MAP FONTSET "../symbols/fontes.txt" SYMBOLSET "../symbols/simbolos.sym" LAYER CONNECTION "host= port=5432 dbname=dbspo user=luiscrneves password=130670" CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS DATA "geom from ( SELECT geom, '1'::text AS cores, dbacoes_saude.tb_cnes_estabelecimento.no_fantasia, dbacoes_saude.tb_cnes_estabelecimento.no_logradouro, dbacoes_saude.tb_cnes_estabelecimento.nu_endereco, dbacoes_saude.tb_cnes_estabelecimento.no_bairro, dbacoes_saude.tb_cnes_estabelecimento.nu_telefone, dbacoes_saude.tb_cnes_estabelecimento.co_cep, dbgeral.tb_ibge.uf, dbgeral.tb_ibge.cidade, dbacoes_saude.tb_ubs_det.ano_ubs_det, dbacoes_saude.tb_ubs_det.mes_ubs_det, dbgeral.tb_estab_geo.co_cnes as co_cnes FROM dbacoes_saude.tb_ubs_det LEFT JOIN dbgeral.tb_estab_geo ON dbacoes_saude.tb_ubs_det.co_cnes = dbgeral.tb_estab_geo.co_cnes LEFT JOIN dbacoes_saude.tb_cnes_estabelecimento ON dbacoes_saude.tb_cnes_estabelecimento.co_cnes = dbacoes_saude.tb_ubs_det.co_cnes LEFT JOIN dbgeral.tb_ibge ON dbacoes_saude.tb_cnes_estabelecimento.co_ibge = dbgeral.tb_ibge.ibge WHERE dbacoes_saude.tb_ubs_det.func_total = 'S' and dbacoes_saude.tb_ubs_det.ano_ubs_det=2014 and dbacoes_saude.tb_ubs_det.mes_ubs_det=12 ) as foo using unique co_cnes using srid=4674" METADATA "CLASSE" "SIM" "permitekmz" "nao" "permitedownload" "sim" "permitekml" "sim" "permiteogc" "sim" "TEMA" "Cluster" "IDENTIFICA" "SIM" #"cache" "sim" END NAME "testecluster" STATUS DEFAULT TEMPLATE "none.htm" TYPE POINT UNITS METERS CLUSTER MAXDISTANCE 20 # in pixels REGION "rectangle" # can be rectangle or ellipse #GROUP (expression) # an expression to create separate groups for each value #FILTER (expression) # a logical expression to specify the grouping condition END #CLASSITEM "Cluster_FeatureCount" CLASS NAME "= 1" EXPRESSION ([Cluster:FeatureCount] = 1) STYLE COLOR 200 200 200 OUTLINECOLOR 200 200 200 SIZE 10 SYMBOL "ponto" END END CLASS NAME "> 1" LABEL FONT "arial" SIZE 8 OFFSET 0 0 POSITION CC TEXT "[Cluster:FeatureCount]" TYPE TRUETYPE END # LABEL EXPRESSION (([Cluster:FeatureCount] > 1) AND ([Cluster:FeatureCount] <= 500)) STYLE COLOR 230 230 230 OUTLINECOLOR 200 200 200 SIZE 20 SYMBOL "ponto" END END CLASS NAME "> 1" LABEL FONT "arial" SIZE 8 OFFSET 0 0 POSITION CC TEXT "[Cluster:FeatureCount]" TYPE TRUETYPE END # LABEL EXPRESSION (([Cluster:FeatureCount] > 500) AND ([Cluster:FeatureCount] <= 1000)) STYLE COLOR 240 240 240 OUTLINECOLOR 200 200 200 SIZE 28 SYMBOL "ponto" END END CLASS NAME "> 1" LABEL FONT "arial" SIZE 8 OFFSET 0 0 POSITION CC TEXT "[Cluster:FeatureCount]" TYPE TRUETYPE END # LABEL EXPRESSION ([Cluster:FeatureCount] > 1000) STYLE COLOR 250 250 250 OUTLINECOLOR 200 200 200 SIZE 32 SYMBOL "ponto" END END END END