OVERVIEW ========== This ANT script builds a gvSIG Debian package PRECONDITIONS ========== - operative system with a GLIBC compatible version for all platforms Ex: If it's built on a Ubuntu 9.04 it won't run in a Debian etch - external commands cp, ln, dpck - external command make and cmake to build natives - a workspace in built without errors and the directory _fwAndami/gvSIG contains all the extensions - the directory libjni-gdal/lib-dist contains the native libraries - the directory libjni-proj4/dist contains the native libraries INSTRUCTIONS ========== 1.- Building JNI gdal Edit libjni-gdal/CMakeModules/FindGDAL.cmake and put the path where gdal headers are placed. The easy way is install from repository (sudo aptitude search gdal) and set the directory /usr/include/gdal Define the enviroment JAVA_HOME Finally, run the ant build script. 2.- Building JNI proj Edit libjni-proj4/Makefile to set the directory where is placed the JNI headers For example: "default_PROJECT_INCS= -Iinclude -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/include -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/include/linux" In a shell execute make 3.- Building the package Run the ant script and the binary will be placed in the directory "dist" POSTCONDITIONS ============== -gvSIG Files: /opt/gvSIG/bin --> script to run gvSIG and extensions /opt/gvSIG/lib --> java binaries (jars) /opt/gvSIG/libs --> native libraries (so) -System files: /usr/share/mime/packages/gvsig.xml --> gvSIG mime type definition /usr/share/applications/gvsig.desktop --> desktop shortcut definition /usr/share/icons/ico-gvSIG.png --> shortcut icon TODO ===== check /usr/share/mime/packages/gvsig.xml ANY DOUBT ========== josevicente.higon@gmail.com