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Toggle_check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
4907gvSIG bugsClosedHigh[PG] Geproceso de buffer lateral. Se pierden vertices en el poligo resultante.Óscar Martínez02/18/2019 04:58 PM
4905gvSIG feature requestsClosedNormal[UJ] Geoproceso Ring map.02/18/2019 05:02 PM
4904gvSIG feature requestsClosedNormal[UJ] Reloj aoristico. Grafica corona02/18/2019 05:02 PM
4903gvSIG feature requestsClosedNormal[UJ] Reloj aoristico. Grafica tabla02/18/2019 05:02 PM
4884gvSIG bugsClosedNormalCuando una capa no contiene el campo "Geometry" no se abre la "Caja de herramientas" y salta errorJoaquín del Cerro Murciano02/18/2019 04:57 PM
4806gvSIG bugsInvalidNormalConvex Hull (Poligono envolvente) no funciona02/01/2018 05:36 PM
4741gvSIG bugsWon't fixHighGroups of geoprocesses are not translated at the Toolbox10/22/2019 07:15 PM
4702gvSIG bugsClosedNormalHelp files are not created in the Scripts folder10/15/2017 09:24 PM
4697gvSIG bugsClosedNormalDelete model and script actions don't have a confirm dialog10/15/2017 09:24 PM
4689gvSIG bugsClosedNormalDelete script action is not available in the Toolbox09/29/2017 01:02 PM
4675gvSIG bugsClosedNormalData objects are not refreshed in BeanShell command line09/27/2017 03:39 PM
4634gvSIG bugsClosedNormalSEXTANTE buffers: Name descriptor ID duplicated08/29/2017 12:13 PM
4628gvSIG bugsClosedNormalSymmetric difference gives wrong resultFrancisco Díaz Carsí08/29/2017 09:28 AM
4627gvSIG bugsClosedNormalgvSIG Union: Can't execute postProcess on output layerFrancisco Díaz Carsí09/11/2017 10:16 AM
4626gvSIG bugsClosedNormalgvSIG Intersection: Can't execute postProcess on output layersFrancisco Díaz Carsí09/11/2017 10:16 AM
4618gvSIG bugsClosedNormalgvSIG Union: no output layer is loadedJoaquín del Cerro Murciano08/17/2017 11:06 AM
4616gvSIG bugsClosedNormalSEXTANTE Union: LoadLayerExceptionJoaquín del Cerro Murciano08/17/2017 11:07 AM
4612gvSIG bugsClosedNormalGeometry type 22 not supportedJoaquín del Cerro Murciano08/11/2017 11:18 AM
4569gvSIG bugsClosedHighLine layers activate tools for polygon layersJoaquín del Cerro Murciano08/07/2017 10:02 PM
4568gvSIG bugsClosedNormal"Random vector layer" geoprocess produces empty line and polygon layersJoaquín del Cerro Murciano08/11/2017 11:19 AM
4456gvSIG feature requestsClosedHighGeoproceso de desplazamiento de puntos.Joaquín del Cerro Murciano07/26/2017 08:20 AM
4443gvSIG bugsClosedNormalError con gdal al ejecutar geoprocesos en ubuntu 14.0410/25/2019 09:25 PM
4437gvSIG bugsClosedNormalToolbox is not persisting user configuration06/11/2017 09:46 PM
4429gvSIG bugsClosedImmediategvSIG Dissolve geoprocessing tool is not workingÓscar Martínez04/16/2020 02:00 PM
4424gvSIG bugsClosedNormalError initializing resource '{unknown}'07/03/2017 12:37 PM

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