open(); * * 3. iterate through the records * while ($record=$table->nextRecord()) { ... } * * 4. close the file * $table->close(); * **/ class XBaseTable { var $name; var $fp; var $isStream; var $filePos=0; var $recordPos=-1; var $record; var $version; var $modifyDate; var $recordCount; var $recordByteLength; var $inTransaction; var $encrypted; var $mdxFlag; var $languageCode; var $columns; var $columnNames; var $headerLength; var $backlist; var $foxpro; var $deleteCount=0; function XBaseTable($name) { $this->name=$name; } function open() { $fn = $this->name; $this->isStream=strpos($this->name,"://")!==false; if (!$this->isStream) { if (!file_exists($fn)) $fn = $this->name.".DBF"; if (!file_exists($fn)) $fn = $this->name.".dbf"; if (!file_exists($fn)) $fn = $this->name.".Dbf"; if (!file_exists($fn)) trigger_error ($this->name." cannot be found", E_USER_ERROR); } $this->name = $fn; $this->fp = fopen($fn,"rb"); $this->readHeader(); return $this->fp!=false; } function readHeader() { $this->version = $this->readChar(); $this->foxpro = $this->version==48 || $this->version==49 || $this->version==245 || $this->version==251; $this->modifyDate = $this->read3ByteDate(); $this->recordCount = $this->readInt(); $this->headerLength = $this->readShort(); $this->recordByteLength = $this->readShort(); $this->readBytes(2); //reserved $this->inTransaction = $this->readByte()!=0; $this->encrypted = $this->readByte()!=0; $this->readBytes(4); //Free record thread $this->readBytes(8); //Reserved for multi-user dBASE $this->mdxFlag = $this->readByte(); $this->languageCode = $this->readByte(); $this->readBytes(2); //reserved $fieldCount = ($this->headerLength - ($this->foxpro?296:33) ) / 32; /* some checking */ if (!$this->isStream && $this->headerLength>filesize($this->name)) trigger_error ($this->name." is not DBF", E_USER_ERROR); if (!$this->isStream && $this->headerLength+($this->recordCount*$this->recordByteLength)-500>filesize($this->name)) trigger_error ($this->name." is not DBF", E_USER_ERROR); /* columns */ $this->columnNames = array(); $this->columns = array(); $bytepos = 1; for ($i=0;$i<$fieldCount;$i++) { $column =& new XBaseColumn( $this->readString(11), // name $this->readByte(), // type $this->readInt(), // memAddress $this->readChar(), // length $this->readChar(), // decimalCount $this->readBytes(2), // reserved1 $this->readChar(), // workAreaID $this->readBytes(2), // reserved2 $this->readByte()!=0, // setFields $this->readBytes(7), // reserved3 $this->readByte()!=0, // indexed $i, // colIndex $bytepos // bytePos ); $bytepos+=$column->getLength(); $this->columnNames[$i] = $column->getName(); $this->columns[$i] =& $column; } /**/ if ($this->foxpro) { $this->backlist=$this->readBytes(263); } $b = $this->readByte(); $this->recordPos=-1; $this->record=false; $this->deleteCount=0; } function isOpen() { return $this->fp?true:false; } function close() { fclose($this->fp); } function &nextRecord() { if (!$this->isOpen()) $this->open(); $valid=false; do { if ($this->recordPos+1>=$this->recordCount) return false; $this->recordPos++; $this->record =& new XBaseRecord($this,$this->recordPos,$this->readBytes($this->recordByteLength)); if ($this->record->isDeleted()) { $this->deleteCount++; } else { $valid=true; } } while (!$valid); return $this->record; } function &moveTo($index) { $this->recordPos=$index; if ($index<0) return; fseek($this->fp,$this->headerLength+($index*$this->recordByteLength)); $this->record =& new XBaseRecord($this,$this->recordPos,$this->readBytes($this->recordByteLength)); return $this->record; } function &getRecord() { return $this->record; } function getColumnNames() { return $this->columnNames; } function getColumns() { return $this->columns; } function &getColumn($index) { return $this->columns[$index]; } function &getColumnByName($name) { foreach ($this->columnNames as $i=>$n) if (strtoupper($n) == strtoupper($name)) return $this->columns[$i]; return