| Revision:

root / trunk / libraries / libGDBMS @ 38074

  • svn:ignore: target drivers bin-test bin
# Date Author Comment
38074 03/22/2012 01:33 PM Francisco José Peñarrubia

fixes #456
There are new names for jdbc alphanumeric drivers, and we need aliases for each one. (Related to new dialog when adding JDBC tables to the project)

38069 03/14/2012 01:30 PM Francisco José Peñarrubia

fixes #436

38047 03/01/2012 06:46 PM Andrés Maneiro

gvsig-desktop fixes #383 Update JTS to 1.12

  • deleting old binaries (jts-1.9.jar and jtsio-1.8.jar at libFMap/lib).
  • adding new binaries (jts-1.12.jar and jtsio-1.12.jar at libFMap/lib).
  • updating appgvSIG dependences to new libraries (appgvSIG/config/dependences.xml)....
38044 03/01/2012 03:21 PM Francisco José Peñarrubia

fixes #390
deleted records will be deleted in postprocess method.

37927 02/14/2012 06:43 PM Francisco José Peñarrubia

refs #314

37344 11/19/2011 12:50 AM Francisco José Peñarrubia


36346 09/02/2011 12:48 PM Nadal Francisco

Classpaths updated to use new version of log4j-1.2.14.jar

35774 07/18/2011 12:06 PM Juan Lucas Domínguez

Use Double parser to prevent this issue


35337 05/30/2011 09:13 AM Juan Lucas Domínguez

Fixed connection issues in PostGIS driver. The Postgis tickets are somehow connected and most (or all) of them should be fixed after this commit. I am associating this commit to one of the tickets, the others will be simply closed saying "unable to reproduce this after postgis-related improvements"...

35161 05/16/2011 06:46 PM Juan Lucas Domínguez

Unify connection management (GeoDB and alphanumeric)


32743 05/28/2010 12:28 PM Jorge Piera

Corrupted display of (var)char type padded fields
bug #13014

32716 05/26/2010 10:12 AM Jorge Piera

libGDBMS compiles with Java 1.6
bug #13046

31313 10/19/2009 12:45 PM Francisco José Peñarrubia

Faltaba cambiar el ; por el DEFAULT_SEPARATOR

30628 09/01/2009 11:11 AM Vicente Caballero


30362 08/07/2009 02:23 PM Vicente Caballero


30013 07/17/2009 01:55 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Fixed foldered Operations Persistence

see bug#2222

29977 07/15/2009 12:42 PM Vicente Caballero

bug: #2376

28765 05/13/2009 05:22 PM Vicente Caballero

Don't return a null SourceInfo for OperationDataSource (used for example in Joins). Fixes: #2087

28373 05/04/2009 06:46 PM Vicente Caballero

Fix bug #2029. It was not possible to create empty string values (changes by cmartinez)

27892 04/08/2009 09:57 AM Vicente Caballero

Correct jar name: geoutils.jar.jar => geoutils.jar

27849 04/06/2009 04:33 PM Vicente Caballero

Move FooConnection and FooDriver to src/test from src/main. These classes are only used by GDBMS tests, and are not compatible with 1.6. We move it to test, so that we can compile GDBMS with Java 1.5 and 1.6 without problems.

27846 04/06/2009 04:25 PM Vicente Caballero

Use our own version of sun.awt.geom.Curve, instead of internal's JVM one. Curve is not in the public Java API, so it has been changed between Java version, making gvSIG incompatible with Java 1.6. Thus, it is a good idea to extract this class and have a stable API for it.

27812 04/06/2009 09:46 AM Vicente Caballero

(By cmartinez) Stop using obsolete crimson.jar library; instead use built-in Sax2 implementation

27480 03/23/2009 01:25 PM Vicente Caballero

Single quotes are escaped in GDBMs by doubling them (for example ' is escaped as ''). However, escaped quotes are parsed correctly, but they are evaluated incorrectly. They should be evaluated as single quotes, so we convert each doubled quote to a unique quote.

26755 02/13/2009 01:32 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Checks if cause is null before initialize it.

See #147

24731 11/04/2008 01:07 PM Vicente Caballero

jts 1.9

23703 10/02/2008 11:36 AM Vicente Caballero
20713 05/14/2008 05:06 PM Vicente Caballero
17241 12/10/2007 05:01 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Updated classpath of exceptions library.

See #211

16042 11/07/2007 05:18 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Renamed some documents (by jjdelcerro)

14587 10/15/2007 05:37 PM Vicente Caballero


14581 10/15/2007 04:51 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Syncronized the getFieldValue method with the branch v10 version

14216 10/01/2007 02:00 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Fix a problem with the drivers directory generation and svn

13884 09/19/2007 06:26 PM jaume

ReadExpansionFileException removed from this context and removed unnecessary imports

13691 09/14/2007 10:22 AM cesar

Update jts from 1.7 to 1.8

13661 09/13/2007 09:00 AM cesar

Correct build-test property

13530 09/04/2007 06:07 PM cesar

Add a run-tests target; add an AllTest class to run all the TestCases

13296 08/23/2007 03:12 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

renamed defaultJavac to gvSIG-javac
added import-gvSIG-buildnumber

13236 08/22/2007 10:41 AM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

renamed utils.xml to utilities.xml

13217 08/21/2007 02:15 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal
  • empty log message ***
13204 08/21/2007 12:56 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Fixed a defaultJavac problem

13154 08/20/2007 02:10 PM cesar

Copy gdbms drivers to FMap project, and copy all the drivers from FMap to the main plugin

