
From 06/19/2013 to 07/18/2013


01:46 PM gvSIG bugs #1963 (Closed): Add column tool doesn't let configure the column settings
The add column tool just add a new empty and unnamed column. This way it is not really useful since the user must con... Manuel Madrid
01:40 PM gvSIG bugs #1962 (Closed): Strange (and wrong) warning when using column renaming tool
1. Load a vector layer in a view
2. Start editing
3. Open the attribute table
4. Select the "rename column" tool
Manuel Madrid
01:26 PM gvSIG bugs #1961 (Closed): Add column button disabled
1. Load a vector layer in a view
2. Start editing
3. Open the attribute table
4. The add column button is disabled...
Manuel Madrid
01:19 PM gvSIG bugs #1960 (Closed): Add record tool button always disabled
In the table document tool bar, the "add record" tool button is always disabled, even when the table is in edition mode. Manuel Madrid
01:17 PM gvSIG bugs #1959 (Closed): Link tool button is duplicated
In the table document tool bar, the "Create link between tables" button is duplicated: one is enabled and one is disa... Manuel Madrid
01:08 PM gvSIG feature requests #1958 (Closed): Add perimeter area and coordinates buttons are not intuitive
The tools for adding the perimeter, area and coordinates values as a new field in the attribute table are not intuiti... Manuel Madrid
09:59 AM gvSIG feature requests #1957 (Closed): Add support to "open folder" hyperlink type
It would be interesting to be able to configure a hyperlink that opens a folder with the default system file browser. Manuel Madrid
09:54 AM gvSIG feature requests #1956 (New): Hyperlink: implement a file browser for filling in the file p...
One of the most unconfortable actions along a hyperlink configuration is filling in the file paths. It would be grate... Manuel Madrid
09:41 AM gvSIG feature requests #1955 (New): Hyperlink: remove the text box for filling in the file extension
This control is quite confusing since users really don't know how it works.
Now the file extension has to be fille...
Manuel Madrid
09:21 AM gvSIG bugs #1950: Error al añadir chart al layout
Me ha salido con la nueva versión del plugin. Creo que he dado con el motivo de cuando pasa y cuando no. Al menos en ... Álvaro Anguix
09:13 AM gvSIG bugs #1950: Error al añadir chart al layout
Este error me daba cuando usaba la extensión con la primera versión del plugin ¿puede ser que no esté actualizado el ... José Badía
09:21 AM gvSIG bugs #1954 (Invalid): Load raster hyperlink doesn't work
1. Load a vector polygon layer.
2. Start editing.
3. Add a new column (type=string length=100).
4. Choose a polygo...
Manuel Madrid
09:13 AM gvSIG bugs #1953 (Closed): Hyperlink to html: page visualization is wrong
1. Load a vector polygon layer.
2. Start editing.
3. Add a new column (type=string length=100).
4. Choose a polygo...
Manuel Madrid
09:01 AM gvSIG bugs #1935 (Fixed): Printing: Vector layers reprojected on the fly are not printed
Fixed printing method when vector layer is reprojected on the fly.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:58 AM gvSIG bugs #1936 (Fixed): Saving project: Error if one of the layers was created with "Export to ...
Fixed creation of store parameters after exporting to SHP.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:38 AM gvSIG bugs #1952 (Fixed): [New plugin structure 01/07/2013] "gvSIG Basic" symbols are not copied ...
Fixed hard-coded folder path in library. Not very elegant, perhaps a new solutions will be implemented.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:35 AM gvSIG bugs #1952 (Closed): [New plugin structure 01/07/2013] "gvSIG Basic" symbols are not copied...
[New plugin structure 01/07/2013] "gvSIG Basic" symbols are not copied to correct folder when app starts Juan Lucas Domínguez


01:39 PM gvSIG bugs #1951 (Closed): Mal refresco al cambiar propiedades de gráficos
Genero un gráfico combinado con uno de barras y uno de XY
Una vez generado voy a propiedades y cambio el campo de un...
Álvaro Anguix
01:36 PM gvSIG bugs #1950 (Closed): Error al añadir chart al layout
He creado un chart y al ir a añadirlo al layout me sale ventana de error y me bloquea gvSIg.
Adjunto log.
Álvaro Anguix
12:15 PM gvSIG add-on requests #1949 (Closed): build 2
Available build 2 of this plugin on José Badía
11:14 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1878 (Closed): gvSIG chart document plugin
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
11:13 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1947 (Fixed): gvSIG add chart document to layout plugin
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:59 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1338 (Closed): Update scripting extension pakages
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:56 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1841 (Closed): New add-on for raster
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:55 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1549 (Closed): Add OpenCADTools plugin v 1.12-1418
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:50 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1616 (Closed): Folder org.gvsig.sos.simple
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano
10:49 AM gvSIG add-on requests #1779 (Closed): Biblioteca de símbolos [G symbols]
Joaquín del Cerro Murciano


11:55 AM gvSIG bugs #1948 (Closed): Wrong behaviour typing data in a table
1. Load a shapefile in a view.
2. Start editing.
3. Open the attribute table.
4. Click on a cell. The record becom...
Manuel Madrid


