Uses of Class

Packages that use CreateGeometryException

Uses of CreateGeometryException in org.gvsig.fmap.geom

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom that throw CreateGeometryException
 Geometry GeometryManager.create(GeometryType geomType)
           This method creates a Geometry with the type specified by this GeometryType.
 Geometry GeometryManager.create(int type, int subType)
           This method creates a Geometry with a concrete type and subtype.
 Geometry GeometryManager.create(String name)
           This method creates a Geometry with the type specified by this name.
 Curve GeometryManager.createCurve(GeneralPathX generalPathX, int subType)
           Create a new curve with a concrete type and sets the value for the coordinates using a GeneralPathX.
 Geometry GeometryManager.createFrom(byte[] wkb)
          Create a geometry from a WKB definition.
 Geometry GeometryManager.createFrom(String wkt)
 Geometry GeometryManager.createFrom(String wkt, String srs)
          Create a geometry from a WKT definition.
 MultiCurve GeometryManager.createMultiCurve(GeneralPathX generalPathX, int subType)
           Create a new multicurve with a concrete type and sets the value for the coordinates using a GeneralPathX.
 MultiSurface GeometryManager.createMultiSurface(GeneralPathX generalPathX, int subType)
           Create a new multisurface with a concrete type and sets the value for the coordinates using a GeneralPathX.
 NullGeometry GeometryManager.createNullGeometry(int subType)
           It creates a null geometry with a concrete subtype.
 Point GeometryManager.createPoint(double x, double y, int subType)
           Create a new point with a concrete type and sets the value for the X and the Y.
 Surface GeometryManager.createSurface(GeneralPathX generalPathX, int subType)
           Create a new surface with a concrete type and sets the value for the coordinates using a GeneralPathX.

Uses of CreateGeometryException in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.impl

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.impl that throw CreateGeometryException
 Geometry DefaultGeometryManager.create(GeometryType geomType)
 Geometry DefaultGeometryManager.create(int type, int subType)
 Geometry DefaultGeometryManager.create(String name)
 Curve DefaultGeometryManager.createCurve(GeneralPathX generalPathX, int subType)
 MultiCurve DefaultGeometryManager.createMultiCurve(GeneralPathX generalPathX, int subType)
 MultiSurface DefaultGeometryManager.createMultiSurface(GeneralPathX generalPathX, int subType)
 NullGeometry DefaultGeometryManager.createNullGeometry(int subType)
 Point DefaultGeometryManager.createPoint(double x, double y, int subType)
 Surface DefaultGeometryManager.createSurface(GeneralPathX generalPathX, int subType)

Uses of CreateGeometryException in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromwkb

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromwkb that throw CreateGeometryException
 Geometry WKBParser2.parse(byte[] value)
          Parse a binary encoded geometry.
protected  Geometry WKBParser2.parseGeometry(ByteBuffer data)
          Parse a geometry starting at offset.

Uses of CreateGeometryException in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.type

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.type that throw CreateGeometryException
 Geometry GeometryType.create()
          This method creates a Geometry with the type specified by this class.

Uses of CreateGeometryException in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.type.impl

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.type.impl that throw CreateGeometryException
 Geometry DefaultGeometryType.create()
          This method creates a Geometry with the type specified by this GeometryType.

Uses of CreateGeometryException in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.util

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.util that throw CreateGeometryException
static Point Converter.coordinate2FPoint2D(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate coord)
          Deprecated. DOCUMENT ME!
static Geometry Converter.jtsToGeometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry geo)
          Deprecated. Receives a JTS Geometry and returns a fmap IGeometry
static GeneralPathX Converter.toShape(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry geometry)
          Deprecated. Convierte una Geometry de JTS a GeneralPathX.
static Geometry Converter.transformToInts(Geometry gp, AffineTransform at)

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