false; } function getColumnIndex($name) { foreach ($this->columnNames as $i=>$n) if (strtoupper($n) == strtoupper($name)) return $i; return false; } function getColumnCount() { return sizeof($this->columns); } function getRecordCount() { return $this->recordCount; } function getRecordPos() { return $this->recordPos; } function getRecordByteLength() { return $this->recordByteLength; } function getName() { return $this->name; } function getDeleteCount() { return $this->deleteCount; } function toHTML($withHeader=true,$tableArgs="border='1'",$trArgs="",$tdArgs="",$thArgs="") { $result = "\n"; if ($withHeader) { $result .= "\n"; foreach ($this->getColumns() as $i=>$c) { $result .= "\n"; } $result .= "\n"; } $this->moveTo(-1); while ($r =& $this->nextRecord()) { $result .= "\n"; foreach ($this->getColumns() as $i=>$c) { $result .= "\n"; } $result .= "\n"; } $result .= "
\n"; return $result; } function toXML() { $result = "name."' "; $result.= "version='".$this->version."' "; $result.= "modifyDate='".$this->modifyDate."' "; $result.= "recordCount='".$this->recordCount."' "; $result.= "recordByteLength='".$this->recordByteLength."' "; $result.= "inTransaction='".$this->inTransaction."' "; $result.= "encrypted='".$this->encrypted."' "; $result.= "mdxFlag='".ord($this->mdxFlag)."' "; $result.= "languageCode='".ord($this->languageCode)."' "; $result.= "backlist='".base64_encode($this->backlist)."' "; $result.= "foxpro='".$this->foxpro."' "; $result.= "deleteCount='".$this->deleteCount."' "; $result.= ">\n"; $result .= "\n"; foreach ($this->getColumns() as $i=>$c) { $result .= "name."' "; $result .= "type='".$c->type."' "; $result .= "length='".$c->length."' "; $result .= "decimalCount='".$c->decimalCount."' "; $result .= "bytePos='".$c->bytePos."' "; $result .= "colIndex='".$c->colIndex."' "; $result .= "/>\n"; } $result .= "\n"; $result .= "\n"; $this->moveTo(-1); while ($r =& $this->nextRecord()) { $result .= "\n"; foreach ($this->getColumns() as $i=>$c) { $result .= "<".$c->name.">".$r->getObject($c)."name.">\n"; } $result .= "\n"; } $result .= "\n"; $result .= "
\n"; return $result; } /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * private functions * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function readBytes($l) { $this->filePos+=$l; return fread($this->fp,$l); } function writeBytes($buf) { return fwrite($this->fp,$buf); } function readByte() { $this->filePos++; return fread($this->fp,1); } function writeByte($b) { return fwrite($this->fp,$b); } function readString($l) { return $this->readBytes($l); } function writeString($s) { return $this->writeBytes($s); } function readChar() { $buf = unpack("C",$this->readBytes(1)); return $buf[1]; } function writeChar($c) { $buf = pack("C",$c); return $this->writeBytes($buf); } function readShort() { $buf = unpack("S",$this->readBytes(2)); return $buf[1]; } function writeShort($s) { $buf = pack("S",$s); return $this->writeBytes($buf); } function readInt() { $buf = unpack("I",$this->readBytes(4)); return $buf[1]; } function writeInt($i) { $buf = pack("I",$i); return $this->writeBytes($buf); } function readLong() { $buf = unpack("L",$this->readBytes(8)); return $buf[1]; } function writeLong($l) { $buf = pack("L",$l); return $this->writeBytes($buf); } function read3ByteDate() { $y = unpack("c",$this->readByte()); $m = unpack("c",$this->readByte()); $d = unpack("c",$this->readByte()); return mktime(0,0,0,$m[1],$d[1],$y[1]>70?1900+$y[1]:2000+$y[1]); } function write3ByteDate($d) { $t = getdate($d); return $this->writeChar($t["year"] % 1000) + $this->writeChar($t["mon"]) + $this->writeChar($t["mday"]); } function read4ByteDate() { $y = readShort(); $m = unpack("c",$this->readByte()); $d = unpack("c",$this->readByte()); return mktime(0,0,0,$m[1],$d[1],$y); } function write4ByteDate($d) { $t = getdate($d); return $this->writeShort($t["year"]) + $this->writeChar($t["mon"]) + $this->writeChar($t["mday"]); } }