01:58 PM gvSIG bugs #1945: gvSIG start freezes if internet connection is off
More info...
gvSIG running on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 virtual machine (Virtual Box) on Mac OS X 10.6.
If I just disa...
Manuel Madrid
10:15 AM gvSIG bugs #1945 (Invalid): gvSIG start freezes if internet connection is off
1. Switch off any network connections
2. Run gvSIG
3. Start freezes when last message in console is: Inicializing o...
Manuel Madrid
12:24 PM gvSIG add-on requests #1947 (Closed): gvSIG add chart document to layout plugin
Plugin url:
José Badía
10:32 AM gvSIG bugs #1946 (Closed): Can't open a project containing WMS layers without internet connection
1. Run gvSIG
2. Open a view
3. Load a WMS layer
4. Save the project
5. Create a new project
6. Switch off the ne...
Manuel Madrid


02:37 PM gvSIG feature requests #1944 (Closed): Show symbols sorted by their file name when browsing
Show symbols sorted by their file name when browsing Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:36 PM gvSIG bugs #1943 (Closed): [New plugin structure 01/07/2013] Symbols cannot be browsed
Symbols exist in the user's folder but are not shown.
Main error message is:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
02:28 PM gvSIG bugs #1942 (Closed): Dependency not resolved when installing mapsheets plugin
1. Within the addons manager, select the following plugins:
- Document: Layout 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-26
- Map sheets main ...
Manuel Madrid
01:43 PM gvSIG feature requests #1941 (Fixed): Adding event theme: Add toolbar button and more intuitive m...
Added extension, GUI and settings to have a toolbar button and better menu option.
"Add event theme" option is next ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:33 PM gvSIG feature requests #1941 (Closed): Adding event theme: Add toolbar button and more intuitive ...
A toolbar button and a more intuitive menu option should exist to access the "Adding event theme" option Juan Lucas Domínguez


01:15 PM gvSIG bugs #1940 (Fixed): [New plugin structure 01/07/2013] Event theme option is not available
Added missing .Library file in event theme plugin.
Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:11 PM gvSIG bugs #1940 (Closed): [New plugin structure 01/07/2013] Event theme option is not available
In the Menu:
Tools > transformation > Create
"Event theme" is not available
I'm going to fix it now because the ...
Juan Lucas Domínguez


02:19 PM gvSIG bugs #1939 (Closed): [New plugin structure 01/07/2013] Error when accessing Postgis DB
Even if the Postgres/Postgis plugin is installed, there is a an error message when trying to connect to a Postgis DB.... Juan Lucas Domínguez


02:02 PM gvSIG bugs #1938 (Invalid): No importa ciertos símbolos SVG
No sé exactamente que problema tiene cierto conjunto de símbolos. Representan el estándar OGC de símbolos de tiempo y... Álvaro Anguix
01:58 PM gvSIG bugs #1937 (Closed): Importador de simbolos desde instalación
Cuando instalamos por primera vez gvSIG 2.0, si le damos a ejecutar cuando nos pregunta desde el instalador e intenta... Álvaro Anguix
08:54 AM gvSIG bugs #1686: WMTS con distinto CRS cierra el programa automáticamente
Me vuelve a pasar, adjunto log. El comportamiento es parecido a lo que ocurría con los ecw, así que igual se solucion... Álvaro Anguix
08:23 AM gvSIG bugs #1686: WMTS con distinto CRS cierra el programa automáticamente
Puedes replicarlo o solo te ha pasado una vez? no he conseguido que pase. Ignacio Brodín


01:22 PM gvSIG bugs #1936: Saving project: Error if one of the layers was created with "Export to SHP"
I have fixed this problem in my local workspace. It will be uploaded to the new workspace soon (structure changed on ... Juan Lucas Domínguez
01:21 PM gvSIG bugs #1936 (Closed): Saving project: Error if one of the layers was created with "Export to...
- Add a vector layer to a view
- Export the layer to SHP and say YES when asked whether to add the resulti...
Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:35 AM gvSIG bugs #1935: Printing: Vector layers reprojected on the fly are not printed
I have fixed this problem in my local workspace. It will be uploaded to the new workspace soon (structure changed on ... Juan Lucas Domínguez
08:33 AM gvSIG bugs #1935 (Closed): Printing: Vector layers reprojected on the fly are not printed
Printing: Vector layers reprojected on the fly are not printed Juan Lucas Domínguez


04:15 PM gvSIG bugs #1695 (Fixed): Cierre automático al añadir capas raster (ecw)
Ignacio Brodín
03:30 PM gvSIG bugs #1879 (Fixed): Shape mal exportado: une nodos
gvsig-desktop:r40423 Ignacio Brodín


