STEPS TO MOUNT THE PROJECT ON NETBEANS 1. You must checkout the gvSIG phone source code from the SVN repository. 2. Import the project on Netbeans (File->Open project...). 3. Include dependencies to libraries: - floggy-persistence-framework.jar (version 1.2.0) - LWUIT.jar - JMUNIT CLDC 1.1 (this must be in Netbeans as a Library) - kxml2-min-2.3.0.jar 4. The code includes preprocessor directives in order to build the project for three different versions: BlackBerry, Signed and Unsigned. You must create 4 configurations: - Right click on the project in NetBeans. - Click on 'Properties' - Click on 'Manage configurations...' button - Click on 'Add' button - Select 'empty configuration' and type 'bb' that will correspond to BlackBerry build - Check that the new configuration 'uses Default Configuration options' - Repeat the process for 'st', 'sv', 'u' configurations. They will correspond to Signed Thawte, Signed Verisign and Unsigned versions. 5. When building the project you can select one of the configurations described above. NOTE: If you have a keystore with a certificate you must configure signing settings in your project properties window.