= $minimum && $valueRank <= $maximum) { $classNumber = $ii; } $minimum = $minimum + $numberOfElementsPerClassArray[$ii]; $maximum = $minimum + $numberOfElementsPerClassArray[$ii + 1] - 1; } return $classNumber; } /** * This function will determine the maximum values for the classes * * @param array $values - the values * @param array $classes - the classes */ function getClassMaximums ($values, $classes) { $numberValues = count($values); $numberOfClasses = count($classes); $maximumValues = array(); // Make sure our values are sorted array_multisort($values); $valueIndex = 0; for ($classNumber = 0; $classNumber < $numberOfClasses; $classNumber++) { $maximumValues[$classNumber] = $values[$valueIndex]; $valueIndex = $valueIndex + $classes[$classNumber]; } $maximumValues[$numberOfClasses] = $values[$numberValues - 1]; return $maximumValues; } /** * This function will determine the number of values that belong in each class * * @param array $values - the values * @param array $maximumValues - the maximum values of each class */ function getNumberOfValuesPerClass ($values, $maximumValues) { $numberOfClasses = count($maximumValues) - 1; $numberOfValues = count($values); $class = array(); // Make sure our values are sorted array_multisort($values); $firstValueOfClass = 0; for ($classNumber = 1; $classNumber < $numberOfClasses; $classNumber++) { $crossIndex = 0; while ($values[$crossIndex] < $maximumValues[$classNumber] && $crossIndex < $numberOfValues) { $crossIndex++; } $lastClassIndex = $crossIndex - 1; $class[$classNumber - 1] = $lastClassIndex - $firstValueOfClass + 1; $firstValueOfClass = $lastClassIndex + 1; } $class[$classNumber - 1] = $numberOfValues - $firstValueOfClass; return $class; } /** * Calculates an average of the values in an array * * @param array $values - the array of values you want an average calculated for */ function calculateAverage ($values) { if (!is_array($values) || count($values) == 0) { return 0; } return array_sum($values) / count($values); } /** * The Jenks Algorithm * * This function will determine the optimal natural breaks for a set of values given a number of classes. It will return * an array of classes with the number of elements for each class. * * @param int $numberOfClasses - the number of classes you want * @param array $values - the values you are working with */ function getJenksClasses ($numberOfClasses, $values) { // Make sure our values are sorted array_multisort($values); // Determine the number of values $numberOfValues = count($values); // If we have the same number of unique values as classes if (count(array_unique($values)) == $numberOfClasses) { // Then we can just count up the number of values in each of the classes and we are finished $classes = array_values(array_count_values($values)); return getClassMaximums($values, $classes); } // We need a starting point for Jenks. Let's start with a simple quantile split $classSize = floor($numberOfValues / $numberOfClasses); for ($ii = 0; $ii < $numberOfClasses; $ii++) { $classes[] = $classSize; } $classes[$ii - 1] = $numberOfValues - ($numberOfClasses - 1) * $classSize; /** * Now that we have our simple quantile split, we'll do our first round of adjustments. It's very likely the quantile split * caused equal values to be split into two different classes. This will not work for our classes. We will go through each * class and determine if any of the values in the classes exist in another class. If they do, we will see which class * would be best for that set of values by creating feaux classes as if all of the values have been moved and determine which * move would provide the lowest sum of squared differences for that value. We will then move those values into that class. */ $valueCounts = array_count_values($values); $changeOccurred = true; $firstIterationCounter = 0; do { $changeOccurred = false; if ($numberOfClasses == 6) { $numsixcounter++; if ($numsixcounter == 20) { exit; } } $startingValuesKey = 0; $currentClassesArray = array(); foreach ($classes as $numberValuesInClass) { $currentClassesArray[] = array_slice($values, $startingValuesKey, $numberValuesInClass); $startingValuesKey += $numberValuesInClass; } foreach ($currentClassesArray