
From 06/15/2012 to 07/14/2012


08:00 PM gvSIG bugs #776 (Fixed): Error labelling when the user defined labels (Background Style)
Applied in changeset r38563. Francisco Puga


08:28 PM gvSIG bugs #868 (Fixed): Persian properties to upload to gvSIG 1.12 (2012-07-10)
Applied in changeset r38558. Francisco Puga
08:28 PM gvSIG bugs #865 (Fixed): Turkisk properties to upload to gvSIG 1.12 (2012-07-10)
Applied in changeset r38558. Francisco Puga
08:28 PM gvSIG bugs #824 (Fixed): Italian properties to upload to gvSIG 1.12 (2012-07-04)
Applied in changeset r38558. Francisco Puga
11:46 AM gvSIG bugs #776: Error labelling when the user defined labels (Background Style)
It seems good to me. Please commit it. Francisco Puga


02:42 PM gvSIG bugs #868 (Fixed): Persian properties to upload to gvSIG 1.12 (2012-07-10)

I attach the Persian properties file, provided by Hamidreza Rad, to add in gvSIG 1.12.
I think that th...
Mario Carrera
09:59 AM gvSIG bugs #865 (Fixed): Turkisk properties to upload to gvSIG 1.12 (2012-07-10)

I attach Turkish properties file, provided by Yalçın Yilmaz, to add in gvSIG 1.12.
Best regards,
Mario Carrera


02:06 PM gvSIG bugs #824 (Fixed): Italian properties to upload to gvSIG 1.12 (2012-07-04)

I attach an update of the Italian properties file, provided by Antonio Falciano to add in gvSIG 1.12.
Mario Carrera


11:44 PM gvSIG bugs #776: Error labelling when the user defined labels (Background Style)
I have revised this bug.
It's worst than it seems, because affect also to DGN files (text files).
I attach a DGN t...
Francisco José Peñarrubia


03:37 PM gvSIG bugs #795: Error when trying to change symbology on a new vector layer
This is an annoying bug. I think that it happens from time to time and i think that can be several things related. Mo... Francisco Puga
02:32 PM gvSIG bugs #795: Error when trying to change symbology on a new vector layer
Apparently solved!!
I've remove "C:\Documents and Settings\myuser\gvSIG" folder and reinstall.
Nacho Varela
01:16 PM gvSIG bugs #795: Error when trying to change symbology on a new vector layer
I've reinstalled on "C:\" and problem persists.
Attached the new log...
Nacho Varela
12:37 PM gvSIG bugs #795: Error when trying to change symbology on a new vector layer
I think it's an installation problem.
I found that on Windows System if the path where gvSIG is installed is to bi...
Francisco Puga
12:33 PM gvSIG bugs #795 (New): Error when trying to change symbology on a new vector layer
An error is launch when trying to change symbology on a new vector layer.
1.- Create a new Shapefile (poly...
Nacho Varela
01:39 PM gvSIG bugs #789 (Fixed): NavTable bloquer bugs
Francisco Puga
01:21 PM gvSIG feature requests #796 (New): Create a group on the ToC for a single layer
Sometimes I want to create a group on the ToC but just with a single layer. Actually, it is not possible. Nacho Varela


07:37 PM gvSIG bugs #789: NavTable bloquer bugs
We've just closed the last blockers for gvSIG 1.12 and we're ready to release NavTable. Andrés Maneiro
01:34 PM gvSIG bugs #789 (Fixed): NavTable bloquer bugs
An issue to track when the navtable devs consider that the code is in a correct state to publish in an gvSIG RC versi... Francisco Puga
03:09 PM gvSIG bugs #791 (New): Backslash character is ignored in postgis layers
When the origin of the layer is potgis and you try to update a text field including a backslash character "\" this is... Francisco Puga
02:00 PM gvSIG bugs #499: Khmer not available in the languages list
The installer can not modified the plugins-persistence file of the user.
It can be done at the launch time, but t...
Francisco Puga


08:13 PM gvSIG bugs #788: Modify values resort rows in table
This behaviour doesn't happen with layers. My preliminar researches seems to point to the use of VectorialEditableDBA... Andrés Maneiro
08:05 PM gvSIG bugs #788 (New): Modify values resort rows in table
Steps to reproduce the bug:
* Open a Table document from a PostGIS database.
* Start editing the table.
* Update...
Andrés Maneiro
06:22 PM gvSIG bugs #787: Error when remove a postgis feature with a null geometry
Originally reported by Andrés Maneiro (iCarto, Navtable)
Francisco Puga
06:21 PM gvSIG bugs #787 (Awaiting response): Error when remove a postgis feature with a null geometry
Steps to reproduce:
1.- Set NULL for the geometry column of one record of a postgis layer
2.- Open the layer with...
Francisco Puga


05:05 PM gvSIG feature requests #738 (Fixed): Automatic loading and applying of vector layer styles
Francisco Puga
02:03 PM gvSIG feature requests #323 (Fixed): Create new entry "All supported files" when adding a layer
Francisco Puga
02:00 PM gvSIG bugs #777 (Fixed): Intersections process don't add the layer to the view when called from s...
Applied in changeset r38428. Francisco Puga
02:00 PM gvSIG bugs #763 (Fixed): Czech properties to upload to gvSIG 1.12 (2012-06-12)
Applied in changeset r38427. Francisco Puga
02:00 PM gvSIG bugs #757 (Fixed): Russian properties to upload to gvSIG 1.12 (2012-06-11)
Applied in changeset r38427. Francisco Puga
01:04 PM gvSIG bugs #742 (Awaiting response): Exception when configuring printing with the units from Meas...
I think I have fixed it in the least intrusive way. Created a new method in MapContext for obtaining the units' cm eq... Jorge López Fernández


12:56 PM gvSIG bugs #781 (New): Wrong behaviour in Legends layout when changing the name of a layer
Steps to reproduce:
# Configure a view with 3 layers
# Configure a layout with a view and two legends. In one of th...
Francisco Puga

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