Format: Development Release 02-10-2007 (1.35 base) # You can add a title and sub-title to your menu like this: # Title: [project name] # SubTitle: [subtitle] # You can add a footer to your documentation like this: # Footer: [text] # If you want to add a copyright notice, this would be the place to do it. # You can add a timestamp to your documentation like one of these: # Timestamp: Generated on month day, year # Timestamp: Updated mm/dd/yyyy # Timestamp: Last updated mon day # # m - One or two digit month. January is "1" # mm - Always two digit month. January is "01" # mon - Short month word. January is "Jan" # month - Long month word. January is "January" # d - One or two digit day. 1 is "1" # dd - Always two digit day. 1 is "01" # day - Day with letter extension. 1 is "1st" # yy - Two digit year. 2006 is "06" # yyyy - Four digit year. 2006 is "2006" # year - Four digit year. 2006 is "2006" # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Cut and paste the lines below to change the order in which your files # appear on the menu. Don't worry about adding or removing files, Natural # Docs will take care of that. # # You can further organize the menu by grouping the entries. Add a # "Group: [name] {" line to start a group, and add a "}" to end it. # # You can add text and web links to the menu by adding "Text: [text]" and # "Link: [name] ([URL])" lines, respectively. # # The formatting and comments are auto-generated, so don't worry about # neatness when editing the file. Natural Docs will clean it up the next # time it is run. When working with groups, just deal with the braces and # forget about the indentation and comments. # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group: Classesjs { File: $i (classesjs\i3geo.js) File: $i (classesjs\i3geonaocompacto.js) File: datadownload.js (classesjs\datadownload.js) File: Funções de inicialização &lparen;iniciamma.js&rparen; (classesjs\iniciamma.js) File: Funções do cliente de web service (classesjs\wscliente.js) File: Funções gerais &lparen;funcoes.js&rparen; (classesjs\funcoes.js) File: Funções que abrem janelas de opções &lparen;ferramentas.js&rparen; (classesjs\ferramentas.js) File: Funções que abrem janelas de opções &lparen;ferramentasadmin.js&rparen; (classesjs\ferramentasadmin.js) File: Funções que implementam Ajax &lparen;ajax.js&rparen; (classesjs\ajax.js) } # Group: Classesjs Group: Pacotes { File: ..\menu\menu-debug.js (pacotes\yui\build\menu\menu-debug.js) File: ..\menu\menu.js (pacotes\yui\build\menu\menu.js) Group: R { Group: Linux { Group: Bin { File: build (pacotes\r\linux\bin\build) File: check (pacotes\r\linux\bin\check) File: Rdconv (pacotes\r\linux\bin\Rdconv) File: Rprof (pacotes\r\linux\bin\Rprof) File: Sd2Rd (pacotes\r\linux\bin\Sd2Rd) } # Group: Bin Group: Library { Group: Base { File: the first two examples will give different results (pacotes\r\linux\library\base\R-ex\sys.parent.R) File: the following also gives the warning (pacotes\r\linux\library\base\R-ex\ifelse.r) File: this can be done in a system-independent way by;&rparen;$isdir (pacotes\r\linux\library\base\R-ex\Platform.R) } # Group: Base File: don't use separate title&lparen;&rparen; call (pacotes\r\linux\library\mass\scripts\ch04.r) File: smooths will be centered, so need to include fac in model..... (pacotes\r\linux\library\mgcv\R-ex\s.r) Group: Tcltk { File: hierarchy.tcl (pacotes\r\linux\library\tcltk\exec\hierarchy.tcl) File: In places where uplevel is used, it is highly likely that (pacotes\r\linux\library\tcltk\exec\util-expand.tcl) File: This file resides in the exec