03:39 PM gvSIG bugs #1861 (Fixed): Error loading a shapefile
Ignacio Brodín
03:39 PM gvSIG bugs #1861: Error loading a shapefile
The problem was in the encoding. The encoding of this file is Standard Macintosh and the system do not support it. I'... Ignacio Brodín
01:13 PM gvSIG bugs #1924 (Fixed): Problems managing multisurface3D shapefile layers
Ignacio Brodín
12:29 PM gvSIG bugs #1924: Problems managing multisurface3D shapefile layers
La escritura de poligonos 3D shape a nivel de escritura de bytes se hacía mal debido a que se metía más información d... Ignacio Brodín
09:17 AM gvSIG bugs #1920: Adapting to PostGIS 2.0
Nacho, thanks for adding that new capability to gvSIG! It is a very nice addition, as each day more users are using t... Cesar Ordiñana


07:37 PM gvSIG bugs #1933 (Closed): Visualize grid option doesn't persist (layout)
1. Create a map.
2. Menu Map > Properties
3. Disable the option "visualize grid".
4. Save and close the project.
Manuel Madrid
07:33 PM gvSIG bugs #1932 (Closed): Editing a copied element in a map modifies also the original one
1. Create a map
2. Insert a rectangle (for example)
3. Duplicate the rectangle by copying and pasting it.
4. Edit ...
Manuel Madrid
07:29 PM gvSIG bugs #1931 (Closed): Wrong scale in map when view CRS is EPSG:4326 (lat/lon)
1. Create a view in CRS EPSG:4326
2. Load some layer (a mapamundi for example)
3. Create a map.
4. Insert the view...
Manuel Madrid
07:24 PM gvSIG bugs #1930 (Closed): Locator doesn't refresh until the mouse pointer goes over it
1. Load same layers in a view.
2. Menu View > Locator setup.
3. Load a layer
4. Change the view zoom.
5. Check th...
Manuel Madrid
07:05 PM gvSIG bugs #1929 (Closed): Error saving a project
I got an error when trying to save a project.
I couldn't reproduce the problem. Anyway I attached the log file.
Manuel Madrid
06:20 PM gvSIG feature requests #1928 (Closed): Send a layer to the background
There is a tool bring a layer to front (right click > bring to front). It would be very useful to have a similar tool... Manuel Madrid


04:41 PM gvSIG bugs #1920 (Fixed): Adapting to PostGIS 2.0
Ignacio Brodín
04:41 PM gvSIG bugs #1920: Adapting to PostGIS 2.0
I tested the result in PostGIS 2.0 and 1.5 editing layers polylines and polygons 2D 3D. The Z coordinate cannot be ch... Ignacio Brodín


04:35 PM gvSIG bugs #1927 (Closed): Problema con librería JTS en geoprocesos
El siguiente error ocurre al ejecutar ciertos geoprocesos:
En concreto:
* Carga...
José Vicente Higón
03:06 PM gvSIG bugs #1926 (Closed): The result of merging two point2D shapefile layers is a multipoint2D s...
1. Load attached shapefiles.
2. Check that both are point2D type (layer properties).
2. Run merge geoprocess (gvSIG...
Manuel Madrid
02:15 PM gvSIG bugs #1925 (Closed): Shows the same ID to all points inserted in a shapefile
1. Create a new point shapefile.
2. Start editing.
3. Insert several points.
4. Notice that all the points have th...
Manuel Madrid
01:45 PM gvSIG bugs #1924 (Closed): Problems managing multisurface3D shapefile layers
We get an error when trying to:
- Edit the file. It doesn't allow to save changes.
- Export the layer to shapefile....
Manuel Madrid
12:33 PM gvSIG bugs #1923 (Closed): Snapping with other layers doesn't work
1. Load two vector layers
2. Start editing in layer #1.
3. Right click > Editing properties
4. Check the layer #2 ...
Manuel Madrid


11:55 AM gvSIG bugs #1921: GUI freezes when loading a symbol library containing "big" jpgs
After a long time I finally got a "Java heap space" error message. Attached the log file. Manuel Madrid
10:46 AM gvSIG bugs #1921 (Closed): GUI freezes when loading a symbol library containing "big" jpgs
1. Import a symbol library containing relatively big jpg files (e.g. 30 files of around 300KB)
2. Open the symbol br...
Manuel Madrid
10:53 AM gvSIG feature requests #1922 (Won't fix): Importing CRS defined by user from gvSIG 1.x to gvSIG 2.0
It would be interesting to have a tool that allows to import in gvSIG 2.0 the CRSs defined by user in gvSIG 1.x. Manuel Madrid
10:35 AM gvSIG bugs #1633: Error zooming on layout
Just to add more info, I've tested to change the Look&Feel to GTK+ and the first time worked, but then I restarted th... Jorge Sanz
09:19 AM gvSIG bugs #1920: Adapting to PostGIS 2.0
Steps to migrate:
1- Adapt old functions that have been deprecated to the new ones
2- Modify the WKB reader to load...
Ignacio Brodín
08:46 AM gvSIG bugs #1920 (Closed): Adapting to PostGIS 2.0
Now, vector layers in PostGIS 2.0 cannot be loaded in gvSIG v2. Ignacio Brodín
02:01 AM gvSIG bugs #1919 (Closed): Can't open a project with WMS layer when network is disabled
1. Open gvSIG.
2. Create a new view.
3. Load a WMS layer.
4. Set the layer as invisible.
5. Save the project.
Manuel Madrid

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