Interface DataServerExplorerParameters

All Superinterfaces:
DataParameters, DynObject, Persistent

public interface DataServerExplorerParameters
extends DataParameters

DataServerExplorer parameter container. Provides a way to obtain the name of the specific data explorer type described by this parameters.

Method Summary
 String getExplorerName()
          Returns the name of the data explorer type of the DataServerExplorer represented by this DataServerExplorerParameters
Methods inherited from interface org.gvsig.fmap.dal.DataParameters
clear, getCopy, validate
Methods inherited from interface
loadFromState, saveToState
Methods inherited from interface
delegate, getDynClass, getDynValue, hasDynValue, implement, invokeDynMethod, invokeDynMethod, setDynValue

Method Detail


String getExplorerName()
Returns the name of the data explorer type of the DataServerExplorer represented by this DataServerExplorerParameters

a String containing the name of the data explorer type

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