Uses of Interface

Packages that use Geometry

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom that return Geometry
 Geometry Geometry.buffer(double distance)
          Computes a buffer area around this geometry having the given width This is a utility method to wrap the invocation to the operation Geometry.OPERATIONS.BUFFER.
 Geometry Geometry.cloneGeometry()
          Creates a clone of this geometry.
 Geometry Geometry.convexHull()
 Geometry GeometryManager.create(GeometryType geomType)
           This method creates a Geometry with the type specified by this GeometryType.
 Geometry GeometryManager.create(int type, int subType)
           This method creates a Geometry with a concrete type and subtype.
 Geometry GeometryManager.create(String name)
           This method creates a Geometry with the type specified by this name.
 Geometry GeometryManager.createFrom(byte[] wkb)
          Create a geometry from a WKB definition.
 Geometry GeometryManager.createFrom(String wkt)
 Geometry GeometryManager.createFrom(String wkt, String srs)
          Create a geometry from a WKT definition.
 Geometry Geometry.difference(Geometry other)
 Geometry Geometry.intersection(Geometry other)
 Geometry Geometry.union(Geometry other)

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom with parameters of type Geometry
 boolean Geometry.contains(Geometry geometry)
          Tests whether this geometry contains the specified geometry.
 boolean Geometry.coveredBy(Geometry geometry)
 boolean Geometry.crosses(Geometry geometry)
 Geometry Geometry.difference(Geometry other)
 boolean Geometry.disjoint(Geometry geometry)
 double Geometry.distance(Geometry geometry)
          Returns the minimum distance between this Geometry and the specified geometry.
 Geometry Geometry.intersection(Geometry other)
 boolean Geometry.intersects(Geometry geometry)
 Object GeometryManager.invokeOperation(int opCode, Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
           Invokes an operation given its code, the geometry and the operation context holding the parameters required for the operation.
 Object GeometryManager.invokeOperation(String geomOpName, Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
           Invokes an operation given its code, the geometry and the operation context holding the parameters required for the operation.
 boolean Geometry.overlaps(Geometry geometry)
          Tests whether this geometry overlaps the specified geometry.
 boolean Geometry.touches(Geometry geometry)
 Geometry Geometry.union(Geometry other)
 boolean Geometry.within(Geometry geometry)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.aggregate

Subinterfaces of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.aggregate
 interface Aggregate
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_Aggregate specified in
 interface MultiCurve
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_Curve specified in
 interface MultiPoint
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_MultiPoint specified in
 interface MultiPrimitive
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_MultiPrimitive specified in
 interface MultiSolid
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_MultiSolid specified in
 interface MultiSurface
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_MultiSurface specified in
Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.aggregate.impl

Classes in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.aggregate.impl that implement Geometry
 class BaseMultiPrimitive
 class BaseMultiPrimitive2D
 class MultiCurve2D
 class MultiCurve2DZ
 class MultiPoint2D
          Multipunto 2D.
 class MultiPoint2DZ
          Multipunto 3D.
 class MultiSolid2DZ
 class MultiSurface2D
 class MultiSurface3D

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.aggregate.impl that return Geometry
 Geometry MultiCurve2D.cloneGeometry()
 Geometry MultiSurface3D.cloneGeometry()
 Geometry MultiCurve2DZ.cloneGeometry()
 Geometry MultiPoint2DZ.cloneGeometry()
 Geometry BaseMultiPrimitive2D.cloneGeometry()
 Geometry MultiPoint2D.cloneGeometry()
 Geometry MultiSurface2D.cloneGeometry()
 Geometry[] BaseMultiPrimitive.getGeometries()

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.complex

Subinterfaces of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.complex
 interface Complex
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_Complex specified in
 interface Composite
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_Composite specified in
 interface CompositeCurve
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_CompositeCurve specified in
 interface CompositeSolid
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_CompositeSolid specified in
 interface CompositeSurface
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_CompositeSurface specified in
Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.impl

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.impl that return Geometry
 Geometry DefaultGeometryManager.create(GeometryType geomType)
 Geometry DefaultGeometryManager.create(int type, int subType)
 Geometry DefaultGeometryManager.create(String name)
 Geometry DefaultGeometryManager.createFrom(byte[] wkb)
 Geometry DefaultGeometryManager.createFrom(String wkt)
 Geometry DefaultGeometryManager.createFrom(String wkt, String srs)

