
From 12/11/2018 to 01/09/2019


03:57 PM gvSIG bugs #4960 (New): Zoom doesn't work good when Measure units are Kilometers / Los zooms no f...
When the measure units of a View are Kilometers instead of Meters the zooms don't work correctly.
The log file does...
Mario Carrera


11:57 PM gvSIG bugs #4959 (Outdated): x() is returning y()
at field calculator (calculadora de campos) x() is returning y() as output isntead of x coordinate.
(using usr crs)
Mario Fevre


05:20 PM gvSIG bugs #4958 (New): error visualizando elementos en mapa / error at viewing layout
some elements display, worksr or not acording to zoom at layout. It seems like position is swap between elements.
Mario Fevre
03:04 PM gvSIG bugs #4956: error in crs at exporting to user defined crs / error al exportar capa a crs es...
also ask for type of geometry. Does this make any sense? Mario Fevre
02:59 PM gvSIG bugs #4957: spatial join no result / enlace espacial sin resultado
realized, it occurs because of duplicated field names. Should not be tricky to solve it.
one of the shapefiles had a...
Mario Fevre


09:25 PM gvSIG bugs #4957 (Closed): spatial join no result / enlace espacial sin resultado
spatial join between this to layers has no output (temporal or defined file)
(closest neighbor)
enlace espacial e...
Mario Fevre


12:25 AM gvSIG bugs #4956: error in crs at exporting to user defined crs / error al exportar capa a crs es...
and, .prj file content is no readeble leter for gvSIG (even for EPSG type)
Mario Fevre
12:21 AM gvSIG bugs #4956: error in crs at exporting to user defined crs / error al exportar capa a crs es...
also... crs origin and context are swap
también.. el crs de origen y contexto están cruzados.
Mario Fevre
12:18 AM gvSIG bugs #4956: error in crs at exporting to user defined crs / error al exportar capa a crs es...
one more.
When export ends, it waits for click on "cancel", witch is no the same that finish, and still has no much ...
Mario Fevre
12:10 AM gvSIG bugs #4956 (Closed): error in crs at exporting to user defined crs / error al exportar capa...
h1. EN:
Exporting layer to selected crs, has 4 problems:
#does not re-project, keeps actual projection (tested ...
Mario Fevre

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