Uses of Class

Packages that use GeometryOperation

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom that return GeometryOperation
 GeometryOperation GeometryManager.getGeometryOperation(int opCode)
           Returns an common operation with given operation code.
 GeometryOperation GeometryManager.getGeometryOperation(int opCode, int type, int subType)
           Returns an operation given the Geometry type, the Geometry subtype and and the operation code.

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom with parameters of type GeometryOperation
 int GeometryManager.registerGeometryOperation(String geomOpName, GeometryOperation geomOp)
           Registers a GeometryOperation that is common for all GeometryType (registered yet or not).
 int GeometryManager.registerGeometryOperation(String geomOpName, GeometryOperation geomOp, GeometryType geomType)
           Registers a GeometryOperation associated to a GeometryType.
 int GeometryManager.registerGeometryOperation(String geomOpName, GeometryOperation geomOp, int type)
           Registers a GeometryOperation associated to all the geometries with a concrete type.
 int GeometryManager.registerGeometryOperation(String geomOpName, GeometryOperation geomOp, int type, int subType)
           Registers a GeometryOperation associated to a GeometryType, that has been specified using the type code and the subtype code.
 int GeometryManager.registerGeometryOperationBySubtype(String geomOpName, GeometryOperation geomOp, int subType)
           Registers a GeometryOperation associated to all the geometries with a concrete subtype.
 int GeometryManager.registerGeometryOperationBySuperSubType(String geomOpName, GeometryOperation geomOp, int superSubType)
           Registers a GeometryOperation associated to all the geometries which super subType matches with a concrete subType.
 int GeometryManager.registerGeometryOperationBySuperType(String geomOpName, GeometryOperation geomOp, int superType)
           Registers a GeometryOperation associated to all the geometries which super type matches with a concrete type.

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.impl

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.impl that return GeometryOperation
 GeometryOperation DefaultGeometryManager.getGeometryOperation(int opCode)
 GeometryOperation DefaultGeometryManager.getGeometryOperation(int opCode, int type, int subType)

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.impl with parameters of type GeometryOperation
 int DefaultGeometryManager.registerGeometryOperation(String geomOpName, GeometryOperation geomOp)
 int DefaultGeometryManager.registerGeometryOperation(String geomOpName, GeometryOperation geomOp, GeometryType geomType)
 int DefaultGeometryManager.registerGeometryOperation(String geomOpName, GeometryOperation geomOp, int type)
 int DefaultGeometryManager.registerGeometryOperation(String geomOpName, GeometryOperation geomOp, int type, int subType)
 int DefaultGeometryManager.registerGeometryOperationBySubtype(String geomOpName, GeometryOperation geomOp, int subType)
 int DefaultGeometryManager.registerGeometryOperationBySuperSubType(String geomOpName, GeometryOperation geomOp, int superSubType)
 int DefaultGeometryManager.registerGeometryOperationBySuperType(String geomOpName, GeometryOperation geomOp, int superType)

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.area

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.area
 class Area

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.distance

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.distance
 class PointDistance

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.ensureOrientation

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.ensureOrientation
 class EnsureOrientation

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.flip

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.flip
 class Flip
          This class converts the path into points, then flip it down.

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromjts

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromjts
 class FromJTS
           Converts a geometry from JTS to DAL format.

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromwkb

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromwkb
 class FromWKB
          DOCUMENT ME!

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromwkt

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromwkt
 class FromWKT

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.isCCW

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.isCCW
 class IsCCW
          This class checks if the first part from the General Path of a complex geometry is CCW.

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.perimeter

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.perimeter
 class Perimeter

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.perpendicular

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.perpendicular
 class Perpendicular
          Gets a couple of points that defines a line that is perpendicular to other line and intersects with a point.
 class PerpendicularPoint
          Gets a point that is located to a concrete distance (attribute distance) of a line and is located in a perpendicular line that intersects with other point (attribute perpendicularPoint).
 class UnitVector
          Returns an unit vector from two points.

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.relationship

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.relationship
 class Contains
 class Crosses
 class Disjoint
 class Equals
 class Intersects
 class Out
 class Overlaps
 class Touches
 class Within

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.tojts

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.tojts
 class Curve2DToJTS
 class MultiCurveToJTS
 class MultiPointToJTS
 class MultiSurfaceToJTS
 class Point2DToJTS
 class Surface2DToJTS
 class ToJTS

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.towkb

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.towkb
 class ToWKB
 class ToWKBNative

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.towkt

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.towkt
 class ToWKT

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.utils

Subclasses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.utils
 class PointGetAngle

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.type

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.type that return GeometryOperation
 GeometryOperation GeometryType.getGeometryOperation(int index)
          Get the operation for this geometry at a concrete position

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.type with parameters of type GeometryOperation
 void GeometryType.setGeometryOperation(int index, GeometryOperation geomOp)
          Registers an operation for this geometry type.

Uses of GeometryOperation in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.type.impl

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.type.impl that return GeometryOperation
 GeometryOperation DefaultGeometryType.getGeometryOperation(int index)

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.type.impl with parameters of type GeometryOperation
 void DefaultGeometryType.setGeometryOperation(int index, GeometryOperation geomOp)
          Guardamos una referencia a una instancia de la operación en el índice que se pasa como parámetro.

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