Uses of Class

Packages that use DataException
org.gvsig.fmap.dal Provides DAL's top level abstraction API. 
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.exception Provides DAL's top level exceptions. 
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature Provides API for accessing and managing tabular (Feature based) data. 
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.exception Provides DAL's feature level exceptions. 
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.operation Provides API for feature operations. 
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.rule Provides API for feature rules. 
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.resource Provides API for system resource management. 
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.resource.exception Provides DAL's resource level exceptions.   

Uses of DataException in org.gvsig.fmap.dal

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.dal that throw DataException
 boolean DataServerExplorer.add(String provider, NewDataStoreParameters parameters, boolean overwrite)
          Creates a new DataStore in this server.
 boolean DataServerExplorer.canAdd(String storeName)
          Indicates whether this DataServerExplorer can create a new DataStore in the server, given the store name.
 DataSet DataStore.createSelection()
          Creates a new selection.
 NewDataStoreParameters DataServerExplorer.getAddParameters(String storeName)
          Given the store's name, returns its parameters for creation.
 DataSet DataStore.getDataSet()
          Returns all available data.
 DataSet DataStore.getDataSet(DataQuery dataQuery)
          Returns a subset of data taking into account the properties and restrictions of the DataQuery.
 void DataStore.getDataSet(DataQuery dataQuery, Observer observer)
          Loads a subset of data taking into account the properties and restrictions of the DataQuery.
 void DataStore.getDataSet(Observer observer)
          Loads all available data and notifies the observer for each loaded block of data.
 DataServerExplorer DataStore.getExplorer()
          Returns the DataServerExplorer to which this DataStore belongs, if there is any.
 DataSet DataStore.getSelection()
          Returns the selected set of data
 List DataServerExplorer.list()
          Provides a list of available stores in the server.
 List DataServerExplorer.list(int mode)
          Provides a list of available stores in the server of a type.
 void DataStore.refresh()
          Refreshes this store state.
 void DataServerExplorer.remove(DataStoreParameters parameters)
          Removes a store from the server given its DataStoreParameters.
 void DataStore.setSelection(DataSet selection)
          Sets the current data selection with the given data set.

Uses of DataException in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.exception

Subclasses of DataException in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.exception
 class CloseException
 class CopyException
 class CreateException
 class DataEvaluatorException
 class FileNotFoundException
 class InitializeException
 class LoadException
 class OpenException
 class ParameterMissingException
 class ProviderNotRegisteredException
 class ReadException
 class RemoveException
 class ServerExplorerAddException
 class UnsupportedEncodingException
 class UnsupportedVersionException
 class WriteException