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.impl with parameters of type Geometry
 Object DefaultGeometryManager.invokeOperation(int opCode, Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object DefaultGeometryManager.invokeOperation(String geomOpName, Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation with parameters of type Geometry
abstract  Object GeometryOperation.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
          Invokes this operation given the geometry and context

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.area

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.area with parameters of type Geometry
 Object Area.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.distance

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.distance with parameters of type Geometry
 Object PointDistance.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.ensureOrientation

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.ensureOrientation with parameters of type Geometry
 Object EnsureOrientation.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.flip

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.flip with parameters of type Geometry
 Object Flip.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromjts

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromjts with parameters of type Geometry
 Object FromJTS.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromwkb

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromwkb that return Geometry
 Geometry WKBParser2.parse(byte[] value)
          Parse a binary encoded geometry.
protected  Geometry WKBParser2.parseGeometry(ByteBuffer data)
          Parse a geometry starting at offset.

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromwkb with parameters of type Geometry
 Object FromWKB.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromwkt

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromwkt that return Geometry
 Geometry reader)
          Converts a Well-known Text representation to a Geometry.
 Geometry wellKnownText)
          Converts a Well-known Text representation to a Geometry.

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.fromwkt with parameters of type Geometry
 Object FromWKT.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.isCCW

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.isCCW with parameters of type Geometry
 Object IsCCW.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.perimeter

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.perimeter with parameters of type Geometry
 Object Perimeter.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.perpendicular

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.perpendicular with parameters of type Geometry
 Object PerpendicularPoint.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object Perpendicular.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object UnitVector.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.relationship

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.relationship that return Geometry
protected  Geometry DefaultRelationshipGeometryOperationContext.getGeom()

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.relationship with parameters of type Geometry
 Object Within.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object Touches.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object Intersects.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object Out.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object Equals.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object Disjoint.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object Crosses.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object Contains.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object Overlaps.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
protected  void DefaultRelationshipGeometryOperationContext.setGeom(Geometry geom)

Constructors in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.relationship with parameters of type Geometry
DefaultRelationshipGeometryOperationContext(Geometry geom)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.tojts

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.tojts with parameters of type Geometry
 Object MultiPointToJTS.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object Surface2DToJTS.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object MultiSurfaceToJTS.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object MultiCurveToJTS.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object Point2DToJTS.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object Curve2DToJTS.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.towkb

Fields in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.towkb declared as Geometry
 Geometry WKBOnePointLineException.geometry
          Class name of the geometry type.
 Geometry WKBMultyLineInLineDefinitionException.geometry
          Class name of the geometry type.
 Geometry WKBPolygonNotClosedException.geometry
          Class name of the geometry type.

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.towkb with parameters of type Geometry
 byte[] WKBEncoder.encode(Geometry geometry)
 void WKBEncoder.encode(Geometry geometry, ByteArrayOutputStream stream)
 void WKBEncoder.encode(Geometry geometry, DataOutputStream stream)
 Object ToWKB.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)
 Object ToWKBNative.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Constructors in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.towkb with parameters of type Geometry
WKBMultyLineInLineDefinitionException(Geometry geom)
WKBOnePointLineException(Geometry geom)
WKBPolygonNotClosedException(Geometry geom)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.towkt

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.towkt with parameters of type Geometry
 Object ToWKT.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.utils

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.operation.utils with parameters of type Geometry
 Object PointGetAngle.invoke(Geometry geom, GeometryOperationContext ctx)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.primitive

Subinterfaces of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.primitive
 interface Arc
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_Arc specified in
 interface Circle
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_Circle specified in
 interface Curve
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_Curve and the GM_CurveSegment specified in
 interface Ellipse
           An ellipse is the finite or bounded case of a conic section, the geometric shape that results from cutting a circular conical or cylindrical surface with an oblique plane (the other two cases being the parabola and the hyperbola).
 interface EllipticArc
 interface NullGeometry
          This interface is used to represent the null geometry, that means a geometry that has been not set yet.
 interface OrientableCurve
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_OrientableCurve specified in
 interface OrientablePrimitive
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_OrientablePrimitive specified in
 interface OrientableSurface
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_OrientableSurface specified in
 interface Point
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_Point specified in
 interface Primitive
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_Object specified in
 interface Solid
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_Solid specified in
 interface Spline
 interface Surface
           This interface is equivalent to the GM_Surface specified in
Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.primitive that return Geometry
 Geometry Envelope.getGeometry()
          It returns the equivalent of an envelope like a geometry.

