My GeoServer WFS My GeoServer WFS This is a description of your Web Feature Server. The GeoServer is a full transactional Web Feature Server, you may wish to limit GeoServer to a Basic service level to prevent modificaiton of your geographic data. WFS, WMS, GEOSERVER NONE NONE topp:states USA Population This is some census data on the states. census, state boundaries, united states EPSG:4326 cv:comunic_lin_300k comunic_lin_300k_Type Generated from bdgis comunic_lin_300k bdgis EPSG:23030 topp:tasmania_roads tasmania_roads_Type Generated from tasmania_roads_shapefile Tasmania Roads EPSG:4326 topp:tasmania_state_boundaries tasmania_state_boundaries_Type Generated from tasmania_state_boundaries_shapefile Tasmania Australia State EPSG:4326 tiger:tiger_roads tiger_roads_Type Generated from DS_tiger_roads tiger_roads DS_tiger_roads EPSG:4326 topp:tasmania_water_bodies tasmania_water_bodies_Type Generated from tasmania_water_bodies_shapefile Tasmania Australia Water Bodies Lakes EPSG:4326 tiger:poly_landmarks poly_landmarks_Type Generated from DS_poly_landmarks DS_poly_landmarks poly_landmarks EPSG:4326 cv:poblacion_pnt_300k poblacion_pnt_300k_Type Generated from bdgis bdgis poblacion_pnt_300k EPSG:23030 tiger:giant_polygon giant_polygon_Type Generated from DS_giant_polygon DS_giant_polygon giant_polygon EPSG:4326 topp:tasmania_cities tasmania_cities_Type Generated from tasmania_cities_shapefile Tasmania Roads EPSG:4326 tiger:poi poi_Type Generated from DS_poi DS_poi poi EPSG:4326 cv:embalses_pol_300k embalses_pol_300k_Type Generated from bdgis bdgis embalses_pol_300k EPSG:23030 Area between boundary boundaryDimension buffer bufferWithSegments centroid Collection_Min contains convexHull crosses difference dimension disjoint distance double2bool endPoint envelope EqualInterval equalsExact equalsExactTolerance equalTo exteriorRing geometryType geomFromWKT geomLength getGeometryN getX getY greaterEqualThan greaterThan if_then_else in10 in2 in3 in4 in5 in6 in7 in8 in9 int2bbool int2ddouble interiorPoint interiorRingN intersection intersects isClosed isEmpty isLike isNull isRing isSimple isValid isWithinDistance length lessEqualThan lessThan Max Min not notEqualTo numGeometries numInteriorRing numPoints overlaps parseBoolean parseDouble parseInt pointN relate relatePattern roundDouble startPoint strConcat strEndsWith strEqualsIgnoreCase strIndexOf strLastIndexOf strLength strMatches strStartsWith strSubstring strSubstringStart strTrim symDifference touches toWKT union within