/******************************************************** ** Copyright 2002 Earth Resource Mapping Pty Ltd. ** This document contains unpublished source code of ** Earth Resource Mapping Pty Ltd. This notice does ** not indicate any intention to publish the source ** code contained herein. ** ** FILE: $Archive: /NCS/Source/include/NCSJPCIOStream.h $ ** CREATED: 28/11/2002 3:27:34 PM ** AUTHOR: Simon Cope ** PURPOSE: CNCSJPCIOStream class header ** EDITS: [xx] ddMmmyy NAME COMMENTS *******************************************************/ #ifndef NCSJPCIOSTREAM_H #define NCSJPCIOSTREAM_H #ifndef NCSJPCTYPES_H #include "NCSJPCTypes.h" #endif // !NCSJPCTYPES_H // NCS 64bit FileIO routines #ifndef NCSFILEIO_H #include "NCSFileIO.h" #endif // !NCSFILEIO_H // UNICODE support #ifdef WIN32 #include "TCHAR.h" #endif // Various NCS Headers #include "NCSDefs.h" #include "NCSError.h" //#include "NCSUtil.h" // STD vector template #include /** * Some time-saving CHECKIO Macros. * Ideally we'd use exceptions instead, but they aren't portable to all compilers/platforms, * so revert to a low-tech solution. * * @param Error Reference to error to construct from */ #define NCSJP2_CHECKIO_BEGIN(e, s) while(e == NCS_SUCCESS) { \ CNCSError *pErrorNCSJP2_CHECKIO = &e;\ CNCSJPCIOStream *pStreamNCSJP2_CHECKIO = &s #define NCSJP2_CHECKIO(a) if(pStreamNCSJP2_CHECKIO->a == false) { *pErrorNCSJP2_CHECKIO = *pStreamNCSJP2_CHECKIO; break; } #define NCSJP2_CHECKIO_ERROR(a) *pErrorNCSJP2_CHECKIO = a; if(*pErrorNCSJP2_CHECKIO != NCS_SUCCESS) break #define NCSJP2_CHECKIO_END() break; } /** * CNCSJPCIOStream class - 64bit IO "Stream" class. * This class is the IO mechanism used to access JP2 files. * << and >> Operators are not implemented as we can't use exception handling for portability reasons. * * @author Simon Cope * @version $Revision$ $Author$ $Date$ */ class NCSJPC_EXPORT_ALL CNCSJPCIOStream: public CNCSError { public: /** Anonymous enum for Seek() origin. */ typedef enum { /** Origin is start of file */ START = NCS_FILE_SEEK_START, /** Origin is from current position in file */ CURRENT = NCS_FILE_SEEK_CURRENT, /** Origin is from the end of the file */ END = NCS_FILE_SEEK_END } Origin; /** Default constructor, initialises members */ CNCSJPCIOStream(); /** Virtual destructor, releases members */ virtual ~CNCSJPCIOStream(); /** * Get the current CNCSError. * @return CNCSError CNCSError object representing current error status of the Stream. */ virtual CNCSError GetError() { return((CNCSError)*this); }; #ifdef _WCHAR_T_DEFINED /** * Get the current filename for the stream. * @return _TCHAR * const pointer to filename for the stream if available, else NULL. */ virtual const wchar_t *GetName() { return((const wchar_t*)m_pName); }; /** * Open the stream on the specified file. * @param pName Full Name of JP2 stream being parsed * @param bWrite Open for writing flag. * @return CNCSError NCS_SUCCESS, or error code on failure. */ virtual CNCSError Open(wchar_t *pName, bool bWrite = false); #else /** * Get the current filename for the stream. * @return _TCHAR * const pointer to filename for the stream if available, else NULL. */ virtual const char *GetName() { return(m_pName); }; #endif /** * Open the stream on the specified file. * @param pName Full Name of JP2 stream being parsed * @param bWrite Open for writing flag. * @return CNCSError NCS_SUCCESS, or error code on failure. */ virtual CNCSError Open(char *pName, bool bWrite = false); /** * Close the stream. * @return CNCSError NCS_SUCCESS, or error code on failure. */ virtual CNCSError Close(); /** * Seek on the file to the specified location. * @param offset Signed 64bit offset to seek by * @param origin Origin to calculate new position from. * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL Seek(INT64 offset, Origin origin = CURRENT); /** * Is stream seekable. * @return bool true if seekable, or false if not. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL Seek(); /** * Get the current file pointer position. * @return INT64 Current file pointer position, or -1 on error. */ virtual INT64 NCS_FASTCALL Tell(); /** * Get the total current size of the file, in bytes. * @return INT64 Size of the file, or -1 on error. */ virtual INT64 NCS_FASTCALL Size(); /** * Mark the current position in the file, so we can rewind it if required. * Note: maintains a stack of marked positions. * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL Mark(); /** * Rewind the file to the previously marked position. * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL Rewind(); /** * UnMark the previously marked file position. * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL UnMark(); /** Is file open for writing * @return bool true is file os open for writing, otherwise false */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL IsWrite(); /** Is the stream a packet stream? This means the SOD segment will be missing from * the stream as parsed, and must be requested separately (ie, ECWP, JPIP) * @return bool true this is a packet stream, otherwise false */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL IsPacketStream() { return(false); } /** Packet stream subclasses overload this to process received packets on a * regular basis */ virtual void ProcessReceivedPackets() {}; /** * Read some data from the stream into the supplied buffer. * @param buffer Buffer to read the data into * @param count How many bytes of data to read. * @param pRead How many bytes of data were actually read. * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL Read(void* buffer, UINT32 count); /** * Write some data to the stream. * @param buffer Buffer of data to write to the