About org.gvsig.desktop.plugin

Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.

Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
gvSIG Application This project has the main plugin of gvSIG application
org.gvsig.app This project group al plugins of gvSIG application.
Default gvSIG's skin This is the extension that provide the basic skin to gvsig
org.gvsig.coreplugin.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
Tools: Center view to point Tool to center view to point
org.gvsig.centerviewpoint.app Tool to center view to point
Document: Table This plugin adds a table document type to gvSIG. This document shows information data sources with Features or from an already open View document. Also allows editing on data sources that allow so.
org.gvsig.app.document.table.app This project group al plugins related to the manage of the table document.
Tools: Geometry measurement This plugin add three tools to gvSIG: - Add a new attribute to the data source with the geometry area - Add a new attribute to the data source with the geometry perimeter - Add a new attribute to a Point type data source two new columns, one with the X Point value, and another with the Y Point value.
org.gvsig.geometrymeasurement.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
Tools: Locator by attribute Locator by atribute
org.gvsig.datalocator.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
Online basic help gvSIG help extension
org.gvsig.help.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
Tools: Selection tools This plugin add to the view advanced selection tools: - select all - by buffer - by cicle - by polilyne
org.gvsig.selectiontools.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
Internationalization support gvSIG translations management plugin
org.gvsig.i18n.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
Tools: Import marker symbols tool Importador de simbolos puntuales a partir de las imagenes que existan en una carpeta
Tools: Install marker symbols tool Plugin that allows to install packages of symbols
org.gvsig.symbology.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
Geodb Connection manager to spatial databases.
org.gvsig.geodb.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
Tools: Export to annotation Anotation layer support: - Create anotation layer - Modify annotation layer (throught standard editing) - Editing single labelling (position and label settings)
org.gvsig.annotation.app This project group al plugins related to the manage of annotations layers.
Transforms framework Frame which provide access to the different transformations like join, event theme, ...
Transformation: Event theme This plugin add an event theme layer to the view by selecting 2 fields from a table.
Transformation: Join This plugin allow join two tables by a common field and removing join.
org.gvsig.daltransform.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
Export framework This plugin provide the framework to export data tables and layers to other formats that the original format of table or layer. Provide the final tools to export to the formats: - DBF - DXF - Shape - PostgreSQL - MySQL - Generic, a generic exporter to any format that gvsig support (less intuitive)
org.gvsig.exportto.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
Tools: Geometry editing This plugin add graphic editing support for vectorial layers. Add tools to: - Insert drawing elements (point, line, polyline, polygon, etc.) - Insert geometric elements (circle, rectangle, ellipse, etc.) - Copy / move / rotate / scale graphic elements.. - Vertex editing - Undo / redo - Command history - Snapping
org.gvsig.editing.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
Add-ons manager Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
org.gvsig.installer.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
Tools: New layer This plugin add tools to create new layers.
org.gvsig.newlayer.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
Development project wizard Utilities and gvSIG plugin to create new gvSIG projects from a template
org.gvsig.mkmvnproject.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
CRS: basic management (Cresques based, java) Basic CRS management implementation based on the Cresques java library. Provides basic management of CRS for a very reduced set of CRS, has features such as: - Allows setting the coordinate reference system (CRS), by default, in views and layers. - Supports conversion of coordinates (no datum changing). - Supports transformation of coordinates (datum changing).
CRS: basic management (Proj4J based, java) Basic CRS management implementation based on the Proj4J java library. Provides basic management of CRS with features such as: - Allows setting the coordinate reference system (CRS), by default, in views and layers. - Allows the selection of CRS based on authority (EPSG, ESRI, WORLD, NAD83 and NAD27) and code. - Shows CRS definition based on the proj4 string. - Supports conversion of coordinates (no datum changing). - Supports transformation of coordinates (datum changing).
org.gvsig.projection.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.
Geometry Support This project has the geometries library for use in the application based on the use of GeneralPath
org.gvsig.geometry.app Thus project group al core plugins of gvSIG.