WMS Acme Corp. Map Server Map Server maintained by Acme Corporation. Contact: webmaster@wmt.acme.com. High-quality maps showing roadrunner nests and possible ambush locations. bird roadrunner ambush Jeff Smith NASA Computer Scientist postal
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Greenbelt MD 20771 USA
+1 301 555-1212 user@host.com
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text/xml image/gif image/png image/jpeg text/xml text/plain text/html XML INIMAGE BLANK Acme Corp. Map Server CRS:84 ROADS_RIVERS Roads and Rivers EPSG:26986 -71.63 -70.78 41.75 42.90 State College University image/gif 123456 XML" ROADS_1M Roads at 1:1M scale Roads at a scale of 1 to 1 million. road transportation atlas 123456 text/plain text/xml RIVERS_1M Rivers at 1:1M scale Rivers at a scale of 1 to 1 million. river canal waterway Weather Forecast Data CRS:84 -180 180 -90 90 1999-01-01/2000-08-22/P1D Clouds Forecast cloud cover Temperature Forecast temperature Pressure Forecast barometric pressure 1999-01-01/2000-08-22/P1D 0,1000,3000,5000,10000 ozone_image Global ozone distribution (1992) -180 180 -90 90 1992 population World population, annual -180 180 -90 90 1990/2000/P1Y