as $key => $class) { if ($key == $numberOfClasses - 1) { break; } /** * Go through each class. If the class only has one number, we are good. Let's move the rest of the numbers * into this class if they exist elsewhere */ if (count(array_unique($class)) == 1) { $onlyValueInClass = $class[0]; if ($classes[$key] != $valueCounts[$onlyValueInClass]) { // Then there are other classes with this value. We've got some moving to do. $numberOfValuesToMove = $valueCounts[$onlyValueInClass] - $classes[$key]; $classKeyToTry = $key + 1; while ($numberOfValuesToMove > 0) { // We have to start subtracting from classes that are suitable if ($classes[$classKeyToTry] <= 1) { do { $classKeyToTry++; if ($classKeyToTry > $numberOfClasses - 1) { $classKeyToTry = 0; } } while ($classKeyToTry == $key); } $classes[$classKeyToTry]--; $classes[$key]++; $numberOfValuesToMove--; } $changeOccurred = true; break; } } else { // There are more than one value in this class $valuesInThisClass = array_count_values($class); $value = max($class); $numberTimesValueInClass = $valuesInThisClass[$value]; if ($numberTimesValueInClass != $valueCounts[$value]) { /** * Then there are more of these in a different class. If the next class is nothing but this value, we * know we will just move the values to that class. */ if (count(array_unique($currentClassesArray[$key + 1])) == 1) { // The next class up is made up entirely of this class. We will move the numbers to it. $numberValuesToMove = $numberTimesValueInClass; for ($ii = 0; $ii < $numberValuesToMove; $ii++) { $classes[$key]--; $classes[$key + 1]++; } if ($classes[$key + 1] != $valueCounts[$value]) { // Then we may have moved all the values out of this class into the next, but there are still more $numberLeftToMove = $valueCounts[$value] - $classes[$key + 1]; $classKeyToTry = $key + 2; while ($numberLeftToMove > 0) { // We have to start subtracting from classes that are suitable if ($classes[$classKeyToTry] <= 1) { $classKeyToTry++; } $classes[$classKeyToTry]--; $classes[$key + 1]++; $numberLeftToMove--; } } } else { /** * There are other numbers in the next class besides the one we are working with. Let's create * the two classes as if we had put all of the values in the class. Then, we'll find out which * provides the best SSD for our current $value. */ $firstComparisonClass = $currentClassesArray[$key]; $secondComparisonClass = $currentClassesArray[$key + 1]; $numberValuesForClass = array_count_values($firstComparisonClass); $numberValuesToAddFirstClass = $valueCounts[$value] - $numberValuesForClass[$value]; for ($ii = 0; $ii < $numberValuesToAddFirstClass; $ii++) { $firstComparisonClass[] = $value; } $firstClassAverage = calculateAverage($firstComparisonClass); $numberValuesForClass = array_count_values($secondComparisonClass); $numberValuesToAddSecondClass = $valueCounts[$value] - $numberValuesForClass[$value]; for ($ii = 0; $ii < $numberValuesToAddSecondClass; $ii++) { $secondComparisonClass[] = $value; } $secondClassAverage = calculateAverage($secondComparisonClass); // Now that we have built our two feaux classes, let's see which provides us with the best SSD for the value $firstSSD = pow($value - $firstClassAverage, 2); $secondSSD = pow($value - $secondClassAverage, 2); if ($firstSSD < $secondSSD) { $classKeyToAddTo = $key; $classKeyToSubtractFrom = $key + 1; $numberValuesToMove = $numberValuesToAddFirstClass; } else { $classKeyToAddTo = $key + 1; $classKeyToSubtractFrom = $key; $numberValuesToMove = $numberValuesToAddSecondClass; } for ($ii = 0; $ii < $numberValuesToMove; $ii++) { $classes[$classKeyToAddTo]++; $classes[$classKeyToSubtractFrom]--; } } $changeOccurred = true; break; } } } } while ($changeOccurred == true); /** * Now that we are sure our classes have been split in a way that values are not spread amongst different classes, * we can do work optimizing our classes further. We will look at the highest and lowest values for each class and * determine if those sets of values would be better suited in the class above, below, or if they are good where * they are at. We do not need to look at values in the middle of each class because moving a value in the middle * to a class above or below it would put our