First of all, download and install OpenSceneGraph by following the instructions at Suggest that you also download the OpenSceneGraph data sets, follow the instructions for setting up your environment variables and verify that you can run the OpenSceneGraph examples before moving on. Download osgVP SDK from Downloads section in the osgVP site. This package contains native libraries whose format depends on your Operative System (.so for linux, .dll for windows and .dylib for os X), necessary jar files to compile and execute the project and a set of examples to learn the use of osgVP. The SDK package contains: * binaries directory (~/osgVP/binaries): Native binaries per platform and the required precompiled dependencies. * lib directory (~/osgVP/lib): Jar files. * examples directory (~/osgVP/examples): Example project for eclipse. * product directory (~/osgVP/product): Compiled examples ready to be launched. Resources required for carrying out osgvp projects: - Jar files: * gluegen-rt-1.1.0.jar * jogl-1.1.0.jar * libNative-1.0.jar * libosgvp-core-2.x.x.jar * libosgvp-examples-2.x.x.jar * libosgvp-features-2.x.x.jar * libosgvp-manipulator-2.x.x.jar * libosgvp-planets-2.x.x.jar * libosgvp-viewer-2.x.x.jar - Native libraries: * libjniosgvpcore.* * libjniosgvpmanipulator.* * libjniosgvpviewer.* * libosgvpfeatures.* * libosgvpplanets.* * libjniosgvpfeatures.* * libjniosgvpplanets.* * libosgvpcore.* * libosgvpmanipulator.* * libosgvpviewer.* Once you have downloaded the libraries, there are several forms to include it on to your project, depending how you are developing. If your are developing with Eclipse, maybe the easy-way is creating a "lib" directory inside your project and include the jar files into this directory, also create a "binaries" directory and add native libraries into this directory. Then add "lib" directory to the java_build_path, and to execute is necessary to add the correct environment variables (see Getting Started section). If you want to use our library in your project you can get java binaries using maven, it's necessary to add this dependencies section in your pom.xml. :: org.gvsig.osgvp.libosgvp libosgvp-core 2.1.7 org.gvsig.osgvp.libosgvp libosgvp-features 2.1.7 org.gvsig.osgvp.libosgvp libosgvp-manipulator 2.1.7 org.gvsig.osgvp.libosgvp libosgvp-planets 2.1.7 org.gvsig.osgvp.libosgvp libosgvp-viewer 2.1.7 and also need to add a new remote repository in your pom.xml :: ... gvsig-http-repository maven-repository The native binaries are not deployed in maven so you need to use the libraríes inside SDK.