PRESENT BEANS. (extends JPanel (standard in Swing)): Just a JPanel with addListener(BeanListener l), removeListener(BeanListener l), and callValueChange(Object value) methods for adding listeners, removing listeners, and firing BeanValueChange events. (extends this is an AcrobatReader-page-browser-like bean that allows you to easy browse a list of values. Each time you drag the slider, click a button or type a number an Integer value is produced and a BeanValueChanged event is fired returning an Object value. Catch this event and cast the value produced to a Integer (or even an int) and use it to move your list pointer to this position. An example of use can be found in


package org.gvsig.gui.beans.controls (extends JToolTip (standard in Swing)): Allows using more than one line length tooltips. It also automatically calculates the size of the screen rectangle used and the preferred sized up on the contained text. It does NOT format the text to fit within a given size. The user must provide the text as she/he wishes to show it. It means that new line characters must be placed in the string as well as it was a System.out.println statement.

package org.gvsig.gui.beans.controls.dnd

JDnDList (extends JList (standard in Swing)): A JList that allows drag'n'drop elements. It accepts changing position of one or more elements within the list, adding other from other JDnDList's, removing sets of selected items, and other features. In order to use this features you have to use a JDnDListModel as the list's model.

JDnDListModel (extends AbstractListModel (standard in Swing)): List model to use in junction the JDnDList. Contains some useful tools.

package org.gvsig.gui.geans.listeners Defines an object which listens for changes in the value produced by a bean. It is used, for example, in

by Jaume Domínguez Faus (:S)