Very trivial this one! ;)
Antonio Falciano


01:01 PM gvSIG bugs #2556: Geoalgorithm output view issue
*Has patch:* Yes
I attach a patch that fixes this tedious issue.
The selectedObject, i.e. the view specified by t...
Antonio Falciano
10:29 AM gvSIG bugs #2582: SEXTANTE Merge geoprocess returns always an empty layer
Something is changed in the meanwhile, so I attach another sextante.log. There's a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExc... Antonio Falciano
07:41 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 77 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed bug when polyline stops.
Lluís Marqués
06:47 AM gvSIG bugs #2583: Can't save a temporary layer
*Severity:* Major
This ticket should be titled "Can't save edit in SHPs generated by SEXTANTE geoprocesses (not gv...
Antonio Falciano
06:37 AM gvSIG bugs #2834: Difference geoprocess doesn't work
Hi all,
I've just tested both Difference geoprocesses against two simple geometries and they worked fine.
Maybe it ...
Antonio Falciano
06:31 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 76 (gvsig-vectorediting): Refactor code.
Added throw StopServiceException and catch clause.
Added comments.
Lluís Marqués
06:25 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 75 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added endEditingExtension to main.
Lluís Marqués
06:24 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 74 (gvsig-vectorediting): Removed unused methods to create geometries.
Lluís Marqués
06:23 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 73 (gvsig-vectorediting): Created JavaDoc.
Lluís Marqués
06:21 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 72 (gvsig-vectorediting): Changed activateTool to activateService.
Deleted useless comments and unused variables. Lluís Marqués
06:20 AM gvSIG bugs #2849: Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses don't work fine due to the GEOMETRY field
Here's a partial list of SEXTANTE vector geoprocesses that don't work due to this issue and the exception that usuall... Antonio Falciano
05:10 AM gvSIG bugs #2849 (Closed): Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses don't work fine due to the GEOMETRY field
Several SEXTANTE geoprocesses, such as those based on the overlay concept or that manage the fields in the attribute ... Antonio Falciano
05:51 AM gvSIG bugs #2851: RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE vector geoproce...
I've forgotten to say that the final effect of this exception is that the *"File not found"* window appears. If we ch... Antonio Falciano
05:45 AM gvSIG bugs #2851 (Closed): RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated executing SEXTANTE vector...
Executing some SEXTANTE vector geoprocesses a RuntimeException: Name descriptor duplicated occurs.
*Example 1: "Un...
Antonio Falciano
05:36 AM gvSIG bugs #2850 (Closed): Error opening a project
A project hasn't been opened. I attach the log file and the project. Mario Carrera
02:51 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 71 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added StopServiceException
Francisco Díaz Carsí


06:05 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2990 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:05 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2989 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.tilecache-2.2.2
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:05 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2988 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.tilecache-2...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:03 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2848 (Fixed): Add version 2.0.35-54
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:09 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2848: Add version 2.0.35-54
Aunque la semana que viene se harán más mejoras en la cuadrícula del layout, este build corrige varios fallos de este... Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
03:06 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2848 (Closed): Add version 2.0.35-54 Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
05:41 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2987 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:41 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2986 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.tasseledcap-2...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:41 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2985 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.tasseledcap...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:40 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2984 (gvsig-raster): Corregida la url a donde desplegar el plugin de gvSIG
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:34 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2983 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:34 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2982 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.reproject-2.2.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:34 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2981 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.reproject-2...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:31 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2980 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:31 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2979 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.principalcomp...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:31 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2978 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.principalco...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:28 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2977 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:28 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2976 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.netcdf-2.2.2
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:28 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2975 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.netcdf-2.2.2
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:25 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2974 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:25 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2973 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.multifile-2.2.2
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:25 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2972 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.multifile-2...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:21 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2971 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:21 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2970 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.postgis-2.2.2
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:21 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2969 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.postgis-2.2.2
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:18 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2968 (gvsig-raster): Corregida la url a donde desplegar el plugin de gvSIG
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:16 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2967 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de a 2.2.3 (eliminado el SNAP...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:13 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2966 (gvsig-raster): Corregida la url a donde desplegar el plugin de gvSIG
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:13 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2965 (gvsig-raster): Corregida la url a donde desplegar el plugin de gvSIG
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:12 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2964 (gvsig-raster): Corregida la url a donde desplegar el plugin de gvSIG
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:11 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2963 (gvsig-raster): Corregida la url a donde desplegar el plugin de gvSIG
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:10 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2962 (gvsig-raster): Corregida la url a donde desplegar el plugin de gvSIG
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:10 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2961 (gvsig-raster): Corregida la url a donde desplegar el plugin de gvSIG
