4.0.0 org.gvsig.projection.app.proj4j jar CRS: basic management (Proj4J based, java) Basic CRS management implementation based on the Proj4J java library. Provides basic management of CRS with features such as: - Allows setting the coordinate reference system (CRS), by default, in views and layers. - Allows the selection of CRS based on authority (EPSG, ESRI, WORLD, NAD83 and NAD27) and code. - Shows CRS definition based on the proj4 string. - Supports conversion of coordinates (no datum changing). - Supports transformation of coordinates (datum changing). org.gvsig org.gvsig.projection.app 2.0.70 osgeo Open Source Geospatial Foundation http://download.osgeo.org/webdav/geotools true never warn false org.gvsig org.gvsig.andami compile org.gvsig org.gvsig.i18n compile org.slf4j slf4j-api compile org.gvsig org.gvsig.proj.lib.proj4j compile org.gvsig org.gvsig.proj.lib.api compile org.gvsig org.gvsig.projection.cresques.ui compile org.gvsig org.gvsig.projection.cresques.impl compile org.gvsig org.gvsig.projection.api compile org.gvsig org.gvsig.proj.swing.api compile org.gvsig org.gvsig.proj.swing.impl runtime org.opengis geoapi runtime javax.media jai_core runtime javax.media jai_codec runtime geojava geojava runtime org.geotools gt2-legacy runtime org.geotools gt2-main runtime org.geotools gt2-referencing runtime commons-dbcp commons-dbcp runtime commons-collections commons-collections runtime javax.units jsr108 runtime org.osgeo proj4j runtime org.gvsig.projection.app.mainplugin true conflict: org.gvsig.projection.app.cresques -ge 1, conflict: org.gvsig.projection.app.jcrs -ge 1