Task #72

Dar de alta usuarios y proyectos

Added by José Badía over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:12/14/2011
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:José Badía% Done:


Category:-Estimated time:2.00 hours
Target version:-Spent time:-



Id: nbrodin
Nombre: Nacho
Apellidos: Brodin
Organizacion: Prodevelop
Correo electrónico:


Id: cmartin
Nombre: Cristian
Apellidos: Martin Reinhold
Correo electrónico:


Id: jpiera
Nombre: Jorge
Apellidos: Piera
Organizacion: Prodevelop
Correo electrónico:



Nombre del proyecto:

Identificador del proyecto:

Descripción del proyecto:
gvSIG is a Geographic Information System (GIS), that is, a desktop application designed for capturing, storing, handling, analyzing and deploying any kind of referenced geographic information in order to solve complex management and planning problems.

gvSIG is known for having a user-friendly interface, being able to access the most common formats, both vector and raster ones. It features a wide range of tools for working with geographic-like information (query tools, layout creation, geoprocessing, networks, etc.), which turns gvSIG into the ideal tool for users working in the land realm.

gvSIG is known for:

  • integrating in the same view both local and remote data through OGC standards.
  • being designed to be easily extendable, allowing continous application enhancement, as well as enabling the development of tailor-made solutions.
  • being open source software, under GNU/GPL license, which allows its free use, distribution, study and improvement.
  • being available in several languages (Spanish, English, German, French, Italian,...)
  • being developed using Java, and being available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X platforms

Desarrolladores del proyecto:
- jjdelcerro, jefe de proyecto
- cordinyana, jefe de proyecto


Nombre del proyecto:

Identificador del proyecto:

Descripción del proyecto:
Library providing support for the implementation of commonly used design patterns, like the observer and visitor patterns, as well as base framework tools to be used in the development of gvSIG projects. Those framework tools aren\'t related to nor have any direct relationship with GIS, so they could be used in the development of any Java based application.

  • Implementation of observer pattern using interfaces.
  • Definition of interfaces for the visitor pattern.
  • A simple persistence API and implementation.
  • Framework for supporting the separation between API/implementation/SPI.
  • Tools for supporting the registration of extension points in applications.
  • Tools for locating singleton services.
  • Base clases to manage exceptions.
  • Tools for traking instances of objects that require disposal.
  • Framework for managing structures of data defined in runtime.
  • Tools for the automatic service discovery.
  • Framework for the (automatic) initialization libraries.

Desarrolladores del proyecto:
- jjdelcerro, jefe de proyecto
- cordinyana, jefe de proyecto


Nombre del proyecto:

Identificador del proyecto:

Descripción del proyecto:

Desarrolladores del proyecto:
- jjdelcerro, jefe de proyecto
- cordinyana, jefe de proyecto


Nombre del proyecto:

Identificador del proyecto:

Descripción del proyecto:
It's a scripting framework adding to java applications scripting capabilities.
It permits execution, editing and installation of scripts and scripts proyects.

  • User's scripts and system area scripts (provided in the applicaction and they aren't editables).
  • Support for scripts, dialogs and proyects.
  • Registry of global names for the execution of scripts.
  • Registration support for javadocs and help system for visualization.
  • Scripting Launcher with dialog for browsing user's scripts and system area scripts.
  • Scripting Composer, code editor with syntax highlighting and visual dialog editor.
  • Script support for python, javascript and beanshell.

Desarrolladores del proyecto:
- jjdelcerro, jefe de proyecto
- cordinyana, jefe de proyecto


Nombre del proyecto:

Identificador del proyecto:

Descripción del proyecto:
gvSIG metadata is a specific tool for managing the metadata
associated with geographic information supporting different
profiles (ISO, NEM, INSPIRE).
This tool integrates with gvSIG as a library that provides
basic functionality by providing a metadata management API
and as an extension of gvSIG which adds other functionalities
such as managing non-standard metadata formats.

Desarrolladores del proyecto:
- cmartin, jefe de proyecto


Nombre del proyecto:

Identificador del proyecto:

Descripción del proyecto:

Desarrolladores del proyecto:
- jjdelcerro, jefe de proyecto
- cordinyana, jefe de proyecto


Nombre del proyecto:

Identificador del proyecto:

Descripción del proyecto:

Desarrolladores del proyecto:
- nbrodin, jefe de proyecto


Nombre del proyecto:

Identificador del proyecto:

Descripción del proyecto:

Desarrolladores del proyecto:
- jpiera, jefe de proyecto


Nombre del proyecto:

Identificador del proyecto:

Descripción del proyecto:
There are a huge number of heterogeneous sensors around the world and there is not any standard to access to them, unless we use some mechanisms designed by the sensor provider. To solve this problem, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has created the Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) working group. This group is the responsable to define the specifications related with protocols and sharing data between sensors. The goal of this project is provide to both gvSIG desktop and gvSIG mobile of some functionalities to manage systems of sensors using standards of interoperability defined by the OGC and developed by the SWE working group.

  • Support of some SWE specifications:
    o Observation and Measurement.
    o SensorML support.
    o Sensor Observation Service.
  • Retrieving of informations about offerings (set of sensors).
  • Loading alphanumerical and graphical information about processors (sensors).
  • Creation of temporal graphics with information retrieved by sensors.
  • Creation of spatial and temporal filters to retrieve information about a subset of processors.
  • Location of a SOS service using a CSW service.

Desarrolladores del proyecto:
- jpiera, jefe de proyecto


#1 Updated by José Badía over 12 years ago

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