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:01 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2960 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:01 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2959 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.wms-2.2.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:01 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2958 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.wms-2.2.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:01 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2957 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:01 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2956 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:01 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2955 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:00 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2954 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:59 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2953 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:59 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2952 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.wcs-2.2.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:59 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2951 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.wcs-2.2.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:59 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2950 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:58 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2949 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:57 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2948 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:57 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2947 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:57 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2946 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.roimask-2.2.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:57 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2945 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.roimask-2.2.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:56 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2944 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:56 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2943 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:54 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2942 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:54 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2941 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:53 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2940 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:52 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2939 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2938 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2937 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.lizardtech-2.2.2
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2936 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.lizardtech-...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2935 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:50 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2934 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:49 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2933 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:49 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2932 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.wmts-2.2.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:49 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2931 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.wmts-2.2.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:49 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2930 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:49 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2929 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.ermapper-2.2.2
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:49 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2928 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.ermapper-2.2.2
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:48 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2927 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
04:48 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2926 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2925 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2924 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2923 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2922 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2921 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2920 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2919 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2918 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2917 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2916 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2915 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2914 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2913 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2912 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:51 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2911 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (sin el SNAPSHOT)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:15 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2910 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:15 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2909 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster.gdal-2.2.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:15 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2908 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster.gdal-2.2.3
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:12 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2907 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la version de org.gvsig.raster a 2.2.4 (eliminado el SNAPS...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:59 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 271 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
02:59 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 270 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
02:59 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 269 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
01:10 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 268 (svn-document-layout): Increment build numbers
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
01:09 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 267 (svn-document-layout): Correct errors on FFrameGrid draw method. Labels and lines we...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
11:08 AM Revision 41743 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Añadido al MapControlManager la posibilidad de registrar list...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:02 AM gvSIG add-on requests #2847 (Fixed): Add version 2.0.34-53
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:55 AM gvSIG bugs #2523 (Fixed): Enlaces simbolicos con rutas absolutas.
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:54 AM gvSIG bugs #2787 (Fixed): Raster layer name in the ToC is equal to its full path
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
09:58 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 70 (gvsig-vectorediting): Added i18n labels.
Lluís Marqués
06:53 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 69 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented endeditingExtension.
Implemented EndEditingException and StartEditingException.
Added i18n labels.
Lluís Marqués
06:11 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 68 (gvsig-vectorediting): Movido el método getFeatureCopyWithoutPK al DefaultEditingProv...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:59 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 67 (gvsig-vectorediting): clear import
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:20 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 66 (gvsig-vectorediting): Validación de entradas por consola y limpieza de la selección ...
Francisco Díaz Carsí
04:19 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 65 (gvsig-vectorediting): Cadenas de traducción
Francisco Díaz Carsí
02:39 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 64 (gvsig-vectorediting): Fixed NullPointException when service is null.