13126 08/17/2007 03:07 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

now uses binaries/ant/utils.xml utilities

13081 08/14/2007 01:54 PM cesar

Correct classpath to match lastests changes

12365 06/27/2007 02:00 PM caballero

compilar 1.4

12362 06/27/2007 12:28 PM jaume

java 1.6 compliance

12272 06/21/2007 01:11 PM cesar

Add encoding to <javac> tags to properly compile with Java 1.5 in UTF-8 environments

11704 05/17/2007 11:43 AM jaume
  • empty log message ***
10665 03/08/2007 01:15 PM caballero


10658 03/08/2007 09:43 AM cesar

Add gvsig-exceptions.jar to compile classpath; refactor compile-classpath on libGDBMS

10627 03/06/2007 06:10 PM caballero


10270 02/12/2007 02:51 PM jorpiell

Se usa el getter del Value en lugar de usarel atributo directamente en el getWidth. De ,lo contrario se producía una excepción

9835 01/19/2007 12:49 PM fjp

Edición sobre MySQLDriver. Revisar, sobra mucho código, y se puede hacer más compatible con GDBMS. (Para que sea más genérico, si se desea)

9799 01/17/2007 08:39 PM azabala

bug solved in getInsertInto...(the rest of methods wont work well, because GDBMS is not thinked to work with schemas)

9767 01/16/2007 09:06 PM azabala

changes to allow edition with MySQL drivers

9755 01/16/2007 02:22 PM azabala

Tries to solve writing bug in MySQL driver

9634 01/10/2007 04:32 PM caballero


9295 12/13/2006 06:13 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Eliminado el metodo finalize del DataSourceFactory. ahora se llama a mano al finalizeThis

9038 11/28/2006 11:30 AM caballero

cvs con una fila que tiene menos columnas que el resto.

8843 11/17/2006 10:20 AM caballero

quito el acelerado de manualDatasource

8841 11/17/2006 10:14 AM fjp


8807 11/16/2006 01:45 PM fjp

corregir cuando pedías información varias veces seguidas. (PELIGRO EN GDMBS!!. Que Chema pruebe los cambios)

8792 11/15/2006 05:09 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

quitados los logs de open/close/reset

8187 10/19/2006 04:52 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Modifiado para que la transformacion y la recuperacion desde/a cadena no pierdan los tipos orginales de los valores.

8186 10/19/2006 04:51 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Añadido metodo para crear value a partir de un String mas el nombre de la clase Value a utilizar.

8096 10/16/2006 12:37 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Añadidos mas tests

8095 10/16/2006 12:37 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Solo se permiten valores que sean instancias de Value

8059 10/11/2006 06:14 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Implementado (tambien su testCase)

8058 10/11/2006 06:14 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Añadida libreria kxml2 para el complexValue

8054 10/11/2006 04:56 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Sobrescrito el metodo getSQLType

7992 10/06/2006 01:56 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Añadido metodo para crear ComplexValue, pero falta decir como tratar los problemas derivados del 'parser'

7984 10/06/2006 01:05 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Faltaba el metodo toString()

7983 10/06/2006 12:56 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Primer commit... falta implementar metodos parse y dump

7785 10/03/2006 10:02 AM cesar

Show project name in compilation

7246 09/13/2006 04:11 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Arreglado error que, cuando una linea no tenia la cantidad de campos esperado, daba un ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

6946 08/31/2006 01:19 PM luisw2
  • empty log message ***
6936 08/31/2006 08:33 AM fjp

Lo he cambiado para evitar errores, pero en realidad este driver no se usa.

6323 07/12/2006 01:48 PM fjp

Draft to add, remove and delete fields

6316 07/12/2006 12:46 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal
  • empty log message ***
6315 07/12/2006 12:43 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Añadido al interface ObjectDriver el metodo 'reload'

6314 07/12/2006 12:42 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

añadido al DataSource metodo 'reload' 'addDataSourceListener' y 'removeDataSourceListener'

6295 07/11/2006 03:13 PM cesar

Add the possibility to produce debug info

6222 07/06/2006 12:23 PM caballero

intrucir tipo Date

6210 07/06/2006 10:21 AM fjp
  • empty log message ***
5736 06/08/2006 10:08 AM fjp

bug ogc_geom

5710 06/07/2006 11:55 AM cesar

Move the build dir to 'bin', as the other projects

5700 06/06/2006 04:05 PM fjp

Escribir mySQL, HSQLDB, etc y Oracle

5699 06/06/2006 04:05 PM fjp
  • empty log message ***
5698 06/06/2006 02:02 PM cesar

Change build dir to bin

5692 06/06/2006 12:51 PM cesar

Take the right directory to generate the jar

5690 06/06/2006 10:49 AM fjp

Escribir mySQL, HSQLDB, etc

5665 06/05/2006 04:18 PM caballero

Editar con OrderDataSource

5637 06/05/2006 09:15 AM cesar

Add gt2sidx jar to compile-classpath

5634 06/05/2006 08:34 AM fjp

Escritura que permite crear drivers de manera más sencilla.

5579 06/01/2006 01:14 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

añadido mecanimos para poder registrar 'alias' para los drivers.

5578 06/01/2006 01:06 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Modificado para que se genere el driver correcto del 'csv' --> 'csv string'

5568 06/01/2006 10:07 AM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Añadido al interface DataSource metodo 'getDriver'. En los interfaces que ya tenian un metodo del mismo nombre, pero con distintio tipo, se han modificado y dentro de las clases se hace un casting al tipo que necesitan.

5252 05/17/2006 02:00 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

arreglado error en la generacion de identificadores unicos

5251 05/17/2006 01:58 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

arreglado error en la generacion de identificadores unicos

5220 05/16/2006 05:32 PM Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal

Modificado el getUID para que devuelva un identificador unico (UID de la libreria estandar).
Añadido metodo finalizeThis que limpia las vistas.