/******************************************************** ** Copyright 2001 Earth Resource Mapping Ltd. ** This document contains proprietary source code of ** Earth Resource Mapping Ltd, and can only be used under ** one of the three licenses as described in the ** license.txt file supplied with this distribution. ** See separate license.txt file for license details ** and conditions. ** ** This software is covered by US patent #6,442,298, ** #6,102,897 and #6,633,688. Rights to use these patents ** is included in the license agreements. ** ** FILE: $Archive: /NCS/Source/C/NCSServerUtil/NCSError.h $ ** CREATED: 28/08/2001 3:27:34 PM ** AUTHOR: Simon Cope ** PURPOSE: CNCSError class header ** EDITS: [xx] ddMmmyy NAME COMMENTS *******************************************************/ #ifndef NCSERROR_H #define NCSERROR_H #ifndef NCSLOG_H #include "NCSLog.h" #endif // NCSLOG_H #ifndef NCSERRORS_H #include "NCSErrors.h" #endif // NCSERRORS_H #ifndef NCSTYPES_H #include "NCSTypes.h" #endif // NCSTYPES_H /** * NCSError wrapper class. * * @author Simon Cope * @version $Revision$ $Author$ $Date$ */ class NCS_EXPORT CNCSError { public: /** * Overloaded constructor with a heap of parameters (with defaults). * * @param eError NCSError enum value * @param pFile Source file name where object is constructed (usually __FILE__ is used) * @param nLine Source file line # where object is constructed (usually __LINE__ is used) * @param eLevel Logging level to log error to log file * @param pText Optional text to append to error & log message */ CNCSError(const NCSError eError = NCS_SUCCESS, char *pFile = __FILE__, int nLine = __LINE__, CNCSLog::NCSLogLevel eLevel = CNCSLog::LOG_LEVEL1, const char *pText = (char*)NULL); /** * Copy constructor. * * @param Error Reference to error to construct from */ CNCSError(const CNCSError &Error); /** * Destructor. */ ~CNCSError(); /** * Get an error message for the error object, optionally with a formatted error string included.. * * @param pFormat Optional printf() style format string * @param ... Optional args to match pFormat * @return char * Formatted error string. Should be freed with NCSFree(). * @see #GetErrorNumber() */ char *GetErrorMessage(char *pFormat = NULL, ...); /** * Get the NCSError enum for this error object. * * @return NCSError Enum value of error * @see #GetErrorMessage(char *pFormat = NULL, ...) */ NCSError GetErrorNumber(void) { return(m_eError); } /** * Log the error to the log file, if logging is >= the specified log level. * * @param eLevel Log level required before the error should be logged. */ void Log(CNCSLog::NCSLogLevel eLevel); /** * Assign an error to the error object. * * @param Error Reference to error enum to assign to object * @return Reference to the error object */ CNCSError& operator =(const CNCSError &Error); /** * Compare the errors. * * @param Error Error object to compare to. Comparison is on error enum alone. * @return Boolean value informing whether the two errors are the same type */ inline bool operator ==( const CNCSError &Error ) { return(m_eError == Error.m_eError); }; /** * Compare the errors. * * @param eError Error enum value to compare to. Comparison is on error enum alone. * @return Boolean value informing whether the two errors are the same type */ inline bool operator ==( const NCSError eError ) { return(m_eError == eError); }; /** * Compare the errors. * * @param Error Error object to compare to. Comparison is on error enum alone. * @return Boolean value informing whether the two errors are not the same type */ inline bool operator !=( const CNCSError &Error ) { return(m_eError != Error.m_eError); }; /** * Compare the errors. * * @param eError Error enum value to compare to. Comparison is on error enum alone. * @return Boolean value informing whether the two errors are not the same type */ inline bool operator !=( const NCSError eError ) { return(m_eError != eError); }; private: /** * NCSError enum value for this error. */ NCSError m_eError; /** * Optional formatted test message for this error. */ char *m_pText; /** * File this object was created in (overloaded constructor only). * * @see #CNCSError(NCSError eError = NCS_SUCCESS, char *pFile = __FILE__, int nLine = __LINE__, CNCSLog::NCSLogLevel eLevel = CNCSLog::LOG_LEVEL1, char *pText = (char*)NULL) */ const char *m_pFile; /** * Line number this object was created in (overloaded constructor only). * * @see #CNCSError(NCSError eError = NCS_SUCCESS, char *pFile = __FILE__, int nLine = __LINE__, CNCSLog::NCSLogLevel eLevel = CNCSLog::LOG_LEVEL1, char *pText = (char*)NULL) */ int m_nLine; }; /** * Create a CNCSError instance for the specified error enum, setting the file & line values. * * @param e NCSError enum value */ #define NCSERROR(e) CNCSError(e, __FILE__, __LINE__) /** * Create a CNCSError instance for the specified error enum, setting the file & line values, and write it to the log. * * @param e NCSError enum value */ #define NCSERRORLOG(e) CNCSError(e, __FILE__, __LINE__, CNCSLog::LOG_LEVEL0) /** * Create a CNCSError instance for the specified error enum, setting the file & line values, with some additional text. * * @param e NCSError enum value */ #define NCSERRORTXT(e, t) CNCSError(e, __FILE__, __LINE__, CNCSLog::LOG_LEVEL1, t) /** * Create a CNCSError instance for the specified error enum, setting the file & line values, with some additional text, and write it to the log. * * @param e NCSError enum value */ #define NCSERRORLOGTXT(e, t) CNCSError(e, __FILE__, __LINE__, CNCSLog::LOG_LEVEL0, t) #endif // NCSERROR_H