Annotations Plugin version 1.0 (Build number #build.number#): Before starting, check the following points: 1.- Download the sources for gvSIG v1.0.2. Follow the procedure described in the “Readme.txt” file to setup a working development environment. *** Compilation 1.- Uncompress the pilot package into the source folder just created (gvSIG-1_0_2-src). Note: some files in the 'binaries' folder must be overwritten. 2.- (Only if using Eclipse) Import the projects: *1: Pick the the File/Import menu command. *2: Choose 'Existing Projects into workspace' and hit 'Next' *3: With the option 'Select root directory' press 'Browse...' *4: Locate the workspace folder (normally, this should be the default) and hit 'Accept'. *5: Click on 'Deselect All' *6: Mark the following project from the list: extAnnotations. *7: Click on 'Finish'. 3.- Run the 'build.xml' in the project 'extAnnotations' (using Ant or Eclipse). For further assistance, please subscribe to the gvSIG developer list and send your questions there (see in Thanks for developing on gvSIG. Regards, The gvSIG Team