// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // // class ThematicMap { public $dataStore; public $coordDecimals = 2; public $engine = ""; public $logoline = "files/balloonlogo.png"; public $logo = 'files/logo.png'; // Parameters public $mapType = 'choropleth'; // choropleth / prism / symbol public $symbolType; // image / polygon // collada public $symbolShape; public $mapTitle; public $mapDescription; public $mapSource; public $showTitle = true; public $showLegend = true; public $showValues = false; public $showNames = false; public $timeType = 'year'; // year / series / slider public $maxHeight = 2000000; // Prism / Bar public $symbolMaxSize; // Symbol$imgBrand public $barSize = 50000; public $maxValue; public $minValue; public $indicatorID; public $indicator; public $year; private $yearArray; // Colour parameters public $colourType = 'scale'; // scale / single public $startColour = 'FFFF99'; public $endColour = 'FF6600'; public $noDataColour = 'CCCCCC'; public $colour = 'FF6600'; public $opacity = 90; public $classification = 'unclassed'; // unclassed / equal / quantile public $numClasses = 5; public $nomeArquivo = ""; public $nomeTemp = ""; //prefixo para as imagens public $outlinecolor = ""; public $numvertices = ""; private $myColourScale; // Only choropleth/prism private $startColourRGB; // Array private $endColourRGB; // Array private $deltaColour; // Array private $kmlAlphaColour = 220; private $colourLegendHeight = 350; private $colourLegendWidth = 30; private $symbolVertices = 30; // Circle private $showLabel = false; private $classBreaks; // Array private $classColours; // Array private $precision = 0; // Number of decimals // // Constructor // @access protected // function __construct($dataStore, $paramArray, $nomeTemp = "") { $this->dataStore = $dataStore; if($nomeTemp == ""){ $this->nomeTemp = time(); }else{ $this->nomeTemp = $nomeTemp; } // Mandatory parameters $this->mapType = $paramArray['mapType']; // Mapping technique $this->indicatorID = $paramArray['indicator']; // Main indicator $this->year = $paramArray['year']; // Year if(!isset($paramArray['outlinecolor']) || $paramArray['outlinecolor'] == "" || $paramArray['outlinecolor'] == "-1,-1,-1"){ $this->outlinecolor = ""; } else{ $this->outlinecolor = $this->RGB2hex(explode(",",$paramArray['outlinecolor'])); } $this->numvertices = $paramArray['numvertices']; $this->dirtmp = $paramArray['dirtmp']; // Extract indicator metadata and values from dataStore if($dataStore != ""){ $this->indicator = $this->dataStore['indicators'][$this->indicatorID]; } $this->minValue = $this->indicator['min']; $this->maxValue = $this->indicator['max']; $this->precision = $this->indicator['decimals']; // Optional parameters: mapTitle, mapDescription and source if (isset($paramArray['mapTitle'])) $this->mapTitle = $paramArray['mapTitle']; else $this->mapTitle = $this->indicator['name']; // Use default from indicator if (isset($paramArray['mapDescription'])) $this->mapDescription = $paramArray['mapDescription']; else $this->mapDescription = $this->indicator['description']; // Use default from indicator if (isset($paramArray['mapSource'])) $this->mapSource = $paramArray['mapSource']; else { //$this->mapSource = 'Statistics from ' . $this->indicator['source']; // Use default from indicator } // Other optional parameters if (isset($paramArray['timeType'])) $this->timeType = $paramArray['timeType']; if (isset($paramArray['showTitle'])) $this->showTitle = $paramArray['showTitle']; if (isset($paramArray['showLegend'])) $this->showLegend = $paramArray['showLegend']; if (isset($paramArray['colourType'])) $this->colourType = $paramArray['colourType']; if (isset($paramArray['colour'])) $this->colour = $paramArray['colour']; if (isset($paramArray['startColour'])) $this->startColour = $paramArray['startColour']; if (isset($paramArray['endColour'])) $this->endColour = $paramArray['endColour']; if (isset($paramArray['noDataColour'])) $this->noDataColour = $paramArray['noDataColour']; if (isset($paramArray['showValues'])) $this->showValues = $paramArray['showValues']; if (isset($paramArray['showNames'])) $this->showNames = $paramArray['showNames']; if (isset($paramArray['symbolType'])) $this->symbolType = $paramArray['symbolType']; if (isset($paramArray['symbolShape'])) $this->symbolShape = $paramArray['symbolShape']; if (isset($paramArray['symbolMaxSize'])) $this->symbolMaxSize = $paramArray['symbolMaxSize']; if (isset($paramArray['maxHeight'])) $this->maxHeight = $paramArray['maxHeight']; if (isset($paramArray['barSize'])) $this->barSize = $paramArray['barSize']; if (isset($paramArray['classification'])) $this->classification = $paramArray['classification']; if (isset($paramArray['numClasses'])) $this->numClasses = $paramArray['numClasses']; if ($this->showValues || $this->showNames) { $this->showLabel = true; } if (isset($paramArray['opacity'])) { $this->opacity = $paramArray['opacity']; $this->kmlAlphaColour = 255 * $this->opacity / 100; } // Make an array of available years if ($this->timeType != 'year') $this->yearArray = $this->indicator['years']; else $this->yearArray = array($this->year); // Only one year } // // Constructor // @access protected // function __deconstruct() { // What goes here? } // // Function // @access protected // public function getKML($url,$download = false, $file = "") { // Create KMZ archieve if($file == ""){ $file = $this->dirtmp."/tme". $this->nomeTemp. ".kmz"; } $this->nomeArquivo = $file; if(!file_exists($file)){ include(dirname(__FILE__)."/../kmlmapserver/classes/zip.class.php"); $zip = new zipfile(); // Add balloon logo to archieve (300 x 30 px) $zip->addFile($this->logoline, 'files/balloonlogo.png'); // KML header $kml = "" . PHP_EOL . "" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " Thematic Mapping Engine" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " $this->mapTitle" . PHP_EOL . " 1" . PHP_EOL . " $this->mapSource" . PHP_EOL . " mapDescription


$this->engine ]]>
" . PHP_EOL; // Add style for indicator balloon $kmlStyles = " " . PHP_EOL . " #balloonStyle" . PHP_EOL; if ($this->colourType == 'scale') { // Need to run before getColourValue / getColourLegend / makeClasses self::makeColourScale(); if ($this->classification != 'unclassed') { self::makeClasses($this->classification, $this->numClasses); } // Add colour legend to KMZ archieve if ($this->showLegend) { $imgLegenda = self::getColourLegend(); $zip->addFile($imgLegenda,'files/legend.png'); } $kmlSingleColour = ''; // Colours needs to be defined for each feature //$kmlColour = self::rgb2bgr($this->noDataColour); // Not in use, only so the variable has a value } else { $kmlSingleColour = '' . self::rgb2bgr($this->colour) . ''; //$kmlColour = self::rgb2bgr($this->colour); } // Add style for value placemarks if ($this->showLabel) { $kmlStyles .= " " . PHP_EOL; } // Define shared styles and legend $kmlStyles .= " " . PHP_EOL; // End of shared style $kmlFolder = " " . PHP_EOL . " Colunas" . PHP_EOL . " 1" . PHP_EOL; if ($this->timeType == 'series') { $kmlFolder .= " " . PHP_EOL; } // Loop thorough all years foreach ($this->yearArray as $key => $year) { $kmlFeatures = ''; if (($this->timeType == 'slider') OR ($year == $this->year)) $visibility = 1; else $visibility = 0; $kmlFolder .= " " . PHP_EOL . " $year" . PHP_EOL . " $visibility" . PHP_EOL; if ($this->showLabel) { $kmlLabels = " " . PHP_EOL . " Show/hide labels" . PHP_EOL . " $visibility" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL; } // Add timespan if time animation if ($this->timeType == 'slider') { $end = ''; // Check if there is more years if (array_key_exists($key+1, $this->yearArray)) { $end = '' . intval($this->yearArray[$key+1]-1) . '-12-31'; } $kmlFolder .