3 ${basedir}/../../project.xml geotools-epsg-hsql epsg-hsql 2.1.1 org.geotools.referencing EPSG Authoriy Service geotools Connection to an embedded EPSG database in HSQL format. This is database is built from the SQL scripts delivered by EPSG. This plugin is very short and the code contains nothing else than connection parameters through the use of a jar embedding the HSQL files. Didier Richard dgr@libertysurf.fr Institut Géographique National - France Contributor Martin Desruisseaux desruisseaux desruisseaux@users.sourceforge.net Institut de Recherche pour le Développement Java Developer Module Maintainer main gt2 2.1.1 units units 0.01 http://jsr-108.sourceforge.net vecmath vecmath 1.3 http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/3D/ hsqldb hsql JTS JTS 1.6 jar ${basedir}/src META-INF/services/** **/*.sql **/*Test.java ${basedir}/test