gvSIG bugs #2789

"CRS unknown. Assumed EPSG:4326" when adding a GeoTIFF with known CRS

Added by Antonio Falciano almost 10 years ago.

Status:New% Done:


Priority:NormalSpent time:-
Target version:-
Severity:Major Add-on version:
gvSIG version:2.1.0 Add-on build:
gvSIG build:2245 Add-on resolve version:
Operative System: Add-on resolve build:
Keywords: Proyecto:
Has patch: Hito:
Add-on name:Unknown


When I try to add a GeoTIFF layer defined in a specific CRS, it appears the following text in the "Add layer" layer list: "CRS unknown. Assumed EPSG:4326", even if the layer CRS is known.

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