= " " . PHP_EOL . " $year-01-01$end" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL; } // Loop thorough all features (values without features will not be shown) foreach ($this->dataStore['features'] as $featureID => $feature) { $name = $feature['name']; //if (!mb_detect_encoding($name,"UTF-8",true)) //{$name = mb_convert_encoding($name,"UTF-8","ISO-8859-1");} $name = ""; $value = ''; // use null? $valueText = 'no data'; $valueLabel = ''; $kmlFeature = ''; $altitude = 0; $symbolSize = 0; $colladaCount = 0; //$kmlColour = self::rgb2bgr($this->noDataColour); $kmlColour = ''; $longitude = $feature['lon']; $latitude = $feature['lat']; // Check if value exists for this feature if (isset($this->indicator['values'][$year][$featureID])) { // Extract value from dataStore $value = $this->indicator['values'][$year][$featureID]; $valueText = $valueLabel = number_format($value, 2, ',', '.'); // Colour scale if ($this->colourType == 'scale') { if ($this->classification != 'unclassed') { $class = self::getClass($value); $kmlColour = self::rgb2bgr($this->classColours[$class]); } else { $kmlColour = self::getColourValue($value, 'kml'); } } // Single colour //else { // $kmlColour = self::rgb2bgr($this->colour); //} } else { $kmlColour = self::rgb2bgr($this->noDataColour); } if($this->outlinecolor == ""){ $outline = 0; } else { $outline = 1; } switch ($this->mapType) { case "choropleth": $kmlFeature = " " . PHP_EOL; $kmlFeature .= self::wkt2kml($feature['wkt'], 0); break; case "prism": $altitude = intval($value * ($this->maxHeight / $this->maxValue)); if ($this->colourType == 'scale') { $kmlFeature = " " . PHP_EOL; } $kmlFeature .= self::wkt2kml($feature['wkt'], $altitude) . PHP_EOL; break; case "bar": if ($value != null) { $altitude = intval($value * ($this->maxHeight / $this->maxValue)); if ($this->colourType == 'scale') { $kmlFeature = " " . PHP_EOL; } $kmlFeature .= self::kmlSymbolCalculator($longitude, $latitude, $this->barSize, $this->numvertices, $altitude); } break; case "symbol": if ($value != null) { switch($this->symbolType){ case 'im$z = new ZipArchive(); $z->open("test.zip", ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE); folderToZip("storeThisFolder", $z); $z->close();age': //$symbolSize = round(self::getSymbolSize($value, $this->symbolShape),2); $symbolSize = round($this->symbolMaxSize * sqrt($value/$this->maxValue), 2); $kmlFeature = " " . PHP_EOL; $kmlFeature .= " " . PHP_EOL . " $longitude" . PHP_EOL . " $latitude" . PHP_EOL . " 0" . PHP_EOL . " 3200000" . PHP_EOL . " clampToGround" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " $longitude,$latitude,0" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL; break; case 'polygon': //$symbolSize = intval(self::getSymbolSize($value, $this->symbolShape)); $symbolSize = intval($this->symbolMaxSize * sqrt($value/$this->maxValue) * 70000); if ($this->colourType == 'scale') { $kmlFeature = " " . PHP_EOL; } $kmlFeature .= self::kmlSymbolCalculator($longitude, $latitude, $symbolSize, $this->symbolVertices, 0); break; case 'collada': //$symbolSize = intval(self::getSymbolSize($value, $this->symbolShape)); $symbolSize = intval($this->symbolMaxSize * pow($value/$this->maxValue, 1/3) * 20000); $class = ''; // Single colour if ($this->colourType == 'scale') $class = self::getClass($value); $altitude = $symbolSize; // Used for label placement $kmlFeature = " " . PHP_EOL . " absolute" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " $longitude" . PHP_EOL . " $latitude" . PHP_EOL . " 0" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " $symbolSize" . PHP_EOL . " $symbolSize" . PHP_EOL . " $symbolSize" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " files/object$class.dae" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL; } // switch } // if } // switch $kmlFeatures .= " " . PHP_EOL . " $name" . PHP_EOL . " $visibility" . PHP_EOL . " $valueText ($year)" . PHP_EOL . " #sharedStyle" . PHP_EOL . $kmlFeature . " " . PHP_EOL; if ($this->showLabel) { $label = ''; if ($this->showNames) $label = $name; if ($this->showValues) $label .= ' ' . $valueLabel; $kmlLabels .= " " . PHP_EOL . " $label" . PHP_EOL . " $visibility" . PHP_EOL . " #labelPlacemark" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " absolute" . PHP_EOL . " $longitude, $latitude, $altitude" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL; } } // foreach features if ($this->showLabel) { $kmlLabels .= " "; $kmlFolder .= $kmlLabels; } $kmlFolder .= $kmlFeatures; $kmlFolder .