Introduction ============ This document covers the description of: * Version information. * Build instructions. * Packaging instructions. * Internationalization notes. Version information =================== The policy carried out in order to increment the version number is the same as gvSIG but taking into account the following: - Changes to the micro number only must be both forward- and backward-compatible. - Changes to the minor number must be backward-compatible. - Changes to the major number indicates that the version can not be forward- and backward-compatible. The version number is specified in the file "install/intall.xml" in the tag: 0.1.0 and in the file imstall/ It should also be changed in the file "config/about.htm" in tag: Version 0.1.0 Build instructions =============================== The code is compatible with the 1.5 JVM. Setting up a workspace to version 1.12 of gvSIG and then include this project into that workspace. To build it from the workspace can be launched build.xml to generate the necessary packaging within _fwAndami. Packaging instructions =============================== To build an package installer with this plugin, do this: - Make sure that the file is correctly updated (names, version number, build number, etc) - Run the 'generate-without-source' target in build.xml so that all the binaries are copied to _fwAndami - Start gvSIG in your workspace and use the extension to generate package file and index file. - Make those files available to final users and/or plugin repository administrators (more info about the plugin manager: Internationalization notes =================================== * Where you can find the translation strings. Translation strings are inside the files "text_*.properties", where * is the ISO 639-1 language code, in the "config". The languages that are currently translated are: +------------+--------------------+ | *Language* | *ISO 639-1 code* | +------------+--------------------+ | Spanish | es | +------------+--------------------+ | English | en | +------------+--------------------+ * What should I do to include a new language To add a new language, create a file, with the keys of one that already exists, with the language name followed by an underscore and the ISO 639-1 language code followed by the extension ".properties" Ex: For Galician: "" You can get the list of ISO 639-1 codes on the following link: Public access to package tools ============================== The tools you need to package this extension are available in the gvSIG main SVN repo: Folder: trunk/install Download the "install" folder as a new folder in your Eclipse workspace.