classes out of numeric order and does not make sense. We also do not * look at the largest or smallest values because those should stay in their lowest and highest class respsectively. */ $changeOccurred = 1; $iterationCounter = 0; $distinctValues = array_keys($valueCounts); $numberDistinctValues = count($distinctValues); $currentClassesArray = array(); $startingValuesKey = 0; foreach ($classes as $numberValuesInClass) { $currentClassesArray[] = array_slice($values, $startingValuesKey, $numberValuesInClass); $startingValuesKey += $numberValuesInClass; } do { $changeOccurred = 0; // We only want to work on the minimums and maximums of the classes $minimumValue = min($values); $maximumValue = max($values); $valuesToWorkWith = array(); foreach ($currentClassesArray as $class) { // We don't want to check values that are in classes by themselves because we cannot improve them if (count(array_unique($class)) != 1) { $minValueForArray = min($class); if ($minValueForArray != $minimumValue && $minValueForArray != $maximumValue) { $valuesToWorkWith[] = $minValueForArray; } $maxValueForArray = max($class); if ($maxValueForArray != $minimumValue && $maxValueForArray != $maximumValue) { $valuesToWorkWith[] = $maxValueForArray; } } } $numberOfValuesToWorkWith = count($valuesToWorkWith); if ($numberOfValuesToWorkWith > 0) { for ($ii = 0; $ii < $numberOfValuesToWorkWith; $ii++) { $iterationCounter++; $thisValue = $valuesToWorkWith[$ii]; /** * We will need to create feaux classes above and below the current class to see if the squared deviation decreases. * If it does, we'll move the values into that class. */ $currentClassKeyForValue = determineClass(array_search($thisValue, $values), $numberOfClasses, $classes); $firstComparisonClassKey = $currentClassKeyForValue - 1; $secondComparisonClassKey = $currentClassKeyForValue + 1; $squaredDeviationsArray = array(); if ($firstComparisonClassKey > 0) { $firstComparisonClass = $currentClassesArray[$firstComparisonClassKey]; $numberValuesForClass = array_count_values($firstComparisonClass); $numberValuesToAddFirstClass = $valueCounts[$thisValue] - $numberValuesForClass[$thisValue]; for ($jj = 0; $jj < $numberValuesToAddFirstClass; $jj++) { $firstComparisonClass[] = $thisValue; } $firstClassAverage = calculateAverage($firstComparisonClass); $squaredDeviationsArray[$firstComparisonClassKey] = pow($thisValue - $firstClassAverage, 2); } if ($secondComparisonClassKey < $numberOfClasses) { $secondComparisonClass = $currentClassesArray[$secondComparisonClassKey]; $numberValuesForClass = array_count_values($secondComparisonClass); $numberValuesToAddSecondClass = $valueCounts[$thisValue] - $numberValuesForClass[$thisValue]; for ($jj = 0; $jj < $numberValuesToAddSecondClass; $jj++) { $secondComparisonClass[] = $thisValue; } $secondClassAverage = calculateAverage($secondComparisonClass); $squaredDeviationsArray[$secondComparisonClassKey] = pow($thisValue - $secondClassAverage, 2); } $currentClassAverage = calculateAverage($currentClassesArray[$currentClassKeyForValue]); $currentSquaredDeviation = $squaredDeviationsArray[$currentClassKeyForValue] = pow($thisValue - $currentClassAverage, 2); $minSquaredDeviation = min($squaredDeviationsArray); if ($minSquaredDeviation != $currentSquaredDeviation) { $minSquaredDeviationKey = array_search($minSquaredDeviation, $squaredDeviationsArray); // Then we need to move these values from the class they are in to the class they should be in $numberOfThisValue = $valueCounts[$thisValue]; $classes[$minSquaredDeviationKey] += $numberOfThisValue; $classes[$currentClassKeyForValue] -= $numberOfThisValue; $changeOccurred = 1; // Regenerate our classes as they currently are $startingValuesKey = 0; $currentClassesArray = array(); foreach ($classes as $numberValuesInClass) { $currentClassesArray[] = array_slice($values, $startingValuesKey, $numberValuesInClass); $startingValuesKey += $numberValuesInClass; } } } } } while ($changeOccurred == 1); return getClassMaximums($values, $classes); } /** * This function determines the optimum number of classes for a given set of values by calculating the goodness of variance fit (GVF) * for class sizes 4 - 7. It will return the maximum values for each