= " " . PHP_EOL; } // foreach years // Close Years folder $kmlFolder .= " " . PHP_EOL; // Create logo with title and source and add to archieve if ($this->showTitle) { $imgBrand = self::mapTitleImage(); $zip->addFile($imgBrand, 'files/brand.png'); } else { $zip->addFile($this->logo, 'files/brand.png'); } // Add title $kml .= " " . PHP_EOL . " Titulo" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " ".$url."/".basename($imgBrand)."" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL; // Add legend if ($this->showLegend && $this->colourType == 'scale') { $kml .= " " . PHP_EOL . " Legenda" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " ".$url."/".basename($imgLegenda)."" . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL . " " . PHP_EOL; } $kml .= $kmlStyles . $kmlFolder; $kml .= "
" . PHP_EOL . "
" . PHP_EOL; // Add kml to archieve //$zip->addFromString("doc.kml", $kml); $zip->addFile($kml, 'doc.kml');//edmar $zip->output($file);//edmar } if($download){ ob_end_clean(); //header('Content-Type: application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file)); print $file; exit; } else{ return $url.basename($file); } } // // Function // @access protected // // This function is based on code developed by "TJ": // http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=SupportKML&Number=166379&Searchpage=1&Main=166379&Words=calculate+TJ1&topic=&Search=true // function kmlSymbolCalculator( $longitude, $latitude, $distance, $points, $altitude ) { $EARTH_RADIUS_EQUATOR = 6378140.0; $RADIAN = 180 / pi(); $long = $longitude; $lat = $latitude; $long = $long / $RADIAN; $lat = $lat / $RADIAN; $f = 1/298.257; $e = 0.08181922; $kml = ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' '; //for ( $bearing = 0; $bearing <= 360; $bearing += 360/$points) { // Changed start bearing beacuse of square orientation for ( $bearing = 45; $bearing <= 405; $bearing += 360/$points) { $b = $bearing / $RADIAN; $R = $EARTH_RADIUS_EQUATOR * (1 - $e * $e) / pow( (1 - $e*$e * pow(sin($lat),2)), 1.5); $psi = $distance/$R; $phi = pi()/2 - $lat; $arccos = cos($psi) * cos($phi) + sin($psi) * sin($phi) * cos($b); $latA = (pi()/2 - acos($arccos)) * $RADIAN; $arcsin = sin($b) * sin($psi) / sin($phi); $longA = ($long - asin($arcsin)) * $RADIAN; $kml .= " ".round($longA,$this->coordDecimals).",".round($latA,$this->coordDecimals); if ($altitude) $kml .= ",".$altitude; } $kml .= ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL; if ($altitude) { $kml .= ' 1' . PHP_EOL . ' absolute' . PHP_EOL; } $kml .= ' ' . PHP_EOL; return $kml; } // // Function // @access protected // public function wkt2kml($wkt, $altitude) { // Change coordinate format $wkt = preg_replace("/([0-9\.\-]+) ([0-9\.\-]+),*/e", "round('$1',2).','.round('$2',2).',$altitude '", $wkt); $wkt = substr($wkt, 15); // Remove 'MULTIPOLYGON(((' at the beginning $wkt = substr($wkt, 0, -3); // Remove ')))' at the end $polygons = explode(')),((', $wkt); // Find all polygons $kml = ' ' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($polygons as $polygon) { $kml .= ' ' . PHP_EOL; $boundary = explode('),(', $polygon); // Find all polygon boundaries $kml .= ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . self::kmlReverseCoordinates($boundary[0]) . ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL; for ($i=1; $i < count($boundary); $i++) { // If inner boundaries $kml .= ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . self::kmlReverseCoordinates($boundary[$i]) . ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . PHP_EOL; } $kml .= ' ' . PHP_EOL; } $kml .