About org.gvsig.desktop.compat.cdc

This project group the gvSIG libraries that haven java 1.4 compatibility.

Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
org.gvsig.i18n Management of texts related to a locale: loading from resource bundles and getting the text value for the current locale
org.gvsig.compat.api This library contains the API definition of the library for compatibility with java 1.4 in JVM CDC.
org.gvsig.compat.se This library contains the implementation for JavaSE 1.5 of the API definition of the library for compatibility with java 1.4 in JVM CDC
org.gvsig.compat This library contains utiities to mantain compatibility with java 1.4 on CDC JVMs.
org.gvsig.projection.cresques.impl This project is a transitional project. Contains the old implementation of projection management used in gvSIG.
org.gvsig.projection.cresques.ui This project is a transitional project. Contains the old implementation of projection management used in gvSIG.
org.gvsig.projection.cresques This project is a transitional project. Contains the old implementation of projection management used in gvSIG.
org.gvsig.projection This project is a transitional project. Contains the old implementation of projection management used in gvSIG.
org.gvsig.fmap.geometry.api This project contains the API definition of the geometry library of gvSIG.
org.gvsig.fmap.geometry.impl This project contains the default implementation of the API of the geometry library of gvSIG.
org.gvsig.fmap.geometry.operation Contains the implementation of some operations of geometries.
org.gvsig.fmap.geometry This project contains the geometry library used in gvSIG.
org.gvsig.remoteclient Contains utility clases to manage the access to remote data sources how WMS, WCS or WFS.
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.api Define the API of the Data Access Library.
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.impl This project contains the implementation of the API of the Data Access Library.
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.spi This project contains the SPI of the Data Access Library used to implement providers of data.
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.file.lib This library has the implementation of the provider of te Data Access Library for accesing to file resources, like SHP, DBF or CSV.
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.file.dbf This library has the implementation of the provider of te Data Access Library for accesing to file resources, like SHP, DBF or CSV.
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.file.shp This library has the implementation of the provider of te Data Access Library for accesing to file resources, like SHP, DBF or CSV.
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.file This library has the implementation of the provider of te Data Access Library for accesing to file resources, like SHP, DBF or CSV.
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.db.lib This library has the implementation of the provider of te Data Access Library for accesing to database resources, like JDBC, PostgreSQL or H2.
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.db.jdbc This library has the implementation of the provider of te Data Access Library for accesing to database resources, like JDBC, PostgreSQL or H2.
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.db.h2 This library has the implementation of the provider of te Data Access Library for accesing to database resources, like JDBC, PostgreSQL or H2.
org.gvsig.fmap.dal.db This library has the implementation of the provider of te Data Access Library for accesing to database resources, like JDBC, PostgreSQL or H2.
org.gvsig.fmap.dal This project contains the Data Access Library of gvSIG, a uniform framwork to some data sources.
org.gvsig.fmap.mapcontext.api This project contains the core of the map drawer of gvSIG.
org.gvsig.fmap.mapcontext.impl This project contains the core of the map drawer of gvSIG.
org.gvsig.fmap.mapcontext.operation This project contains the core of the map drawer of gvSIG.
org.gvsig.fmap.mapcontext This project contains the core of the map drawer of gvSIG.
org.gvsig.metadata.lib.basic.api Metadata library basic API
org.gvsig.metadata.lib.basic.impl Metadata library basic implementation
org.gvsig.metadata.basic.lib This project contains the basic metadata features.
org.gvsig.metadata.swing.basic.api -
org.gvsig.metadata.swing.basic.impl -
org.gvsig.metadata.basic.swing This project contains the basic metadata features.
org.gvsig.metadata.basic This project contains the basic metadata features.