/* Copyright (c) 2007, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.net/yui/license.txt version: 2.2.2 */ .yuibutton { display:-moz-inline-stack; /* Gecko */ display:inline-block; /* IE, Opera and Safari */ border-width:1px 0; border-style:solid; border-color:#999; margin:auto .25em; } .yuibutton.ie6 { /* Give the transparent background image to IE 6 */ background-image:none; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='background.png', sizingMethod = 'scale'); } .yuibutton .first-child { display:block; /* Gecko, Opera and Safari */ display:inline-block; /* IE */ border-width:0 2px; border-style:solid; border-color:#999; margin:0 -1px; /* *position:relative; *left:-1px; */ } .yuibutton button, .yuibutton a { display:block; /* Opera and Safari */ display:-moz-inline-block; /* Gecko */ *display:inline-block; /* IE */ padding:.25em .5em; border:1px solid #ccc; } .yuibutton button { overflow:visible; /* Remove superfluous padding for IE */ font-size:100%; /* Makes form controls resizable in IE */ background-color:transparent; cursor:pointer; cursor:hand; } .yuibutton a { text-decoration:none; color:#000; } .yuibutton.splitbutton button, .yuibutton.menubutton button { padding-right:20px; background-position:right center; background-repeat:no-repeat; } .yuibutton.menubutton button { background-image:url(menuarrow.gif); } .yuibutton.splitbutton button { background-image:url(splitarrow.gif); } /* Focus state */ .yuibutton.focus { border-color:#5e5c95; } .yuibutton.focus .first-child { border-color:#5e5c95; } .yuibutton.focus button, .yuibutton.focus a { border-color:#cec1fc; } /* Hover state */ .yuibutton.hover { border-color:#406fac; background-color:#98d5fc; } .yuibutton.hover .first-child { border-color:#406fac; } .yuibutton.hover button, .yuibutton.hover a { border-color:#7099ce; } /* Active state */ .yuibutton.active { border-color:#7a8180; background-color:#333; } .yuibutton.active .first-child { border-color:#7a8180; } .yuibutton.active button, .yuibutton.active a { border-color:#98a09f; } .yuibutton.splitbutton.activeoption button { background-color:transparent; background-image:url(splitarrow_active.gif); } /* Checked state */ .yuibutton.radio.checked, .yuibutton.checkbox.checked { border-color:#7a8180; background-color:#333; } .yuibutton.radio.checked .first-child, .yuibutton.checkbox.checked .first-child { border-color:#7a8180; } .yuibutton.radio.checked button, .yuibutton.checkbox.checked button { border-color:#98a09f; } /* Disabled state */ .yuibutton.disabled { border-color:#cbcdc5; background:#ecece3; filter:none; } .yuibutton.disabled .first-child { border-color:#cbcdc5; } .yuibutton.disabled button, .yuibutton.disabled a { border-color:transparent; color:#b9b9b9; cursor:default; }