= ' ' . PHP_EOL; if ($altitude) { $kml = str_replace('', '11absolute', $kml); } return $kml; } // // Function // @access protected // function kmlReverseCoordinates($coordinates) { $coordinates = explode(" ", $coordinates); $coordinates = array_reverse($coordinates); $coordinates = implode(" ", $coordinates); return $coordinates; } // Generates KML colour function rgb2bgr($rgb) { $colour = dechex($this->kmlAlphaColour) . substr($rgb, -2) . substr($rgb, 2, 2) . substr($rgb, 0, 2); return $colour; } // Generates COLLADA colour function rgb2collada($rgb) { $red = number_format(hexdec(substr($rgb, 0, 2)) / 255, 6); $green = number_format(hexdec(substr($rgb, 2, 2)) / 255, 6); $blue = number_format(hexdec(substr($rgb, -2)) / 255, 6); $colour = "$red $green $blue 1"; // Transparency not supported in GE? return $colour; } // Generates a colour scale function makeColourScale(){ // Extract red/green/blue decimal values from hexadecimal colours $this->startColourRGB = array(hexdec(substr($this->startColour, 0, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->startColour, 2, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->startColour, 4, 2))); $this->endColourRGB = array(hexdec(substr($this->endColour, 0, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->endColour, 2, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->endColour, 4, 2))); // Calculate the change value for red/green/blue $this->deltaColourRGB = array($this->endColourRGB[0] - $this->startColourRGB[0], $this->endColourRGB[1] - $this->startColourRGB[1], $this->endColourRGB[2] - $this->startColourRGB[2]); } function getColourValue($value, $format){ $red = $this->startColourRGB[0] + ($this->deltaColourRGB[0] / ($this->maxValue - $this->minValue)) * ($value - $this->minValue); $green = $this->startColourRGB[1] + ($this->deltaColourRGB[1] / ($this->maxValue - $this->minValue)) * ($value - $this->minValue); $blue = $this->startColourRGB[2] + ($this->deltaColourRGB[2] / ($this->maxValue - $this->minValue)) * ($value - $this->minValue); if ($format == 'kml') { $colour = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X%02X', $this->kmlAlphaColour, $blue, $green, $red); } else { // Hex colour $colour = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', $red, $green, $blue); } return $colour; } function getColourLegend(){ $height = $this->colourLegendHeight; $width = $this->colourLegendWidth; // Create colour scale canvas $legend = imagecreatetruecolor(150, $height+6); // Allocate colours $bgColour = imagecolorallocatealpha($legend, 255, 255, 255, 127); $white = $fontColour = imagecolorallocate($legend, 255, 255, 255); imageSaveAlpha($legend, true); // Set background colour imagefill($legend, 0, 0, $bgColour); switch ($this->classification) { case 'unclassed': for ($i = 0; $i <= $height; $i++) { $red = intval($this->endColourRGB[0] - (($this->deltaColourRGB[0] / $height) * $i)); $green = intval($this->endColourRGB[1] - (($this->deltaColourRGB[1] / $height) * $i)); $blue = intval($this->endColourRGB[2] - (($this->deltaColourRGB[2] / $height) * $i)); $myColourScale[] = imagecolorallocate($legend, $red, $green, $blue); } // Draw colour scale imagesetstyle($legend, $myColourScale); for ($i = 0; $i < $width; $i++) { imageline($legend, 21+$i, 2, 21+$i, $height+2, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); } // print min and max values //number_format(($s / $ocorrencias),2,",",".") //imagestring($legend, 3, $width+29, $height-6, number_format($this->minValue, $this->precision), $fontColour); //imagestring($legend, 3, $width+29, -3, number_format($this->maxValue, $this->precision), $fontColour); imagestring($legend, 3, $width+29, $height-6, number_format($this->minValue, 2,",","."), $fontColour); imagestring($legend, 3, $width+29, -3, number_format($this->maxValue, 2,",","."), $fontColour); break; // classed (equal intervals / quantiles) default: $ypos = 0; $interval = $height / $this->numClasses; $v = $this->classColours; foreach($v as $key => $colour){ $red = hexdec(substr($colour, 0, 2)); $green = hexdec(substr($colour, 2, 2)); $blue = hexdec(substr($colour, 4, 2)); $classColour = imagecolorallocate($legend, $red, $green, $blue); imagefilledrectangle($legend, 21, $height-$ypos+2, $width+20, $height-$ypos-$interval, $classColour); //imagestring($legend, 3, $width+29, $height-$ypos-5, number_format($this->classBreaks[$key], $this->precision), $fontColour); imagestring($legend, 3, $width+29, $height-$ypos-5, number_format($this->classBreaks[$key], 2,",","."), $fontColour); $ypos += $interval; } //imagestring($legend, 3, $width+29, -3, number_format($this->classBreaks[$key+1], $this->precision), $fontColour); imagestring($legend, 3, $width+29, -3, number_format($this->classBreaks[$key+1], 2,",","."), $fontColour); } // Border around colour scale imagerectangle($legend, 19, 0, $width+22, $height+4, $white); imagerectangle($legend, 20, 1, $width+21, $height+3, $white); // Legend title //imagestringup($legend, 3, 0, ($height/2)+(strlen($this->mapTitle)/2)*7, $this->mapTitle, $white); // Save legend $file = $this->dirtmp.'