
Interface Summary
Provider Interface for service providers.
ProviderFactory Creates new Providers and its parameters.
ProviderManager Manager the registration of ProviderFactory objects and the creation of Providers.
ProviderRegistration Registers ProviderFactory objects which implement the given interface or extend the given class, into a ProviderManager.
ProviderServices Provides services to a Provider.
ServiceFactory Creates new Services and its parameters.
ServiceManager Manages the registration of ServiceFactory objects and the creation of Services.

Class Summary
AbstractPersistentProviderServices Base Persistent ProviderServices.
AbstractProvider Base Provider implementation.
AbstractProviderFactory Base ProviderFactory implementation.
AbstractProviderManager Base ProviderManager implementation which stores the registered ProviderFactory objects into a Map, using the name as the key.
AbstractProviderRegistration Base ProviderRegistration implementation which delegates on child classed the search of ProviderFactory objects.
AbstractProviderServices Base ProviderServices implementation.
AbstractServiceFactory Base ServiceFactory implementation.
AbstractServiceManager Base ServiceManager implementation which stores the registered ServiceFactory objects into a Map, using the name as the key.

Exception Summary
NotRegisteredException Exception thrown when a service through a Provider or a Service implementation is needed but the provider is not registered.
ParametersException Exception thrown when a service is needed but the provider or service implementation is not registered.
ServiceParametersValidationException Exception thrown when the parameters provided for a service are not valid.

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