class and the number of values for each class in an array for the * number of classes that best fits the data. * * @param array $values - the values you want to determine the optimum deviation for * @param int $minimumNumberOfClasses - the minimum number of classes you want to try * @param int $maximumNumberOfClasses - the maximum number of classes you want to try * @return array - the maximum values for each array and the number of values for each class */ function getOptimalClassInformation ($values, $minimumNumberOfClasses = 4, $maximumNumberOfClasses = 7) { // Make sure our values are sorted array_multisort($values); $numberOfUniqueValues = count(array_unique($values)); if ($numberOfUniqueValues <= $maximumNumberOfClasses) { $maximumValues = getJenksClasses ($numberOfUniqueValues, $values); $numberOfValuesPerClass = getNumberOfValuesPerClass ($values, $maximumValues); return array ($maximumValues, $numberOfValuesPerClass); } else { $valuesAverage = calculateAverage($values); $SDAM = 0; foreach ($values as $value) { $SDAM += pow ($value - $valuesAverage, 2); } for ($classNumber = $minimumNumberOfClasses; $classNumber <= $maximumNumberOfClasses; $classNumber++) { $maximumValues = getJenksClasses ($classNumber, $values); $numberOfValuesPerClass = getNumberOfValuesPerClass ($values, $maximumValues); $arraySliceIndex = 0; $SDCM = 0; foreach ($numberOfValuesPerClass as $numberOfValues) { $thisClass = array_slice($values, $arraySliceIndex, $numberOfValues); $thisClassAverage = calculateAverage($thisClass); $deviationsSumForClass = 0; foreach ($thisClass as $thisValue) { $deviationsSumForClass += pow ($thisValue - $thisClassAverage, 2); } $SDCM += $deviationsSumForClass; $arraySliceIndex += $numberOfValues; } $gvfsArray[$classNumber] = 1 - ($SDCM / $SDAM); $returnArraysToClassNumbers[$classNumber] = array ($maximumValues, $numberOfValuesPerClass); } } return $returnArraysToClassNumbers[array_search(max($gvfsArray), $gvfsArray)]; } /** * Takes an array of values and an array of numbers per class from Jenks to provide us with a nice list of what the ranges are * * @param array $values - the original array of values * @param array $jenksArray - the array of how many values should go in each class from Jenks */ function getMapKeys ($values, $jenksArray) { // Make sure our values are sorted array_multisort($values); if (count($jenksArray) == 2) { // If the Jenks array just contains a single value and the max, then we can just return that value return array (0 => $jenksArray[1]); } $returnArray = array(); $startingValue = $jenksArray[0]; $arrayCount = count($jenksArray); $rangeString = 1; $stoppingValue = $jenksArray[$arrayCount - 1]; for ($ii = 1; $ii < $arrayCount; $ii++) { $maxValue = $jenksArray[$ii]; if ($maxValue == $stoppingValue) { if ($rangeString == $maxValue) { $rangeString = $maxValue; } else { foreach ($values as $value) { if ($value < $maxValue) { $max = $value; } else if ($rangeString == $max) { break; } else { $rangeString .= ' - ' . $max; break; } } } } else { foreach ($values as $value) { if ($value < $maxValue) { $max = $value; } else if ($max == $rangeString) { break; } else { $rangeString .= ' - ' . $max; break; } } } $returnArray[] = $rangeString; $rangeString = $jenksArray[$ii]; } return $returnArray; } /** * This function will display a map using the Google Charts API. Information about the API can be found * here: http://code.google.com/apis/chart/types.html#maps * * We are using Jenks Natural Breaks Classification Scheme to create our breaks in our data and our keys * for our maps. * * The output for this will be a URI that looks like this: http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=t * &chs=440x220&chco=DCDCDC,FDFAD1,FFE9B0,FFBB7D,E5280C,A61900&chtm=usa&chd=t:20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20, * 20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,60,60,60,60,60,60, * 60,60,60,80,80,80,80,100,100&chld=VTHIDESDWVDCMERIWYARNENHAKNMMSLAOKIDIANVALUTSCCTKYTNINMDWIMNMOOR * MANCAZVAGAMIOHCOPANJILWAFLTXNYKSCAMT&chf=bg,s,EAF7FE * * Due to the limits of the numbers and formats of numbers that can be sent to the charting API, we break * our classes up into even numbers that have the