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.primitive.impl

Classes in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.primitive.impl that implement Geometry
 class AbstractPrimitive
 class Arc2D
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class Arc2DZ
 class Circle2D
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class Circle2DZ
 class Curve2D
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class Curve2DZ
          Polilinea 3D.
 class DefaultCurve
 class DefaultNullGeometry
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class Ellipse2D
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class Ellipse2DZ
 class EllipticArc2D
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class EllipticArc2DZ
 class Geometry2D
 class OrientableCurve2D
 class OrientablePrimitive2D
 class OrientableSurface2D
 class Point2D
          2D point implementation.
 class Point2DZ
          3D point implementation.
 class Solid2DZ
 class Spline2D
 class Spline2DZ
 class Surface2D
          Pol�gono 2D.
 class Surface2DZ
          Polilinea 3D.

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.primitive.impl that return Geometry
 Geometry AbstractPrimitive.buffer(double distance)
 Geometry DefaultNullGeometry.cloneGeometry()
 Geometry AbstractPrimitive.cloneGeometry()
 Geometry AbstractPrimitive.convexHull()
 Geometry AbstractPrimitive.difference(Geometry other)
 Geometry DefaultEnvelope.getGeometry()
 Geometry AbstractPrimitive.intersection(Geometry other)
 Geometry AbstractPrimitive.union(Geometry other)

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.primitive.impl with parameters of type Geometry
 boolean AbstractPrimitive.contains(Geometry geometry)
protected  boolean AbstractPrimitive.containsPoint(Geometry geom, double x, double y)
          Utility method
protected  boolean AbstractPrimitive.containsRectangle(Geometry geom, double x, double y, double w, double h)
 boolean AbstractPrimitive.coveredBy(Geometry geometry)
 boolean AbstractPrimitive.crosses(Geometry geometry)
 Geometry AbstractPrimitive.difference(Geometry other)
 boolean AbstractPrimitive.disjoint(Geometry geometry)
 double AbstractPrimitive.distance(Geometry geometry)
 Geometry AbstractPrimitive.intersection(Geometry other)
 boolean AbstractPrimitive.intersects(Geometry geometry)
protected  boolean AbstractPrimitive.intersectsRectangle(Geometry geom, double x, double y, double w, double h)
static void AbstractPrimitive.moveGeom(Geometry geometry, double dx, double dy)
 boolean AbstractPrimitive.overlaps(Geometry geometry)
static void AbstractPrimitive.rotateGeom(Geometry geometry, double radAngle, double basex, double basey)
static void AbstractPrimitive.scaleGeom(Geometry geometry, Point2D basePoint, double sx, double sy)
 boolean AbstractPrimitive.touches(Geometry geometry)
 Geometry AbstractPrimitive.union(Geometry other)
 boolean AbstractPrimitive.within(Geometry geometry)

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.type

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.type that return Geometry
 Geometry GeometryType.create()
          This method creates a Geometry with the type specified by this class.

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.type.impl

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.type.impl that return Geometry
 Geometry DefaultGeometryType.create()
          This method creates a Geometry with the type specified by this GeometryType.

Uses of Geometry in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.util

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.util that return Geometry
static Geometry Converter.getExteriorPolygon(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate[] coordinates)
          Deprecated. Return a correct polygon (no hole)
static Geometry Converter.getHole(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate[] coordinates)
          Deprecated. Return a hole (CCW ordered points)
static Geometry Converter.getNotHolePolygon(Surface pol)
          Deprecated. Use it ONLY for NOT multipart polygons.
static Geometry Converter.jtsToGeometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry geo)
          Deprecated. Receives a JTS Geometry and returns a fmap IGeometry
static Geometry Converter.transformToInts(Geometry gp, AffineTransform at)

Methods in org.gvsig.fmap.geom.util with parameters of type Geometry
static com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry Converter.geometryToJts(Geometry geom)
static com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry Converter.geometryToJtsWithSRID(Geometry geom, int srid)
static void UtilFunctions.moveGeom(Geometry geometry, double dx, double dy)
static void UtilFunctions.rotateGeom(Geometry geometry, double radAngle, double basex, double basey)
static void UtilFunctions.scaleGeom(Geometry geometry, Point2D basePoint, double sx, double sy)
static Geometry Converter.transformToInts(Geometry gp, AffineTransform at)

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