Fixed console messages. Lluís Marqués


08:24 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2906 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:21 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2905 (gvsig-raster)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:14 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2904 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:14 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2903 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag org.gvsig.raster-2.2.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:14 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2902 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release org.gvsig.raster-2.2.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:11 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2901 (gvsig-raster)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:09 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2900 (gvsig-raster): [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of org.gvsig.raster-2.2.4
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:08 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2899 (gvsig-raster)
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:03 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2898 (gvsig-raster): Eliminada la dependencia con la version SNAPSHOT de jpotrace
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:30 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2897 (gvsig-raster): Increment build numbers
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
07:14 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2896 (gvsig-raster): Añadido el metodo getProviderName y eliminado getName
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:01 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2895 (gvsig-raster): Cambiada la estructura del proyecto para eliminar las dependencias ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:53 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2894 (gvsig-raster): Eliminada la dependencia con la version en SNAPSHOT de las nativas
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
02:31 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2847: Add version 2.0.34-53
Include the new layout2 plugin, replacing the old layout1.
The new plugin still has some known bugs which will be so...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
02:30 PM gvSIG add-on requests #2847 (Closed): Add version 2.0.34-53 Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
01:09 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 266 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
01:09 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 265 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag
01:09 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 264 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
01:08 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 263 (svn-document-layout): Increment build numbers
01:06 PM gvSIG bugs #2536: Input windows in Modeler are too close
*Has patch:* Yes
I attach a patch that:
* increases the width of parameter panels in the modeler;
* increases th...
Antonio Falciano
01:05 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 262 (svn-document-layout): Name the document as 'Map' again to be included on official g...
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
12:32 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2893 (gvsig-raster): Modificada la estructura del proyecto org.gvsig.raster.ermapper par...
Ya no es necesario depender de las nativas del proyecto para compilar los subprojectos java. Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:18 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 261 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
12:18 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 260 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag
12:18 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 259 (svn-document-layout): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
12:17 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 258 (svn-document-layout): Increment build numbers
12:16 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 257 (svn-document-layout): Deleted dirs
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
12:16 PM gvSIG Document Layout Revision 256 (svn-document-layout): Update dependences with gvSIG mainplugin
Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
12:14 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2892 (gvsig-raster): Correcciones relacionadas con que las capas raster muestren en el T...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
12:14 PM gvSIG raster Revision 2891 (gvsig-raster): Correcciones relacionadas con que las capas raster muestren en el T...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:56 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 63 (gvsig-vectorediting): Symmetry extension
Francisco Díaz Carsí
11:39 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 62 (gvsig-vectorediting): Deleted InvalidOption and Invalidvalue. Now there is a common ...
Fixed bug when user insert points by console. Lluís Marqués
10:58 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 61 (gvsig-vectorediting): Changed how exceptions are thrown and captured.
Generated message errors with a logger. Lluís Marqués
10:05 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 60 (gvsig-vectorediting): Created vector editing exceptions.
Lluís Marqués
08:59 AM Revision 41742 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Modificada la vista para que use el metodo createJMapControlP...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
08:51 AM Revision 41741 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Corregido un error en el metodo shouldValidateTheFeature del ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
06:28 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 59 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented polyline extension.
Lluís Marqués
06:26 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 58 (gvsig-vectorediting): Code refactor. Deleted useless comments and changed provide na...
Lluís Marqués
05:58 AM Revision 41740 (svn-gvsig-desktop): Modificado el generador del instalador para windows para que ...
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
05:58 AM gvSIG bugs #2846 (Closed): Missing translations in Charts
Antonio Falciano
04:38 AM gvSIG bugs #2678: Problem on installation
buscando por internet he encontrado
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
03:50 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 57 (gvsig-vectorediting): Implemented polyline provider.
Lluís Marqués
03:49 AM gvSIG tools: Vector editing Revision 56 (gvsig-vectorediting): Changed return type of draw operation.
Code refactor. Lluís Marqués
03:29 AM gvSIG bugs #2845 (Closed): Error de operador en simbología por expresiones
En Simbología - Categoría - Expresiones, en la lista de 'Funciones y
Operadores disponibles' aparece '=='
Al hace...
Álvaro Anguix

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