Uses of DataException in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature that throw DataException
 FeatureStoreTransform FeatureStoreTransforms.add(FeatureStoreTransform transform)
          Adds a FeatureStoreTransform to this container.
 void FeatureCache.addFeatures(FeatureSet featureSet, FeatureStore featureStore)
          Add a set of features contained in a envelope for a concrete scale.
 void FeatureStoreTransform.applyTransform(Feature source, EditableFeature target)
          Applies this transform between two features, copying the source data to the target feature.
 void FeatureStore.cancelEditing()
          Cancels all editing since the last edit().
 boolean FeatureStore.canWriteGeometry(int gvSIGgeometryType)
          Deprecated. Mirar de cambiarlo a metadatos
 void FeatureStore.createCache(String name, DynObject parameters)
          Creates a vectorial cache that is used to save and retrieve data.
 FeatureSelection FeatureStore.createFeatureSelection()
          Creates a FeatureSelection
 FeatureIndex FeatureStore.createIndex(FeatureType featureType, String attributeName, String indexName)
          Creates an index which will be applied to the features of the given type, by using the data of the given attribute.
 FeatureIndex FeatureStore.createIndex(FeatureType featureType, String attributeName, String indexName, Observer observer)
          Creates an index which will be applied to the features of the given type, by using the data of the given attribute.
 FeatureIndex FeatureStore.createIndex(String indexTypeName, FeatureType featureType, String attributeName, String indexName)
          Creates an index which will be applied to the features of the given type, by using the data of the given attribute.
 FeatureIndex FeatureStore.createIndex(String indexTypeName, FeatureType featureType, String attributeName, String indexName, Observer observer)
          Creates an index which will be applied to the features of the given type, by using the data of the given attribute.
 EditableFeature FeatureStore.createNewFeature()
          Creates a new feature using the default feature type and returns it as an EditableFeature
 EditableFeature FeatureStore.createNewFeature(boolean defaultValues)
          Creates a new feature of default FeatureType.
 EditableFeature FeatureStore.createNewFeature(FeatureType type, boolean defaultValues)
          Creates a new feature of the given FeatureType.
 EditableFeature FeatureStore.createNewFeature(FeatureType type, Feature defaultValues)
          Creates a new feature of the given FeatureType and uses the given Feature as default values to initialize it.
 void FeatureCache.delete(double scale)
          Delete all the features for a concrete scale.
 void FeatureIndex.delete(Feature feat)
          Deletes a Feature in the index.
 void FeatureSet.delete(Feature feature)
          Deletes a Feature from this FeatureSet.
 void FeatureStore.delete(Feature feature)
          Deletes a Feature from the store.
 void FeatureCache.deleteAll()
          Delete all the features for all the scales in the cache system.
 boolean FeatureSelection.deselect(FeatureSet features)
          Removes a DataSet of features from the selection.
 void FeatureReferenceSelection.deselectAll()
          Deselects all values.
 void FeatureStore.edit()
          Enters editing state.
 void FeatureStore.edit(int mode)
          Enters editing state specifying the editing mode.
 void FeatureStore.export(DataServerExplorer explorer, String provider, NewFeatureStoreParameters params)
          Exports this store to another store.
 DisposableIterator FeatureSet.fastIterator()
          Returns a fast iterator over this set.
 DisposableIterator FeatureSet.fastIterator(long index)
          Returns a fast iterator over this set, starting from the given index.
 void FeatureStore.finishEditing()
          Exits editing state.
 FeatureType FeatureStoreTransform.getDefaultFeatureType()
          Returns the default FeatureType.
 FeatureType FeatureStore.getDefaultFeatureType()
          Returns this store's default FeatureType.
 FeatureType AbstractFeatureStoreTransform.getDefaultFeatureType()
 org.gvsig.fmap.geom.primitive.Envelope FeatureStore.getEnvelope()
          Returns this store's total envelope (extent).
 Feature FeatureReference.getFeature()
          Returns the referenced Feature
 Feature FeatureReference.getFeature(FeatureType featureType)
          Returns the referenced Feature
 Feature FeatureStore.getFeatureByReference(FeatureReference reference)
          Returns the feature given its reference.
 Feature FeatureStore.getFeatureByReference(FeatureReference reference, FeatureType featureType)
          Returns the feature given its reference and feature type.
 long FeatureStore.getFeatureCount()
          Returns featue count of this store.
 FeatureSelection FeatureStore.getFeatureSelection()
          Returns the current FeatureSelection.
 FeatureSet FeatureStore.getFeatureSet()
          Returns all available features in the store.
 FeatureSet FeatureCache.getFeatureSet(org.gvsig.fmap.geom.primitive.Envelope envelope, double scale)
          Return a feature set form a concrete envelope and a scale.
 FeatureSet FeatureStore.getFeatureSet(FeatureQuery featureQuery)
          Returns a subset of features taking into account the properties and restrictions of the FeatureQuery.
 void FeatureStore.getFeatureSet(FeatureQuery featureQuery, Observer observer)
          Loads a subset of features taking into account the properties and restrictions of the FeatureQuery.
 void FeatureStore.getFeatureSet(Observer observer)
          Loads all available feature in the store.
 FeatureType FeatureStore.getFeatureType(String featureTypeId)
          Returns this store's featureType FeatureType matches with featureTypeId.
 List FeatureStoreTransform.getFeatureTypes()
          Returns this FeatureStoreTransform's FeatureType(s)
 List FeatureStore.getFeatureTypes()
          Returns this store's FeatureType(s).
 List AbstractFeatureStoreTransform.getFeatureTypes()
 FeatureLocks FeatureStore.getLocks()
          Returns the set of locked features
 long FeatureSet.getSize()
          Returns the number of Feature(s) contained in this FeatureSet.
 org.cresques.cts.IProjection FeatureStore.getSRSDefaultGeometry()
          Deprecated. use getDefaultFeatureType().getDefaultSRS()
 void FeatureSet.insert(EditableFeature feature)
          Inserts a new feature in this set.
 void FeatureStore.insert(EditableFeature feature)
          Inserts a Feature in the store.
 void FeatureIndex.insert(Feature feat)
          Inserts a Feature in the index.
 void FeatureIndex.insert(FeatureSet data)
          Inserts a FeatureSet into this index FeatureType is not checked so it will accept any FeatureType as long as exists a column with a valid name
 boolean FeatureSet.isEmpty()
          Indicates whether this FeatureSet contains zero features.
 DisposableIterator FeatureSet.iterator()
          Deprecated. use FeatureSet.fastIterator() instead
 DisposableIterator FeatureSet.iterator(long index)
          Deprecated. use FeatureSet.fastIterator(long) instead
 boolean FeatureLocks.lock(FeatureSet features)
 void FeatureLocks.lockAll()
 boolean features)
          Adds a DataSet of features to the selection.
 void FeatureReferenceSelection.selectAll()
          Selects all values.
 void FeatureStore.setSelection(FeatureSet selection)
          Sets the selection to the passed FeatureSet
 boolean FeatureLocks.unlock(FeatureSet features)
 void FeatureLocks.unlockAll()
 void FeatureSet.update(EditableFeature feature)
          Updates a Feature with the given EditableFeature.
 void FeatureStore.update(EditableFeature feature)
          Updates a Feature in the store with the changes in the EditableFeature.
 void FeatureStore.update(EditableFeatureType featureType)
          Updates a FeatureType in the store with the changes in the EditableFeatureType.
 void FeatureRule.validate(Feature feature, FeatureStore featureStore)
          This is the method that applies this rule to the Feature, given also its associated FeatureStore.
 void FeatureStore.validateFeatures(int mode)
          Applies the validation rules associated to the given mode to the active FeatureSet.