/legend'. $this->nomeTemp .'.png'; imagepng($legend, $file); return $file; } function getSymbolSize($value, $geometry) { switch ($geometry) { case 'circle': // Returns radius of the circle case 'square': // Returns length of a side return sqrt($value/$this->maxValue)*$this->symbolMaxSize; case 'column': // Returns height of the column return ($value/$this->maxValue)*$this->symbolMaxSize; case 'sphere': // Returns radius of the sphere case 'cube': // Returns length of a side return pow($value/$this->maxValue, 1/3)*$this->symbolMaxSize; } } function makeClasses($classification, $numClasses){ $this->classBreaks = array(); switch ($classification) { case 'equal': $interval = ($this->maxValue - $this->minValue) / $numClasses; for ($i = 0; $i < $numClasses; $i++) { $position = $this->minValue + ($interval * $i); $this->classBreaks[] = round($position, $this->precision); } $this->classBreaks[] = $this->maxValue; // Last class break = biggest value break; case 'quantile': $values = array_values($this->indicator['values'][$this->year]); sort($values); $numValues = count($values); $classNum = $numValues / $numClasses; // Number in each class for ($i = 0; $i < $numClasses; $i++) { $position = (int)($classNum * $i); $this->classBreaks[] = $values[$position]; } $this->classBreaks[] = $values[$numValues-1]; // Last class break = biggest value } // Make class colours (could be separate function) for ($i = 0; $i < $numClasses; $i++) { $red = (int)($this->startColourRGB[0] + ($this->deltaColourRGB[0] / ($numClasses - 1)) * $i); $green = (int)($this->startColourRGB[1] + ($this->deltaColourRGB[1] / ($numClasses - 1)) * $i); $blue = (int)($this->startColourRGB[2] + ($this->deltaColourRGB[2] / ($numClasses - 1)) * $i); $this->classColours[$i] = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', $red, $green, $blue); } } function getClass($value){ $class = 0; //var_dump($this->classBreaks);exit; for ($i = 1; $i < count($this->classBreaks); $i++) { if ($value > $this->classBreaks[$i] && $value <= $this->classBreaks[$i+1]) { $class = $i; } } return $class; } function mapTitleImage(){ $title = explode('|', wordwrap($this->mapTitle, 25, "|", true)); $source = explode('|', wordwrap($this->mapSource, 25, "|", true)); // Calculate text height (15px for each text line) $textSize = (count($title) + count($source)) * 15; // Create new legend canvas $legend = imagecreatetruecolor(200, 56 + $textSize); // Allocate colours $bgColour = imagecolorallocatealpha($legend, 255, 255, 255, 10); $black = $fontColour = imagecolorallocate($legend, 0, 0, 0); imageSaveAlpha($legend, true); // Set background colour imagefill($legend, 0, 0, $bgColour); // Add logo $legendTop = imagecreatefrompng($this->logo); imagecopy($legend, $legendTop, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200, 30); // Print title $ypos = 37; foreach($title as $line){ imagestring($legend, 3, 100-(strlen($line)*7)/2, $ypos, $line, $fontColour); $ypos += 15; } // Print source foreach($source as $line){ $ypos += 15; imagestring($legend, 2, 192-(strlen($line)*6), $ypos, $line, $fontColour); } // Save legend $file = $this->dirtmp.'/logo'. $this->nomeTemp .'.png'; imagepng($legend, $file); return $file; } function RGB2hex($rgb) { $r = str_pad(dechex($rgb[0]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $g = str_pad(dechex($rgb[1]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $b = str_pad(dechex($rgb[2]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); return("ff" . $b . $g . $r); } } // class ThematicMap ?>