Installation on Eclipse of gvSIG Mobile pilot 2 Checkout as different projects the following folders from the pilot2 branch: - appGvsigMobile - boot - customForms - DefaultIcons - deploy_Lin_X86 - deploy_Win_X86 - deploy_WM5_ARM - deploy_WM5_ARM_RXTX - libFMap - libFmapGpeMobile - libGPE - libInternationalization - libLocation - resources - rxtx - rxtx_gnuio Set workspace Java VM to j2sdk1.4 compliant VM (Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs). Set workspace JDK compliance level to 1.4 (Window->Preferences->Java->Compiler). Build boot project (build.xml->right click->Run As->Ant Build) Add generated boot/deploy/boot.jar to the JRE (Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs->Edit->Add External JARs...). Select all projects and clean (Project->Clean). Now you should be able to build appGvsigMobile project (build.xml->right click->Run As->Ant Build). Create a new Run configuration for a Java Application (Run->Run...->Java Application). Select project appGvsigMobile and class Launcher. In the Arguments tab add: - Program arguments: m=J9 s=480x600 l=es p="${workspace_loc}" - VM arguments: -Xmx256M -Djava.library.path=${workspace_loc}/resources/lib/Lin_X86 Change the following values according to your targeted configuration: - m: virtual machine, J9 or PMEA (Phone ME Advance) - s: window size, in pixels, in the example above 480x600 - l: language, in the example above spanish (es) - Djava.library.path: should point to the native libraries -.dll or .so files- for your OS, it can be Lin_X86 (Linux), Win_X86 (Windows) or WM5_ARM (Windows Mobile) Run this configuration. Done!