Uses of DataException in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.exception

Subclasses of DataException in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.exception
 class AlreadyEditingException
 class AttributeFeatureTypeNotSuportedException
 class AttributeFeatureTypeSizeException
 class CreateFeatureException
 class CreateGeometryException
 class DataExportException
 class FeatureIndexException
 class FeatureIndexOperationException
          Exception thrown when a FeatureIndex operation has failed.
 class FeatureSetInitializeException
          Exception thrown when an error is produced while creating or initializing a FeatureSet.
 class FinishEditingException
 class GetFeatureTypeException
 class IllegalFeatureException
 class IllegalFeatureTypeException
 class InvalidFeatureIndexException
          Exception thrown when a FeatureIndex is used but its state is not valid.
 class IteratorIndexTooBigException
          Exception thrown when the index value for an iterator of a FeatureSet is too big.
 class NeedEditingModeException
 class NoNewFeatureInsertException
 class NullFeatureTypeException
 class PerformEditingException
 class SelectionNotAllowedException
 class SelectionStateException
 class StoreCancelEditingException
 class StoreDeleteEditableFeatureException
 class StoreDeleteFeatureException
 class StoreEditException
 class StoreInsertFeatureException
 class StoreRedoException
 class StoreUndoException
 class StoreUpdateFeatureException
 class StoreUpdateFeatureTypeException
 class UnknownDataTypeException
 class ValidateFeaturesException
 class WriteNotAllowedException

Uses of DataException in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.operation

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.operation that throw DataException
 void LegendLabelingManager.add(Feature feature, Map params)

Uses of DataException in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.rule

Subclasses of DataException in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.rule
 class FeatureRulePolygon.FeatureRulePolygonException

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.rule that throw DataException
 void FeatureRulePolygon.validate(Feature feature, FeatureStore store)

Uses of DataException in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.resource

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.resource that throw DataException
 void ResourceManager.closeResources()
          Close all register resources.
 void ResourceManager.collectResources()
          Iterates over the resources and frees them if they are ready to be freed or try to close them if they are idle.

Uses of DataException in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.resource.exception

Subclasses of DataException in org.gvsig.fmap.dal.resource.exception
 class AccessResourceException
 class PrepareResourceException
 class ResourceException
 class ResourceNotClosedOnDisposeManagerException
 class ResourceNotifyChangesException
 class ResourceNotifyCloseException
 class ResourceNotifyDisposeException
 class ResourceNotifyOpenException
 class ResourceNotRegisteredException

Uses of DataException in

Methods in that throw DataException
 void MemoryStoreProvider.append(org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.spi.FeatureProvider featureProvider)
 void MemoryStoreProvider.beginAppend()
 void MemoryStoreProvider.endAppend()
 org.gvsig.fmap.geom.primitive.Envelope MemoryStoreProvider.getEnvelope()
protected  org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.spi.FeatureProvider MemoryStoreProvider.internalGetFeatureProviderByReference(org.gvsig.fmap.dal.feature.spi.FeatureReferenceProviderServices reference)

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