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Lluís Marqués, 05/22/2015 08:34 AM

3D View Plugin

(Imagen 3d view plugin.)

3D View is a plugin for gvSIG 2.2 based on NASA WorldWind SDK that allows users to create 3D views from gvSIG 2D views. 3D View plugin is compatible with all vector and raster formats, data bases and web remote services supported by gvSIG Desktop.

3D View manages a detail level structure and tile generation in order to load high resolution layers with no loss of performance. Moreover, 3D view plugin allows users to indicate loading paramaters in order to customize the detail level structure of 3D layers.

Main functionalities

Vector layer support as rasterized vector layer.

3D view plugin rasterize vector layers to load it in 3D view. This permits to load vector layer with any symbology or labeling.

Raster layer support.

3D view allows users to load high resolution raster layer at 3D view. If raster layer has color tables, 3D View will apply it at 3D View.

Digital elevation model support.

3D View plugin permits to load their own Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from raster layers however, 3D View plugin already has a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) as base elevation. DEMs loaded by user can be added to base DEM without problems but if the user prefer to show only its owns DEMs, he can disables it.

Layer synchronization between views.

3D View permits register 2D changes to copy them to associated 3D view. This allows users to view in 3D all changes done at 2D view. Plugin can copy at 3D view symbology changes, layer addition, layer deletion, order layer changes, visibility changes... The synchronization of changes can be manual or automatic.

Viewport synchronization between views.

3D View plugin can register viewport changes of 2D view to copy them in 3D view. This permits to synchronize viewport of 3D view and viewport of 2D view. The viewport synchronization can be manual o automatic.

Full screen mode

3D View plugin permits to display one 3D view in full screen.



  • Linux 64 bits - URL (x MB)
  • Linux 32 bits - URL (x MB)
  • Windows 32 bits - URL (x MB)

Important: in order to install the 3D View plugin is necessary to have installed a gvSIG Desktop version equals or greater than gvSIG Desktop 2.2 - Build 2310. You can get it here.


Source code


gvSIG Desktop 2.2 user manual (Spanish)

View 3D Plugin user manual (English)


raster-layer-1.png (376 KB) Lluís Marqués, 05/22/2015 08:07 AM

raster-layer-2.png (355 KB) Lluís Marqués, 05/22/2015 08:07 AM

elevation-dem-1.png (185 KB) Lluís Marqués, 05/22/2015 08:15 AM

elevation-dem-2.png (183 KB) Lluís Marqués, 05/22/2015 08:16 AM

desynchronized-layers.png (339 KB) Lluís Marqués, 05/22/2015 08:27 AM

synchronized-layers.png (340 KB) Lluís Marqués, 05/22/2015 08:27 AM

rasterized-vector-layer-1.png (285 KB) Lluís Marqués, 05/22/2015 08:33 AM

rasterized-vector-layer-2.png (227 KB) Lluís Marqués, 05/22/2015 08:34 AM

desynchronized-viewports.png (138 KB) Lluís Marqués, 05/22/2015 08:39 AM

synchronized-viewports.png (210 KB) Lluís Marqués, 05/22/2015 08:40 AM

full-screen-1.png (292 KB) Lluís Marqués, 05/22/2015 09:01 AM

full-screen-2.png (246 KB) Lluís Marqués, 05/22/2015 09:01 AM