most distance between them as possible but still remain * within 100. The rest of the arguments are fully explained in the API documentaiton. * * @param array $values - the values of the map you are trying to create * @param array $locations - either an array of 2-digit state codes or an array of ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country * codes. This array should correspond to the $values in the way it is sorted. * @param string $map_type - the type of map you would like. Should be from this list: * 'africa', 'asia', 'europe', 'middle_east', 'south_america', 'usa', 'world' * @param boolean $return_data - if return data is set to true, this function will return the URI and the * colors and data needed to display the map key * @return mixed - either nothing or an array containing the return data */ function displayGoogleMap($values, $locations, $map_type, $return_data = false) { // Color of locations with no values $empty_color = 'DCDCDC'; // Color of the water behind the maps $water_color = 'FAFAFA'; // Make sure our values are sorted array_multisort($values); // We will grab the maximum values from each class as determined by the Jenks algorithm $class_information = getOptimalClassInformation($values); $jenks_max_values_per_class = $class_information[0]; $number_values_per_class = $class_information[1]; $number_of_classes = count($number_values_per_class); $valid_map_types = array('africa', 'asia', 'europe', 'middle_east', 'south_america', 'usa', 'world'); $display_map_types = array ('Africa', 'Asia', 'Europe', 'Middle East', 'South America', 'USA', 'World'); // With this information, we will get our map keys $breaks_array = getMapKeys($values, $jenks_max_values_per_class); if ($number_of_classes <= 5) { $map_colors = array ($empty_color, 'FDFAD1', 'FFE9B0', 'FFBB7D', 'E5280C', 'A61900'); $google_colors = array ($empty_color, 'FEECB6', 'FECC91', 'F4804F', 'D82509', 'A51900'); // Google renders the colors for 2 classes in a particular way if ($number_of_classes == 2) { $google_colors = array ($empty_color, 'FEECB6', 'FECD91'); } $class_multiplier = 20; } else if ($number_of_classes > 5) { $map_colors = array ($empty_color, 'FFFFFF', 'FDFAD1', 'FFE9B0', 'FFBB7D', 'FF7A3D', 'E5280C', 'A61900'); $google_colors = array ($empty_color, 'FDFAD1', 'FDEDB9', 'FED095', 'FEA265', 'F96933', 'E2270B', 'AD1A01'); // Google renders the colors for 6 classes in a particular way if ($number_of_classes == 6) { $google_colors = array ($empty_color, 'FDECB8', 'FCD095', 'FDA165', 'F86732', 'E2280B', 'AD1A01'); } $map_colors = $google_colors; $class_multiplier = round(100 / $number_of_classes, 2); } // Let's build our URI $uri = 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=t&chs=440x220&chco='; foreach ($map_colors as $color) { $uri .= $color . ','; } $uri = substr($uri, 0, -1); $uri .= '&chtm=' . $map_type; // Here we will build the location abbreviations and location values to go in the URI $max_value = $values[0]; $key = 0; foreach ($locations as $location_abbrev => $number_from_location) { $location_codes .= $location_abbrev; $class_number = round((determineClass($key, $number_of_classes, $number_values_per_class) + 1) * $class_multiplier); $location_values .= $class_number . ','; $key++; } $location_values = substr($location_values, 0, -1); // Finish off our URI by tacking on the values, codes, and color for the water $uri .= '&chd=t:' . $location_values . '&chld=' . $location_codes . '&chf=bg,s,' . $water_color; // We need to check and see if they just wanted data returned or if they wanted the map displayed if ($return_data) { // Let's build our array for the map colors and data and return our data $map_key_array[$empty_color] = 'No Data'; for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $number_of_classes; $ii++) { $color = $google_colors[$ii]; $text = $breaks_array[$ii - 1]; $map_key_array[$color] = $text; } return array ($uri, $map_key_array); } else { // Let's display it $empty_color = $google_colors[0]; echo << HTML; for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $number_of_classes; $ii++) { $color = $google_colors[$ii]; $text = $breaks_array[$ii - 1]; echo << HTML; } echo << HTML; } } ?>
    No Data