directory rather than the R (pacotes\r\linux\library\tcltk\exec\Tk-frontend.R) } # Group: Tcltk File: Use the following activation if you want cbind&lparen;&rparen; to work (pacotes\r\linux\library\methods\R-ex\cbind2.r) File: your numerical values may differ (pacotes\r\linux\library\stats\R-ex\ppr.r) } # Group: Library Group: Share { File: (pacotes\r\linux\share\perl\ File: (pacotes\r\linux\share\perl\ File: DelimMatch (pacotes\r\linux\share\perl\Text\ File: (pacotes\r\linux\share\perl\ Group: R { File: Dcf (pacotes\r\linux\share\perl\r\ File: Logfile (pacotes\r\linux\share\perl\r\ File: Rd (pacotes\r\linux\share\perl\r\ File: Rdconv (pacotes\r\linux\share\perl\r\ File: Rdlists (pacotes\r\linux\share\perl\r\ File: Rdtools (pacotes\r\linux\share\perl\r\ File: Utils (pacotes\r\linux\share\perl\r\ File: Vars (pacotes\r\linux\share\perl\r\ } # Group: R } # Group: Share File: The following entry points were traditionally in this file, (pacotes\r\linux\include\R_ext\Lapack.h) File: The following functions use GLOBAL &lparen;static&rparen; variables !! (pacotes\r\linux\include\R_ext\Applic.h) Group: Tools { File: (pacotes\r\linux\tools\ File: (pacotes\r\linux\tools\ File: (pacotes\r\linux\tools\ File: (pacotes\r\linux\tools\ File: searchKey (pacotes\r\linux\tools\ } # Group: Tools } # Group: Linux Group: Win { File: IndexStream (pacotes\r\win\doc\html\search\ File: It is now ok to let untrusted code being executed (pacotes\r\win\Tcl\lib\tk8.4\safetk.tcl) Group: Library { File: don't use separate title&lparen;&rparen; call (pacotes\r\win\library\MASS\scripts\ch04.R) File: In places where uplevel is used, it is highly likely that (pacotes\r\win\library\tcltk\exec\util-expand.tcl) File: tcltk\exec\hierarchy.tcl (pacotes\r\win\library\tcltk\exec\hierarchy.tcl) File: This file resides in the exec directory rather than the R (pacotes\r\win\library\tcltk\exec\Tk-frontend.R) } # Group: Library Group: Share { File: (pacotes\r\win\share\perl\ File: (pacotes\r\win\share\perl\ File: DelimMatch (pacotes\r\win\share\perl\Text\ File: (pacotes\r\win\share\perl\ Group: R { File: Dcf (pacotes\r\win\share\perl\R\ File: Logfile (pacotes\r\win\share\perl\R\ File: Rd (pacotes\r\win\share\perl\R\ File: Rdconv (pacotes\r\win\share\perl\R\ File: Rdlists (pacotes\r\win\share\perl\R\ File: Rdtools (pacotes\r\win\share\perl\R\ File: Utils (pacotes\r\win\share\perl\R\ File: Vars (pacotes\r\win\share\perl\R\ } # Group: R } # Group: Share Group: Src { File: $currentdir (pacotes\r\win\src\gnuwin32\ File: $res (pacotes\r\win\src\gnuwin32\fixed\ File: (pacotes\r\win\src\gnuwin32\ } # Group: Src File: the check for existence of %W below is because this binding (pacotes\r\win\Tcl\lib\tk8.4\listbox.tcl) File: The following entry points were traditionally in this file, (pacotes\r\win\include\R_ext\Lapack.h) File: The following functions use GLOBAL &lparen;static&rparen; variables !! (pacotes\r\win\include\R_ext\Applic.h) File: Value (pacotes\r\win\doc\html\search\ } # Group: Win } # Group: R File: SOAP\nusoap.php (pacotes\SOAP\nusoap.php) File: the following code should really be in Snoopy, or at least (pacotes\magpierss\ File: this currently does not respect (pacotes\magpierss\extlib\ File: Works only with integer values does *not* work with floats! (pacotes\openlayers\lib\OpenLayers\BaseTypes.js) } # Group: Pacotes File: SearchPanel (documentacao\php\javascript\main.js) File: SearchPanel (documentacao\javascript\main.js) Group: Index { Index: Everything Class Index: Classes File Index: Files Function Index: Functions Variable Index: Variables } # Group: Index