stream * @param count How many bytes of data to write to the stream. * @param pWrote How many bytes of data were actually written to the stream. * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL Write(void* buffer, UINT32 count); /** * Read a UINT8 from the stream. * @param buffer Buffer to receive the data * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual NCS_INLINE bool NCS_FASTCALL ReadUINT8(UINT8 &Buffer) { return(Read(&Buffer, sizeof(Buffer))); }; /** * Read a UINT16 from the stream. * @param buffer Buffer to receive the data * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL ReadUINT16(UINT16 &Buffer); /** * Read a UINT32 from the stream, byteswapped if necessary. * @param buffer Buffer to receive the data * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL ReadUINT32(UINT32 &Buffer); /** * Read a UINT64 from the stream, byteswapped if necessary. * @param buffer Buffer to receive the data * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL ReadUINT64(UINT64 &Buffer); /** * Read a INT8 from the stream. * @param buffer Buffer to receive the data * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual NCS_INLINE bool NCS_FASTCALL ReadINT8(INT8 &Buffer) { return(Read(&Buffer, sizeof(Buffer))); }; /** * Read a INT16 from the stream. * @param buffer Buffer to receive the data * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL ReadINT16(INT16 &Buffer); /** * Read a INT32 from the stream, byteswapped if necessary. * @param buffer Buffer to receive the data * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL ReadINT32(INT32 &Buffer); /** * Read a INT64 from the stream, byteswapped if necessary. * @param buffer Buffer to receive the data * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL ReadINT64(INT64 &Buffer); /** * Read a IEEE4 float from the stream, byteswapped if necessary. * @param buffer Buffer to receive the data * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL ReadIEEE4(IEEE4 &Buffer); /** * Read a IEEE8 double from the stream, byteswapped if necessary. * @param buffer Buffer to receive the data * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL ReadIEEE8(IEEE8 &Buffer); /** * Write a UINT8 to the stream. * @param buffer Buffer to write to the stream * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL WriteUINT8(UINT8 nValue); /** * Write a UINT16 to the stream, byteswapped if necessary. * @param buffer Buffer to write to the stream * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL WriteUINT16(UINT16 nValue); /** * Write a UINT32 to the stream, byteswapped if necessary. * @param buffer Buffer to write to the stream * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL WriteUINT32(UINT32 nValue); /** * Write a UINT64 to the stream, byteswapped if necessary. * @param buffer Buffer to write to the stream * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL WriteUINT64(UINT64 nValue); /** * Write a INT8 to the stream. * @param buffer Buffer to write to the stream * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL WriteINT8(INT8 nValue); /** * Write a INT16 to the stream, byteswapped if necessary. * @param buffer Buffer to write to the stream * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL WriteINT16(INT16 nValue); /** * Write a INT32 to the stream, byteswapped if necessary. * @param buffer Buffer to write to the stream * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL WriteINT32(INT32 nValue); /** * Write a INT64 to the stream, byteswapped if necessary. * @param buffer Buffer to write to the stream * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL WriteINT64(INT64 nValue); /** * Write a IEEE4 float to the stream, byteswapped if necessary. * @param buffer Buffer to write to the stream * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL WriteIEEE4(IEEE4 fValue); /** * Write a IEEE8 double to the stream, byteswapped if necessary. * @param buffer Buffer to write to the stream * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL WriteIEEE8(IEEE8 dValue); /** * Reset values for bit (Un)stuffing. * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL ResetBitStuff(); /** * Flush values for bit (Un)stuffing. * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL FlushBitStuff(); /** * Stuff a bit to the JPC bitdata stream. * @param bool Buffer to write bit value to stream from. * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL Stuff(bool bBit); /** * UnStuff a bit from the JPC bitdata stream. * @param bool Buffer to read bit from stream to. * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL UnStuff(bool &bBit); /** * Read a packed LengthType from the stream. * @param nLength Read length in bytes * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual NCS_INLINE bool NCS_FASTCALL ReadLengthType(UINT32 &nLength) { UINT32 nTmp = 0; bool bRet = false; UINT8 t8; while(bRet = ReadUINT8(t8)) { nTmp = (nTmp << 7) | (t8 & 0x7f); if((t8 & 0x80) == 0) { break; } } nLength = nTmp; return(bRet); }; /** * Write a packed LengthType to the stream. * @param nLength Length to write to stream * @return bool true, or false on failure. Instance inherits CNCSError object containing error value. */ virtual bool NCS_FASTCALL WriteLengthType(UINT32 nLength); protected: /** name stream is open on */ #ifdef _WCHAR_T_DEFINED wchar_t *m_pName; #else char *m_pName; #endif /** Stream is open for writing */ bool m_bWrite; /** Stack of marks in the stream */ std::vector m_Marks; /** File pointer */ INT64 m_nOffset; /** Current byte(s) when bit stuffing/unstuffing */ UINT16 m_nThisBytes; /** # of bits left */ UINT8 m_nBitsLeft; }; typedef std::vector CNCSJPCIOStreamVector; #endif // !NCSJPCIOSTREAM_H