gvSIG Desktop v2.0.0. - ©gvSIG Association - Software under GNU/GPL license (http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html) - Contact: gvsig@gvsig.org Application Requirements: System - At least: Intel/AMD - 512 MB RAM. - Operative Systems: platforms Windows and Linux. Tested in Windows XP, Linux Ubuntu/Debian. Installed software (available at http://www.gvsig.gva.es or at http://java.sun.com) - Java VM 1.5.0 (12 or above). Further information and support: - Official web site: http://www.gvsig.org - Professional support: http://www.gvsig.com - Mailing lists: http://www.gvsig.org/web/home/community/mailing-lists