#Translations for language [en] #Mon Oct 30 09:38:21 CET 2006 accept_tip=Process the GCPs and save the georreferencing. Finish the GCPs introduction. aceptar=Accept activo=Active algoritmo=Algorithm ampl_extent=Change the extension of the image to georreference anterior=Previous borrar_todos=Delete all borrar_uno=Delete selected point cancel_tip=Undo the last changes and close the dialog. It can be edited again to georreference. cancelar=Cancel cargar=Load centrar_punto=Center view in the selected point confirmacion=Confirm that... coordenadas_vacias=Empty coordinates crear_worldfile=Create worldfile cuadro_no_asociado=The georreferencing box is not associated with any layer on the view, it will be closed. Please, open the dialog associated to the required layer. de=of de\ =of de\ 0=of 0 desactivar_capa=Hide the layer after the first point. desactivar_puntos=Disable the point layer after the first point. eliminar_punto=Remove point eliminar_todos_puntos=Remove all points error_capa_puntos=Error loading the layer. Maybe the Georreferencing layer is not active. errores_csv=Include the errors in the CSV file. escala=Scale fuera_de_extent=The selected point is out of the image's extent georaster=Georeferencing georef=Georeference georef_file=Georeferencing file georreferenciar=Georeference image grado_polinomio=Polynom deegree imagen_no_accesible=Unable to access the image import_from_ascii=Import table from a CSV (.csv) file. latitud=Latitud load_from_xml=Load from XML file (.rmf) mostrar_puntos=Show numbers Mover_geo=Move georeferenced image. no=No nuevo=New options=Options plegar_despl=Advanced primero=First procesar=Process process_tip=Processes the GCP's and assigns a temporal extent to the images punto=Point puntos=Points save_to_ascii=Export table of points into a text file. save_to_xml=Save to XML (.grf) seleccionar_fichero=Select file selectfromview=Select a point from the view siguiente=Next table=Table total=Total ultimo=Last usar_georeferenciacion_de_la_imagen=Use image georeferentiation yes=Yes Zoom_previo=Previous zoom Zoom_sgte=Next zoom