si=Yes no=No ok=Ok cancel=Cancel menu=Menu select=Select error=Error volver=Back salir=Exit atencion=Warning ayuda=Help eliminar=Delete refrescar=Refresh map noCapasVisibles=There are no visible layers obtenerFeatureInfo=Query information tiempoMaximoEspera=Timeout seleccioneCapas=Select layers debeSeleccionarCapa=Select one layer obtenerInfo=Getting info seleccionPuntosRuta=Route points selection seleccionUbicacionOrigen=Select origin point seleccionUbicacionDestino=Select destination point eliminarPuntoPasoConf=Are you sure to delete the pass point calcularRuta=Calculate route anularRuta=Cancel route anyadirPuntoPaso=Add pass point rutaPorAqui=Route passing over here puntoPaso=Pass point puntoOrigen=Route from here puntoDestino=Route to here eliminarPuntoPaso=Delete pass point rutaHastaAqui=Route from here rutaDesdeAqui=Route to here seleccionTipoRuta=Select route type aPie=On foot enCoche=By car enAutobus=By bus noHayPuntosSuficientes=There are no enough points to calculate the route obtenerIndicaciones=Get directions puntosInteres=Points of interest obtenerRuta=Calculate route configurarGPS=Configure GPS noInformacion=Information has not been found. Recenter the map. areasInteres=Areas of interest obtenerLocalizacion=Start GPS recentering noEsPosibleEscribit=Is not possible to save POI poisInfo=Query info centrarEnMapa=Center map stopGPS=Stop recentering GPS errorRuta=Route has not been calculated noEsPosibleEscribir = Is not possible to save POI descargandoPOI= Downloading POI descargaPOI=Points of interest are going to be downloaded. This operation must take several minutes. buscarPOI = Find POI POI1 = Alojamiento POI2 = Restauraci\u00F3n POI3 = Agencias de viajes POI4 = Balnearios POI5 = Bodegas POI6 = Centros comerciales POI7 = Equipamientos de ocio POI8 = Equipamientos de arte y cultura POI9 = Centros de interpretaci\u00F3n POI10 = Aulas de naturaleza POI11 = Aular de naturaleza recursos POI12 = Congresos POI13 = Oficinas turismo POI14 = Farmacias y hospitales POI15 = Fiestas POI16 = Rutas POI17 = Denominaci\u00F3n de origen POI18 = Bienes inmuebles POI19 = Conjuntos hist\u00F3ricos POI20 = Patrimonio de la humanidad POI21 = Yacimientos POI22 = V\u00EDa de la plata POI23 = Senderos tur\u00EDsticos POI24 = Red natura 2000 POI25 = REMPEX POI26 = Parque nacional POI0 = Todas buscar = Find cargandoInformacion = Loading info noGPS = This phone does not support GPS minimoTresChar = Write 3 characters noPOIS = There are no points of interest in 5 km seleccioneCategoria = Category: distancia = Distance: metros = m. puntosCercanosMax = There are more than 50 points puntosCercanos = elementos cercanos indicaciones = Indications informeRuta = Route report longTotal = Total length salirDe = From longitud = length llegada = Arrive por = Through durante = During and = and izq = turn left der = tourn right siga = go by disclaimer = La aplicaci\u00F3n implica un consumo de datos que ser\u00E1 facturado por el operador. noPOI = This phone does not support points of interest. seguroSalir = Are you sure to exti? anyadir = Add anyadirServidor = Add server editar = Edit guardar = Save eliminarServidor = Delete server eliminarCapa = Delete layer server = WMS server getCapabilities = Get Capabilities seleccionarTodo = Check all deseleccionarTodo = Uncheck all buscarCapa = Find layers seleccionarCapas = Select layers SRSnoV\u00E1lido = Layer's SRS is not valid servidorRepetido = There is a server with the same name and other URL. You must input other name... dirNoEscr = Selected directory has no read/write permissions dirApp = App directory abrir = Open noCapa = You have not selected any layer intNom = Input a name motorcar = Motorcar bicycle = Bicycle foot = Foot fastest = Fastest shortest = Shortest transport = Transport type = Type nameFinder = Name finder detalles = Show details cercanos = Show nearest places tipo = Type: lat = lat: lon = lon: nombre = Name: categoria = Category: info = Info: isIn = Is in: descripcion = Description: mostrarTodo = Show all the results noRes = No se han encontrado resultados nuevaBusq = New search nearFromCenter = Near from map center limpiar = Clear screen lastFind = Last find results showNamed = Show results on the map poi = Point of interest: calle = Street or place: ciudad = City: pais = State: about = About gvSIG phone namePOI = Find points of interest nameDir = Find directions conexion = Select connection