start_editing = Start editing end_editing = End editing insert_point = Insert point insert_multipoint = Insert MultiPoint insert_line = Insert line insert_arc = Insert arc insert_circle_cr=Insert circle (center & radius) insert_circumference_cr=Insert circumference (center & radius) insert_circle_3p = Insert circle (three point) insert_circumference_3p = Insert circumference (three points) insert_ellipse = Insert ellipse insert_filled_ellipse = Insert filled ellipse insert_polyline = Insert polyline insert_polygon = Insert polygon insert_regular_polygon = Insert regular polygon insert_filled_regular_polygon = Insert filled regular polygon insert_rectangle = Insert rectangle insert_filled_rectangle = Insert filled rectangle insert_spline= Insert spline curve insert_filled_spline = Insert filled spline insert_rectangular_matrix = Rectangular matrix of geometries insert_polar_matrix = Polar matrix of geometries modify_internal_polygon = Internal polygon modify_explode_geometry = Explode geometry modify_move = Move geometry modify_rotate = Rotate geometry modify_duplicate = Duplicate geometry modify_split_line = Split line open by a point modify_split = Split geometry modify_scale = Scale geometry modify_simplify = Simplify geometry insert_autopolygon = Insert autopolygon modify_join = Join geometries modify_stretch = Stretch geometry modify_extend_line = Extend line to object modify_trim_line = Trim line by object modify_edit_vertex = Edit vertex uniqueselection = Select only one geometry selectvertex = Select a vertex new_position = New position insert_vertex = Insertr vertex remove_vertex = Remove vertex selection=Selection invalid_option=Invalid option center=Center radius=Radius save_changes_performed=Save changed performed discard= Discard discard_and_loose_changes= Discard changes and loose changes continue= Continue do_not_save_yet_stay_in_editing_mode= Don't save changes and continue editing indicate_new_point= Indicate new point arc_mode = Arc mode line_mode = Line mode select_new_tool= Select a new tool draw_geometry_to_interal_polygon= Select tool to draw a internal polygon draw_geometry_to_autopolygon = Select tool to draw an autopolygon draw_geometry_to_split = Select tool to split selected geometries draw_geometry_to_select_vertex = Select a polygonal tool to select vertex save = Save discard = Discard continue = Continue export = Export ask_save_layer = Would you really like to save the layer can_not_write_layer = There are not writer for this layer format or you don't have write permissions.\nWhat do you want to do? save_changes_performed = Save changed performed discard_and_loose_changes = Discard and loose changes export_to_another_format = Export to another format do_not_save_yet_stay_in_editing_mode = Do not save changes and continue editing first_point= First point second_point= Second point start_point= Start point middle_point= Middle point third_point= Third point end_point= End point first_point_A_axis = First point of A axis second_point_A_axis = Second point of A axis length_of_B_axis= Length of B axis inscribed = Inscribed circumscribed = Circumscribed sides_of_regular_polygon = Indicate sides of regular polygon center_of_regular_polygon = Center of regular polygon point_of_circle = Point of circle of polygon sides = Sides key_arc_mode = A key_line_mode = L key_close = C key_finish = F key_inscribed = I key_circumscribed = C key_remove_last_point = R remove_last_point = Remove last point close_polyline = Close polyline close_spline = Close spline curve new_point = New point new_value = New value finished = finished center_of_rotation=Center of rotation angle_of_rotation=Angle of rotation (degree) origin_point = Origin scale_factor_or_reference_point = Scale factor or reference point second_scale_point = Second scale point tolerance = Tolerance line_to_extend = Select line to extend line_to_trim = Select line to trim modify_smooth_line = Smooth line intermediate_steps_1_9 = Intermediate steps [1,9] algorithm = algorithm natural_cubic_splines = Natural cubic splines bezier_curves = Bezier curves b_splines = B-splines key_natural_cubic_splines = 1 key_bezier_curves = 2 key_b_splines = 3 columns_number = Number of columns rows_number = Number of rows distance_between_columns = Distance between columns distance_between_rows = Distance between rows key_yes= Y key_no = N yes = Yes no = No number_of_total_elements = Number of total elements rotate_elements = Rotate elements? angle_between_elements = Angle between elements modify = modify insert = insert Modify = Modify Insert = Insert